Barbie Doll against ToniAnn By Wrestling Lady, Barbie Doll wrestles ToniAnn Update: 01/11/1997 to wrestlinglady She sat in her dressing room, nervously touching up her make-up and fixing her hair. The night she had been working towards for the past 3 months was finally here and she was excited, but also scared. Tonight would be her "coming-out party", her first real wrestling match. A crowd of about 200 people sat in the arena just a few feet away, awaiting the start of her match, and she could here the buzz of excitement in her dressing room. She stood up, restlessly adjusting her suit in the mirror. She was an attractive woman in a "wholesome" kind of way. She stood about 5'5" tall and weighed about 120 pounds with curly, light brown hair which framed her face and flowed down to the middle of her back. She wore a leopard print, one-piece suit, cut high on her thighs and very low in the back and matching, calf high boots. She was a 35 years old, professional woman, married with two children, not the type of woman you would expect to find in wrestling ring, but she was bitten by the wrestling bug and could not resist. Her coach had labeled her "Barbie Doll" because she was so dainty, unlike most other female wrestlers, and she had decided to use that as her wrestling name. A friend had introduced her to the sport of female wrestling about 3 months before, inviting her to attend one of her matches. Intrigued by the physical competition and the opportunity to do something "outrageous", she secretly engulfed herself in the sport. She hired a wrestling coach/trainer, and had spent 4 days per week for the past 3 months working closely with her to get in shape and learn the sport. The only competition she had been involved in during those 3 months however, were informal sparring sessions against other women, supervised by her coach. She had learned a great deal in a short period of time and showed improvement each time out . Her coach had suggested that it was time for her to test her skills in a real match and she agreed. Her coach had set it all up, finding an opponent who was similar in size, and a location for the match to take place. That brought her to where she was now. Her first opponent would be ToniAnn. Although similar in size, ToniAnn was a much more experienced wrestler. Unfortunately for Barbie Doll, she was also very successful and considered to be one of the best wrestlers in the area. On top of her considerable wrestling skills, she was also strikingly beautiful which made her extremely popular with the audiences she wrestled in front of. It was obvious that Barbie Doll had her work cut out for her in her first match, but she was anxious to test herself against another woman and confident that she was prepared. As she restlessly paced in her dressing room, her trainer opened the door and stuck her head in. "Are you ready?", she asked. "As ready as I'll ever be", replied Barbie Doll. "Okay then, let's do it" she said, directing her toward the arena. She took a deep breath and followed the woman out the door, walking toward the entrance to the arena and her date with destiny. Standing in front of the door leading to the arena, Barbie Doll was breathing heavily. "Okay, go get 'em Doll" said her coach, and with that she pushed open the door. Barbie Doll trotted into the arena, the crowd cheering as they noticed her. She waved her arms as she jogged toward the ring in the center of the large room. Small beads of sweat appeared on her forehead as she climbed into the ring, dancing and waving to the applauding crowd. She could not believe she had done it, but the cheers of the crowd left her feeling exhilarated. Suddenly, however the attention of the crowd again turned toward the back of the arena. ToniAnn was now making her way toward the ring and the fans turned to watch. As ToniAnn drew closer to the ring, the cheering of the crowd grew increasing louder until it became a roar. As ToniAnn reached the side of the ring, the audience was going wild, cheering the beautiful blonde wrestler. She climbed into the ring to their cheers, Barbie Doll envious of the jubilant welcome her opponent had received. ToniAnn strutted around the ring, ignoring Barbie Doll as she passed by her. She was a beautiful woman and Barbie realized that the crowd would be initially cheering for her blonde foe. Finally the two women settled into their corners and the referee called them to the center of the ring for instructions. They both walked toward him, coming to a stop a few inches away from each