I See a Strong Woman at The Home Improvement Store by Weakling Male On Saturday I went to the large super store in my area to get some decorative cement bricks for my yard's border of flowering shrubs. I had a flat rolling cart to load the bricks onto. I saw many nice things as I went along. It was a really busy day at this store, since the weather was ideal for handyman and gardening projects. I was getting near the doorway to the outdoor products section and pushed my empty cart around the corner to the right, knowing that was the direction to get the things I wanted. In a minute or so, I was by the area of those nice cement bricks and looked them over. I made my choice between the many varied styles. I pulled my supplies list from my jeans pocket and looked it over. I needed 5 bags of cement mortar and 50 of the decorative cement wall border bricks. They look like pretty good ones, so I start loading them onto the flat cart. They feel like they weigh at least 20 pounds each. As I get to about the fifth one, I hear a woman's voice from behind me, Do you need some help, sir? I turn around to her and see that she has the store's logo on her shirt, and I respond, Oh, you don't need to call anyone. I'll just keep on with my loading. Thanks anyway. She says, Oh, no, I meant I would help you. To be polite to this nice young lady, I said, Well O.K. then, sure you can help. But these blocks are pretty heavy. She says, I know. Actually they're not so bad. I help people load these all the time. Really? I said. (I know she looks like she could handle them, but I just have to ask.) Well, da?! she says a little sarcastically. I'm very strong, can't you tell? as she lifts two blocks at a time. I'm probably stronger than you, old man! I'm younger and much stronger than you. She loads about two thirds of them to my one third. Then she wipes her hands together to slap the dust off of them and says, Is there anything else you need today? I answer, Yes, I need some bags of mortar too. She says, O.K., I know right where they are, as she grabs the cart by the handles and starts pushing it forward. Wow! There is over 1,000 lbs. on that load. I can see through the material of her shirt and her work pants that her physique fills them out quite well and bulges can be noticed from her quite apparent musculature. I follow behind her and take in a rousing display of strength and muscle power by this young woman. We get to the cement area and she says, You'll want this kind. And she proceeds to pick up a bag. She did pick the right kind. She must really know what she's talking about, so I acknowledge that is the kind I want. She places the bag on the pile of bricks and I reach for a second bag. I read that it is 94 lbs. That's real heavy. She had just picked it up without any trouble. I grabbed a hold of the bag and could barely manage it toward the edge of the cart. She says, here, let me help you with that one. And she relieves the weight from my arms and piles the bag onto the cart. Then she says, You just let me do my job of loading the rest of the bags for you. O.K. I said. And she lifts the three more bags that I need. O.K. sir. Is that everything for you? I say, Yes, You've been very helpful and you're very strong. Thank you so much. I could have done it all, but it would have taken a lot longer without your help. Without my help? she quizzes. I did almost everything. After you pay your bill, I'll probably have to help you load it into your vehicle too, I guess. I can tell that you'll be tired out by the time you just get your load home. That would be nice of you to help me unload it into my truck. I want to see this gal do more, maybe I'll get to see or feel some of her muscles. I start pushing the loaded cart toward the checkout area. This is a Heavy load. I can't believe how easily she had pushed the 1,000 lbs.. of bricks before, but I guess this load is now a lot heavier from the added weight of the five bags of cement. I get to the counter and the cashier totals up my bill and I pay with my check card and proceed to wheel my load to the pickup. I look around, wondering where my strong female was. I'm working up a sweat pushing this load of over 1,500 lbs.. As I get about halfway there, I hear the woman's voice from about 50 feet away, I'll be there to help you, sir! I stop the cart and turn around to look her way and I wipe my brow. She's helping an old man lift bags of fertilizer into his trunk. She grabs the 40 lbs. bags with one hand and firmly swings them in, one at a time until she has them in. She slams the man's trunk shut, he motions thank you to her and opens his car door as she turns and walks toward me. I'll be there in a second, don't you fret. In a jif, she trots over to where I was and leans into the arms of the cart with both of her hands pushing forward and moves the cart all the way to my pickup without even stopping. I watch in awe, as I was having a hard time with that load. She waits for me to catch up to her and then I unlock my pickup's rear topper door and pull it up and open, and then the tailgate down too. We both proceed to unload the bricks into my truck, with each of us on opposite sides of the cart. She says, I can see that you really worked up a sweat pushing that cart. It Is pretty hot out today, I think I'll take my long sleeve shirt off while I unload. I feel tingly inside at the thought of seeing her with the work shirt off. She takes it off and droops it over my side view mirror and comes back to the back end. And, Oh, My God! She has super strong arms and a great chest. She Is Strong!! I catch myself staring and she sees me looking at her great arms. Pretty nice, huh? she says coyly. I work very hard, that's why I'm so strong. Watch this! She flexes her bicep and it goes up into a huge, larger than softball sized mound of muscle, and she says its 18", in case you're wondering. Then she just continues to load my truck as I just watch her work. Soon she is done, and she smiles at me and says, There, that wasn't so bad, was it? Thanks a lot, I said. I should give you a tip, and I reach for my wallet. No, no, that's O.K., she says. Keep you wallet in your pocket. You're probably going to need a hand unloading this when you get home. I get off work in about 15 minutes. I can meet you at your house and help you unload, if you'd