A NEW YORK TALE BY THOMAS WHITFIELD TJ's life just got flushed down the toilet, he becomes a regular customer at a ladies wrestling club. When they put on a show as a promotion TJ pins one of thier best by luck, what follows is one of the wildest adventures of all time. A new series by Thomas Whitfield. email me at Tomsr1972@aol.com with suggestion for this series or any other idea's for other stories. Hi my name Is TJ Timathy Jackson Summers but everyone calles me TJ. I am so exhusted and sore. my lungs feel like they were crushed. but damn it, I am in love. I would die for them. if they keep up the way they are This might be my will but we'll see how long it lasts. I know by now you are very lost. its ok if you find this journal of mine at least I will have some proof I truely have the greatest love of all. i just pray that i get enough time to write this, before they get back. See they are very demanding, I am talking about the women in my life. I live with 3 very attractive wrestlers. Zorra Xena and Elektra How did this wild tale come about well I'll tell you I call my Journal A NEW YORK TALE. maybe some day this will be a movie or novel perhaps a Series of stories on a valkyrie's website. I heard of Diana The Valkyrie she has a site wear the myth of the amazon lives for real. Threw pages of erotic tales of sex violence and women's amazon power they secretly rule the mindless men that feed thier way of life threw thier undieing devotion. I know what your Thinking If they are so Mindless how do they come up with such exotic stories with such ease. Easy thats the secret the pages on her site are not fiction the valkyrie is very real. Its the bible of the amazon world. Some have said the stories are True, even down to the most fantastic. Unbelievable as it sounds I know its true thats How i met these 3 women of my tale. Now they call to me like a demon of the night to spin yet another tale to them. A story supposed to be fiction yet mine is true. they are all true. every tale every grunt, grind, broken spirt, bone, back, and slave are all real. now they demand to know my tale. so I give in, like any good slave. but yet my story is strangle passionate. A love story of sorts. I suppose the greatest beings of all weather you call em amazons or valkyrie's or super beings giantest what ever name you give them on thing is clear. The greatest love of all Is given by the greatest beings of all the amazon, or valkyrie. They are superior in mind body and soul. they have mercy on the true at heart I must be that one true thing couse I am here now with my tale. A New York Tale. It all started when My life was flushed down the perverbial toilet. Had no home No family No friends nothing. I was on the street basically. Threw a series of tragic mishaps I became the air to a fortune. I know what your thinking If i am so rich why am I homeless right. Well threw severe credit problems and the fact no houses were availble to buy do to a recent drop in houseing cost I was a millionaire without a home. plus the fact I know nothing about all this crap doesn't help. So I live in hotels in new york, hell somtimes i stayed on the street, wierd as that is I know nothing about money so being rich means nothing to me. I don't buy clothes or trinkets like rich poeple would I live simple. couse thats how i was raised. I am one of the worlds biggest wrestling fans. I know everything about wrestling even did it in high school. undefeated i might add. I had 34 matches in all, 25 by vertue of pinfall. I was in the unlimted wieght class do to being 2 lbs to heavy for the 189 class. My school didn't have the 195 or above classes they started unlimited at 190 and i was 191lbs at the time. never could loose that 2 lbs well heck at the time i was in perfect shape unlike today, being 40lbs more and 3 inches taller at 5-11. I am not fat i have a belly but the rest of me looks good I have a body type of (jim the anvil niedhart.). he has a little bit of a belly but the rest of him looks good. My one trinket as I call it when you own somthing is my computer. Its my life line to any entertainment. god knows I am lonely. I kinda found a home on this site called The Valkyrie. its a place of many splender things I mostly went for chat and stories, but they offer so much more I was drawn in and soon I became a member. The valkyrie Diana The sites queen was very helpful to me and very nice. I soon put her on my buddy list on aol just to thank her every chance I got for letting me in her world, her site. Maybe its just business to some But oddly it felt like so much more to me. The stories I read thier came Alive. and soon I revived my old Story writing talent. Wrote many for her. In the chat room I often went in. I recieved many complements on my talent as a writer. Soon I was emailed often by my story fans and rewarded by Diana with my own section of the site wear my stories could be heard. Then The oddest thing