Clayton Women Correctional Chapter 2   Monica first night was filled with the taste of biter pussy because she can't fight the power.  but When a prisoner gets a big and bad as ice the challengers to knock her off her throne come from all directions.  meet prisoner 432h68 Jessica Williams AKA Sunfire.  the named her that on the street cause she is too hot to hold and will burn you even before you touch her.  she beat a women senseless for fucking her man then castrated her man.  sentence 25 years in prison up for parole 8.    she walks along catwalk alley and as usual Miss Johnson wanted to greet her as she greeted all newbies.  with a  tongue kiss.  but when she got with in a foot of Sunfire was met with a right hook that knocked out the 350 pounder ice comes walking out with Monica draped over the bed behind her obviously gasping for air as ice just got off her.  Ice gave her a hard stare Sunfire looked back and said think your tough tonight you will be my bitch like that one is yours.  ice said you think so do you?  many tried all have failed.  yeah well from the looks of these weak ass bitches you never has a real fight.  today you will.    Word spread quickly threw the prison that someone tried to punk out ice.  everyone wanted to see the ice queen dethroned cause most spent time under her rock hard ass.  breakfast and lunch went by and the prison was already taking bets on the fight. warden Cindy never gave a shit actually she profited from her fights as she allowed the gambling as long as she had her slice.     Ice warmed up by having her ass licked for an hour followed by a boob massage and pussy lick by her new bitch Monica.  Poor Monica was fucked by this nympho 12 times in the last 24 hours of her stay in Clayton and what poor Monica didn't know nothing gets Ice hornier then winning a fight.  in fact last time ice won a fight she snapped her bitches neck gyrating and thrusting her pussy in the bitches face so hard.    But it was time just before dinner Fight time.  then all would sit and eat and reflect on the bout.  they met out in the yard for the showdown.  Sunfire came out in a hurry with an evil grin smiling at ice.  she looked her up and down saying everyone in here says your hot shit.  I guess I pick my opponents well.  Sunfire is it ice says your red hair and pretty brown eyes do nothing for me.  I have a bitch you can suck my twat once for good measure.  Sunfire replies I might do that for free.  but now I want to kick you ass and make you my bitch.  tell you what Ice replies you beat me I will make you cum so hard you'll think I extracted your soul.  Sunfire says your making me wet.  good ice said and then snapped a jab right into Sunfire's face to kick off the fight.    Sunfire tackled Ice into the workout bench and over it ice went slamming into the concrete.  sunfire repeatedly rammed ices head off the cement the crowd went crazy never seeing a women who could take down Ice.  ice Winst in pain and sunfire jammed her tongue in to her mouth.  and kissed her when she parted said get used to it now bitch you will be doing that to my pussy all night.    Ice said you think so and bucked her off of her when sunfire went to step into her she was met with a kick to the jaw that sent her flying backwards over the bench causing all the weights on it to clank and fall about the ground making very loud noises.  ice mounted sunfire and grabbed her throat picked her up of the ground and slammed her down on it.  she landed with an awful thud with her back bouncing off the concrete she mule kicked upwards into ices face and nipped up ran and drop kicked ice sending her to the ground.  Sunfire followed with several shots to the face busting open ice for the very first time in her life.     ice went ape shit and retaliated with rights and lefts of her own.    this rocked sunfire sending her back peddling.  ice followed with a hard clothline.  ice mounted sunfire and started pounding her face with straight right hands.  then sunfire picked up Ice and suplexed her to the ground and mounted her and started ramming her head off the concrete.  then ice picked her self up and grabbed sunfire by the throat and chokeslamed her.  her eyes rolled back.  Ice mounted her shoving her pussy in her face submit.  she said.  this meant she had to lick her pussy or she would get her ass kicked more.  Sunfire grabbed her thighs and started licking her as a sign of submission.  Ice was the winner once again and remained undefeated.  as usual.  Monica was in for a treat that night and got to force a women to do what she wanted as it was tradition you lose a fight you get punked for the next 24 hours by the women who beat you and any of her bitches.    the next day bright and early a hush went over the prison as prisoner 456y98 known only as Gothina came walking in.  no known birth records family or even friends.  convicted serial killer she was found in a abandon house sleeping with the corpses of 18 dead men and women.  sentence life in prison with out parole.   ice walked out Gothina hissed at her and said you will be the first grabbing ice by the throat with a grip that was so hard that ice could not move and her knee's buckled.  five guards had to restrain her but by that time the whole prison seen something they never seen before in their lives.  Ice out cold.  on the ground.  Gothina laughed and said you call this bitch tough she'll be dead in 24 hours.  she hissed again.  as they threw Gothina into the cell Monica can running out along with sunfire in disbelief.    To be Continued... this and a whole lot more at my new msn group come check us out its free.