The Devil's Trilogy Chapter VIII: Back 2 Hell The devil was sitting at a wondrous grand piano. It looked as if it was made of black marble and granite trimmed in red. He was playing a haunting tune in deed. But it sounded wondrous and evilly wicked at the same time. Jacks body came out from the roof which there wasn't one just endless catacombs heading upwards to infinity trimmed in torches and fire pools. Jacks body was traveling at an enormous rate of speed. A split second before it was to hit the ground it just stops and Jack was able to gain his footing. I'll give you credit Jack when you go out man fuck me you really go out. Four bullets three in the chest one in the head and a split second before death a 500lb crucifix threw the fucking heart. I will tell you one thing, that my friend is impressive. Jack walked up to him and said you know damn right well that shit wasn't fair at all. Every time I figured you out you jumped into someone and pulled some demonic circus shit. Jack who the hell do you think I'm. I lost my gig as gods Great Choir Director of Heavens Host remember? Then again I can still play can't I? Hearing his haunting melody he responded you're very good. Then again all you got is time to practice. Always a cynic see that's your problem and the reason you didn't figure out my game in life one. What I figured it out it was Mandy I had to kill. Wrong dumb fuck! Then it was Kim! Wrong again you fucking idiot. It was both. He shouted See it was only going to be Mandy but guess what? By bringing back Jack into your life you bring that life with you. Therefore having two loves one for Jack one for Jimmy. See Jack you made more work for yourself by remembering. See that's why we never bring our past lives with us. Seeing as you were confused, and I am a sporting fellow. I will make sure Kim Mandy and all that shit doesn't come flooding back like it was your last life. You may have a flash memory like the dumpster or a dream but nothing you'll live day to day. It's going to be straight forward none of that who is the mystery girl shit. You know her if fact in your life you will always know her. This time Jack your not trying to killer her see I always give the easy one upfront and they never take advantage of it. Oh well this time you have to do what you did for Kim! Sacrifice your life for your lady love. See you will have ample opportunity cause Jack you're a little too whinny and sissy for my liking its time to evil you up a bit. I am going to send you and your lady fair on a killing spree. Your rain of evil will be legendary. Think of it Bonnie and Clyde, Mickey and Mallory now theirs Tommy and Lora. You're going to study the best and be the best killers of all time. That is the key. Soon the world will be after you to kill you. So you must be good hell you better be the best. See I know what you're thinking I'm going to have some sharp shooter snip her ass. No way not this time Jacko. This will straight up you versus the cops speeding bullets. Get in the way before she dies and you win. By the way you better jump she is tall very tall 6 ft 5 inches tall. What am I going to need a ladder or what? For some things he chuckled not that thou but like I said it's up to you to figure it out. Wear is Kim? You got her Satan. Relax Jacko Mandy is doing life up in Camden County and you girlfriend will be on ice this entire life she is in a coma. The bullet that hit her fucked her up bad. When you come back to me she be up and around again but too old for you to worry about. See Jack that way you and that broad can't complicate shit. Oh by the way nice she is your sister routine little too Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker don't you think? Satan replied no worse then your crack about no dick angels. I thought in light of your high standard entertainment I thought you like that. Jack said could be worse I could have lost the war and got banished. Oh shit did I say that Jack said. You know normally I'd put a guy in a pit of fire with a horny demon with a 36 inch dick for a comment like that but hey I'll be a sport and let you have that one. See Jack your still convinced god is the almighty good guy. I'll bet you a free pass to the grandest existence possible. A place that is above all the chambers of heaven, that you don't know shit about the bible. Wait aren't you the guy who burst into flames and shit if you touch this book. Kid you watch too many fucking movies. You know what the one thing people forget about me is? I read the bible. I was god's right hand man. I know how sick that damn book really is. Wait wait wait you're telling me the bible is sick? What are you on dope? Ok let me ask you something smart ass. Your women ever wear pants Jeans say one of your shirts, anything like that? Sure he replied all the time! The devil continued, you think that action would offend god? No why would it I mean its just clothing right? Check this out did you know unisex clothing like pants for women and blouses for men is an abomination unto the Lord... (Deuteronomy 22:5) "The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man; neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abominations unto the Lord thy God". Did you catch that Jack are you listening this is your god talking. Speaking of clothing. This is an example of how anal god is. God prohibits clothing made of more than one type of fabric... (Leviticus 19:19) "Ye shall keep my statutes. Thou shalt not let thy cattle gender with a diverse kind: thou shalt not sow thy field with mingled seed: neither shall a garment mingled of linen and woollen come upon thee". If your wearing wool cotton and linen fuck you must work for me. Hey man you want to talk about what the man upstairs thinks. How about