World Inverted By Thomas Whitfield John and Jason Have Interesting Jobs. They are Undercover Operatives For the New world Sanctuary. This organization is trying to find a leak In the Time and space vortex. Somehow it seems a rash of bizarre incidences involving Women of super strength. John and Jason are about to find what they seek but they may not like what they find. In the middle of Jonestown an inner city hardly talked about a warehouse guarded by massive Amazonian women seems to be the key to what the hell is going on. They slip into a basement window that was left unlock is their way of entry. Jason turns to John This Is just way to easy what do you think call for backup. John says we are alone on this one. We just need to find if the Time and space vortex. It seems this is the central control of all these bizarre occurrences. Jason replies look in their what in the hell is that. John then replies Holy shit. We found it my god we found it. It was a huge metallic machine with red and blue beams pulsating all around the room. Then the huge door behind then slammed shut. John Jason said look up their pointing to a balcony above our cover has been blown they tried to flee to the door. Damn Jason said we are trapped. Just then the far wall started sliding to the side and out emerged a huge women with muscles every wear Her voice echoed threw the room. I am Aldonna goddess of Yore our home planet and you are trespassing. As she walked closer her size doubled their own. Both men being 6 ft in height only managed to size up to her crotch area. What the fuck kind of women are you. I am 11 ft 6 inches tall and weigh 500 lbs. I can crush you with one blow. They starred up at her long jet-black hair and green eyes in amazement. Into the transfer chamber she pointed to a cylinder like structure in the middle of the room. John said there is no way in hell I am getting in there. Aldonna then said. Then you die. Jason grabbed John and pulled him into the chamber saying Look this is our chance to find out what is going on. If this is the vortex then we can go to their planet and finally get to the bottom of this. He reluctantly agreed. Aldonna started the machine in seconds the lab were they were, was gone and they were on a street in the middle of some sort of city. The buildings were huge double the normal size. John said we must be on their planet. Jason replied Looks like ours only bigger. John said if my guess is correct everything around here is doubled in size except us. From an ally around the corner they heard a man screaming for help. They rush toward the scream to see what was happening. They entered the ally and saw four of those monstrous women pushing around a small man that wasn’t small at all. He was a wrestler he was 6 ft 10 inches and was about 325 lbs of muscle but even with his mass only came up to their stomachs. They were pushing him around like a toy between the 4 of them teasing him. The women were Azla 11ft 9 blonde with tits that were literally the size of basketballs. She had bright blue eyes and 10 ft of golden locks of hair that was down to her calves. She was beautiful. Then there was Ulmadonna Brown hair down to her ass curly with blond highlights big green eyes her chest was even larger then Azla’s. She stood at 12 ft even not uncommon here in this world. In fact it’s not too uncommon to be as tall as Dayla with her fiery red hair and brown eyes standing 12 ft 6 inches. Finally Tessy Black hair green eyes and by far the tallest at 13 ft tall. Azla said we think your cute pushing him to Ulmadonna. Yes baby Ulmadonna said were going to fuck you pushing him to Dayla. Dayla ripped his shirt off now strip were gonna rape you. Pushing him to Tessy He screamed please god no not that I’ll do anything. Tessy grabbed the jeans he was wearing and tore then clean off with one pull. Shredding then from his body. Then delivering a punch to his face blood squirted out of his nose he was about to fall when Dayla grabbed his hair holding him up. They all gathered around him while Dayla inserted his head into her cunt all the way up to his shoulders. Then Azla and Ulmadonna grabbed either leg inserting either leg into their cunts then Tessy grabbed his arm and did the same. The Tessy shouted Hey Jenna Get out here we have a free arm for ya. Then Jenna another blond came out she had beautiful green eyes and stood 12ft 1 inch tall with blonde hair down to her ass. She grabbed his remaining arm and they all simultaneously lowered to the ground pushing together till only his torso and the upper parts of his legs remained. They sat there and trusted on his helpless body. Till they all reached a simultaneous orgasm. As their bodies twitched they started ripping his arms and legs from his body. Leaving his head still in tact. Dayla Pulled his head out as