THE STEPSISTER PART 5 JAILHOUSE ROCK BY THOMAS WHITFIELD Cindy's in jail with maria as her cellmate meanwhile Joey and sam recieve a mysterious orb by mail that grants a growing wish Its been about a month since Sam and Cindy decided to hook up with Joey and his poor ribs finally healed from the initial night were under over 400lbs of women his tiny ribs cracked. breaking 2 ribs now totaly healed He's about ready to get back into the swing of things with both girls. but cindy must go out and get some food since Joey the one that usualy does this is preparing for his second round of double shot tuesday. meantime Sam just got the mail and an ominious boxis in with the rest of the mail. she opens it to find an orb on a stand that seemed to be carved from anchient wood and a statue of the mythical wizard merlin inside of this package. Wear the hell did this come from Sam said in wonderment? Hey Joe Sam called out take a look at this would ya? Comming Sam Joey replied finishing his morning bath. Wraping himself in a towel then heading towards the livingroom to see Why Sam called him. As he walked in. Sam immediatly spoke up. What the hell is this thing sam asked? He took a long stair at it and exclaimed Oh My God wear did you get this? Sam ansered I just got it in the mail it was addressed to me! What is it sam asked? Thats merlin in that orb the mythical magician and wizard. That thing must be 500 years old look at the wood. This was carved out by hand. look at the craftmenship. They don't make these kinda things like this anymore. now days its glass, porcelian or crystal. See how the wooded edges come up from all four sides to a piont at the top of the orb. No one would make it like this anymore Joey continued. This must be worth a fortune. Well some one wanted me to have it so I'm gonna keep it. I agree sam somthing of this age should not be sold. you could never get the right amount anyway. No one would be honest enough to tell you what this is really worth and take you for a ride. No I agree sam Keep this. Mean while. Cindy was getting pretty pissed when being tailgated on rt 13 she pulled off in the marked wear she was followed by this asshole who apparently was shopping too. she walked up to him and exclaimed Hey asshole What the fuck are you on my ass for what do you think your cute or somthing. Lady I don't have time for you PMS bullshit I'm gonna warn ya once get the fuck out of my face. Or what asshole she exclaimed unable to believe the nerve of this asshole who was roughly her size. Just leave thats your final warning. Unable to believe she was just threatened by him she clinched her fist and gave him an uppercut that sent him flipping over the hood of his car to the blacktop below. Not seeing him pop up for several moments went around to see if he was hurt he was in a sitting position holding a gun and badge police bitch you under arrest. just then with his radio in his personal car the mic was sitting beside him and then 3 police cars showed up and took cindy into custody. The judge was fairly easy on her giving her 30 days to think about it in the state penn for women. and exclaimed he could of given her 5 years but due to the circumstances he thought he was giving her a break. mean time she called to tell Sam and Joe what happened they got a good laugh at it saying well at least you fucked his ass up. It was more comical to them then serious cause she was 6ft and 185 and in jail her cellie might be her bitch. she then laughed about it and they told her she had to get off the phone. they were gonna process her and take her to her new home for the next 30 days. Joey asked Ya think she'll really make a bitch out of her cell mate. na just have a bit of fun with them is all. like tomarrow morning introduce them to her morning breath. she's not gay thow. she would have full blown sex with a women. I thought you 2 had Joey asked? We fooled around but that was a bet. in my family a bet is very serious you don't honer it your an outcast. I on the other hand new that so thats how i got her. she hated it. The only thing she really liked about it is finding out that she liked what she liked. It changed our lives and it didn't have anything to do with sex with women. me on the other hand I Might sleep with a women but then again might not. It felt great but I dunno its not right somehow to me. I just like the way it felt phyically mentally its different. Joey replied to all this. ya well that does make sense. Meanwhile In her cell Cindy did not have the privledge of meeting her cellie yet and it was getting late she missed chow and was gonna have to wait till morning to get food. she met val a pretty little wall flower who was a bitch to some 5 10 250 lb red head. she stood 5'0 even and weighed 100lbs soaken wet. she was telling her the rules of jail if your not a bitch then you either become one or make someone yours. This made Cindy very uneasy couse she wasn't attracted to women at all. I am not Gay she exclaimed and explained that she would never do that and no one would make her. Val got up Well obviously you never met maria your cell mate. Who she Said What name was that You just Said Cindy asked remembering the women who nearly killed her and took her luke away from her. Maria she makes you look my size. Oh shit here she comes gotta go Cindy. see