A date with a star and her stalker by Thomas Whitfield   All I do is think about her.  my mind spins out of control with the thought of big full lips gently caressing mine.  Oh if I could only meet her it would be like a dream come true.  hell for even saying these things I might be considered a stalker.  Why would Christina Aguilera even look at me twice.  I know I am not her type.  I could only hope to be her friend I suppose.  but gees the thought of me and her man it would be awesome.    I better just stop I start my job in her security today.  I had several awards for several forms of fighting Kung fu, wrestling, Karate and many others.  I guess you can say I get my ultimate dream to lay down my life for her if it ever came too it.  I love her so much.  then again I am like a teenager with a crush god I sound so juvenile.  My heart aches every time she is around.  I loved yesterday when I met her face to face for the first time.  My heart was in my throat.  she sang my name to me!  she sang.  Oh Shane why do you think you can keep me secure?  My answer hell I blurted it out so damn fast I thought for sure she was going to send me packing.  I said I would lay down my life to protect yours.  You're hired with a smile she said to me.    that was the shot heard round the world I ran up and kissed her on the cheek and ran out before her present security jumped me.  she smiled when I did.  Oh god just think I get to protect her.  well tonight is the MTV awards tough assignment.  they say that their has been someone stalking her lately! we are getting briefed that^Òs where I am headed off to now.    later on  I was the first to arrive I was very excited about meeting her and my new job.  my two love coming together Fighting and Christina.  who could ask for more then that.  I owe god a big favor when I die.  she was sitting in this huge chair almost like a throne.  she spun it around towards me.  and smiled.  You are early she said.  If it mean protecting you miss Aguilera I am late!  I found my self kissing her hand and genuflecting in front of her like she was a queen.  Wow she said how long?  she asked!  Excuse me I said.  Come on don't play dumb with me! Shane how long have you been in love with me?   Choked up at the fact I could not believe I practically blurted it out all over her shoes with out even a word on the subject. I am so sorry Miss Aguilera I know your probably not into a me and you situation.  I am so embarrassed you want me too leave I said out of love and respect praying her answer is no.  She said I never said that.  I asked how long have you loved me?  Since the very first time I ever saw you on TV.    Kiss me she said!  What?  But what would the people say?  I am Christina Aguilera The fans love me for who I am.  you know being real is worth a lot more then being fake and hiding it.  Now Christina said you window is rapidly closing give me the kiss of a lifetime or miss a chance of a lifetime.  without a second to spare I gave her every once of love and passion I had.  our lips locked my knees were trembling and buckling under me!  my head was spinning a mile a minute.  my hands face and body started sweating.  my heart started racing.  I wasn't sure if I was in love or dieing.    we parted.  she said never thought I was into this kind of situation did you?  No I admitted.  Tonight after the awards.  you are coming to my room and your giving me a full body massage.  got it?  yes Miss Aguilera.  Owe yeah when we are alone call me master!  she smiled and said just kidding!    the others started trickling in.  she went over the lay out.  and started explaining how this guy was stalking her and how she needed everyone to be on their toes tonight.  she was nominated in five categories and was also presenting with Madonna.    The awards started and I was right by her side as she wanted.  she grabbed my ass more then once.  and whispered things in my ear like she was going to tie me up later and other things I can't even mention here but you get the idea.   I was nervous as hell when she went up for her Award  she won right off the bat.  For best song in a movie. I noticed a guy in the rafters.  I thought he looked like he was dressed in janitor gear but what the hell would he be doing up their.    I told the main security and as it turned out it was John James Turner.  stalker of the stars they were looking for him for years.  When the security got up their he had a scope on Christina's head.  I saved her life.  she showed me how grateful she was over and over again that night.  I guess their something to being a hero.  that was it I was smitten with her.  she asked if I was coming on tour with her.  hell yeah I was.    so it was set.  in a week we were off on tour.  about a month later after about 15 shows.  we were in the hotel room and news broke out that.  John James Turner escaped.  she doubled security and was finishing her tour no matter what she was very brave.  that night we were in Philly and were playing for four nights.  She was visible terrified.  you could see it in her eyes.  She said to me Shane I am scared.  I am afraid I might have to cancel this tour till they catch him.  he wanted me dead.  if it wasn't for you I would of died on that stage.    Can you dance Shane.  cause the only way I am going on if your right on stage.  I will triple your pay and give you the rate I am giving the other dancers.  yeah baby I said you do not have to give me all that id do it for nothing you know that.  she smiled and said you would wouldn't you.  Money doesn't mean much to you does it?  I never had any so why would it.  My family was broken into pieces ever since I could remember.  dad beat mom and they broke up.  mom had me and I went to school and tried to let the time pass.  then I started listening to you.  you always seemed to cheer me up.  when ever I was down.  I would listen to your heavenly voice.  I know all this may not be very conventional but hell what in life is.  Christina replied Conventional or not I love you! and tonight I tell the world we are in love.  Christina Don't not for me don't do this to your career this could ruin it. Damn it Shane my mind is made up Fuck what they think.  If love is wrong I do not want to be right!    Christina Rocked the mic like never before!  Evanescence opened for them and they were off the chart as well.  The fans were getting the show of a life time.  she did a three hour set she came to the mic and introduced me.  she said to the audience.  this Is Shane and not only is this the new head of my security.  this is the love of my life.  the crowd had a hush of eeewwws and aaaaas fall over it.  then scattered mumbling as if they were all in shock.  all of a sudden Shane noticed the camera guy came off his camera and came rushing towards Christina.  Shane drew a fire arm and pointed it up towards the man. Shane then lunged in front of Christina knocking her to the ground.  Pow Pow pow Shane was struck three times in the chest.  as Shane was falling he screamed I am taking you to hell with me you son of a bitch!  fired once it hit the man between the eyes.    When the man came into view it was him John James Turner!  he was dead.  Shane fell over Christina the gun flew from Shane's hand.  My god Christina Screamed some one help Her!  Someone help my love.  Paramedics rushed in and Shane was spitting up blood.  Christina she said I got the greatest gift in the world.  I got your love.  Now I must leave you.  Always remember I will be watching.  She kissed her when she parted Shane I was dead.  probably how the heck I am writing this.  They have stories in heaven.  They also have lots of book.  this is the first chapter in it called the impossible dreams.  I am an angel now.  I watch over her and others.  I never regretted what I did that day.  Christina I love you.  just that moment.  Christina was sitting in her locker room looking at a picture of Shane and said.  I love you too Shane.  Then went out on stage to give another performance.   if you like this story there is this and a whole lot more at my site come check us out its free.  thousands and thousands of pages of material  you will love of all shapes sizes.  best of all all your additions are well excepted.    http://groups.msn.com/TheSecretStrangeandTrueWorldOfPeople