like. Just give me your address and I'll be just 10 minutes behind you. Then, after you're unloaded I'll take payment, or a tip, as you call it. Well, this is certainly an offer I can't refuse. I'm thinking about how I sure would love to see her sexy looking muscles in action some more. It will be worth whatever tip I pay her. I was going to give her $10 for what she had done for me up to this point, so I'm thinking that I could give her $20 for everything, after while. I say excitedly, Yes, I'd love to have you help me unload! O.K., sir, you've got yourself a helper. She shakes my hand, OW!, she has a firm grip, and she says, I'll see you after a short.while! We let loose of each others hands, actually she lets loose of my hand , and we turn to go our own directions. My hand is hurting. I close the tailgate to my pickup and get in the driver's door. I see that she is almost all the way into the store by now, when I notice her shirt drooped over my side view mirror. She forgot her shirt. Oh well, she's going to be over shortly, so I put it into my front seat and drive off. The load is heavy, so I drive carefully and slowly. It takes awhile to get home. When I get home, I park in the back yard area, with the back end of the pickup aiming toward my yard, so it can be unloaded the best. Then I get out and walk to my back door, unlock it, and go inside for a drink. What a hot day. Then , as I am drinking a cool one, I see that she has just arrived in the back too. She has changed out of her work clothes. She has on a tank top and jean shorts and tennis shoes. She looks awesome. I can hardly believe my eyes. She is Built!! She has her hair tied up in a pony tail and looks ready to work, wearing a pair of leather work gloves too. I step outside and yell to her, Hi, there. I see you're all set to work. You got here pretty fast! She says, Ya, I told the boss that I was going to help a customer unload, so they let me go a little early. I said, You sure must like to work hard? Would you like a drink before starting? She said, No thanks. Not yet, anyway. I'll take my drink when I'm done unloading you and then I'll relax. O.K., let me know whatever you want, I can get it for you. She says, Now, I don't want you helping, so you don't get hurt. I work fast. And I'm far too strong for you, so I don't want you getting in the way either, old man. Why do you call me old man? I ask. Oh, I'm just teasing., she spouts off. So she begins unloading my truck. I watch her in amazement and awe. She certainly is a fast worker and way stronger than I am. I watch her muscles flex and contract with every movement she makes. Her legs are just amazing. She could probably lift ME, easily. I am getting excited watching her sexy muscle display. Every so often she looks up at me as she lifts. Do you like what I'm doing? she asks. Yes, you're doing a great job, I say. Then she finishes the last item and says, There, All Done! And she flexes those big biceps into the air like in a victory, and looks at me and says, Well, now it's time for my payment. How much have you decided to give me? I'm well worth every penny. I saved you a sore back and your little old man muscles. Why do you keep calling me that? I said, I'm just kidding. It's just that I'm so much stronger than you, that it seems like I should be calling you old man. I say, taken aback a little, O.K., I was planning to give you $20. That's nice, sir. But I usually get $100 for the amount of work I did for you today. If you don't have it, I could take payment in another way. I ask, What do you have in mind? She says, Well, since I helped you unload, and you need to pay me a higher price than you offered, I could unload you too. What do you mean by that? I inquired. Come over here and I'll show you, she tells me. I walk to her and she flexes those big biceps up for me to see again. They are really amazing and sexy. She says, Here's the deal. I know you've wanted my muscles since you first noticed how strong I was in the store. I'll flex my muscles and if you don't get a hard-on within two minutes, I will beat you up and take my payment the way I want it. If you do get a hard-on in less than two minutes, I will show you how I'll take my payment to unload you right away. I'm starting to figure out what she means. I can't do that?! Yes you can and yes you will. Now feel my big arm muscles! She flexes both of those amazing arms at the same time and tells me to feel their hardness and huge size. I reach up and touch them and look into her eyes. She has me hypnotized with muscle lust over her. Now kiss them, old man. I kiss them. Now lick my arm pits. I lick her arm pits and the muscles below them on her sides. I can't believe I'm licking her warm and sexy pit aromas. Then she says, Now pull down your pants. I pull down my pants. OOOOOOOOOooooooo!! She likes what she sees, Your dick is erect within your under shorts, just what I wanted! Now pull your under shorts down too! Just as I put my hands on the elastic band, she quickly grabs my shorts and rips them apart with her strong arms and hands. I stand before her with erect penis and in muscle lust of her. Then, in one quick motion, she bends down and puts her bicep and forearm around my cock and clenches it real hard in a half nelsen type hold and squeezes the bajeebers out of me. AAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!! And she lifts up with her mighty arm strength and powers her legs to a standing position with my tormented body across her broad shoulders. My penis is being crushed. In a matter of seconds she is pulling a forced ejaculatory half nelsen cock cumming out of me! The cum spurts and rolls onto her forearm and huge bicep. I pass out on her shoulders. She continues to squeeze my wrangled dick to get every last drop twisted and squeezed out of it. She lowers me to the grass and licks my cum off of her forearm and bicep and goes to her vehicle. She comes back to me with a written note and places it in my mouth. She looks over her handiwork and smiles. Then she goes back to her vehicle and drives off. When I wake up, I sputter from the paper in my mouth. I pull it out and see that a note is written on it. It says, Payment In Full Has Been Tendered. For Services Of Unloading You. The Pleasure Was Mine. Thank You. signed, Your Home Improvement Store Unloading Staff.