The Devil's Trilogy Chapter XXIV Hell on Earth Lisa and Eileen adjourned downstairs were Beth was waiting by the door. Neither one of then looked to thrilled about what they just saw upstairs. Eileen was livid about what she saw. What the hell do you think your doing? Beth I swear to fuckin god you went to far this time we told you not to hurt him only to scare him. He looks like he's been in a war! Eileen if I want your opinion bitch I'll ask for it! Lisa jumped in who the hell do you think you are you fat dyke? Beth grabbed Lisa by the throat. Eileen rushed in to break it up but was met with a boot in her face knocking her out cold. She picked up Lisa by the throat and choke slammed her on the carpet. Now did we girls have enough you 2 remember who is the boss around here. Both girls were known as ass kickers but were no match for Beth. You two got to remember I am the keeper of this family. I kept that pricks secret even from you two dykes all these years. They both started stirring. Lisa said its time for you two to realize a little family Dark Secret. Eileen looking shocked said what. He's not your brother Beth continued. I am so sick of this fucking family and its secrets. By this time Jack staggered down the stairs. Here he is the man of the hour Jack Taylor or should I say ... then without warning the front door crashed and crumbled and flew inward crashing to pieces. They all jumped Jack ran to Lisa and practically jumped into her arms. She wrapped herself around him and Eileen grabbed both of them in fear. And who should emerge from the door it was two people wearing hoods. One was very tall and the other was not as tall. Beth being brazen said who the fuck are you two jack asses? A knife came out of no wear slicing her face by the taller one. Then the smaller one swung a knife around and jammed one into her throat and with one quick twist ripped her head clean off. They pulled off their hoods and the taller one spoke as the hood came off I am his mother you fucking bitch. It was them in the flesh Tommy and Lora Kincaid. Jack knew very well who they were and everything they ever done. One of his hobbies was following the whole history of Tommyevil and back. Somehow he knew looking at Tommy he was looking at himself. A voice started going off in his head. The one you love must kill you. Tommy spoke hearing them voices again I heard them for years when I was you. Its time Jacky its time to go to hell! Just then lights started blaring into the living room from outside. This old woman who looked near 70-80 years old staggered in. She said no you to are not going to kill him. It was Kim. You could tell by those bright blue eyes. I came to see this thing finally over. Jack your one true love has to kill you Jack! It's not me this time. When we meet again we will be in a better place I hope. Tommy said well the devil sent us to finish him. We don't want too but we have no choice he spared our lives we owe this debt to him. Tommy walked over to her I had enough interruptions, and raised the knife. Jacks eyes started to glow red. He growled in a deep and demonic voice leave her the fuck alone! Tommy's arm stopped mid wing. What the fuck? The knife was inches from her face. The fear of it made Kim grasp her chest and fall to the ground. Jack I love you remember your true love has to kill you she fell into a heap onto the ground. Jack screamed no you mother fucker that was my wife! His voice started changing drastically slurring in and out of different tongues. Lora said you listen to your mother Jacky I brung you into this world. And ask the media I can take you out. Jack looked over at her and said. Go fuck your brother bitch! All of a sudden then suddenly her body was lifted and flung into the wall directly behind her. Her body slammed flatly against it ripping a whole in the plaster board as she flew into it. Tommy's body started levitated off the ground and flew into Lora he was facing her. The knife and his arm started swinging making Tommy stab Lora repeatedly. He started screaming god Lora no. You fucker I'm going to kill you the knife kept stabbing her what the fuck are you Tommy screamed? Jack said I am hell! Then suddenly a sharp pain surged threw Jack. His body grew and started to mutate. Lisa started screaming what the fuck did we do to him? Oh my god what the fuck did we do? She started shaking. Lora was stabbed several times on the floor Tommy was crying over her. Eileen and Lisa were to scared to even move. Jack came up sporting horns that were piercing threw his head threw his forehead and his body seem to take on a scaly reddish black skin. His eyes were that of cat eyes. His face was elongated almost looked rubbery. It was dark it was almost too obvious he was taking on the devil's form. Dark black wings started growing on his back with a wing span that spanned across the entire room. Suddenly he started flying around the room and with out warning up threw the ceiling and