The Devil's Trilogy Chapter I: In the beginning This is the actual 24 chapter uncut version of my novel it is copyrighted just out of print right now while I decide my next move. I am very proud of this novel. It took me a very long time to write it. What I am not proud of is the way the actual novel was butchered. So I decided for the first time ever to release the uncut version of my novel. I do this cause I want my fans to enjoy the version I wanted them to read. I never received any kind of feedback good or bad for all this work so if you would be so kind if you read this. Please take a moment and give me some feedback on it. Give me as much as possible. I would appreciate it my email is or join my myspace @ and let me know you're a fan by sending a message. I will accept all fans as friends on my myspace. Thank you in advance The Devil's Trilogy Chapter I: In the beginning Did you ever feel like you were marked? Like god and the devil are using you in a game of see how we can screw with you now? Every day or night I think about why I have never had a normal life. I am sitting here in the hospital wondering what the hell went wrong I am all bandaged up and they said I will never see again, then again seeing is over rated when you have no idea what your looking for! Hell I guess its just as well I am talking into this tape recorder obviously. I can't read so my journal I always kept is no use to me any longer. So my last shred of humanity is right here spewing out for all to here. For all I know there are 2 or 3 in the room with me laughing as I cry? Who cares! I am beyond the point of actually giving a shit about embarrassment. When I was 15 about 3 years ago my foster sisters tied me down and took turns on me for sex one morning cause they said and I am quoting. "They needed to learn how to make love to a man" so they had mom adopted me." So basically I was the sex toy of two horny and very large teenage girls. Oh mommy told me long ago if I had a problem with it I would have to screw her. She is 6 ft and 457lbs and didn't smell very good so it was a point well taken. I thought for sure my life was over when the daughters cornered me. So anytime women seem to think they got the market cornered on being raped let them talk to me. Oh wait a second. I guess I must have enjoyed it. Ever have a 250 lb sweaty ass in your face after the person tied you to a bed and worked out for over an hour so she could give you the pleasure of her hot sweaty bung hole. Not to mention the thousand pounds of TNT up her ass that exploded in a line of horrific plethora of flatulence. Yeah it was fun being all of buck o five and used as a human dildo or the worlds first human whoopee cushion without the use of the little balloon that is. I am really not trying to compare the two but at least a man will rape you and leave. Women want to keep you as a pet and do it over and over again. Last year they went a bit too far I was forced to go to their dormitory Sara 18 and Cathy 19 they were taking turns on me as usual when all of a sudden the head master came in unannounced called the cops. I spoke up for once and they all went to jail mom and the 2 sisters. I heard they were so sick they even tried to put me down for a conjugal visit. It's like hello dumb ass that's why you're here! I swear to god their whole defense in court was he is a guy and his cock got hard. It's a known fact if you manipulate a penis long enough the response will be automatic. Plus when you know you have too then Roseanne becomes Christina Aguilera if you know what I mean! But I left that part out in court call me an asshole. Excuse me for not giving a shit when both foster sisters are on top of me, and I am screaming for air and they cup their hands over my mouth, while one sits on my face and farts and say here is the air you ordered. For once in my life I guess you can say no one was laughing the fact they adopted me for sexual favors didn't seem to go over very well with the jury. The really stupid part of all this in another month I would have been 18 and gone no one would have known about them. Hell they just had to push it, so they will be spending lots of time with people like them. Well all's well that ends well I suppose. I heard my sister Sara Found a girlfriend even bigger then her. Imagine being a guy locked in that cell Yikes! I just caught myself calling Sara my sister. Damn either I need help or actually wanted a family that bad! At this point you must been dying to know what happened to my real family well if you find out let me know ok! I was left on the doorstep of the police station when I was just 3 days old. I was spilling my guts to this nurse ever since the accident. She is very nice her name is Kimberly. What happened was I was in my car on the way to my work. When all of a sudden wham a truck knocked me into the on coming lane of traffic. Then all went black they say they car was hit about 7 times, but I was out when the truck hit me doctor said that's probably why I survived. Because I was relaxed on the impacts and not all tensed up when you know you are going to be the pinball. Doc described