I Wrestle With My Strong Looking Neighbor Lady by Weakling Male One Saturday, I woke after my usual sleeping in late. I always work hard Monday through Friday, even past dark most days. So I feel I need the extra rest Saturday mornings. Anyway, after I got up, I took a shower, shaved, brushed my teeth, brushed my hairs, and put on a pair of boxer shorts, a loose tee-shirt and tennis shoes (untied). I went to the kitchen and got some orange juice out of the refrigerator and made a bagel. By this time, it was around 11 a.m. and it was a real nice day out. So I went out to the back deck to sit and have my orange juice and bagel and enjoy the yard. Everything was nice and green and colorful with blooming flowers. Birds were at the feeder and water bath. Everything was so nice and peaceful. My hard work of the past few weekends on the yard had really paid off. I was relaxing nicely. I finished my light breakfast and thought I would walk around my yard and look at all the various things. There is a house on both sides of my lot, but the lots are very big, and quite private with lots of trees, bushes, etc. No one has lived in either house for as long as I've lived here, which is many years. As I was leisurely walking in my yard, I could hear some light sounds of hammer pounding from the yard to my east. I thought to myself, I wonder if that owner is fixing the place to get ready and sell or rent it out. It has always been nice not to have any neighbors, its hard these days to have a real private yard. There's a lot to be said for privacy. I just kept walking my yard and decided to water some plants that I just put in the last weekend. I got my hose off of the wall reel and went all around watering the nice plants. As I worked around, I could tell that the hammering sound was coming from inside the work shed of the place. I didn't pay anymore attention and gradually walked the garden hose to the east fence line of my lot. I mosey along,watering the approximately 5 feet high bushes. I noticed that the hammering had stopped and I curiously looked over the hedge into the neighboring yard. Way over on the other side was a woman pushing a wheelbarrow with some rocks in it. I was kind of surprised, because a wheelbarrow of rocks is very heavy and this woman was taking it quite a ways. Even from this distance I could tell that this woman was not small or frail. When she got the load to her destination, she lifted up on the handles and dumped the rocks to the ground. She turned and wheeled back to the shed and I heard her kind of saying to herself, that these handles are sturdy now! There obviously was no one else within hearing distance, so I figured that she must have been fixing the wheelbarrow handles in the shed before. As she approached the shed, which is closer than halfway toward my yard, I could see that this woman was fairly tall, maybe about 6' and had a real strong looking physique. I was quite interested in this astounding woman and stayed around the hedge for awhile. I could hear the sounds of rock hitting rock from inside the shed. Apparently she was loading more rocks into her wheelbarrow, In about 5 or 10 minutes she came out of the shed with another load full of rocks. This time she was coming toward my direction. As she got a little closer, I could see her physique very well. She was wearing tight cut-off jean shorts, a sleeveless tee-shirt, white rolled down socks and work boots. Her thighs and calves would bunch and flex when she moved, and her forearms, biceps, triceps, and shoulders would really flex hard. She was quite a female specimen. She wheeled that load right over to the side, right across from where I was and dumped the rocks. Wow, did she ever show great strength. I'm getting a stiff one just watching her work. Then she notices me watering the bushes from the other side and she says, Hi, do you live here? Oh, hi, I said. Yes, I do. She said, Well, hi, then I guess we're neighbors. I just bought this place. It's going to be a lot of work, but I love hard work. Sweat equity, you know. You seem to have a real nice yard over there. I see that you like to take care of your stuff. I'm going to really make this big old yard look nice. I asked her if she'd like some help, I'm off today and I was just kind-of planning to do little things around here. She replied, Well, sure I guess. I could use a hand here and there. Good, come on over. I walked around the back end of the fence line and came into her yard. As I went by, I saw into the shed. She had a pickup load full of rocks, all about a foot around or so. She was back in there, starting to fill another wheelbarrow load. She was leaning forward over the tailgate, stretching her body. From behind her I got this great view of her flexed calves and hamstrings and glutes, as her arms flexed to grasp and pull the rock. She got the rock into the wheelbarrow just as I drew near. She turned around and said hi, Neighbor, It's nice to meet you, and she reached out to shake my hand. Nice to meet You, I said, and I reached out also, to shake hands with her. She squeezed really firm and let go. It was only a one second hand shake, but my hand was stinging badly. Her firm hand grip crushed my hand and I felt it for a couple of minutes afterwards. I'd really like to unload all of these rocks out of my pickup today, so thanks for offering your help. I like helpful men. I've never been married, couldn't find the right man so far. That's why I moved here, to start over somewhere. I'm wondering why she hasn't ever been married, because she looks stunning to me, about 6' tall, long black hair, nice physique, probably 42", 28", 40". As I'm lightly gazing at her, I'm guessing her calves to be a good 18", her thighs 28", and her biceps 16 or 17" big. A man like me would love to be with her, I would think. I begin helping her get rocks out of the pickup box, We're each on one side of the tailgate. I'm having a hard time just getting one toward the wheelbarrow, and she already has two more unloaded. I say, How did you get all of these rocks up into your truck? She said, Well, it took me a while, but I lifted each one up by hand, all myself. Really?!, I say shockingly. Yes, really, she says. Wow, because I can't imagine doing that, I said. Well, I'm pretty strong, she said. You should be able to tell by looking at me, that I'm very strong. In high school