out of sight. Crashing threw raining down debris on everyone. Lisa screamed someone please tell me what the fuck is going on? Tommy said I once was him. Now I am just Tommy Kincaid. He's been the reason why all of us are so fucked up. The little fucker never knew he was set up even before he met the devil. It all started with a dumpster and his real life sister who put him their. She had long black hair and bright blue eyes like the women he'd come to marry! This was all the devil's game to get him to play. See the woman was Jezebel the devil's own whore. The sad thing was the devil made her look like his future wife to confuse him. Funny thing is now we are down to the last life right here he doesn't have the one true love kill him and Kim will burn in hell for all eternity. Lisa started getting tears in her eyes. All this what we did to him what you lived on the road even the legend of Jimmy Stone. He lived all that just for one woman. Tommy replied sentimental shit isn't he. Eileen said wait how could he have been you your alive he couldn't come back till you were dead. Tommy said good observation. I died for a few moments before my heart started again Jack left my body. Now we owe the devil he is going to make us stop Jack! Of course Jack is our son we will try to stop but we won't be able too. See Jimmy Stone Jack Taylor, Tommy Kincaid, pointing to himself. We are all real people. Just wondering why our lives were so messed up. Some people wonder what they do to deserve their lives. Hell sometimes their lives just get used! That's why they can come back. One secret they up their don't want you to know! Lisa asked ok then tell me this how the hell is he turning into that thing? What the hell is that about? Tommy said way I got it figured you made him live his ultimate nightmare. Signing a pact of evil no matter how pure the intention. Is manifesting itself as that thing you call it. Is probably the devil! Eileen interjected why would he turn into him? Maybe he's not maybe Satan is taking over. You corrupted his soul so much what whatever you have done the devil may now be able to use his soul. Lisa said oh my god it's like what Jack was looking up on the net it said only threw a pure soul bound for heaven the devil can reenter heaven! Then a voice from the ground spoke it was Lora. Life is judged based on the life god gives you not the devil. So whatever we did to him doesn't count on his soul. It's null and void in god's eyes. Because he didn't create that existence. If Satan possesses the soul when it dies and it's a pure soul ... Lisa said oh fuck the devil wants to reenter the gates of heaven. He can if he rides in on Jacks pure soul. Tommy replied the devil lost the first war he sees this as the opportunity to reenter heavens gates and take over heaven like he once wanted to before being cast out of heaven. Eileen wait what makes Jack soul so special. Lora started getting up and started telling the story. Two days before he made his faithful decision to play the Devil's Trilogy, he was saved and baptized a Baptist. Being lead to god threw being saved grants you passage to heaven. Tommy continued if the devil wins this battle for Jacks life. Then thanks to you and your help the devil will possess his soul. And threw his pure soul since he has lost it the devil takes it as his soul their for declaring his soul a saved soul. By right will have all rights and privileges to reenter heaven! Eileen said you mean devil gave us this life. Tommy said its sucks but it's accurate. You think we wanted to be serial killers have a kid and damn near get killed. Actually we did die we just were revived and skinned out. Leaving a note of course. Eileen said you mean when I was a baby innocent not knowing anything my mom and dad forced me to go to my cousin Beths house every weekend cause of the devil. Lora said he made my mom and dad take turns fucking me when I was young. Eileen sat on the couch in disbelief needing to get it out once and for all. Tears started streaming from her face. Mom and dad would tell me I had to go over I hated Beth. One day mom forced me to go over. Beths mom and dad had to go out and left us their. We watched TV till late I fell asleep. I woke up to her kissing me. I tried to get her off me but she was twice my size and ended up getting raped for 8 straight hours. I was way too scared of her to tell. She would do some god awful things to me. One day while I was home I woke up in a cold sweat. I was having a nightmare about Beth. I couldn't take it anymore I snapped. I went into Lisa's room and raped her like Beth raped me. I tortured poor Lisa and still do all the while seeing Beth face raping me. Poor Lisa had me rape her twice as much to protect Jack. Lisa started snapping on Jack. She jerked him off and just beat the piss out of him and raped him. Lora said hold up you mean Lisa raped him? Lisa started crying in shame. Tommy jumped in that's how Satan is here his true