happened one day I polished off my fourth story and one of my other stories came true. Not to me but another. I was in the chat room talking to a boy named Luke he started spinning a yarn about him and his babysitter the amazon who raped him and made him her lover. I quicky recognized this from one of my tales. I asked him about it and told him of a story i had written called A boys dream. never heard of it he replied. he said he read all my stuff but oddly enough never saw anything portraying a boy named luke. I got off the site to write more in my humble hotel room. I spent hours starting this new series of mine when i completed the first episode I mailed it off as I usually did and went looking for some entertainment. out of curiousity I found my self in the picture gallery for the first time. see as a writer you see the people of your stories in your head. Then in the face sitting department I saw her a charactor from my first story brenda. she was sitting on this little man, she was wearing a red outfit. she was a really large blonde and here she was for real. if that didn't beat all. I figured it was some wild cowinkydink so I let it go as chance. Till I saw luke getting raped by cindy. it was so bazzare that this was getting down write wierd. but hell deffenatly made by blood flow and my Johnson sing Dr. feelgood. Well now with a boner with no women to be its owner. I searched out the message boards to find anything to help me control Mr Happy HardingCock. Then opon comming across a site of womens wrestling in the boards I quickly went to find some entertainment. Did I well in the immortal words of Stone Cold Steve Austin " Oh Hell Ya" Thier they stood side by side Xena at 6ft 2 230 lbs elektra at 6 ft 185 and Zorra at 6 ft and an impressive 215lbs Zorra and Elektra were light blonds With gorgious blue eyes. and Xena was a dirty blond haired women. They gave out private session of wrestling face sitting and fantasy for a fee. well I was hooked. the next day i went for my first session. Well to tell ya the truth I wanted to be totaly dominated and have xena have her way with me. so I did. but boy i didn't have too. she was a profesional all right. She kicked my ass for an hour straight lieing on me cutting off my air. sitting on my face. smothering me in her boobs. It was heaven and hell all in one. but i was hooked and became a regular thier. They also put on shows for the public like areana shows they always sold out. they would have some of thier regulars come and give it all they got in front of a live audience. After my 8th visit in a month it was safe to assume that I was a regular. so they wanted me for thier main bout against xena. I could earn a free setion with any girl of my choosing just for doing it. The prise for winning was 5 free sessions. so I agreed they told me it would be that night. they regular who was to do the main event. got his ribs crushed when he was stupid enough to try to finger xena's ass in a practice session. His loss was my gain in more was then life could have imagined. Secretly I was terrified of xena the way she effortlessly threw me a person her wieght around. I got the image she like me threw one of our sessions wear she was smothering me in her huge tits, while lieing on top of me. This in it self was part of the session it was normal. but the thing that wasn't is when she started grinding her hips and her snatch started rubing my cock. I could have been a small bonus to get me hard for being a regular that visited so many times in just a month but. As she did this too me and i started to go out threw the smothering and her wieght it self and this relentless grinding i heared her moun slighly and grind faster. being held down and phyically traped under her she came I thought couse she had this satisfied look about her. then grinded a few more monents and i came. we never spoke it out loud even thow it was so hard to not scream out loud in exstacy, about actually cumming it was just a smile a look then life goes on. kinda a don't ask and i'll never tell deal. I stood in the dressing room getting on some wresting gear they provided. hoping for another show like that one but new that would never happen in reality cause it never did out in the open, but in secret we new. Part of me thought she was gonna take it easy on me and yet another part new i was in a world of shit. That was closer to the truth. so it came match time they anouced me as TJ summers. I stood in the ring nerviously as xena made her way down. got she made me hot but deadly as a bolm in your seat let me tell ya. she got into the ring her usual smile wasn't thier Oh got who pissed in her cheerios this morning I thought quietly. she walked up to me and said i'm gonna shove you up my ass. That wasn't a good sign. The bell rang and she quickly ran over to me and scooped me up and pressed me over her head like The Ultimate warrior did so many times in the