it like being a baby and falling they don't know it can hurt so they don't tense up. When they fall that's why nine times out of ten they are ok. By the way she kissed me this morning I was hard as a rock and a bit embarrassed till she took care of it. Not even being a pig either. I guess she felt sorry for me or something well in any case I hope she does that more often. She told me not to tell anyone hell I want to tell everyone. But I respect the fact she can get fired and all that so I will shut up about that. I had about 5 female nurses so even if they heard this I still won't say her name or any dates or anything. She said she was thinking about something all day and all last night she wants to tell me tonight when she comes back on shift. I got to say that I am a bit skeptical because my luck with woman was never their so god knows what she is going to tell me. Hopefully for once I can find some sense of normalcy. Just Imagine how horrible it is for the people you want to trust and suppose to be a sort of family. Figure just use you as an object figuring its cool with you, because I have a penis! I must like being raped by a women even if they are Two Three or four times my size oh yeah more to love right? Well I guess that's one lesson of manhood I missed! Before the horrible trio, I was in an orphanage for a year that I remember. Before that no I had memories at all for about 4 years. In the beginning when I was a few days old I spent time with fosters but they say from when I was ten till fourteen there are four years unaccounted for. They found me beaten half to death in a dumpster how I got their why or what happened to me still don't remember. If it was anything like that trio I rather not know. Every once in a while I will get some goofy flashes of faces always too quick to even figure out if they are male female or what. They say it's possible I will get my memory back. Hell if god smiles on me I won't. I get an awful feeling from the flashes whatever left me in that dumpster wasn't meant for my mind ever to know. I got to go for now! Later on that night, He was listening to his favorite football team the Eagles; they were kicking some Tampa Bay ass. When he heard the clopping of shoes which came accustomed of knowing it meant a nurse was walking in. He reached out for the remote for the bed was it had slid off. He wanted to rise up his head when he smelled perfume. He knew it was Kimberly because she was the only one who had perfume that smelled of flowers. "Hey Kim hand me that remote so I can raise my head up". She picked it up and smiled thinking it was very sweet of him to know it was her in the room even thou he was blind. "How did you know it was me"? Kim said. He replied "you smell like a sweet garden of fresh picked flowers". "The others smell like Channel and other expensive perfumes". She replied "oh and mine is cheap"? She said while rising up his head with the remote. "Not at all in fact I mean it when you walk in I feel like I am out side rolling around on the hills with you". Your sweet she kissed him. Kim asked "So who get the privilege of taking care of you when you're released tomorrow"? "Me myself and I am afraid" he replied. "Well I talked to the doctors earlier they say that their still might be a good chance you can get you sight back". "Really" he replied "They think it's more of a trauma then an actual eye injury". "Meaning your brain basically turned off your eyes and just need some rewiring to turn the light on again". He replied "know any good electricians"? "One if you care to move in with her till you're on your feet again". "You're serious Kim you really want me to live with you"? "I mean I know we got kind of close and all but you sure". "I mean after all the abuse I went threw aren't you afraid of me"? "Why should I be"? "We all have our past and I don't believe a person should be judged by it". "I wish more people thought like you Kim". "Hell Jack Taylor I could ask you why you would be willing to move in with a woman you don't even know"? "Well given your track record with my gender, I am surprised you are not asking that lovely transsexual from radiology". "Very funny Jack replied! Then he asked jokingly is she hot looking just kidding"? Kim replied "She looks like that chic that was married to Tommy Lee". "Not Pam that Bobbie Brown her name was". "Damn she was hot too she really looks like that". "Very much so they even say she got a 12 inch cock". "Damn"! "Remind me not to have her as a nurse I'd be a prison bitch by now". "Hell Jack we can arrange it if you like? She likes me and I know she would like you". "That's ok I want to remain anal retentive at least a while longer anyway". "If you ever change your mind let me know". "Yeah ok very funny Jack replied". "Who's joking"! "Yeah well you better be joking". She replied "yeah I am joking you look so serious in here sometimes I have to do things to cheer you up". He replied "oh you mean like this morning"? She replied "hey quiet with that or I will go get that girl from radiology". "Oh crap my bad I was only fooling around" Jack replied. Kim followed "Yeah you better