love got corrupted, committing the final act of rape. Therefore corrupting Jacks mind to the point that the true l love holding the devil at bay would be erased. Lora followed thus allowing Satan to enter his body. Tommy said Lisa you need to kill him before he gets to strong. I can't kill Jack I love him. Lora said you love him that's why you have to kill him. Eileen said he's got the devils power we can't fight that! Lora said if love keeps the devil from entering an innocent soul it will keep him form being stronger. Just then threw the door emerged Melissa. Lisa your not touching him I am his girlfriend and his true love that was saving him from his sisters who want to rape him. Eileen bitch you're a half hour late. He not our brother! He was made to think that we all were. Lora turned around and said for your information Melissa he is my son. Tommy said and I am his daddy. Say hello to Tommyevil he took his knife out and approached Melissa with it then all of a sudden the house seemed to scream in a deep evil voice no you son of a bitch! Tommy stopped dead in his tracks. Tommy screamed what the fuck look! The all looked around the walls started bleeding. The floor boards started lifting and the whole house began to shake. Then without warning Jack came down the stairs he said stop and everything did. He wasn't that monster anymore he was just himself. So it all comes down to this. What a fitting day for fate to be decided, the fate of me Jack Taylor and the fate of heaven. So Melissa you think you're my true love. Se you might have been right but you left out the x factor. Lisa is not my sister; in fact she is my relative by marriage. So technically we are not blood related. But here is something even the devil didn't know. I knew it all along. I found out what was going on long ago. See the devil thought he had played his trump card. But guess what? This whole bit was too easy to figure out. The powers I obtained are mine not his. Let me ask you all a question you ever hear of self possession. Its wear you can manipulate your mind to the point you loose your identity and take on another, such as Lisa my loves helpless brother. Oh but she knew she knew alright little Jacky wanted her. She knew that Eileen would stand in our way of ever being happy, as would Beth and like a shot here comes mommy and daddy coming to the rescue as planned right Lisa. Yes big boy now theirs only one thing left to do right sister. He dropped to his knee's kill me sister my love. He pulled a blade out of his pants it was a huge knife that seemed to come from some mystical realm of some sort. She grabbed the knife from his hand and raised it up high. Standing directly over him. Eileen said wait before she kills you I need to know how were you going to get rid of me. Jack said Remember your little fuck toy Tom. Lisa jumped in we killed him after he left your car that night. Jack jumped back in he was my boy remember I distracted him Lisa killed him. Eileen came back that doesn't make sense that was the night I raped him. He was passed out all night. Jack said I would have been. But remember I knew what your were going to do! It was all an act. You never raped anyone bitch I out acted your ass guess you bitches don't have the market cornered on faking it anyway. The only thing you really did was kick my ass a bit. You bitch Eileen screamed. You fucking lied to me. Now Jack I get my revenge I am going to kill your bitch. She pulled the knife out of Lisa's hand. They struggled for it. Then all of a sudden they heard a huge bonging sound like a clock going off. an image appeared on the wall it was the devil. Guess you weren't as good as you thought. Your life expires at six Jack. Your bitch better kill you by then or your soul is mine. What the fuck are you talking about? It's the devil's birthday you stupid fuck. June 6th 2006. Get it you fucking moron 666 at 6 pm I will reenter heaven. The seas will boil and the sky turns red as blood judgment day. He laughed hysterically and disappeared. By this time Eileen was on top of Lisa choking her almost to death. Jack screamed no you fucking bitch. He extended his hand out and Eileen flew off her backwards to Jacks hand. He faced her towards himself. And said ever wonder what hell would be like for you Eileen? The floor under her opened up still holding her up by the hair she started screaming when he saw at the bottom of the pit was a hundred Beth's they were screaming drop the bitch down here my ass needs a good licking another shouted I want to shit in her mouth. Another one said I want to rape her all night. She started screaming hysterically oh god please no help me god no. Jack looked at her and said that what I screamed before you fucked me how does it feel now bitch? Then he let go of her in seconds she had one hundred Beths all over her. Her body was engulfed in a sea of Beths. She screamed and it was faded by the floor shutting and the pit disappearing. That is