ya around. Then added if you live that long? Wait she said wanting to ask a few more questions but she quickly darted off out of sight. a moment passed and she heard the clopping of footsteps like a clidsdale or somthing comming towards her and shore enough. hear she came It was her maria in the flesh all & ft 3 inches Long jet black curly hair a massive chest that was heaving in antisapation. here hair went down to the middle of her back towards her buttocks. very long legs that seem to be never ending. and a very thick well shaped body that would rival the greatest statues of all time. she was seeminly sculpted out of granet. cindy got up and backed herself into the wall shaking nerviously as maria looked at her with her green eyes and blew her a kiss as she walked up to her cutting off any space between them. she was a sight and at this time the sight for cindy was maria's massive globes. that were surrounding her face. without a word maria pulled one of those massive spheres out and placed the nimple to Cindy's mouth. It was some pychotic peace offering. Cindy shook with fear and boiled over with anger all at once. here she was traped in a cell with a women who killed her luke and almost killed her, and now had her massive boob and 1 inch nimple on her lips awaiting a reply to a question never asked out loud. maria began stroaking her hair. pulling her into her chest as she did. then finally after several minutes the first words were spoken. by maria. Luke got in my way I didn't want to take your man out. but he had a gun and killed one of my friends so he got taken out. now as for you. you felt my hands around your neck. you know you can't win so suck my tit make me proud that i chose you as my bitch.tears flowing down her face she stood shakeing. realising she might not have a choice and might have to do the one thing she never thought of doing becomeing a lesbian. meanwhile Sam and Joey just settled in after a good hot meal that Sam prepaired. they ajurned in the liveing room wear they began wondering what this orb could do. Hey sam I just thought of somthin remember in school they talked about achent artifacts that the achents believed that could grant kinds of wish depending on which magician it was carved for. You think this could be one? Ya could be but why would send somthing like this to us joey? No one sent it. It sent it self they said that these relics would find thier way to thier masters. he picked up the relic to point out somthing on it Look At this encription we figure out what this says we figure out what its for. Well why don't we start making wishes and see what happens. it won't work couse It has to be under a certain catagory like life wealth money even greed sorrow whatever. we have to first figure out what this says and we we'll know. ok well my dad has a book on achient languages in his library lets go see if we can find it. OK joey agreed and they went off to the library. after finding the book they looked for quiet a while for the strang encription engraved on it. meanwhile. backed against the wall trembiling with rage and fear Cindy opened her mouth to take in the enormous nimple into her mouth. she felt defeated again as she sucked and nesteled the nimple of the women who slayed her dear love. but a little vioce in her head told her not to fight her now they were locked in the cell and she would have no chance against her much stronger advisary. all her senses told her to fight but this little voice somehow said no. she listioned for the meantime sucking her tit like a milk fed baby. Then to her suprise breastmilk came out. she breifly broke away. and was quicky hand lead back to the nimple. Her anger reached her peek as she relised it was the breast milk of a new mother, and had no doubt who's baby it was. now she had a weakness finally she could kill her if she wanted but even still It was lukes baby could she in good conscience distroy something made from him. The anser came rather quickly when her head was being lowered to between maria's legs forcing cindy to her knee's. Knowing in her mind she could never rpoform oral sex on a women she pulled her hand back and punched her dead in the stomach, thinking that she could cause her ti miscarry and hemerage and by the time someone would find her she'd be dead. the blow landed maria bent over into a fetal position then raised back up with a smile. saying Oh did you think lukes baby was in hear sorry you stupid bitch i got rid of it friday the day before i got in here. this enraged Cindy no longer listioning to that voice the went off with a series of puches to Maria's face. Which were quickly throrted by maria grabbing her hand in mid punch then the other. Now cindy was being lowered to the bed Which for some odd reason just noticed now that thier was one. and the other bed that was thier was moved out of the cell in the main prision area in front of her door. Now the door was lock she new why she was thier. she stuggled for all she was worth but was no match for the over powering maria. and was pinned to the bed. Maria then while stattleing Cindy riped the underwear from her body. then regrabbed cindy's left hand pinning it back to the bed. she began to taunt cindy saying to her. How does it feel to know your gonna fuck the women who fucked your old man. You do