and college I was in track and field, my best events were shot put, javelin, and weight lifting. I can imagine, I said excitedly. Her descriptions of being a track athlete gave me an even bigger boner than I had before. She then said, Why don't you go ahead and feel me flex my bicep?! That'll give you a good example of how I am really strong! So she flexes her bicep up and I gingerly feel it with my trembling hand. Its a little nervous feeling, to feel a woman's big bicep like this. She urges me to feel it more and she flexes it up and down, bouncing her mound of muscle beneath my outstretched hand. Do you like it?, she asks. I do. Yes, I do. It is really nice and strong. She looks down at my crotch and smiles and takes note that I really like her muscle. It's obvious!! My eyes widen and I just stare at her big muscle while I hold it, in pleasure. I'm enamoured by her so much, that after a while she says, You REALLY like my muscles, Don't You? I finally snap out of it, and she says, We need to get this work done. I could unload these rocks myself, or with your help. Since you seem to like my strong muscles this much, I think I know of a way that you can have your fill for today, then we'll keep working. Would you like to wrestle with me? You could feel lots of my muscles that way!? I'll bet you're one of those guys that likes to worship Amazon Women like me, aren't you? I'll just bet you are. I saw you eyeing me, ever since I saw you watering from behind your line of bushes. She entices me into agreeing that I am a Female Muscle worshipper and that I would love to feel her muscles as we wrestle, right here and now. She said, Now there is one condition. We'll wrestle, and if you lose, you must unload all the rocks from my pickup. I can't do that, I complain. You don't have to do the wheelbarrowing, I'll do that part. You would do the loading of the wheelbarrow as I waited, she said firmly. If you want to feel my muscles some more, this is what you must do, she said forcefully. O.K., o.k., I do want to feel your sexy, muscular body some more. Well then, lets do it! We square off at each other and she flexes her muscles to intimidate me and with one swooping motion she comes at me with a football tackle, driving her shoulder into my stomach and jams me to the ground forceably on my back. She pins me with her mighty arms. I don't seem to have a chance. Her arm muscles bulge with great strength. She grabs me by the tee-shirt, stretches it and tears it off of me. Oh neighbor, it looks like I'm a lot stronger than you look!, she spits. I'm going to have fun pinning you and making you work! Then she reaches behind and pulls my boxer shorts loose with one powerful grasp, tearing them right off of me also. Now I'm laying there, under her in just my loose tennis shoes, otherwise completely naked. Don't worry neighbor, no one is around to see this. She flexes her arm muscles up in a double biceps pose, in a symbol of easy victory over me. I could make you do anything, neighbor. And I think I will. Now feel my Amazon Power muscles, Put your hands on my biceps as I flex them up and down and ever so hard! As her arms pump with great muscular strength, my rod is pumping up also. She knocks my hands away from her biceps and then rolls me into a position on my back, with my head between her 28" rock hard thighs and squeezes so hard and lifts on me a little, that my neck feels like it is about to snap. Does your scrawny neck feel like it's going to snap, my weakling neighbor? Then she reaches her hands down to my erect cock and yanks it and my balls up real hard, with all her might, and squeezes harder than anyone could ever imagine a woman doing to a man! I could snap both of your scrawny little necks, wimpy neighbor!!, she snaps. I hear my neck snap a couple times. My manhood parts feel like they're being ripped right off of my body! She's so STRong!!.. I'm about ready to pass out. As I am at the verge of passing out, she repositions my worn down body into a hold with her thighs wrapped tighly around my neck, one huge thigh under and one over my crushed neck, and then she wanks the livin' shit out of my ccck and masterbates me into the ejaculation of my life. Her strength squeezes the cum out of me, shooting it 6 feet into the air. She licks some of the cum off of her hand and dismounts me, as I lay wasted. She says, It doesn't look like you're going to be able to help me unload the rocks afterall, weakling neighbor! You look done for. You'll probably hardly be able to lift yourself off the ground. Then she bends down to pick me up from the ground. She bends down to one knee and drapes my limp body over her strong shoulders, stands up, and walks around our divider fence line over to my yard. As my head and arms dangle down her back, I can see her calf muscles flex and move. I weakly touch them, and her strength stirs my loins some more, as she carries me like a beaten foe. She can feel my penis become erect again, right against her tits, and she says, Come over again and I'll have to see if I can yank that stupid thing OFF!! She continues to carry me through the back of my yard, up to my deck. She puts me on my lounging chair and turns it to face the direction of her yard. She says, Now watch as I unload my rocks myself, you poor excuse-of-a-man! She goes back to her yard and I watch all afternoon as she does the rocks. I am so out of it, that I can barely move. My neck feels hurt and my cock and balls feel smashed and scrunched. I can just look lustily at my muscular Amazon neighbor lady working away. After that, I didn't really want to offer to help her with any of her work anymore. She's quite capable on her own anyway. Every other week or so, she would still have me come over so she could abuse my male body with her strong female muscles, just to remind me of her superior dominance. Sometimes she uses her calves on me, sometimes her thighs, sometimes her biceps. Whatever it is, I don't last long and I end up getting carried home by her strong body. And of course, I am never able to get her off my mind. My gonads are never really healed long enough to forget either. I'm in love with my Amazon Neighbor Lady!! Sometime I hope that she will one day screw the daylights out of me while I kiss her muscles! Ooh, I hope so! I'm sure she's over there thinking of how she will screw my light out someday, too!