did the other girls Asla walked over to him. And said you should of remembered as all men here should why you’re here to be our sex slaves and to make our race flourish. Those of you that refuse will end up just like you. He was crying. Azla picked him up under his shoulders and said now take this back to your friends she jammed her massive tongue into his mouth he began gagging and gagging then soon his body became limp. She then threw his body against the wall it splattered like a water balloon. John and Jason were to shocked to even move as Azla turned towards them. She said see something you like. They both got up and tried to retreat. But Azla If you saw what we did to him then don’t end up like him stop or you will. They stopped dead in their tracks raising their hands in a sign of submission. Good boys. You can be our lovers. Tessy said ever get fucked by a 13 ft 700lb women before. John and Jason gulped and said No. You will. Tessy replied. They took then back to this house that look like the jolly green giant lived there. The 5 girls lived there with their baby sister Sammy she was young but was still several feet taller then them. She stood 9 ft 3 inches. Sammy took Jason and said come to my room I wanna play with you. Azla said now Sammy don’t go killing him like you did those other 4. Tessy jumped in ya we need him. Sammy said are we gonna make baby’s Yes Sammy so don’t hurt him. Can I be first Sammy asked. Ok you can screw him if you want but don’t kill him. Sammy grabbed Jason’s hand and said to him. I like boys. Pulling him up the stairs. I fucked this one guy to death the other day my sisters got mad at me. But he was no fun. He said I was too heavy. I know I am chunky but 576lbs is not that bad for my height so I sat on his face he got mad so I dry humped him till his bones shattered. But Tessy says It was cause you earth people only way 200lbs or less in most cases. Jason turned around and looked down stairs and shouted please help me. I am gonna get fuck by this Teenage mutant ninja nympho. She grabbed his hair Come on you little baby. I am not gonna kill ya you heard what my sisters said. But fuck with me and I will do nasty things with you. Like this one guy he gave me some shit like you and I shoved his face all the way up my ass then made him lick it clean. And look I got a big on. But you’ll see when I sit on your face. I love doing that. Especially when I got the shits you should see the looks on guys faces they can’t believe we can smell that bad. Actually your guy’s shit smells great compared to ours. But you’ll see I always give my men a little ass snack. Which reminds me This one guy I stuck my tongue up his ass he is what you guys called a fag whatever that is, well anyway. He said my tongue was bigger then any dick he had up there. So I turn this guy over cause I was like Oh My God! I never thought to stick a dick up their so I used his and this guy says to me your ass feels like a pussy so I got mad I thought he was insulting me right. So I stuck his head up my cunt and ripped his head off. Then Jenna says to me. Sammy you gotta stop killing every guy you fuck. Like it’s my fault I never had a guy come in me before. That’s why I never got pregnant all my sisters did. Several times over the last 5 6 hundred years. Which reminds my we live like a 5000 years why the hell do you guys only live 100 years me I am 135 a Teenager by your standards. On earth I would be 14 but then again there I can be a great great grand mom go figure. Well if we like you will live as long as us. Its basic gene therapy it’s so rudimentary that you figure you guys would have figured it out years ago. Oh well don’t worry it doesn’t hurt. But the penis implant might see you need to be at least 12 inches for us to reach a good orgasm but then again we sometimes keep you like you are. For kicks. Ya know so we have to fuck you twice as long. Well anyway strip down and get on my bed. I’ll be in in a minute I just need to go take a shit don’t worry I’ll let you lick me clean. As he walked in the room she grabbed his ass. Nice ass. How do you like mine? He looked at hers her ass was literally 5ft wide. I love it he said sarcastically. Good she replied cause you to are gonna be very close. He looked at her unreal size ass and couldn’t help getting hard at the prospect of having it in his face. Cause by her size she was merely a full figured women nothing more. But her size made her ass huge. He liked full figured women a lot. But her mouth would she ever shut the fuck up. He climbed onto this huge bed. She came back in with this huge needle. What the hell is that he shouted? Well If I am gonna climb all over you your brittle little bones with mash to bits this strengthens you’re your body so you humans can survive our weight or I can just fuck you I am almost 