make me horny cindy. I think i'm in love. you are so beutiful finally a women that can withstand what i can dish out. Cindy relising wear this was going begain screaming for the gaurds that never would come. HELP HELP HELP she screamed then maria started putting her left knee over Cindy's shoulder followed by the right one still being pinned she scream for help but to know avail. Maria said now Eat me make me cum my love help cindy screamed again eat me! maria said rubbing her twot in cindy's face. struggleing for air she screamed trying to get away from this twot that was tring to eat her face. but to no avail and her pussy lips settled over her face completely cutting off her air. Now Eat me Or Die bitch. and cindy fought for air but now thier was none. Meanwhile. Joey finally came acroosed a word that match the decripton on the relic It said fantasy. so with this the went back into the living room and became to fantase that they had a million dollars on the table. and Sam fantisies was about having gold and diamonds but nothing happened at all. with thier hopes of this relic being a wish granter dashed they began a conversation about other fantises they had. joey started with this very outlandish fantasy he used to have as a young child. he started by saying well you by your size cover my first part of this fantasy I always wanted a women that i game up to her chest but here's wear it becomes a little ridiculous from thier when she went to get on top of me she would start growing even more and start getting really heavy for me. to the point wear she'd literally start crushing me. but the difference was I would be hurt right. No matter how many times my weight she was i'd fell it but phyically would die or be crushed it. but heres the fun part she wouldn't really grow I'd shrink all except my partner down thier pointing to his penis. it would stay its normal size so i could pleasure her correctly. and being a twisted little fuck i was back then wanted the women always to be on top. She interupped well how big would she get she asked. Well at first I'd be up to her belly button and then after a while would shrink to just between her legs so I would be able to walk up to her and eat her out with out a struggle i mean thats how tall i was just right thier. Shit TJ you would be crushed see thats the wish while all this happens I never copuld get hurt. Then smoke started to trickle out of the bottom of the relic but went unnoticed by either Joey or sam. Well sweetie I can make at least the first part of the dream come true couse you are the right size for that. and she shoved her boobs in his face and lowered him down to the couch. she got on top like she did a million times before when all of a sudden she noticed he was started to disapear under her. at first she thought it was her mind playing tricks on her then his screams for help made her relise it was no joke and got up thier he was standing belly button high to Sam. Oh my god she exclaimed! he looked at her massive size over her and relised what he left out from telling her but by the drool on her face she already new. the women would have a sex drive ten times more then her usual. and think he was the most goergious creature alive. and screamed shit and ran for his life with her in hot pursuit. meanwhile about a minute and a half of her air being cut off and deasprately searching for air. relise by her face tuning blue it was over for her and did the only thing she could to stay alive she stuck her tonge out shaking and started for the first time eating out a women. who wanted her as a sex partner. maria mercafully let her grip off of cindy to aloow her to enjoy her moment of total domination. Cindy gasped for air and maria patiently waited for her to catch her breath before makeing her continue. she eat her out for all she was worth knowing her fate if she didn't by this time she new she was lucky to be alive. about twenty minutes in Maria came to full orgasm rocking back and for smothering Cindy with long lust filled strokes acroos her waiting toung cutting off her air and comming off her for a seconed before she would pass back then forth in the same fashion. screams came from Maria couse for not knowing what she was doing she was giving her the orgasm of her life. This caught everyone in the prisons attention. couse they never heard her moun like that and wondered if some how Little cindy managed to slay her perverbial galiath. but the sight of her riding high an her pray dashed any thoughts of triumph and they went back to doing what they were doing. maria stated to quiver in exstacy and cindy being bound to this doom found a bit of pleasure by clearly being masterful in her eating effort. and went even deeper into her and just when cindy came back down off her temperary power high relied what it was she was doing and the scent of this women snatch was all over her began to make her sick but luckially just as it had she dismounted off of cindy proclaiming the end of her orgasm or her 5th of mulible ones as this case was. even with the sick feeling in her tummy still had the smerk of victory about her. but that would soon change when a wide eyed look and smile covered maria. and started comming towards her agian. she mounted her over her pussy rubbing it with hers this coused Cindy to struggle