other, staring each other in the eye. They were about the same height, but Barbie Doll was about 10-15 pounds heavier than the slender blonde. While Barbie Doll was attractive in a "girl next door" kind of way, ToniAnn was gorgeous, like a swimsuit model. She wore a metallic gold bikini which complimented her shapely, taut body. As they stood in front of each other, it was apparent that ToniAnn was the more attractive of the two wrestlers and the favorite of the crowd. Barbie Doll was growing increasingly more nervous and ignored the instructions of the referee as she studied her athletic opponent. ToniAnn smirked at her rookie counterpart, not showing her much respect. Finally the referee finished and directed the two women back to their corners. They each turned and walked away, reaching the opposite corners of the ring as the crowd cheered in anticipation. A million nervous thoughts raced through Barbie Doll's mind as she waited for the bell to ring . Finally it rang, ending the anxiety and marking the beginning of her wrestling career. ToniAnn trotted out of her corner quickly, looking to take advantage of the rookie's apprehension, but Barbie Doll jogged in the opposite direction to avoid an early attack. They each pranced in a circle, eyeing each other as they maneuvered for the early advantage. Barbie replayed her lessons in her head, "cautious but aggressive, don't let your guard down, stay focused", she though to herself, trying to calm her nervous energy. Just then ToniAnn lunged at her, but Barbie was prepared. She quickly grabbed hold of ToniAnn's wrist and flipped her onto her back. ToniAnn slapped her hand to the mat in anger and instantly jumped to her feet. She charged at Barbie Doll again, but again the leopard-clad wrestler flipped her onto her back. Barbie was prepared and she smiled slightly, proud of her accomplishment. ToniAnn, on the other hand was furious, angered that a rookie had flipped her so easily. She sprung to her feet and rushed Barbie, grabbing hold of her arms. The 2 women struggled in the center of the ring, their arms locked as they battled for an advantage. Without warning, ToniAnn thrust her knee upward, slamming it into Barbie's midsection. Barbie Doll doubled over, clutching her stomach in her hands. ToniAnn, not wasting any time, reached down and grabbed a handful of hair from the Doll's bowed head. She pulled her head up and then raced toward the corner, dragging Barbie along. As she reached her destination, ToniAnn stepped to the side and flung Barbie Doll's head forward, smashing it into the turnbuckle. She bounced out of the corner, her hair flying in all directions as she tumbled backward, crashing to the mat and rolling onto her stomach. Barbie was dazed and rolled side-to-side as she struggled to fight through the pain. The Doll quickly realized that she was in a real match and that ToniAnn was playing for keeps. Her head was pounding and her stomach throbbed but she slowly pushed herself up onto all fours. As she steadied herself however, ToniAnn quietly walked over and stomped her boot into the middle of Barbie's bare back, knocking her to the floor again. While Barbie tried to get up again, ToniAnn sauntered down to her opponent's legs and grabbed hold of her ankles. She flipped her onto her back and then tightened her grip before continuing. She then positioned herself and applied a figure 4 leglock, trapping Barbie's legs in the torturous hold. Barbie screamed in pain, her legs feeling as if they were being ripped from her body as ToniAnn applied more pressure. Barbie was in agony and she slapped her hands to the mat, wailing in distress as her attacker tightened the hold. "This hold is called a Figure 4 Leg Lock rookie!" ToniAnn informed her inexperienced opponent who continued to scream in pain. The referee knelt down next to Barbie and asked her if she submitted, but Barbie ignored him while trying to kick herself free. Realizing that her victim was not giving up, ToniAnn released the hold and rolled over before climbing to her feet. Barbie Doll writhed on the mat in pain, her legs debilitated. She was finding out the hard way the pitfalls of being a woman wrestler and her veteran rival seemed all too willing to teach her. ToniAnn sauntered over to Barbie's head and taunted her, "You should have given up when you had the chance 'cause that was the last one. Now I'm gonna teach you the real meaning of pain!" she yelled down at her wounded foe. Laying on her back, the Doll looked up, a petrified expression on her face as the crowd