be or I'll have her split your uprights football boy". Hey Kim any word on our mystery driver? I am afraid not Kim replied. The truck itself was stolen. No one at the scene saw anything except one guy thought he saw a dark haired woman walking by but no driver. The next day came and as planed Jack Taylor moved in with Kimberly. She arranged that one of her friends that worked as an ambulance driver drove Jack to the house, while she and a couple friends would retrieve his stuff. The ambulance driver who'd name was peter and Jack were mostly jaw jacking about the game last night. Both being Eagle's fans, they were ecstatic about the eagles lamb basting 49-10 victory over a top contending Tampa Bay team. They were talking about how it was so bad that they took Mcnabb out and let Koy Boy the second string quarter back and he scored 2 Touchdowns on them. Everything seemed to go off without a hitch. The sun was out it was a beautiful September day and all seemed right. After the initial moving of everything every thing else was pretty much elementary. Few weeks turned into a few months and a few months turned into a relationship unlike either of them had before. The love that grew between them grew quickly into one that seems to defy all logic. With so many potential barriers the 2 of them seemingly never noticed any of them at all. Sometimes it seemed as if Jack wasn't even blind at all. Time passed and a year had gone by it was spring time and was usually hot so a rash of severe storms kept popping up. Jack was going back and forth to the doctors because he would see flashes of light and images every so often which had the doctor's hopeful that his sight may be returning to him. Two days before he was to go see the doctor again a visit he really was looking forward to he had a sudden and uncontrollable yen to purge his soul so to speak. I guess you could say a test of his own wills or something that said he wanted to move on to a better place in his life. It was a Sunday and he and Kimberly had attended a Baptist church a few times. While he was their the preacher pulled him aside before mass and asked if he'd like to be saved today. The idea of it felt so right to him. The fact he was defiled in so many ungodly ways in his life. Made it seem more of a necessity then a want. He readily agreed and he was set. The only thing he had some reservations about was the fact that, he was going to do this in front of a group of strangers. The fact he was blind still didn't help really cause it was as if he could still see them staring back at him. Nonetheless, preacher started by saying, today we are here with a very special person his name is Jack Taylor. Today he will be saved and brought forth to the lord. The preacher first asked Jack if you died at this very moment Jack Taylor could you be 100% sure you would go to heaven? He answered honestly No father I believe I would not. See ladies and gentlemen that is the first step. Jack if I told you, you already on the path to being saved what would you say? It would surprise me Jack said. It says in Romans chapter 3 verse twenty three. For all have sinned and come short of the glory of god. So all you have to do is admit you're a sinner Jack Taylor! Knowing I and all gods children are sinners do you admit you fall short of the glory of god? Yes preacher I fall short of the glory of god I am a sinner! Now Jack let me read from the bible Romans chapter six verse twenty three for the wages of sin is death the eternal separation from god, but the gift of god is eternal life through Jesus Christ our lord. Let me know ask you this! Do you believe that Jesus is god the son who paid the wages of your sin? Yes I do believe that he paid wages for my sins! And finally Jack Taylor I read to you from Romans chapter ten verse nine. If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that god hath raised him from the dead thou shalt be saved! All you have to do is say oh lord, I confess that I fall short of the glory of god! That I am a sinner and I believe god in my heart that you can raise me from the dead then say raise me out of sin! He said I confess that I fall short of the glory of god. I believe in my heart that god will raise me from sin god raise me up! Ladies and Gentlemen I give to you Jack Taylor new Christian and the latest saved in the name of the glory of god. He was greeted with a sea of amen's. At the end of church they went out to the lake behind the church and their Jack was baptized. Unfortunately what transpired two days later would start our journey. On this one not so faithful day a particularly traitorous storm was starting to brew. The skies opened with rumbling thunder that would shake the very foundation of the house, Lightning that would cut threw the hart of the world. Undaunted; Jack had his mind made up he wanted to see the doctor at once. For the past several days, he had been seeing what he would call ghostly images. They were bleary but looked like ghostly human images but when he went to tell Kim He described the clothing she had on like this black tee shirt she would wear around the house with a cat sitting