World Inverted 2 Invasion Earth By Thomas Whitfield Goddess Aldonna was addressing the High Council Of the Planet Yore about making contact With The Earth People. She began These 2 Earth People learned the meaning of true love no matter what the cost to their own lives council. They survived the trial but it was only in a stupid selfish act by the Twins Goddesses Lisa and Godiva squashed the 2 men to death after the trial had ended. So what we need here is to find more men such as these 2. True survivors of the heart if we succeed in finding those who will follow us our planet will flourish once more. Head councilwomen spoke. Your point is well taken Aldonna. Maybe it is time we flourish as a society again. Wear are these 2 women now wear are Lisa and Godiva. Just then a guard from the vortex to earth entered the room. Lisa and Godiva entered the vortex they crushed the guards and entered into earth. They said they were heading for the White house. Head councilwomen stood up. This is an outrage the people of earth are going to blame us for a full-scale invasion. We must make contact at once and tell the people of earth that these two our rogues and they are out for blood before they find our planet and launch weapons against us. If these earth people think we are all out for blood we will have no choice. Aldonna jumped in No choice for what? Councilwomen answered Invade and conquer earth. But council that would be insane their weapon would crush us we do not have these things. On the contrary Aldonna we have one weapon the only one we would ever need if launched earth would be reduced to a dust cloud in the sky. We have the atomic reverser capable of reversing all atoms on earth simultaneously causing an explosion so great the universes all around us would cry out in terror. We can’t launch such a weapon if the earthmen die we die. How would or society survive. The 2 men Jason and John will taken as slaves and forced to impregnate every women on this planet. Our survival is the only thing of importance now. What of Lisa and Godiva find your strongest warriors and destroy them. Take pictures of them to the earth people and tell them to kill them on site. Councilwomen are we not becoming like the earth people if bloodshed is our only course. You said it yourself Aldonna It’s time we 2 societies learn from one another now get moving. Tessy and Dayla were briefed on the situation and went after Lisa and Godiva. Ulmadonna and Jenna were asked to be guards at the gate they agreed leaving Jason and John alone with Azla and Sammy. At first the guys felt as if their very lives continuing was the reason for all this. But the girls reassured them. Azla said look Life is the most important thing here And don’t worry I have a feeling the men of your planet will be more then overjoyed with the aspect of getting laid by women twice their size. On thing your planet has an abundance of is Horney little male deviates. Sammy jumped in Yes Like my man here we had sex 7 times and he loved every minute of it. Jason yes I enjoyed it but what was with you tying me up and forcing me to lick your ass when you came out of the bathroom. I mean you didn’t even wipe. I know Sammy said you’ll get used to that. I haven’t even got kinky with you yet. Then Sammy put her hand to her head and staggered back are you ok john and Jason rushed over and sat her down on a couch behind her. Azla Said stand back It’s a growth phase we go threw grow spurts they happen all at once with us in three phases this is her final growth phase look out it might look too intense for you might want to look away cause it has a tendency to be very violent. Her body quivered and a blue beam surrounded her body. Muscles started bulging out of her legs her breasts that were already the size of her sisters doubled in size. Her large ass expanded 2 more feet, and her legs got longer while her shoulders expanded so did her torso. Jason looked at John and said Holy Incredible hulk Batman. John said Hell At least I don’t have to fuck her tonight. Azla smacked John in the back of his head knocking him to the ground. He picked himself off the ground-laughing saying their she blows its Sammy Dick. Then ducked feeling the second shot to his head coming. But was kicked in the ass instead. Ok smart ass John your with her tonight Jason your fucking me Tonight. Jason Laughed Oh man she hates getting her balls busted about her size. Bring Mouth wash trust me. HEHEHEHEHEHEHE! John said Oh fuck, as she stood up. She towered over Azla who was 11ft 9inches. Jason said how tall is she now. Lets see she walked up to the wall and a blue light went up her back and a reading on the wall said. Height 14ft 7 inches weight 1093 lbs. She walked up too John he couldn’t see past her enormous tits which were now the size extra large watermelons and his arms couldn’t even get to her sides as he tried to apologize for his joke. Oh baby you’ll be sorry when I sit on your face and have some fun. She grabbed him up and went upstairs with him tucked under her arm like a football. He screamed for Help Jason and Azla just laughed. See Jason and John learned in this world monogamy doesn’t exist its all about freeness of mind and monogamy leads to jealousy a deep routed earth problem. So sharing each other’s women was starting to be second nature plus they were also satisfying the other women their Jenna, Ulmadonna and Dayla. So it was not uncommon for a family of 5 or 6 to have just one man for all of them. Mean while Azla circled Jason and grabbed him up over her head heaving him onto the couch were she ripped off his entire clothing. Grabbing his hair and yanking on it as she trusted wildly on his now rock hard shaft. He felt like this 11 ft 9 