WWF. and dropped me the same way. I smashed to the canves with my head slamming off the mat like a basketball. I was face down and seeing stars. I lost sight of her that was a deadly mistake. she came off the ropes with out me knowing jumped eight feet in the air and frog slashed down on me with her 230 lb fram on my back. I couldn't breath at all then she wispired in my ear. better get up hun your not going down that easy. What was she nuts i thought i was dead. my pancacked ass needed a spachula not more of a fight. she picked me up and whiped me into the corner with the force of four jet engines my poor body rammed into the corner she followed in to avalanche me in the corner when my poor body fell and callaped on contact she hit the iron post head first. and was busted open. she fell like a rock. we both were down for what seemed like a hour. we both started getting up she started shaking it off like no big thing damn she looked pissed. i new then if i didn't use every wrestling skill I ever learned I was dead. she came off the rope like a freight train i quickly tried to move but new i didn't have time due to her speed like a cheatah chasing down a gazel. she lowered her head to grab me and back drop me into outerspace. when i thought Huston we have a problem. so as she lowered her head i grabbed around her neck in a fron't face lock at the same time falling backwards couse i was being run over by her momentum and size. I locked on around her neck for dear life and her momenum went against her i was able to use my legs to grapvine hers then finishing with raping my arm around her leg locking my hands and feet together simoltaniously. rolling her up in whats called a small package. her head hit the floor in the roll over and was stunned monetarally enough for the reff to count 1-2-3. I won. With a really lucky move. I was in total shock they declaired me the winner I celabrated then all hell broke loose when down to the ring came Zorra and Electra. here they come I called them the dynamic dueo couse It would be the worlds greatest occoplishment being the meat in a zorra elktra sandwitch. They came in the ring with a mic asking me if i really thought I won To tell ya the trueth I was just tring to avoid getting killed but in front of all these people i wasn't gonna say that. zorra was a firecracker alright lot of spirt and wit she was very smart. I had 2 setions with her in the past. they were incredible. She started spouting off about me winning the 5 setions and how no man ever won that before. Hell she was pissed it seemed, but I was honered to tell ya the truth. I mean of all the girls thier Zorra was an absolute goddest. I wouldn't say it too her Couse the way i figured it before tonight that is that she new i was a regular and probably catagorised me as a pervert for life. but even then when she wanted to kick my ass she was a god to me. She said do you think that that lucky roll up means you can beat us. I don't know i asered it was about the most honest thing i could say couse i really didn't. I tell you what she said Next week I challenge you to the main event here if you win you get me? Excuse me? I said astonished at the statement. figureing my dirty mind just went way too far and she ment somthing else. Ya you didn't here me wrong at all you win i am yours for the night to do what ever you want. I couldn't anser I was stunned hears the girl of my dreams offering herself to me if i won. I thought hell Lightning could strike twice. so i got cocky. Ya I said. Is that all Lets make it interesting . How she scowled at me. If I win Know when I win I said with my brain on autopilot. you oh me a free session every week for life and thats on top of having you for the night. She leared and scowled at me. Not knowing what to think of my sudden guts pill. elektra then added hell you beat her you got me too. for the whole night. Me 3 came from behind my back. I turned to being eye to tit with xena. suddenly This became a bad idea. there was 630lbs of women in the ring all gonna be all over me and god knows If i could even survive it. or at least come out not phyically mamed. This was too much. Then all of a sudden Zorra out of the blue said. ya know You are owed five sesions by us so your comming with me back to my place for a lession tonight. she then picked me up and carried me out of the ring. I thought i didn't have a week to live zorra was gonna kill me tonight. we drove back to her place in the car not a word was spoken. we just drove I wanted to know just how pissed she was, but wasn't gonna ask. we got to her place it was huge big enough for a lot more then her. wresting must of really treated her nice. she told me to sit down. I did wanna drink she said reaching in the fridge pulling out 2 beers. handing me one of them.. I was befuddled by now couse she was gonna kill me 15 min ago. good match tonight you looked good out thier she said. Hua? was all I