up smiling. He said it was a shirt with a leopard which the cat did have spots like a leopard on it. Then another time he described the blue jeans she wore in particular this white spot of paint that was on them from when she painted the guest bedroom before he moved in. So the fact that he knew these things was a clear indicator that he was seeing images not imaging them. Kimberly was reluctantly getting ready and at the same time trying to talk Jack into waiting till at least the next day to go. I know you want to wait Kim, but I need to go I keep having these visions now I need them to see them while I know their happening. With my luck I'll wake up tomorrow and not have the visions. I want them to check them while I am still having them. Oh alright Jack I understand it must be so frustrating for you. It won't be if they see what's wrong in their. I am telling you Kim I getting my sight back. I'll finally be able to see your gorgeous face. How can you be so sure it's so gorgeous? Well for one thing I am tired of dreaming of my horrid past and anything would be better then that dumpster women. What dumpster women? Remember I told you about me in that dumpster and know one knew how I got their. Yeah she said curiously. Well I finally can see her in my dream I couldn't before. She has long black hair and bright blue eyes. You could never miss those eyes. I suppose not Kim said looking into the mirror at her own bright blue eyes. I told you a million times what I look like Right? I think your taking my description and putting it into your dream. Yeah but them eyes you could never mistake them. Yeah and your seeing flashes too you probably saw my face in a flash and incorporate it into your dream. Hell baby if I have I am sorry I'd never willingly associate you with something so damn horrible. It's not your fault your life is starting to come full circle now and its maybe your final tests before you get what you want. Jack said well way I got it figured fate owes me a big favor. Yeah well babe I put on ten pounds cooking for you that favor big favor might be my ass now let's go Jack. Kim you trying to tell me you're a whole lot of loving. No but if I sit on you with this big ass you might think your in an oven. He laughed. They opened the door and the wind blew Jack back Kim grabbed him. You sure you want to go out in this? Rain was falling in sheets it looked like a monsoon. I have too babe please ok stay close you can't get away from me in this or your screwed. They walked down the steps to the sidewalk soaking their feet in a huge puddle in front of their house caused by the slight caving in of the sidewalk in front of their house. In the distance you could here the loud screeching of tires. They tried to make their way to the car when an extremely loud crack of thunder startled both of them Jack simultaneously stepped into a mud hole and fell to the ground he lost Kim's grasp. The screeching of tires got closer and closer. Jack screamed for Kim as he tried to get to his feet when all he heard was a loud screech followed by a blood curtailing scream that could of only come from Kim. Followed by a crash he felt metal bush by him and glass showering him she screamed over and over Kim Kim wear are you but with no answer! Help he screamed realizing that she may be in serious trouble. Someone please help me! For god sake someone help me! He fumbled about till he felt the back of a small car. He started crying screaming for Kim please god no! he went on a bit further crying and scared at what he might feel next. He felt a shoe under the car. He started to realize his worse fear was real. Then went up to her face felt the stickiness of blood Jack he heard a raspy voice say he could tell it was Kim's. Don't leave me! Kim your all I have he replied. Oh god he grabbed for her hand and finally got it in his hand. He heard her say I love you. Don't take her damn it you here me mother fucker! He screamed! Don't take her he said crying hysterically realizing she was going to die. You here me take me I give up my soul for her take me! You here me god I give up my soul! Take me let her live. God please don't forsake me I saved my soul for you! Then suddenly he thought for a moment and grasped her now lifeless hand and screamed Satan! God has forsaken me! I'll give up my soul please save her! Then all of a sudden the rain was gone the car and everything around him was gone. What the hell he said? He opened his eyes he could see now. It was a darkened room. Am I dreaming he said am I dead? Did another car just hit me or what? Wear is Kim? A mysterious voice said. Kim is dead and is likely to stay that way! Who is that? A powerful voice answered one that seemed to shake the foundation of the room. Go ahead kid call God, Jesus Mary, and Joseph ain't one of them coming. See they do not make house calls. I however make exceptions. Who the hell are you? He looked at him seeing an older man dressed in a black Jacket red shirt and black tie. He was a very distinguished looking gentleman. Put it this way the man said. They call me evil but I can do miracles all the same as big J. C. up their! You're