some serious exorcist shit you got going on Tommy said. Jack said Dad shut up just then a huge cross appeared behind him Tommy said what the fuck is that? Jack said you should recognize it. It was the same cross you used on the strangler and slasher remember looking over and seeing a second one. Tommy's body was flung on to the cross. Metal spikes appeared by his wrists and in second they drove threw his wrists. He screamed then another spike went threw his legs the cross then flew backwards threw the wall outside. Lora found herself being drug towards Jack hey mommy Jack said. We never got to play house. I bet you wanted to fuck me too didn't you mommy. Lora pulled out her knife as she swung it. He caught her hand he snapped her hand off and the wrist it was still attached but only by the skin she screamed. Jack said mama I am your son. Its not nice to try and kill your boy now is it. He kissed her on the mouth. He parted and said bet you that makes you horny doesn't it bitch. Ever wonder what would of became of you if you didn't have me or should I say Tommy their when you were young to hand you that gun. In the doorway was Lora's parents. Get the fuck back in our room missy mom said. She looked down on herself she was a child again. Little Lora ran and jumped threw the window with her mom and dad in hot pursuit from the lawn Tommy saw what was going on. Tommy screamed you mother fucker Jack Why? Don't do that to her. That's what the devil wants jack. Mom and dad finally got a hold of her. Jack's mind raced with evil. Wanting to exact the worst hell on everyone who ever wronged him. Then he thought of who really wronged him, the devil. For a second he looked at Lora being forced on the lawn and her clothes being ripped off tears started flowing from his eyes. He started feeling the pain once again and all he wanted was all the hell to stop. It had to stop. Tommy kept screaming remember how it felt to look at her in that hallway. The woman gave you life jack. Tommy continued she gave you to these people cause she new what she would have been capable of. No matter how sick Lora was she loved you and sheltered you from what she would have done don't do it to her. Jack started staggering around holding his head. He started screaming help me god help me get off me. His face began to morph again. He started to change back into that demon. He started talking in several tongues at once with English in the for frond and several unknown in the background in a very deep and sinister voice. He started screaming no don't leave me here. He saw himself in the dumpster. He started screaming It was you oh my god you fucker it was you he screamed! The cross with Tommy in it burst into flames. You mother fucker Satan! Come face me you mother fucker. You lied to me you mother fucker. The ground started opening up on the lawn. The mom and dad got sucked into the fire Lora was returned to herself! She looked and screamed Tommy Tommy Jack please he's dieing please save him. Kill me I lay down myself Jack she walked up to him and kneeled at his feet. I give up my life for his you need a life to take Son you need to kill that rage inside use me. I killed so many and made him kill for me I deserve to die not him. Then Jacks morphed devil face looked at her and a tear rolled down his cheek. You're just like your son mom. That's what I said to the devil when I gave my life for Kim! The cross Tommy was on stopped burning. She stood up and hugged him. She said of all the evil in side me you're the greatest piece of my heart. Son I tried to protect you. I should of known then to leave you in care of this family. I am so sorry. Jack said its ok mom. I am sorry too. Do me a favor one time hug your son and kiss him. She wrapped her arms around him and kissed him as she kissed him he grabbed her face and didn't let go. She started to struggle. He parted saying I am so fucking hard right now! Fuck me, mommy fuck your Jacky. He pushed her to her knees. Suck it or Tommy dies she looked up at his left hand pointed at Tommy it was on fire and pointed ready to fire at Tommy. Hey mom they call it the staff of life. She looked up at him and said you've become what you are fighting against Jack. I know this is to punish me. Remember one thing that mommy always said. Jack said what's that? Mommy like sucking dick! He looked down her face turned into a demon. She tackled him and started licking his face, and kissing him. He started screaming oh shit what the fuck is that! He placed his burning hand on her and shot a flame out of it the force of it blew her back off him. Then out of no wear Melissa came out of the house and jumped on jack stabbing him in the chest over and over her face started changing. Like a demon two. He heard another bong times almost up Jacko. He heard a voice say. He then realized that 6 was only ten minutes away. Then all of a sudden Lisa emerged from the house and tackled Lora who was getting up. By this time