cheered ToniAnn's superiority. Acknowledging their cheers, ToniAnn waved and blew kisses to them while standing ominously over her fallen adversary. Looking down at her she smiled and winked before lifting her leg in the air and stomping her boot down onto the Doll's stomach. Barbie groaned, her legs flying up into the air before dropping back down. Just as they landed, ToniAnn slammed her foot down again, stomping it into the Doll's gut. Barbie grunted again but ToniAnn did not let up, stomping down 5 more times and crushing the Doll's midsection. Barbie rolled onto her side and wrapped her arms around her paunch as she whimpered, sharp pains shooting from the ravaged area. Although still early in the match, Barbie Doll had already received a painful first lesson from ToniAnn. She battled to gain her composure, but ToniAnn would not allow that opportunity. Reaching down, she grabbed a handful of Barbie's long, curly hair and yanked her up off of the canvas. Barbie rose to her feet and stood waveringly in front of her assailant who was still clutching her hair. ToniAnn than raised her leg and sent a vicious blow into Barbie's ribs with her knee which caused the Doll to let out a loud "UUNNNHH!" before folding forward. As Barbie hunched over, ToniAnn clamped her knees around her bowed head, trapping it between them. She then leaned forward and wrapped her arms around Barbie's waist, clenching one hand into a fist and forcing it under Barbie's ribcage and holding it in place with her other hand. She squeezed tightly, causing the Doll to gag as ToniAnn then leaned back and hoisted her petite opponent into the air. Barbie Doll's legs flew straight up into the air until coming to a stop perpendicular to the mat. She now hung upside down, her arms dangling helplessly below her as her legs stood erect while ToniAnn squeezed her fist into her sternum. Barbie's face began to turn red as the blood rushed to her head while ToniAnn held her upright to demonstrate her strength. Barbie tried to hold her legs erect, remembering that if she could push them forward, she might be able to break the hold, but ToniAnn had a firm grip and her attempts were thwarted. Besides, ToniAnn was squeezing her ribcage so hard that she could barely breath and she began to feel light-headed. After several seconds, ToniAnn kicked her feet behind her and dropped her knees to the mat, driving Barbie Doll's head into it. The Doll's head slammed against the mat and snapped back from the impact, her body tumbling over like a freshly cut tree. She crumbled to the mat, her head and neck screaming with pain, as ToniAnn stepped closer. "We call that a Piledriver, rookie! How did you like it?" she asked sarcastically to the ailing rookie wrestler. Barbie was in too much pain to pay attention, instead she was moaning and curling up on the canvas. The crowd continue to applaud ToniAnn and she graciously accepted their praise, strutting around the ring and waving to the adoring audience. Barbie Doll was a mess, her long, curly hair strewn wildly all around her. Laying on her back, her body was drenched with her own perspiration and she was breathing heavily, her small chest heaving up and down. Her whole body was in pain and she prayed that the match would soon be over. ToniAnn was also perspiring, but she seemed fresh and eager to continue, which she did. Marching over towards the Doll's head, ToniAnn placed her foot alongside the Doll's throat and gradually knelt forward. She eventually laid her shin against Barbie's throat, pressing all of her weight down on the exposed esophagus. Barbie kicked her legs wildly trying to get oxygen past her crushed windpipe and into her deprived lungs. The referee slid in next to her shoulders but she was kicking so fiercely that her shoulders did not remain on the mat long enough for him to begin a count. Gradually Barbie began to lose her fight and her legs slowly settled to the canvas as the referee crawled closer to her slumping shoulders. He began to count, "1..., 2...", but before he could reach 3, ToniAnn plucked her off of the mat by the hair to avoid the count-out. Barbie's eyes were glazed over as ToniAnn held her head up in the air. She had hoped that the ref would have counted her out to end her misery, but ToniAnn wasn't quite finished with her lesson yet. She dropped Barbie's head to the mat, causing it to land with a dull THUD as she marched down to her feet. Bending down, she grabbed the Doll's ankle and lifted her leg up into the air so that is was vertical to the rest of her