600lbs no that’s ok he replied give it to me. Good boy bend over. Bet you heard that before. Excuse me? Well no offence but your skinny so maybe you like to be fucked like that other guy. No I am all man thank you. Hey don’t sass me; I’ll fuck you into a coma. OUCH SHIT That fuckin hurt he screamed! Well dua we don’t have baby needles that you small fucks need. Hey keep bent over like that. Why this is my finger oh shit stop that hurts. Like getting it in the ass. Please Sammy It hurts. Go ahead run away from me. No I know you’ll hurt me good Boy you are smart. Now pretend you in prison and I am fucking you in the ass and I just made you my bitch. He tried to do as she asked but he couldn’t it freaked him out cause her finger was big enough to be a dick. Then she saw his trouble and said well your normal. Turn over. So he turned over on his back. Her huge body made him hard as a rock. Come here he said. Damn you’re the first I ever met that wanted to fuck one of us. You kidding me you girls are amazing. Just like us only double the size. What a chance a race a world with women who dominate the species. It’s like an inverted world. Ya I seen your place. Men are the head of your race hua. Well we use to have men. But they were small like you we fucked them to death in the 9527 revolt. 9527 what year is it here. 10457 our year is the same as yours but our day is twice as long. As you probably know our planet is twice your planets size. If you look at a globe of our world it looks like yours but ours is 80 % land. All the water we have is useable unlike your world. We had oceans of salt like you but turned them into a useable resource. One thing we on this planet have with your world is sex drive they are identical of that of a teenage boy of your world. But it never decreases hence the rash of sexual accidents. Hell your sisters took a man and used him as a human dildo. Well they only do that when the man is no longer cooperative. See any men deemed threat can never leave. We can’t risk your world finding us just yet. We don’t have weapons like you. We can be vulnerable. To you. In only that way. So you being a cop of some sort made you a perminate resident here. How did you know? We also read minds. Did you really think Atlantis sank into the ocean and all of us died? Well dear we are all live and well. And threw dinasours your gods floods and all the wrath of your world we survived. Only to make a paradise here. Paradise you say? It looks the same. This city does cause that’s what we want you to see. See you humans are much more corporative if your surroundings are familiar to you. But aren’t you human. Atlantians sprang from your human seeds but, we were gifted by the many gods of the universe. Well then why not make contact with us on the level surely millions of guys would volunteer. We cannot take the chance of your human brains getting pissed off and coming at us with weapons. We are survivors too. Remember that. But I don’t get one thing if you are so superior then why the male sexual aggression you seem to have. It’s called survival maybe our only flaw. We don’t use money we don’t use government we all act as one. Sort of a saying we like from your world. All for one, one for all. See Atlantis was around before all of you we set your race in motion there was no uprising from bacteria from the water not money’s loosing their hair. No not at all it was us. We put you their as back up for us. Took your men or copy’s of them you call that cloning and we moved away. When we got here everything was twice as big in 3 generations we too were as well. But men never get as big as us. They think its cause a hormones you have. Women seem to be adaptive then men. But our one flaw is we can’t continue on without you so here you are. Its funny you people made movie’s about Amazon’s its like you know of us but don’t. Ok lets see she then climbed on top of him and sat down with all her weight oh god your killing me get off. He screamed. No my dear the pressure is still their you will feel the weight but your body won’t break under it no matter what unless we want it too. So smother sucker. She started riding him he screamed in pain please get off. She laughed and said well silly I have to get horney first. Plus your dick is small. Its gonna take a while. Are all you women this passionate and caring of our feelings as you. No most of us just rape your ass. I asked you to get off you won’t that’s rape too. Ya I know but you’ll get use to it. You’re the women here. Here to fuck and suck and keep us going. Nice place he said grimacing in pain. Oh shit she said I can’t believe it your making me come he looked up and grunted I am coming too. Oh yes baby. Please take it easy Sammy your really hurting me. Then she threw herself on top of him all the way and his face ended