Tommy was working on getting his one hand free by ripping it out of the spike. He screamed but managed to free himself the cross was embedded into the ground. But it was on a longer pole almost like a pendulum. Then all of a sudden two skeletons appeared from out of no wear it was old Jack Taylor and Jimmy Stone. Jack had a huge blade and Jimmy had an axe. Jimmy was easy to decipher the bones had a huge hole in it wear a crucifix went threw his chest. From across the way came four more fully in tact bodies walking discolored as if the were dead a bit. Then all of a sudden as they drew closer it was obvious it was frank, Joe Linda and tom. Jack was finally able to get Lora off him long enough to see what was coming he shouted to Lisa. Oh my god Lisa Look. That prompted all to look towards the town graveyard and the two skeletons that were approaching. Seven more zombie like bodies started crawling from their graves. It was impossible to tell who was who from the distorted nature of the bodies. But it was obvious that next was coming Brenda, Jen, DJ, Angelique, Cindy Lora and Donna. Behind them were Bryan and Chris. Then Lora shouted oh my fucking god look. Mass graves started unraveling. Tommy finally managed to get himself off the cross by ripping half his arm off shredding threw the skin. Lora it's the sign everyone get in the house the dead are raising from the grave. Lisa then said oh shit look at the sky it was turning red and the moon looked as if it was dipped in blood. The creek that ran along the side of their house in the back started boiling. The ground beneath them started to swell. Far off in the distance you could hear trumpets sounding. It was judgment day. Then it seemed from every side more zombies were walking towards them and in great numbers. The final lot was that of the victims of Tommyevil. All were their to exact revenge on all their souls. Lora and Tommy couldn't resist their temptations to fight Lisa and Jack. Jack was backpedaling towards the house and seemed to losing some of these powers he possessed. His form even seemed as if it were changing back to himself in part. He was still the mark of the devil but seemed to have more of himself now. The ground split apart in front of then as Lora tackled Jack to the ground and started choking him as if possessed. Lisa was being chased by Tommy as the headed towards the house, then who should emerge from the house Eileen and Beth. They surprised Lisa allowing Tommy to grab her from behind. He pulled out his trusty gun and said bitch with you dead its all over. Pointed he gun at the back of her head she slipped out of his grasp as Tommy fired off a shot it his Eileen in the face causing her body to fall limp to the ground. Beth looked at her falling body and shouted you fucking traitor die. Tommy said kill me motherfucker you know who I am. She stumbled towards him. Go to hell bitch and tell Them Tommy sent yeah. And shot her in the face as she got with in a few feet of him. As this was happening you started seeing neighbors running from their houses dogs and cats playing together it was mass hysteria. Just then he felt his trusty knife being lifted from his belt as he turned he heard Lisa say. I don't mean to be rude but drop dead, as he fully turned around she jammed the knife into his throat. He fell back struggling trying to pull the knife out when Lisa jumped up jamming her foot into the knife sending it threw his throat so hard that it ripped threw the bones and tissue of his neck practically decapitating him except a few chunks of meat on the left side that held it on. By this time Lora almost had Tommy choked to death when she looked over and Tommy falling dead distracted her away from his eminent doom. She jumped to her feet and several zombies came up on her and started to attack her. She grabbed the one that was starting biting her neck and spun it around so its back was against its chest, and in one quick move snapped its neck. Jack was on the ground gagging and Lisa was no being chased by what had to be Brenda and her sisters. Mean while Jack finally started getting to his feet and was greeted by a right hand by the skeleton of Jimmy Stone. He stumbled out towards the side yard that was a few feet from him jumping over cracks and the burning ash underneath. He picked up a base ball bat that was lying in the neighbor's yard, and waited for the skeleton to approach. And with one full swing took Jimmy's head clean off the head flew over the house across the street and proudly said homerun raising the bat. Just then he looked over and saw that Lisa was being cornered by the creatures this angered him seeing her in danger and the old Jack Taylor approached and he was obliterated in one full swing. His eyes grew red Jack the spread hit wings and took flight as he did the ground opened up all the way and the man Jack always talk to raise out of it as if he was on an invisible lift. He rose into the air then settled