thier was no way she was gonna cum looking at her. But at this point she was about to find out that that was the least of her troubles. She apparently took the control one step too far, couse now she had maria romantically kissing her and biteing her neck and sucking on it. a discusting feeling came over cindy as she relised the worst. Soon in second as a matter of fact the worst in cindy's mind came true by maria annoucing she wanted to make sove to cindy. and have her as her lover. she no longer wanted to rape her she wanted somthing much worse she wanted to passionately give Cindy what she just gave her the greatest orgasm of her life. Cindy becan to plead with her figureing now she might have a chance since this giant women was in love with her now. no god no please I'll have sex with you she screamed just don't touch me. she offered to satify her in every way. but thats not what maria wanted anymore she wanted the one thing that cindy held back on her heart. and she was gonna give her the sex of her life to get it from her. for some reason cindy relised that it just might be possible giving the lustfull way she eat her nemosis out. and began to panic when maria started kissing her and sucking her nipples to get them hard and it started working. Cindy started screamming. meanwhile. It was all he could do to run from this sex crazed bohemath barraling in behind him. and was stopped in mid step with his feet laving the ground inches away from the bedroom he hoped to barricade himself in. then tossing him over her shoulder like a doll went into the bed room and locked the door with him helplessly on her shoulders. Often times when young men have sexual fantasy's that get them pumping they often don't think of the ramifications of a fantasy come true. and boy did he put his foot in his mouth. see if hed bother to look at the enscription on the back of the relic. He would have found the word sexual. The entire enscription said sexual fantasy. she picked him off her shoulder and threw him across the room onto the bed knowing he couldn't be killed no matter what she did and she was going to test it at every limit. now at a wopping 50 lbs and her at about 250 265 he new he was in serious trouble being a hundred pounds lighter then his women was bad enough but now 200. he did what anyone would of done with her comming at then screamed for help. he got off the bed and ran after recovering to full strenth rather quickly. he new he sealed his doom and the man reson for his running now that he made the wish. as part of his outragious fantasy knew that she had to had enough not him. couse wanting to be a man in his fantasy he mistakenly said as part of his fantasy in jerkoff land that he would have to satify a sexual appatight ten times greater then the horneist women on the planet. horrified at what this would do to him being so miniscule he ran, only to be acked into the wall with his face buried in her belly button. big and soft as it was his greatest fantasy become his greatest nightmare. its funny how we think of things that get us so hot but to live them is a nightmare. Standing proudly with her hands at her sides as if she was super women she leaned in smothering him in her stomach i wonder dear Joey if not getting hurt means you can't die if i smother you to death by laying on you. No god please I thought you loved me. I do dear Joey but somethings are just too much fun she picked him up and placed him at her chest with his penis just above her snatch she thought no no no this won't do placed his oversized dick into her pussy. this made his head sink below her mamouth tits. Witch by now one of them were the size of his waste. she then climbed onto the bed then climbed up to the top of the bed post to the head board that went acroos pulled his head away to say. geranimo and leaped into the air with him held to her front almost back splashing the celing on the way up came down fully on top of him smooshing his body into the bed then bounceing up from the force and bounceing twice more before the momenum stoped every ounce of air was gone and she was laying totaly down on top of him so he could not breathe. his tiny body was traped under an avalanche of flesh totaly surrounding him. she then grinded her body back and forth without ever letting even her finger off the bed. she kept this up for an hour before she stopped to think she still wasn't sure if it would of killed him couse he was kinda limp under her. even now his cock in side her was so she better stop to check she rolled off knowing this would be the first time in an hour he could of breathed he was sitting thier with his eyes shut with his body seeminly faltened out like every bone in his body was mashed into goo. then maraculously his body began to form back and he started breathing again. It worked he got up feeling no effects of what just happened but remembering every ounce of the pain moved back against the wall and once again began to shrink down to her crotch as he so elabrately explained earlier. now looking up at her massive stomach and dangeling tits said out loud. oh god help me. she picked him up again and took him back to the bed. meanwhile Poor cindy was getting so aroused by Maria's constent kissing and licking her pussy started throbing in pulsations of her torured souls