women for instance we can go on all day about this. Give you one example. This is what god says your woman should be like in church. I Corinthians 14:34-35 Women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the Law says. If they want to inquire about something, they should ask their own husbands at home; for it is disgraceful for a woman to speak in the church. Hell kid I know about a million women who just rolled up their sleeves and said what the hell did you say? Suddenly a table appeared in front of Jack; on the table was a bible. Go ahead pick it up and read you won't believe the garbage in that book. You think I just made that up look it up I know you're thinking god would never say anything like that about women right. Go to I Corinthians 14:34-35, he did and read word for word what Satan told him moments ago. See that's why I always was the one cast out I spoke my mind. The devil pointed up to the sky he don't like that! People all the time everyday think whoa the devil he is evil. Hell son god is the one you better worry about. One to hear some really sick shit from the bible, then you turn to Deuteronomy chapter 21 read starting at verse 18 and stop when you reach the end of 21 go ahead kid read what god says to do with a child who is bad. Jack picked up the bible and started reading the devil walked the room proudly as he new all to well the words. If a man have a stubborn and rebellious son, which will not obey the voice of his father or the voice of his mother, and that when they have chastise him, will not hearken unto them: then shall his father and his mother lay hold on him, and bring him out unto the elders of his city, And unto the gate of his place; and they shall say unto the elders of his city, this our son is stubborn and rebellious, he will not obey our voice; he is a glutton, and a drunkard. And all the men of his city shall stone that he die: so shalt thou put evil away from among you; and all Israel shall hear, and fear. After he finished speaking the devil added and parents think their being cruel for leaving a kid in time out too fucking long. Hell want god for a dad? God said drag his ass out in front of everybody and stone his ass. And you thought I was making this shit up right. You what they say the truth is much scarier then fiction. Talk about scary how about this. "Censuses are immoral - and God killed 70,000 innocent counted Jews to punish David for counting them... "And Satan stood up against Israel, and provoked David to number Israel, And David said to Joab and to the rulers of the people, go, number Israel from Beersheba even to Dan; and bring the number of them to me, that I may know it. . . . And God was displeased with this thing; therefore he smote Israel. . . . So the Lord sent pestilence upon Israel: and there fell of Israel seventy thousand men" (1 Chronicles 21:1-14). How is that for a head line on TV tomorrow? God kills 70,000 people to spite David for counting them. Counting can you fucking believe it for counting them. 70,000 in one shot. Jack at your best your killing spree probably never reach half that. Take the top say thousand serial killers he beat them all cause David counted them. Now he says I am evil I am the anti Christ. Is that a bad thing? Let's keep going how about (exodus 21:7-8) and if a man sell his daughter to be a maidservant, she shall not go out as the maidservants do. If she pleases not her master, who hath betrothed her to himself, then shall he let her be redeemed: to sell her unto a strange nation he shall have no power, seeing he hath dealt deceitfully with her? See that one was particularly entertaining. Not only had he said selling your daughter into slavery was ok, and she has to marry this bum. How about that? Hey he is your god. And I was wrong for disagreeing with him. Are you getting all this down? Look it up its all their clear as crystal. See what else does your god thing lets see. God killed every living thing in Sodom and Gomorrah for engaging homosexual acts in Genesis 19:24-25 Romans 14:2 says vegetarians are heathens! Hey here is one every child 16 to well into their 90's needs to know about what god says about sex "All non-marital sex ensures an eternity in flames" Jude 1:7 while on the subject of the booty dance Premarital sex is punished by burning the woman alive according to Leviticus 21:9 see this is what I am talking about. Here is your savior again burning people alive stoning them. For what having urges expressing emotions see what I was saying here last time about the mindless robots. Thought I was joking well think again. Men aren't allowed to trim their beards or shave their heads (Leviticus 21:5) can you say nit picky! Men are worth more than women - Leviticus 27:1-7 actually provides dollar comparisons! Read it on average he values women ten silver shekels less for every age group. Go head kid he points to the bible read all about it. You know what I could teach sermons from that book! Let me ask you Jack are you getting the impression yet that your god has issues? Here is one that I found disturbing. Me the fucking Devil! Deuteronomy 22:28-29 If a man [meets] a virgin who is not pledged to be married and rapes her... He must marry the girl... He can never divorce her as long as he lives. So basically he is stuck with her as a punishment what about the woman. Oh yeah that's right he doesn't get a choice. Your god has one huge flaw and it's so painfully clear. Dude no's nothing about sex never had it and obviously is very pissed off that that is the way he made any living being continued to exist! Here is a story every kid will love. Also shows how god's perfect book contradicts itself. Mark 11:12-14, 20-21 the next day..., Jesus was hungry. Seeing in the distance a fig tree in leaf, he went to find out if it had any fruit. When he reached it, he found nothing but leaves, because it was not the season for figs. Then he said to the tree, "May no one ever eat fruit from you again."