"Frau Doctor," Speer said. "Have you read these reports from Kursk?"
She nodded. "I have. It seems that my project has been a remarkable success."
"Success?" He said sharply.
She nodded. "Better than three thousand tanks and five thousand guns destroyed. Russian casualties numbering better than fifty thousand. Their army is retreating in disarray, and our own conventional forces have barely had to do more than shelling retreating troops and mopping up. And from what I understand, their leadership is flatly refusing to admit, or even believe, the cause. Stalin has done us the favour of shooting Zhukov, along with a hatful of other Generals, for their alleged incompetence. I admit I am no military expert but this is all good news, yes?" She spoke slowly, evenly, with barely concealed condescension - as if to a child. Or rather, she mused, as if to a male.
"I am not speaking to that!" He said, blushing. "I am speaking to the behaviour of your freaks!"
"What behaviour would that be, Minister?" She asked calmly. She knew perfectly well what he was talking about, of course. Still, he was clearly rattled by the... more playful activities of her offspring, and it amused her to make him discuss it explicitly.
"They are walking around naked!" He said.
She nodded thoughtfully. "As you know, we have had trouble making appropriately sized clothing for them. Their dimensions are on the large side compared to most, after all, and their muscular physique means that clothing often rips during exertion."
"Nonsense! They're doing it on purpose, Doctor! They enjoy it! It is indecent, and it is not acceptable!" He grated, red faced.
Oh, the male preoccupation with decency, she mused. Lord forbid that there should be an expression of female sexuality that is beyond their control. "Is that so, Minister?" She asked mildly.
"It will stop," he raged. "I will have it stopped! I will have them all court-martialled. I will have them shot if necessary!"
"As I recall, Minister, you are not in the military chain of command. I'm not sure you have the authority to have anybody court-martialled. You could always ask General Hausser to do it, I suppose, but I suspect he won't care as long as they are winning battles for him." She smiled merrily. "And I wouldn't advise having them shot if I were you; it doesn't actually hurt them, but it does tend to irritate them and thus bring the life of the person shooting to an abrupt end. However, it seems to me that your real problem is this; my ladies have turned the tide of the war for us. They will win the war for us. Yet... you propose to put them all in prison and go back to how things were because you don't like their clothing choices? I wonder how the General will respond to that."
Speer reddened again. "I need not limit myself to the General, Janetzsky, as you well know. I have the ear of the Fuhrer himself! And there is also the matter of how they are treating the enemy. They are doing terrible things - horrible things! And... and... sexual things!"
She couldn't help it; she laughed in his face. "Oh Minister, is this really going to be your complaint? That my women are being mean to the poor Russians? And that is a terrible thing, as we all do love the Russians so much! And you seriously intend to make this complaint to the Fuhrer? All I can say is that I wish you well with that! And if possible, I would like to be in the room when you bring the complaint to him; I would find it most entertaining!"
He stood up, furious beyond measure. "You have not heard the last of this, Doctor! I assure you of that!"
"Oh go away, you little man," she said to him, with all the disdain she could muster. "I have a war to win."
He stormed out. Janetzsky watched him go thoughtfully. He was an annoying little man, but he was after all a highly placed Minister who ran almost the entire German economy and all their war production. He wasn't lying about having the Fuhrer's ear, either; it was generally claimed that he was Hitler's favourite, and thus essentially the second most powerful man in all of Germany.
He was also not uncommon in his attitude to sex. As much of a godsend to the German war effort as the girls were proving to be, Germany had always been a rather puritanical nation - especially under Nazism. A woman's place was in the home having children - Kinder, K??che, Kirche and all that. Hitler was, it was said, especially fond of that line of thinking - though it was also said that he was a colossal pervert in private, of course. A bit of hypocrisy that was not uncommon in puritanical societies, she mused.
It was entirely possible, even likely, that Hitler would side with Speer. It was entirely possible that he would throw away this immense advantage purely because it offended his absurd notion of 'a woman's place'. Not certain, but possible.
Her women were running rampant in the East. She had expected it, aimed for it from the beginning; the aggression, the heightened sexual needs, it was simply a basic aspect of their altered bodies that had always been intended as part of her ultimate plan. Men were their prey, and they had an almost cat-like instinct to play with their prey. She hadn't chosen to reveal that side of the process when she had first sought funding and support from the government, exactly because of that river of puritanism. Why give them reasons to refuse when she was trying to sell the idea?