up in her stomach while she was still coming to orgasm. He tried desperately to bang on her sides so she would get off. But she was asleep he managed to cock his face to his side to get air. But her weight was crushing him. Then about 15 minutes later she woke up realizing he was under her oh shit I killed another one. She rolled off him. He gasped and said no but you did make a pancake got a spatula. She laughed. She started getting a devious look on her face. What he asked? Ever eat an ass as big as mine. Please No Sammy. I love having my ass licked. Sammy I am begging you please. Yes then she climbed on top of him and her huge ass all 5 ft wide of it was is view and nothing else. Can you imagine if I sit back all the way? Sammy your 6 hundred lbs please. Her ass got closer to his face and that smell it was thousand times worse then shit. It was almost indescribable the stench coming off of that ass. His arms were pined their was no hope of getting out of it. Then the ass just took over his head the wider she spread the further up it he went. His face was all the way up her ass. The hugeness of her ass actually cautioned it so his head wouldn’t snap. But she was probably doing that. He licked and licked for all he was worth. Hours went by she finally grew tired and let him up. But didn’t get off. She spread her legs out again he felt that enormous weight on top of him. She started sucking his cock. He was in heaven how talented she was with her mouth. He was scared to death and happy as hell all at the same time. He new he found the women of his dreams. It didn’t take long before she and him came to yet another orgasm. She rolled off and curled up to him they both fell asleep when she woke he was snuggled up to her enormous breasts she stroked his hair. Saying Jason I wish all men were like you. Then we could be perfect. No more violence. Its fun for sex as long as no one dies but even in a perfect world there are troubles. Mean while John had a marathon fuck-a-thon with all five of them and was equally pleased. The girls started to realize that these guys were the real deal. Even thou they were cops by job they were lovers by heart. He came in all 5 with their advances they new they were all pregnant so was Sammy. So they did what they promised they’d never do they sent them home. They woke up in their undercover car by the building. They looked at one another. What the hell. Why are we here? We got to go back. They snuck back in again and ran into Aldonna for a second time. Please Goddess Let us return. Feel privileged you survived don’t be foolish and go back. Why we are in love. She looked at them then scanned their minds you are aren’t you. Why? They are incredible maybe the perfect species they have our sex drives they are kinky as hell plus. They love us. How would you Aldonna said a non mind reader know that. Well goddess we are alive that’s all the proof I need. Let me go back. One second think about what you are doing. Once you go threw a second time being human. You can never ever return. If you were to try every atom’s in your body would explode at the speed of light. Jason said scan my mind we told no one of your planet. That I knew when you walked in Aldonna said. That’s why you’re alive right now. I’ll do anything to prove it too you. John said when I was down stairs Azla made love to me so hard so strong I knew she cared. When I woke to use the bathroom I heard her telling Tessy she loved me. There is a saying her on earth if you love something let it go if it comes back to you then it’s yours forever. Well they let us go we are back to take our place by them forever all of them. There is a way just one thou. A human can gain lawful passage to our world by passing the ultimate trial. No human has ever asked to do it. 2 were forced to try the died in 2 days. Jason asked what is the test. You must make love to a thousand women from our world and survive if you succeed you will be the first men in our planets history to have the rights our women do. Failure is only accomplished in death. If you’re weak the women will crush you. That is the test. And remember if you go forth you will never return here again. Will they try to kill us? They don’t have to. Your weak body’s can crumble under them but if your love is that of true love. Then a Harmon called X5 will kick in and your body will be invulnerable to death by crushing. So if you have no fear go. If you question your heart leave now. Jason walked in the chamber I love her I am going. John said. I love Azla bring on the trial. And walked into the chamber. They were instantly zapped into an arena wear a thousand women stood naked on either side with mats sprawled all across the entire arena. Let the ultimate trial begin men to your places. They both walked in opposite directions to the mats