inch woman was ripping him apart. Azla Please Take it easy. Fuck you bitch fuck me fuck me harder. Her huge hands started pounding on his chest. When she trusted upwards he rolled out from under her. What the hell is wrong with you are you trying to kill me. No Azla said Just raping you now fuck me bitch. Look chill out damn. She ran up to him and kicked him in the stomach. He buckled to his knees she took his hands and placed them above his head. Look at me Azla ordered I can kill you in to seconds now look at me. What is this about Azla? You men if you’re coming here then your going to be treated like women of your world even if it means being raped. You’re going to find out how a woman feels when a big strong guy fucks helpless women. But you’re the bitch. She stuck her tongue out and wiggled it in front of his face and smiled sadistically then, licked up the side of his cheek. Jason cried and screamed get off. Then Azla said If Sammy hears of this your dead. Then she grabbed his throat then started inserting him into her and took all his humanity from him in one foul swoop. As he lay their mortified on what he was experiencing. He couldn’t help but thinking. Was this invasion a hoax or was it all planed from the get go and the 2 of them pawns in this game. Why would people of peace commit acts of rape and aggression against human life? He tried to beg her please with any decency she had but that just got him choked and beat more. He truly felt like a helpless women against a big strong guy. She made him cum in her then said to it. See how does it feel to cum in the face of hating your attacker. He started crying why? I lost Johns baby now I hate your love child. You will learn to serve us. We might love you but we rule you remember that slave and slapped in the face get dressed and act as if you love what just happened or it will happen every god damn night bitch. And then she pushed back to the ground. Meanwhile upstairs, Sammy please your way too big please be careful with me. Careful my ass will be the last thing you will ever see. What are you talking about? You’re a dead man. And your friend he will be our slave. You see here every family only has one man and with us invading your planet your men will be all over the place so you served your purpose. Plus we don’t need smart mouth males thinking you can insult us. We are the dominate species here you mortal piece of shit. Hey John feeling any different today. A little why? Your shot wore off you on your own with my weight. Oh god no please she got over to the bed he tried to flee but she hurdled the bed and shoved him into the wall. Then picking him up he reached for the door. Opening it up he screamed Help me Jason Sammy is going to kill me. Jason ran to the steps. Sammy no don’t hurt him. Then Azla grabbed Jason in a full nelson and slammed him to the wooden floor knocking him out. Sammy heaved John across the room like a toy; he crashed into the wall landing hard onto the ground. Then she walked over to him picking his frail body off the ground by the scruff of his shirt to her face so she could look into his eyes. Any last words John boy. So close to perfection yet Eons away in your own hearts. Why can’t you be better then us? We men screwed up everything for years. I know why you hate. But why in your hate do you act as we would. Taking out on the innocent what woes the guilty brought you. She replied what would you know about our troubles Earth man? I know it’s the same no matter what world your from. Wicked is wicked good is good. You can be better then us. Yes you can kill me Very easy. Then you can kill millions more of us. But don’t let me stop you from extinguishing your own kind. Like it or not you need us. More then just sex. Love you are missing that. But I have Jason. She replied. Yes but Jason your love Or Jason your slave. What’s the difference? She asked. Jason the slave will satisfy your body but Jason the lover will satisfy your soul. You kill me you kill Jason the lover cause he will never love you. If its life you seek make me cum and you will be spared. Decide what love is better mine or his. He can’t hold and kiss you make love and care for you can he. So say the word dear. I like your words you might make a better lover. So do you want me or not. I am sorry Sammy But if it’s to betray Jason No I can’t. He might not Hold kiss love or care for me. But he is my friend. And that is worth my life. So go ahead kill me. But know that I go with a clear conscience. She threw him on the bed ripped his clothes of and climbed on top of him. Her now over 1000 lb body started smothering him immediately she said take care lover bend down kissing him on the lips with much passion. Her weight was way too much his bones started to give way. His last words were here take this to your heart, and kissed her deeply The blood poured from his mouth wetting her lips in his blood a tear welled up in her eyes as she watched his body go limp. Meanwhile downstairs, wake up you little shit. Azla kicked Jason in the stomach. He coughed and woke up holding his stomach. So Trying to save your friend hua well Sweetie. He is with your girl now. And you’re with me. Time you and me had a chat. Your little friend has become quite bothersome to us. We think he has turned trader on us all. Jason stood up. He is not a trader not John ever. Who can we betray you with you know we can’t leave? Oh come now Azla said. You must know by now that you can leave threw the vortex. If we can why couldn’t you we are you dumbass only bigger. If you die going threw we would too. So what have you to say? He is no trader. Yes he is. He is upstairs right now making love to Sammy telling us to take you and kill you instead