In any case, now that their nature was rapidly becoming clear to the Nazi power structure... well she might be able to string them along on the idea that the reports described the actions of a few rogues, for a while. Perhaps request time to investigate possible causes. Though that wouldn't last more than a few more weeks, she mused, if she could pull it off at all.
No matter what, once it became clear to them that it wasn't a discipline problem as such, that it couldn't be cured, that it was an explicit part of the nature of any woman who went through the process... well. Even an idiot like Speer would understand the full implications of creating an army of several hundred thousand women like that.
She badly needed to put that realisation off for as long as possible - until it was too late to do anything about it. Her army was increasing rapidly in size, more than her most optimistic projections - better than two hundred a day now. Most of them had gone straight to the Russian front, such was the desperate need for a miracle there. But with the pressure off now she was starting to retain a mere handful, five or six, claiming she needed to experiment with them, explore the full extent of their capabilities. As if she didn't already know the full extent of their capabilities!
That handful were the nucleus of her personal force, a force she would need for the next step of her plan. But she needed the time to assemble more. Even another week would let her gather a force of fifty or a hundred here. She had to delay things for at least that long.
Unfortunately, she mused, that meant she couldn't afford to have Speer telling tales to the Fuhrer. She had to silence him... or better still, she thought with a smile, bring him around to her way of thinking.
Which brought to mind another thought; it was really time for her personally to take the next step. She had always planned to do what would come next, always known that she would need to step into that coffin herself. Her women were the future of the nation, of the world. That was why she had really created them, and it was a future she had always intended to lead.
No point delaying. She left her office and went down to the conversion chamber - the original one, the prototype. It was undergoing some routine maintenance - each machine was offline for an hour or so a day for such work. Outside of that, they were in use twenty four hours a day. They must be nearly finished here. Three nervous-looking girls sat waiting on a bench, watching the technicians working.
"How long to go on this one?" She asked the head technician.
"Just a couple of minutes, Frau Doctor," he replied nervously.
"Very well." She addressed the girls. "There has been a change of plans. Nothing drastic, but I am going to go through the conversion process myself before you. It will mean a delay of roughly an hour and a half, that is all."
Behind her she heard the technicians stirring, the sounds of work stopping. She turned back to find them watching her uneasily.
"Frau Doctor..." the head technician said slowly.
"You have something to say?" She cut him off sharply.
"Um..." he looked to the others for support, saw none. She stared him down, daring him to object. "No, Frau Doctor."
"Good. You will operate the machinery as normal."
She let him finish his work, staring at the metal box the entire time.
The entire universe was nothing but pain. It was endless, limitless, infinite in both scope and intensity. She was a creature of pain. No, more than that; she was pain, nothing but an incarnation of a singular sensation.
It went on and on. She could not remember a time when the universe was not pain, or contemplate a future that was anything but pain. It was eternal, an unendurable existence with no option but to endure it. She could not have comprehended it any differently had it lasted a trillion years.
And then it was over.
She opened her eyes, astonished to find that she even had eyes, that she had a body, a mind. She was a person! It was a profound revelation to her; a moment ago, she had not been a person. The impact was beyond anything she had ever experienced; it was like being born, only infinitely magnified. In that instant she experienced every aspect of existence as if for the very first time, all at once. She was dizzy with the sensation. It was incredible, joyful beyond measure.
Light! The door opened smoothly, and she tore the breathing tube from her mouth and stepped out.
Another revelation! She was... changed. She still remembered herself, knew who she was; every memory was intact. She could recall every detail of her former life, remember it in absolute detail. She knew the face of the Doctor who had been present at her birth; she would have known him instantly if she had seen him again. She remembered her first step, learning to talk, learning to read... all of it.
And she was still that person. Only not.
Her thoughts were different. She remembered every thought she had ever had, with perfect clarity. She knew her own mind better than she ever had, better than any person who ever lived had ever known themselves. And as she examined her own mind now, she could sense the differences. She knew that she was smarter - but that was only the smallest detail of the change. Who she was had fundamentally changed.
Yet she was still herself. She was like a computer application after an update; changed, improved, but yet the same.