could say. amazed at a complement comming out of the mouth that wanted to tare me a new asshole. How did you come up with sessions for life that was good i like that nice adlib she said as if nothing were wrong. I just opened my mouth it came out. Ya know you got talent on the mic. You really convienced them out thier. then with the curiousity just kill me I just had to ask. Am I missing somthing 15 min ago you wanted to tare my head off? welcome to show biz TJ Its an act cant you tell. why the hell would i be mad Did you pin me. by the way it was a lucky pin. I know I said laughing not being able to cantain that secret any longer. she did it too her self i started spouting. she ran into me i used her wieght against her. her head hitting the mat wasn't part of it that was an acident. well hun works over this session is off the record. anything after 10 pm is not a work session so i guess tonight its just for fun. you will get your 5 free tickets tommorow for official sessions. zorra please I hurt all over I could take getting my ass kicked again. she came up to me and said who's kicking? then planted the most erotic kiss of my life on me. her big full lips covered mine completely her tounge was down my throwt making me harder then ever been in my life. she then broke apart and said. It won't hurt at all I promise. Why I asked? remember our session together she asked? Yes I do I said in reply. You really did somthing to me inside I never feel this way about men ever but you the way you move with me and touch me while we wrestled I almost came right then she added I was floored by her statement. I just layed back on the coutch she took me right thier and then we made love like wild anamals she was the trainer i was her obediant little dog. Hell right then I was anything she wanted. she rode me hard very hard the thrust of her twot grinding into me sent sanstions up and down my body they were shocks of pain from her force and power grinding me into the coutch to what seemed like for an eternity i laid thier helplessly looking into those eyes I was hers and nothing could have stopped it. I was so in love she new I new she did from day one that kind of love you can't hide It must have cought her too. the mowns and panting went on for hours we never let up till morning exsusted I collaped in her arms afterwords I just had died and gone to heaven. I thought to myself god if this is a dream You better not ever wake me up again. night my sweet zorra I said drifting off. the next day came we woke up ion the afternoon to the soud of bacon and eggs cooking on the stove and pans rustling about. we woke to the sight of elektra and xena in the kitchen cooking breakfast in nothing but bra and panties. xena walked in asking me how i like my eggs I replied whatever everyone else has is good for me. I was shocked at this couse they acted as if they lived here and then zorra kissed me and said Well i think you know my roomies. This was a lot to handle for me this early this called for some really strang coffee. well not 2 seconds after that thought elektra presented it too me. she even knew how i liked it with 3 sugard by the tasted so i gathered after i took the first sip. zorra finally said after a few moments of silence, wanna go pick up some stuff from your place to bring back with you> hua? i said well you are staying over tonight right your not gonna leave me hanging are you. No I asaid not knowing what else to say at her generious offer. wear do ya live. the Hylton on 23rd. Your shitting me she said why? wears your house. So i spent the next hour sipping 3 cups of coffee telling her my tail of woe how everyone i knew died in a plain crash leaving me all this money but no way to get a house ect so i ended up thier at the hylton. Oh no she said pack your shit your gonna live with me no man of mine is gonna be homeless. I agreed with her so we went. and the way thier she told me that she and the others wanted to chat about somthing with me later some small living arangement deal. I said ok figuring it was somthing of little importance by the way she spoke. So i packed up and we wnt back after i settled up my bill with the hotel. when we got back they sat me down for thier little living arrangment details. so I sat zorra started You know last night ment everything to me. I really love you You know that don't you TJ. yes zorra honey whats wrong? getting more concered couse her look went into wonderment of what i was gonna say to what she was gonna tell me. she then said I got a secret to tell you what? I said just tell me. Ok If i tell you I want to know right no no matter what i say you won't leave here. I promise what is it i said. Me xena and elektra are lovers. we live hear couse we are in love not couse we have too. wear does that leave me I asked feeling like i was about to be booted. Our boyfriend? My jaw dropped to the floor Oh My God I said just as i fainted. To be Continued