back down to the ground saying it's almost time Jack three minutes till Armageddon. Jack flew around to Lisa he hovered above the seven sisters that were clothing in on Lisa she was back into the house with nothing but some old rope for cloth line by her feet. The ground behind the sisters started opening up and Jack breathed out a huge breath of fire into their faces. One after another started falling into the fire till their were none left. Lisa looked over at the cross then up at Jack and got an idea as the devil shouted two minutes till your soul is mine Jack. Lisa trying to think quickly looped the around his neck like she was in the rodeo, as she did the devil had another idea. He said think your bitch is going to kill you with that rope think again. Just then Melissa jumped threw the window on to Lisa. He's my man you mother fucker die bitch she started punching her in the face. Jack was then over run by the rest of the zombies that were ripping at his flesh and wings. He screamed in pain fling a few off into the pit that now was opened very wide beneath him most of the zombies grabbed on to the rope and pulled him towards the ground on the other side of the fire away from Lisa. He looked down and shot out a blaze of hot fire breath setting a fire many of the zombies that were on the ground allowing him to take flight over the fire dumping a bunch more into it till their were but a few left that he quickly disposed of. One minute Jack. One minute till you are the greatest pawn in the history of mankind. The rope that around his neck was on fire and burning up to his neck. Mean while as he struggled with the burning rope. Melissa punched Lisa in the face several times blood started gushing from her face. Melissa started growing fangs and her eyes got cat like and very yellow. Her face started morphing into a hideous monster. Lisa screamed. 30 seconds Jack till three lives were not worth shit, and that bitch your true love burns in hell for all eternity. Hearing these words angered Lisa like never before. She did bridge with this Melissa monster on top of her she slipped out from under her legs and said see you in hell bitch. Melissa took a while swing and Lisa ducked and back dropped her into the fire, as she went over Melissa grabbed Lisa shoulder spinning her around falling forward into the fire. Jack was hovering right above her as she was falling she no recourse but to grab the burning rope setting herself completely on fire. She screamed bloody murder as her body engulfed into flames. The devil started counting down 10-9. Lisa screamed the cross Jack the cross he flew as fast as he could to the cross. 8-7 as she passed it she jumped onto it. This really pissed off the devil knowing what she wanted to do. He raised his hands saying 6-5 shooting flames and spikes out of his hands nailing her to the cross. Some pierced threw her midsection and her intestines came out of her midsection forming a what looked like a 9-9-9 the cross swung down upside down as her body was overcome in flames and it read 6-6-6 formed in her burning intestines, the as he fell the devil said 4-3. the flames shot up engulfing Jack and in one last effort she grabbed the rope with her dying breaths having to rip her hand from the cross and said I love you Jack now go get you wife. She tied it around the cross as Jack tried to fly away the cross came detached swinging like a boomerang in the air as the devil said 2-1the force sent Jack into the ground with the cross upside-down piercing threw his back killing him instantly and snapping her neck in the process nearly ripping her head off. It was buried partially into his back. The devil infuriated said the time was up the time was up. The sky started to clear. Satan started screaming fuck you god the time was up the time was up. The burning flames of the cross started going out and the 6-6- 6 started to fizzle out. The devil vanished back into the ground. The pits of fire closed and the water stopped boiling and all started going back to normal. Then all of a sudden Jack found himself in a wondrous world, with people flying all about. They had great wings of all colors some were red some white some black, and other blue or green. The colors seemed even brighter the sky seemed extra blue and then the grass seemed more alive green then ever possible. The land itself was something to behold wondrous cities that floated above ground in the air as if held up by magic. The ground was mostly grass and dirt lands. He ran threw the land looking for Kim crying uncontrollably looking for her. He was so emotionally spent after what he had to go threw to get here. Kim he screamed as he fumbled over a dirt dune looking for her. A woman with black hair approached him with great black wings and pointed in the direction he was going. Seemingly knowing exactly who he was looking for. He past more and more people who kept pointing to this huge dirt hill. He started scaling it falling