She could feel the others within her. Not voices in her head, nothing quite so direct. But they were there... a sense of closeness, of togetherness, of shared experience. She knew the joy that Greta had felt on the Eastern front, taking her pleasure as men were destroyed under her fists or?? between her thighs.
They were individuals. And yet, they were one. Sisters! No, closer than that.
She stood in the room, looking about. Her body thrummed with power, the most mighty engine in the world ticking along at idle... but ready to be unleashed at any moment. She looked down at herself. Goddess, she was incredible! She flexed her arms, smiling with pleasure as the biceps swelled massively. Every movement felt amazing; she quivered with potential that begged to be released. She wanted to run, to jump, to lift...
She wanted to rend, to tear, to destroy. She looked at the technicians, men who stared at her in awe and fear. And why shouldn't they? They owed her awe, for was she not awesome? And fear... well, before her they were ants! She could smash every one of them with a fraction of her strength. She wanted to smash them, she realised. She looked at the nearest one; oh Goddess, his head would shatter so easily in her hands...
No, she told herself. The operated the machines, they helped the process along. They were pawns in her plan, working towards her goals without any understanding that one way or another they were working towards their own destruction. They were weak, stupid, impotent little things, but she needed them. For now, she needed them.
This was how Greta had felt. She knew it as a fact; she could feel that it was true.
"Are... um, are you alright, Fraulein Doctor?" The head technician asked nervously.
She nodded. "I'm wonderful," she said. It was true on every possible level. She gestured to the girls, still sitting waiting on the bench. "Continue with the schedule."
She walked from the room, still completely naked. One of the technicians made a slight movement towards her, mouth starting to open as if to suggest that she might want to clothe herself. She glanced at him as she reached the door, and he suddenly found other things to do.
She stalked through the base, heading for the guest quarters on the surface. People passed her in the corridors; some astonished stares, some appreciative ones, some frightened ones. Newly converted Amazons often chose to walk around naked. Base personnel sometimes tried to get them to dress, but for the most part they were too intimidated to make it more than a suggestion, and for the most part the girls were too amused to take any notice of it.
The ant did not tell the Goddess what to do.
She turned a corner and there was the entrance to Speer's quarters. She marched towards the door, smiling as she saw the two guards flanking it. Both men gaped as they saw the naked Aryan Amazon striding confidently towards them. One of them opened his mouth as she reached the door, raising a hand as if to stop her.
She lifted a foot and rammed it against the door. The heavy wood practically exploded inwards, shattering against the far wall. She felt the guard's hands on her, trying to restrain her. She didn't so much as deign to notice them as she strode through into Speer's office.
He was behind his desk, staring at her open-mouthed, too shocked to speak. He had a pen in his hand, poised over a letter; no doubt a missive intended to turn the Fuhrer against her project.
"Time for an attitude adjustment, little man," she sneered, loading that final word with every gram of scorn and contempt in her.
"What... what do you mean," he finally managed to stammer.
"I mean your days of power and freedom are done, little man. From this moment on you will be a slave to the true Aryan race... the Amazon Aryans!" She took a menacing step forward as she spoke, hands flexing in anticipation.
"Shoot her!" Speer screamed.
The rattle of two MP-40s filled the room as both guards emptied their weapons at her. The range was point blank, there was no possible way to miss - both scored direct hits with every bullet in their 32 round magazines. Eva struck a pose as she felt the rounds bounce off her skin, striking a pose. Why, she barely even felt them! She remained standing there as both men reloaded and fired again... and again. She laughed delightedly as they carried on, long after it was clear to everyone in the room that their actions were wholly pointless. She had to admire their single-mindedness, she supposed; she waited patiently until they ran out of ammunition.
"You really thought they could help you," she said mockingly. "I will put you on your knees and make you my slave today, and there's nothing that can stop me. Nothing that can save you!"
"Impossible!" He cried, backing away. "I will never kneel to a freak like you!"
She laughed, tossing his desk aside with a casual flick that sent it against the far wall, twenty feet away, where it shattered into a million splinters. "It's so cute that you think you have a choice! But you're about to be introduced to a feature of the conversion process... one of the true powers of the Aryan Amazon!"