williness to go against her every wish in life giving in to the massive foe who took her young love. her lips were like fine persition tools designed to find every spot of her being to excelerate her already over exhausted hormonal surge. finding herself looking deep into her eyes as she now went in for the kill to relaese the flood gates of her lustfully wet pussy. she went in like a surgen looking to operate to save a dieing women and she in deed was tops at her field woth only a few licks sent shock wave after shock wave of uncontrolled hormonal uprising. Threw her body and the dame was broken when a scream that would of shattered every bit of glass in gods cathedrail surged threw the hallways. wakeing everybody too the blood curtaling screams of what they soon found to be the lust of over 20 years of pent up sexual fustraition and denial of the true evil sick perverted mind, that got off even more and screams that rivaled the sound barriar rang out in one huge orgasmic thrust of lust and cum splattered all about. In the relisation of wanting to be raped by one who took everything and yet gave her 100 times more in one orgamic rush of lust. she was a mear shell of her former self realising her tageled web of a mind lusting after a hidious being whoo took her very soulmate and replaced it with lust; 50 times greater then the greatest love of all. after spending every possible juice in her body fell as a heap into a dream world that did nothing compaired to what was just done to her. maria Just liad next to her now slain bitch smiling for she new she was in her grasp forever. meanwhile. unceramoniously dumped on the bed it was clear that his wild sexual fantasy took an all new shape when his lady love decided to unearth some old tricks on his how childlike body. she uncovered her ass and mounted his shoulders backwards as he lie thier helplessly. she then whith little effort sunk his head deap into her now garganchawin ass. it was so massive at this point most of his body fit in between her cheeks that looked like 2 movie screens and a hole that could fit his nose into with no effort with plenty of room to spare. she rested back hearing his skull crunch under her massive ass lifted up and heard the reformation of his now replace and in tact skell now resting back more gentally she let out a stream of farts that rivaled all the sewer drains in the would helplessly sitting thier un able to even budge while litterally stick in between her ass cheeks. SSSSSSSSSSSS a gust blew his hair back followed by the god awful smell laughing wildly at the fun she was having reliseing she could crush him a million times and he would com back for more. a toy to end all toys. he was in hell and god the smell was horrible. she squeezed his body between her cheek but grew quickly tired of the toruture due to the rush in her hormones. but one thing always got her off she drugg him into the bathroom wear she sat down and took a shit and forced poor joey under her to lick her unwiped asshole clean. due to the amazing hormonal serge she found her self cumming one right after another at the feel of him cleaning her having to sit up every one in a while to revive his crushed body. he gaged and puke in the tiolet. he just had the worse experience of his life giving each lick his toung had to go in an inch thick worth of shit givin his new size and the dispacement that followed. please god no more. he said puking again. looking at him it didn't look very sexy so swade once for the fact his reaching wasn't doing a thing for her hormones and decied to finish out the evening with a 69. wich was rediculous since his cock as big as it was was trapped under her tits. but it wasn't his pleasure she sought either just comfort and laid their as if she was gonna do her end, but was lieing thier listioning to his painful screams daydreaming about what her wish tomorrow would be. Meanwhile sound asleep Cindy was awakened by being choked by maria. It seemed she didn't want a lover she wanted to fuck her to sleep so she'd be easy pray. she wanted her dead couse her 2 friend were dead and she in jail away from her mony for at least 30 years. with her strenghth she didn't stand a chance and was fading fast till the cell door creeked and a massive blonde haired women appeared from in back of maria grabbing her neck throwing her to the ground and jumping in the air landing on top of maria instently crushing every bone in her chest. she looked up at this women who was 6-5 like her sister but much bigger. Who are you cindy asked choking. My name Is brenda I just got here. Im in for raping to death (A man Who Hated Big Women). Thanks she said. by the way to find out who brenda is read the man who hated big women and sandwitch of love. So what do you want with me. I thought you could Use a hand. I always hated bullys anyway. I'll be your new cellie. she looked up at the 6-5blonde with her 375 lbs frame. and said welcome. she looked down and said was that the first time you been with a women. and they sat and chated further. THE END!! Find out what happens when Cindy on her last days in the penn starts falling for a huge women. and fights herself every step of the way or does she? and find out meantime about sams fondish wish of being a giantess. next time in The StepSister part 6 Love Honer And Crush.