... In the morning..., they saw the fig tree withered from the roots. Peter...said to Jesus, "Rabbi, look! The fig tree...has withered!" If it wasn't fig season, why would even a moron look for figs? Is killing a tree for not bearing fruit out of season a reasonable response by any standard? Matthew 21:18-21 (written after and based upon Mark) says it withered at once. Mark says they saw it the next day and then marveled. Something's terribly wrong, here. Was Matthew possibly dissatisfied with a Jesus who'd take an entire day to wither a damned fig tree? See when I read this next verse of the bible I knew god was twisted. Song of Solomon 5:4 my beloved put in his hand by the hole of the door, and my bowels were moved for him. What the fuck? I mean you could go on for days with this shit I swear to god. Here god endorses slavery I Timothy 6:1-5 ...all who are under the yoke of slavery who have believing masters... must serve all the better since those who benefit by their service are believers and beloved. Teach and urge these duties. If any one teaches otherwise...he is puffed up with conceit, he knows nothing; he has a morbid craving for controversy..., which produce envy, dissension, slander, base suspicions, and wrangling among men who are depraved in mind...see now he is endorsing slavery and saying the ones who don't by it are deprived. Talk about merciful and peaceful god try this on for size. Matthew 10:34-35 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother... I mean are we getting all this Jack is this all sinking in. It's all in his book. I made none of that up he preaches this shit then say I am the bad guy. Hell I am giving you a chance. Actually you think about it. This game ain't that hard. I tell you in advance what you got to do. All you got to do is do it. No tricks no hidden bullshit. You either pull the trigger or get killed. That easy! You know show you what the devil is all about try this I will up my end and you don't have to do shit. Show you what I am talking about. See Jack you figured out that you been here before but what you don't know is what it's all about! See every live you live from the first life to your last is like school. Not hard to figure it out when you know what your are looking for. A guy who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth never has to do anything what life you figure that guy is working on. Jack replied have to be pretty dame high to get that good of a life. Devil replies bullshit. He either sold his soul or never actually been here before. Why because his life is going to be easy. Think about it. You would not take you three year old put him on a bus and expect him to find his way back on his own? Of course not Jack replied. Dame fucking right of course not. See that's a new soul its just a baby you can't throw it out their to the wolves its not ready it will get obliterated shredded in milliseconds. See think of every life you get like the grade you were in at school. There are levels each year gets a bit harder. See at first I can't really touch you people but by the time 5 or 6 lives go by I can throw in some shit now. Your dog dies, your life sucks you got zits can't get dates. That kind of shit. By the time you get to 10 times here now we can start having some fun now. You might go to jail and get butt fucked only to turn around and realize hey I kind of liked it and tell your family get aids and end up dead. Then you got the people who been here a really long time. You know getting into that why are we here phase and guess what open season on them. The ones who make it go uptown to a place even angels dream about. A place everyone who walks on it has powers of a god. Their not gods mind you but have powers of one. I granted you a wish come true and think you will like it. What is that? How would you like when our business is done say you win. You and the misses meet in the heaven of the gods. The upper echelon of heaven the apex the grand daddy of all existence the place id be if asshole up their didn't jerk me off. You have the power to send me their. Read your manual already kid I got all powers and can perform miracles just like him. Actually if you had read your manual then you would raise that I do perform miracles. Often I might add hell I even do good deeds. Don't let the black wings fool you. I am not all evil. You know last year I let over 300,000 souls enter heaven because they served their time and earned the right for penance that's wear you guys burned a while and get to come back as a spook or ghost. See people don't have the foggiest clue what really goes on in the afterworld. Their still a lot of slobs drooling on themselves trying to figure out if there is a god or not. Same idiot will come ask for me and wonder why I won't come. What the fucking use he is coming to me when he dies anyway. Why bother he'll be here for free. See kid when your Kim dies I am granting her a pass uptown she will be waiting among the gods. For you kid. Your right I did play dirty the first time. I am not going to be their this time kid. No hail storms crosses and morbid hilarious shit. Just life, a life of crime but hell it might even be liberating. Go have fun with it. See you soon kid. Make father evil proud! He waved to Jacky as he ascended back up. If you are enjoying my novel or have some input please give me feedback. I would appreciate it my email is or join my myspace @ and let me know you're a fan by sending a message. I will accept all fans as friends on my myspace. Thank you in advance