and running trying to get to her. He kept screaming Kim Kim Kim wear are you its Jack. I did it I did it. Tears flowed off his face. At the top of the hill he could see a woman in white with flowing black hair. With her hands folded seemingly praying. He shouted Kim is that you she turned it was her. Instantly tears burst from her eyes. Oh my god she cried I thought we'd never be together. God you never know how long I suffered with out you Jack. She grabbed him and they kissed very hard and passionately. Jack tears were flowing saying to her I can't believe all that has happened. I can't believe we made it. Kim said believe it as long as you got love anything is possible. Jack said remember before that day in the rain when I got saved and you were their as the dipped me in the river for my baptism. Yeah sweetie she replied. You know what I thought about. What's that Jack. We never got to make love after that, to consummate my baptism. She laughed same old horny Jack I love you best friend, but you do have a point we never did make love after you were baptized why don't we go take care of that sweetie. He playfully grabbed her and said you really want too wiggling his eyebrows at her as if to say hubba-hubba. One thing sweetie. I finally put to rest all that stupid dumpster crap. She said well I am so glad. You know in the end it probably was the devil that put that their to mess with you. But you're my man now lets go consummate that baptism. She smiled with love in his eyes and said hey sweetie leaning in and kissing her softly on the lips. What honey she replied. He replied why would I want to fuck my sister and ruin my trip uptown. He then thrust his hand forward threw her chest and ripped out her heart. She looked down at the beating heart and back up falling to her knee's asking why? He answered why don't you tell me sis or should I say Jezebel. Tell Satan like him with god I beat him twice. Now he can't have my soul when I fuck my sister and defile the baptism causing my soul to damned to hell. He laughed and tell that fool while he is a god of mere mortal humans I'll be the god over gods. She fell dead and her body turned to ash and blew away. There is only one true love for me! He looked over and standing next to him was Lisa. They started kissing passionately. She asked when did you know? When everything started happening I saw it very clear she was the one putting me in the dumpster and it all came back. Funny part was the son of a bitch told me the who she was once. I mean just to throw me off he told me. I remember the years of sexual abuse her saying that some how some way me and her would always be together. Damn Jack all this and the girl ended up being your sister you must be very dishearten. How could I be? If I didn't go threw all that I never would have gotten to you. See even though you attacked me. I knew the difference he forced you to do it. See the one thing he didn't realize was that when he gave me his powers to confuse me he actually enlightened me to a lot of things like his real plan that how I knew who she was. She died in front of me to confuse me in to thinking she scarified herself for me twice when actually she died that quickly to piss me off and to get me to snap. That's what he wanted. He new I would go after Tommy and Lora for going after her he figured they were strong enough to either kill me or buy enough time so that he could take over my soul and re enter the gates of heaven. What do we do now chump Lisa said? Well we can get married because as of the last life we were not related because I was Kincaid and you were Taylor technically making us only related by marriage. So we can get married if you like these things that is. He pulled out a wondrous looking gold and diamond ring he knelt to the ground and Asked Lisa Taylor Will you Take Tommy Kincaid for your Husband and co ruler of this god world. She smiled ad said extending out her hand as long as you take care of the miracles and I take care of the pain and suffering. He said putting the ring on her finger yeah you have had a lot of practice on that one dear. She said this is great but one things missing. What about Beth and Eileen what about them for fucking with us for so many years. Never fear sweet Lisa I have an idea. A house appeared in the sky in front of them. They both sprouted wings and flew to the doorway the door opened Beth and Eileen were wearing servant outfits and were much smaller then they used to be. Now remember Eileen she likes her feet rubbed every night about 8 pm and Beth please try to remember to stay in the bathroom dear you know that's wear the toilet paper should be. Lisa said I do feel one coming on. But one thing don't you think Eileen is getting off easy. No my dear said Jack she is our slave! She answered you mean? Jack continued uh-huh any time any way and way thing you want! Lisa said this could be interesting! Come come Eileen you know how I hate being on the