body. She then raised her own leg and began to kick the sole of her boot into Barbie's exposed hamstring. She stomped viciously, over and over, the honey-colored skin on Barbie's thigh jiggling wildly with each kick. Barbie moaned softly with each blow, her leg becoming numb form the brutal attack. Having enough, ToniAnn dropped her victim's bruised leg to the mat. Barbie moaned in pain, dazed and injured as she considered submitting. Before she could however, ToniAnn had already marched up to her head and had grabbed a handful of her hair. She hauled her onto her feet, Barbie's body slumping as it was pulled upright. ToniAnn released her grip, leaving the rookie to stand on her own. Barbie slouched as she stood swaying back and forth, unsteady. Her body was bruised, covered with sweat and sagging like a ragdoll, but she remained on her feet. Sensing that the Doll's time was running out, ToniAnn planned her last attack. She moved in closer, standing right in Barbie Doll's face. She moved her hands up and placed her thumbs over the Doll's eyes before whispering in her ear. "This is called an eye gouge, rookie!" she whispered and then dug her fingers into the Doll's eyes. Barbie squealed as she stumbled backward, her wobbly legs quivering as she staggered blindly around the ring holding her wounded eyes. ToniAnn was still receiving the adulation of the crowd as she turned her attention from the blinded neophyte and again acknowledged their cheers. Barbie, meanwhile bounced off of the ropes and wandered aimlessly forward, unable to see anything more than blurry flashes of light. ToniAnn turned her attention back to the wounded warrior, following closely behind her and mocking her. "So you want to be a wrestler, huh?" she taunted the battered woman, "Well then let me show you one more move!". ToniAnn stood alongside the dazed woman and placed one arm under her knees and the other underneath her shoulders. She lifted her up, cradling her in her arms as Barbie hung off of her, her arms drooping down at her sides as ToniAnn paraded her back toward the middle of the ring. "This one is called a Back Breaker, rookie!" and with that she tossed the Doll into the air and quickly stuck her knee out in front of her in a kneeling position. The Doll's body lifted into the air before descending, stretched out directly above ToniAnn's knee. Her lower back smashed against the outstretched knee as she moaned loudly, her body collapsing over either side of ToniAnn's extended leg. "I think that is a great name for that move, don't' you rookie?" she asked sadistically as Barbie hung off of her like a corpse. She then raised her hands over her head, joined them into a fist and sent them crashing down onto Barbie's fully exposed stomach. Barbie gurgled, her body lurching up in a reflex motion as ToniAnn launched another brutal shot into her stomach. Barbie settled back down, her back arched over the blonde bomber's leg, her armpits facing straight up in the air as her arms hung limply over her head. "You should consider using a better deodorant, you're beginning to get a little smelly" taunted ToniAnn as she added insult to injury. She then pulled her leg in, dropping the Doll to the mat as she backed away and stood up. Barbie laid motionless except for her heaving chest, her wet skin glimmering under the lights as ToniAnn moved in for the pin. She stepped over the fallen Doll, placing her boots under Barbie's sweaty armpits before kneeling down and placing her knees onto the Doll's listless shoulders. The referee ran in, slid next to the 2 women and counted Barbie Doll out. The gorgeous blonde remained perched on her victim's shoulders for several seconds, raising her arms over her head in victory. The crowd roared their approval as the curvaceous blonde smiled, obviously enjoying the moment. She too was sweating, but the sweat made her body shimmer which displayed her curves nicely while Barbie just looked like a wet wreck. She finally pushed herself onto her feet, using the Doll's shoulders as her launching pad. She casually slipped on her robe and climbed out of the ring, strutting back to her locker room to the cheers of the crowd. Barbie remained on the mat for several minutes, catching her breath and licking her wounds. Her first experience as a wrestler was complete, although not the outcome she had anticipated. She had a lot of work to do, she thought to herself, never even considering giving up. Eventually she was helped to her feet and escorted back to her locker room to continue her suffering.