telling me you're the devil? No I am telling you I am Santa Clause. You know dressed in red and black breaks into your houses steals food but leaves gifts. Who the hell else would I be? Come on Jacky them fat bitches sit on your head so long the squeezed out your brain. That's not funny Jack replied. Jack I am the devil to me that was fucking hilarious! Especially when you're begging for air and Sara farted have to admit I'll take credit for that couldn't resist. Would say I am sorry but I'm not. When you mention miracle you're eluding to you might help Kim or what? Well lets just say it's getting more difficult to get quality souls down their. So what I am offering is a deal a deal so sweet you are going to love it. Check this out. I save your girl, she lives for that, I get your life for three life times. Hell you might only have to spend one let me explain. I can't just say ok I save her you give me your soul it doesn't work like that anymore. You have to do something to deserve to be with me. So taking a deal from me over a life time giving me control and not god gives me all rights to your soul, provided I get the right to you in the proper way. Jack jumps in you mean if I fail that's proper passage to my soul for you. You catch on. See kid even with that last life of hell. One good thing for you came from it. You got saved and baptized a Baptist. Which means you were saved, and that gave you passage uptown. Look Jack it's like this I can only do certain things. See you know I am the fallen angel hell me and god used to work hand in hand. I disagree with him and guess what I am the big red monster. Jack I've heard there is a bit more too the story. Oh so you want the story now Jacko ok then. Fine I'll tell it as they told it. The popular idea about the origin of me has been quite a story to say the least, even though Jesus said "he was a murderer from the beginning" (John 8:44). It is said that I was the most majestic of all angelic beings. In all the universe there was not another like me in beauty. I also, as it is taught, had the honored position of being the great choir director of heaven's host. Everything went well in heaven until one fateful day back in eternity past, and all "hell" broke loose. God called his archangel before him and saying, "Michael, we've got a problem on our hands. Lucifer, my old confidant, has let his beauty go to his head. Your friend believes he should be the god of the universe, and he has plans of taking my throne. While in this tragic delusion of grandeur, he has persuaded about one-third of all my other angels to swear allegiance to him and to go to war against me. Therefore, before he is able to deceive the rest of my trusted servants, and this whole mess gets totally out of hand, I want you to put a stop to this insurrection. Take the remaining two- thirds and cast him and his rebels out of heaven. Send them to planet Earth. This will be their prison until I decide what to do with the rebellious lot." At the end of this war in heaven, as it is commonly known, Lucifer I was defeated. Why cause even god himself had mafia mentality. He new Michael was my friend my brother so to speak turned him against me! Lucifer said in a rage! Yeah know artists have depicted me descending headlong out of heaven with an angry scowl of bitter defeat emblazoned upon my beaten countenance. Bullshit I was pissed he turned Michael against me. The stark reality soon overtakes me. Unless I find a way of escape, I was doomed to eternal exile on the desolate rock called Earth. Yes this is all taking place eons before you guys. I, therefore, wait, for thousands of years, for the opportunity to strike back; which finally comes when Adam is created. And to top it off the man of God's creation is placed right inside the confines of the devil's prison. "Ah, think of that! How convenient," and the plot thickens. I was once beautiful and highly esteemed angel of God, with my appearance drastically changed, to look like this he changes his face to its true form for a few seconds Jack screams at the hideous looking beast and now I am called Satan, I quickly go to work on my dastardly plan. My chance finally comes when Eve drops her guard and eats the tempting fruit from the forbidden tree of knowledge. That's why you couldn't eat the fruit get this it was knowledge. He wanted dumb unwitting servants once again. Just like the no sex organ angels. The serpent, the snake's revenge is finally initiated. The trap is sprung. It is a cold slap to God's face, a terrible blow to his plans, and this second insurrection is worse than the first. This one brings death to God's pride and joy. Adam, the beauty of holiness that was created in His own image, is hoodwinked. He is cunningly subdued, and he loses not only his home but also his life. He killed the fucker, that's your merciful creator! The defeat has ever since frustrated everything God has put his hand to do. It has been an iffy situation at best. From day one, it has been questionable who is really winning the war, and if the wily devil was able to circumvent God's plans twice, what will keep me from doing it