they saw a line of women formed on each side ready to have their way with them. They laid down for them and the first women stepped up on either side. They mounted up but not before receiving another shot. The nurses told them this is to keep it up for the duration of the trial it won’t go down till I give you the antidote. One by one they mounted up the trial went on for weeks. On after another some 13 14 even 15 feet tall. 6 7 8 even 900 lbs made love to them. Their body’s started to give about 600 in. They still had weeks to go but were determined to get back to their ladyloves. Then about 750 they stop the trial. Now these men reached the final stretch now it is time for them to meet our full figured ladies. The first walked up to John she was 14 ft tall and weight was 1100 lbs she got on top and his body started to crumble he could feel it. He thought of his love for Azla. It made him stronger she was crushing the life out of him but he was alive. After 3 more weeks they reached the end. Now ladies its time for the main even of the ultimate trial bring on the twins. Boys these are the last 2 if you can breathe after this you can stay. Undo the straps stand up John and Jason. Meet Lady Lisa and lady Godiva. They had to duck to come threw this enormous gate. As they came closer they got bigger and bigger and bigger. Jason John ever wonder what it would take to be a freak of size here meet the twins standing 18 ft 11 inches apiece. Both weighing 2000 lbs a true ton of fun the ultimate goddesses. Lisa and Godiva their jaws dropped and fear took over as the twins grabbed them up and threw then to the ground the ground shook as the circled the men. They both mouthed up on the men blood-curtailing screams was heard as their bodies merely made contact. Jason looked up at the blonde hair blue eyed mammoth on top of him. His eyes rolled back the pain was horrifying as they thrusted and thrusted. Both too weak to even move a finger paralyzed in pain. The sisters thrusted their mammoth bodies onto them over and over again. Both sisters started breathing heavier oh my god ladies their gonna cum take cover everybody. A gush of cum rushed out like a tidal wave completely drowning their faces in cum while still on their cocks. The ladies then fatigued laid on top of them they instantly disappeared. The five sister rushed over and rolled them off neither moved. Check them No mind activity at all. I am sorry the doctor said the twins must have crushed them to death. But they survived those fat fucks laid on them. Bring them together sisters gather around in a circle the announcer said now ladies you know it’s against our laws to tamper with human lives. Fuck the law they won Azla said. We love them. They passed the trial those fat fuck did that on purpose. They just impregnated 2000 women here today. Can’t our laws be any better then those on earth or all races doomed to the same mistaken fate? Always on step back from perfection we see the justice here today we take that step a step these men couldn’t have took on their own planet. Let them live. Let us all live. If they can truly love us then other can too. Maybe it is time. Maybe its time we rid ourselves of this mistrust. The announcer said if we let them in they fin our world they can destroy us. Destroy us. Ever stop and think if we worked together we might both be perfect. We are not perfect we need them hell we fear them in our own way. Sure we can crush beat and flog them but we do this in spite of our own insecurities. We need this arrest us if you must but we do this with or with out you. They all circled the men and joined hands. They closed their eyes. And the 2 men levitated off the ground and their bodies stood upright then all of a sudden their eyes opened again. They were alive once more. What happened they asked you died we brought you back maybe in vein. Why is that we were not allowed but we love you so much that we couldn’t bare to loose you. You did that for us they both asked. Yes they all answered. Asla said you gave yours to be with us so we did the same for you. The announcer came on again. As they all hugged and kissed. In all the centuries we been here safely maybe safety was wrong it takes what we thought was our mistake to tell us of our own faults their will be no charges men you are now citizens of Yore go in peace. Call the council we are gonna arrange contact with earth maybe we will find those men so we can truly be whole again. The seven of them walked off holding each other. Tessy then said well there are 2 of them and five of us. How are we gonna do this. John then said We just fucked a thousand women a piece you should be wondering if you can keep up with us. All the women looked at each other. And said men can’t live with em can’t exist without them. They all laughed. The end