She spun with tremendous speed, almost faster than a normal human could even see. Big, powerful hands closed around the guard's necks and lifted them clean off the floor. Both men struggled, desperately pulling at her fingers with all of their strength. She ignored them, walking forwards until she was practically on top of Speer, herding him into a corner from which there was no escape.
"You see, slave, aside from our physical gifts, Amazons have a psychic power. It links us all, allows us to share our power, share our experiences. It makes us one unified sisterhood. And when one of use experiences an emotional high, such as when we are killing, the effect is multiplied manifold - so much that even a pathetic male brain can experience it. And a male who once does is broken to our will - forever!"
With that she slammed the bodies of the two guards together. She used only the tiniest fraction of her strength, but there was a sickening wet crack as bones shattered in both men. They screamed in agony as she smashed them together again, and again. The sound was music to her ears, a pleasure deeper and fuller than any she had ever experienced.
Speer backed against the wall, horrified, his eyes widening. Eva smashed the two men together again, then tossed one of them to the floor at her feet. "You're insane," he whispered in terror.
She wrapped her big hand around the guard's. "Please to meet you!" She said merrily, as she squeezed sharply. Every one of the twenty seven bones in his hand instantly shattered under her tremendous grip. Sharp slivers of bone tore through the flesh, ripping his hand to shreds. He thrashed in her grip, unable even to scream - instead, he emitted a wretched broken gurgle.
She laughed in delight, reaching for his other hand and crushing it in a grip that would put any hydraulic press to shame. Speer stared at her in terror... and yet, she saw with a smile, the terror was tinged with something else.
Fascination. Enthrallment.
She threw her head back and laughed. How easy it was to break the guard's body! How easy to break Speer's mind!
Her other fist closed on the man's neck and once again the sound of shattering bones sounded in the room. She snickered as she shook the body, making the head loll around and the arms and legs dance. "Oooo, look at me," she cooed. "I'm a big strong male with manly muscles and a body full of testosterone and cum!" She shook him again, harder this time. "Well I don't look too big and strong now, do I? Looks like all that testosterone didn't do me a whole lot of good when an Aryan Amazon woman wanted to play!" She laughed uproariously.
Speer sank slowly to his knees before her. The pupils of his eyes were incredibly dilated; there was no colour at all in them, they were pure black and white. She could practically see the war going on within him, see his sense of self, his macho pride, his very ego structure struggling against the immense psychic pressure she was exerting on him. It was a battle he had no possible chance of winning; he was an ant under a magnifying glass, a bacteria immersed in bleach.
It took no effort at all on her part - she wasn't even really aware of doing it at all, there was no conscious effort involved. It was simply the natural force of an Amazon personality at work, dominating everything and everyone around her with a power that no male could possibly resist. In a sense it wasn't even a battle at all, any more than a man drowning in the ocean is battling the impersonal sea.
She threw the man's body to the side with the same casual force that she had tossed the desk aside; the body hit the stone wall with a crunch and collapsed to the floor. Then she reached down and picked up the limp body of the second guard. He whined in pain as the jagged ends of broken bones ground against his insides.
Eva lifted the body high above her head, a triumphant pose of the Amazon displaying her power over the broken male. She smiled wide at Speer and then threw the body at the ground between them with all of her titanic strength. He hit the stone floor with impossible force; his entire body simply exploded, an enormous eruption of gore that sprayed across half the room. She closed her eyes, smiling with sadistic joy as the blood and fragments of organs sprayed over her. Speer whimpered as she caressed her body, smearing the blood across her ridged abdomen, her enormous breasts. He watched in terror and rapture as the blood-drenched Amazon Goddess relished her utter domination.
At length, she looked down at the husk that had been a man mere moments ago.
"Who owns you," she purred.
"You do," he whispered instantly.
"Who is your Goddess," she cooed.
"You are my Goddess... You are my everything," he bowed down before her, forehead touching the floor as he worshipped her. The words would have shamed him even two minutes ago; now what remained of his mind was incapable of experiencing such an emotion in relation to her or any of her sisters. He was her slave, her plaything, her worshipper, and he literally could not comprehend the thought of being anything else.
"That's right," she said, smiling down at her property. "Now, that letter you were writing to the Fuhrer about my project. We're going to rework it just a little..."
Did you enjoy this story? Do you want to read more? I'd love to hear your thoughts at adeaderend@hotmail.com.