of him think about it. One of you has to die so why would he save you. Say the word and it will be his impotent little ass and not you. You want to kill me go ahead I will not betray him. What you say are lies in my heart I know he wouldn’t do that. Fine then she grabbed his neck and raised him up over her head any last request. Yes-just one. What? One kiss? Even in death pigs till the end very well. He passionately kissed her. She felt her knees buckle from the passion of his kiss. He parted from her saying when we die we take that with us. But one gift for you, I love you. She snapped his neck he fell limp to the floor. She grabbed up his body and began to weep. Meanwhile On Earth. Tessy and Dayla made their way to Washington. Lisa and Godiva were already in Washington. They were at the foot of the White House lawn everyone for Miles around Gathered In aw of these 2 giants. The guards at the gates tried to intercept the 2 women. What Is your Business? Here. Lisa spoke as you can see we come from very far away. We are the answers you seek to who you are. We wish to speak to your world. For the first time we want you to know you are not alone in the universe. Oh my god the guard said. He immediately contacted the president inside. The president saw from his window the 2 Giants and knew they couldn’t be from here so he went out to address them. TV reporters started gathering around Live Feeds were going on every station even pay per view and cable were tuned in. All radio and every way of communication on this planet was tuned in to what was going on. The world was watching. As the giants were ready to talk to the president and the world. Another story broke threw. There are reports of 12 to 15 foot women sightings popping up all over the world. It is not yet known wear are these Giants are coming from but their here by the thousands. Seems like more and more are popping up all over the world. We feel this is in direct connection with the reported leaders of this group who are in Washington now as we speak. These 2 are reported to be over 18 ft tall. Has our dreams of sci fi come to life, or is there a bigger issue. We take you know to Washington. Lisa addressed the world. Ladies and gentlemen. We come from another universe like yours to bring our cultures together in peace. We may be large is size but do not fear us we Come in peace. The women you see around this planet are your friends. We wish no war we wish no harm. We wish to lend you our advanced knowledge of science and medicine in exchange for some of your willing men. Who wish to return to our world to help us in repopulating our planet? We are like you in every way. In body except our size. The man of our world perished in drowns from some super virus XG7 since we found the cure but alas it was too late. We are asking for fertile men to come and help us in our time of need. Some our experts will be willing to remain here to bring you to our levels of technology, which is tens of thousands of years ahead of yours. Just then Tessy and Dayla arrived. Godiva Then Spoke. These 2 ladies are Dayla and Tessy are here with a report from 2 of your men who have already crossed over. Dayla Spoke first. We just received world On 2 of your citizen’s only seconds ago. Before we stepped up here. John and Jason are their names you will be happy to know they are the first fathers of our interstellar breeding that will shape the future of our worlds. Your planet has many unfortunate plagues and we are here to stop this. Like this little girl here. A very small earth girl stepped onto the platform she was sickly looking and was bald. Dayla asked the child what is your name little girl. Terry she said in a horse voice. This child suffers from Leukemia in its final stages. She will parish soon if no help be given her. With your permission president let us demonstrate our healing powers. President stepped up and said if you can cure her be my guest. Tessy pulled a blue vile from her belt strap. And told the child to drink it. She did, not knowing what it would do. Now Tessy said we must warn you what you will see may seem scary. But no harm will come of her we assure you. Her body started to glow with a blue light permeating from her skin. She fell to the ground and began shaking. Making horrific sounds then suddenly she stopped. Her hair was back long beautiful and blond and she looked healthy as can be. Now look out to them child and tell them how you feel. In a clear voice she giggled and said all the pain it’s gone. The crowd cheered wildly at the new found heroines. My associates have placed this liquid in your water supplies around the world it will cure any and all illnesses you have here on this planet wiping out decease forever. So drink, cure all your billions. Have life back again. They all cheered and everyone in the sound of their voices started to drink. In minutes the whole planet even all who stood in Washington had water passed out to them. Everyone Godiva said. A tradition from your world a toast to heath and understanding. May we always work towards love and happiness? Then in one big celebration everyone began to drink. Several moments went by. The president spoke It seems your toast worked everyone on our planet has taken a drink. All illnesses are gone. As you said. We are forever in your debt. Dayla looked at our president and shoved him down to the ground more like our control you Asshole. Just then all the women of earth started growing double their own size in some cases more. Men started running in fear but were rounded up like cattle. Tessy pulled out here communicator High council are you their. Yes Goddess Tessy what news do you bring us? Good News council Invasion Earth has begun!