rag you must clean me up darling warm that tongue my sweet. Jack laughed saying this could be heaven after all. They walked up stairs with Eileen sulking following afterwards. What other surprises you have in this house Jack. Jack said maybe a few. just then behind them you seen Tommy Lora and all eight sisters in servant outfits like Eileen's walking around taking care of the house. Lisa said you're bad! Jack replied yeah but I am good at it! The End? Coming soon! Lord I need to speak to you! What is it Michael? Did you see what Lucifer almost accomplished oh lord! What are we too do? Lord answered I saw and I am not pleased. Their should have been no loopholes in his banishment. Now this Jack Taylor he is in upper existence making a mockery of me living in a house those sins foreshadow that of Sodom and Gomorra. I can not have this benevolence! Just then, Jesus entered the room. Lord said Son I am glad you're hear. What troubles you my father? Lucifer and Jack and this trilogy! They both need to be dealt with. Jesus what of them father? They like this Trilogy then a trilogy they will have? But this time they both play one choosing lives for the other. The winner gets a second chance at redemption! The loser gets his very soul extinguished. But lord the devil himself Lucifer redeemed? Jesus said Michael Jack has grown as wicked and as powerful as Lucifer himself! If we do nothing then we have two Devils. We can not have that! Michael interjected what if the two trilogy's ends in a tie which is conceivable. The lord answered then and only then they will fight as Immortals to the death! From the twisted mind of Thomas P Whitfield Sr. The Devil's Trilogy 2 Deliver Us From Evil! Chapter XXV The Alternate Ending The devil started counting down 10-9. Lisa screamed the cross Jack the cross he flew as fast as he could to the cross. 8-7 as she passed it she jumped onto it. This really pissed off the devil knowing what she wanted to do. He raised his hands saying 6-5 shooting flames and spikes out of his hands nailing her to the cross. Some pierced threw her midsection and her intestines came out of her midsection forming a what looked like a 9-9-9 the cross swung down upside down as her body was overcome in flames and it read 6-6-6 formed in her burning intestines, the as he fell the devil said 4-3. the flames shot up engulfing Jack and in one last effort she grabbed the rope with her dying breaths having to rip her hand from the cross and said I love you Jack now go get you wife. She threw the rope around his neck. Then suddenly a strong wave of fire shot up from the pit beneath them. Scorching Jacks face sending him head first into the cross piercing Lisa threw the heart with one of his horns he pulled away quickly she was dead! 2-1-0 Judgment day! The ground opened up all the demons from hell started coming up from the ground. Jacks soul was lifted from his body and entered the devil's body. Just then the lights of gold and white shined on the earth. Meanwhile God an angel said running into a great room with gold and grand marble floors. And a huge gold throne in the middle. Lucifer has obtained a pure soul. He is going to reenter heaven lord what shall we do? Just then Jesus entered the room. There is only one thing to do Michael! What is that Jesus? God then spoke Take up your sward Michael the war in heaven begins again. Michael was about to turn when Jesus grabbed his arm. If he get here and strikes down God you know what that means don't you? I am afraid to ask Jesus! It undoes all gods created me the earth you all accept ye who dispatch the lord himself Satan. Fight hard Michael for ye existence depends upon it. Michael ran off. Father for ye knows all tell me how is this to turn out! Lord answers I am the knower of all things but even I do not know this ending! Michael appeared at heavens gate ye shall not pass Satan. Michael my friend Satan said with hundreds of thousands of demons behind him. Ye never had a choice! Ye lied to me ye betrayed our friendship. Now ye shall die! Michael drew up his sword I sent you from here once I will send ye again. The devil answered drawling his own demonic looking black sword. This history can't be foretold for ye has not yet been written even your god doesn't know its outcome. Let the war in heaven begin again the devil lunged forwards pushing the angels back. Jesus then spoke to God Father Lucifer crossed heavens gate. Then it's done! Heaven is at war again to my chamber if Satan reaches here we fight an even fight which could end in all destruction. Jesus said father I laid down my life once I will do it again. Son before this is over you may have to! To be continued in The War in Heaven Book 1 Heavens Gate If you are enjoying my novel or have some input please give me feedback. I would appreciate it my email is or join my myspace @ and let me know you're a fan by sending a message. I will accept all fans as friends on my myspace. Thank you in advance