again, and who knows, the third time might be my lucky charm. The fact is, When you calculated it, in this series god 1 the D-man here 2. Now you tell me whose winning. Who do you people act more like me or him! That's your god have everyone else fight his battles and if you don't do as I say I punish all of you. So he says all of humanity will suffer. All will get dressed women will have the pain of baring children and everyone has original sin and so on and so on. I pissed him off so bad he still hasn't lifted the punishment on you guys for eating a fucking apple. Ask your self this. Can you get laid in heaven? I got guys down in hell that get laid every night. Ask him one time about a conjical visit! See what happens bet you get lectured for an eon and cast out of heaven! See up their it's all about rule I am king, have no gods before me, he says sarcastically. See I was his side kick in his own words I was his confident but challenge his rule with a few ideas then oh boy. What a fucking problem we got! Why what did I do that was so wrong I had an Idea all us angels sex organs! I swear to you I wanted angels to be men or women they had no identity. Hell you never did either. He wanted drones not smart beings you people need a wake up call. And here I am in the flesh. I was always the evil one wasn't I, but hell I was an angel one who disagreed. I am still surprised Peter wasn't gut and quartered for denying Jesus Christ three times. Want to bet he is the janitor up their. Old JC promised he's go to heaven for following him while he walked on the earth. Jack said hey wait a second if god resisted you in the desert before the crucifixion then would you be 2-2 in the series. Yeah know I can always send you back to die without your women you know don't get fucking smart. Speaking of that Jack said we going to get to why I am here or should we wait till she fully decomposes. Hey how would you like me to bring her back as a guy with a 12 inch dick? Now what I want from you hell needs good souls in this ever tide changing world of yours I am your salvation. I got a deal. You win you and the chic get a life of a story book fairy tale. Complete with money fame fortune hell she will even have a taste for hot looking chics. Hell she will even bring one home every week meanwhile want nothing but you by nightfall. But if I win I get your soul and hers. No deal he said I am not jeopardizing her soul. Fine he said but wait I got her soul already! I was going to give her back. See then a TV appeared on the wall it was a pit of fire with Kim screaming in the middle covered in blood being poked by pitch forks and scratched her with the demons razor sharp claws. Why do you have her? Jack asked. She let herself die for you. That's suicide and god has his rules you take the life he gave you, and you will be cast down to hell. She sacrificed herself for me that should get her into heaven instantly. No sorry kid his rules not mine pointing towards the sky suicide equals a visit with me for all eternity. What's it going to be? I'll tell you what I'll even take her out of the pit till our business here is done. Give you 3 life times to get it right all you have to do is complete what I send you down to accomplish. She stays here but she will be made comfortable after she finishes her life I will save if you take the deal. Jack asked what do I have to do? Kill the women you love in that life very simple. You're going to fall head over heels for each other, but as in life shit happens you leave her and she gets pissed now all you got to do is kill her. You do your women is yours. Fine I'll kill her to get Kim back you sure you've done this before. Jacky I've never lost once and you my friend are like number three million. We got a deal or does the bitch fry? Just then the fire around Kim gets huge and engulfs her body. You hear her blood curtailing scream. He screams yes yes get her out of their. The devil snaps his finger and she is instantly in a room with a comfortable bed and nice furniture. Devil puts his hand out shake it and your women will be alive again. But when her time is up she waits here for you to see how you do. She will get the remainder of her natural life that is my promise. Fine he shakes his hand he felt the heat and burning of his soul and the true hate of his heart with that one embrace. Now save her. See yeah soon the devil said laughing. All of a sudden he was back in the rain but he couldn't move he tried to open his eyes he could see for the first time in a long while he could see. He heard her screaming. No god no Jacky don't leave! He looked into her face for the first time. He saw her long black hair and bright blue eyes. He was in all of her beauty. Kim you're so gorgeous. You can see me she said as tears burst from her eyes it's a miracle. I love you Kim she kissed him when she parted her lips from his he was gone in a pool of blood. He's passed away. Then he found himself back in that room again. He heard his voice say never said you were going to make it. Now let's get work you got a life that I need to lead. He snapped his finger Jack was gone back to earth.