The Muscle Woman's Beach House by Weakling Male This summer I went on a very nice, week long vacation to the beach. I was working on my tan and relaxing for a well deserved time of relaxation and enjoyment. I had been staying at a motel two blocks from the beach, so I walked down to the beach every day with my tanning chair, sunglasses, a cooler, and a few other items. My tan was getting to be pretty nice. One day, I was walking along the beach and I found a real nice private spot to set down. It was beneath a 200 ft. high sloping, rocky, and sandy ridge. It was a beautiful location, about 2 miles down from where I usually went. I did a little wading and sea shell hunting along that area. It was really a fun spot. After a bit, I decided to lay on my tanning chair and take a bit of a nap. There was a nice sea breeze and the warm sun made me drowsy, fairly fast. I was into a half asleep - half awake feeling of relaxed bliss, thinking about how nice this vacation has been for me. After about 45 minutes of this nice nap, I felt a light tap on my shoulder. I opened my eyes slowly and somewhat startled, but tried not to act jumpy. Standing before me was the most gorgeous, tall, tan, sexy, and strong looking blonde woman I had ever seen. "Sorry to startle you, sir", she said. "Oh. oh. that's O.K." I stammered back, as I found myself feeling like I was blushing, as I eyed this beautiful specimen of a woman. "I live at the top of this rocky slope. I was looking with my binoculars from up there, when I spotted you along my shore. There usually isn't anyone over in this area." she said. I said, "Oh, I'm sorry. Is this private property?" "No, but I just like to keep the front of my place clean. I want to keep my scenery nice. No jerks are allowed." she explains. "i'm not a jerk", I respond. "I'm a perfectly harmless guy. I'm just trying to have a quiet, relaxing vacation". "Oh, I'm sure you are", she says, sounding doubtful. "I'll do the deciding about if you're a jerk. Therefore, I have one simple test for you." I get kind of stumped by her conversation and ask, "What are you talking about? I thought you said this was not private property. Why in the world do you need to give me a test to see if I'm a jerk?" She looks at me with a stern look and says, "Because I'm the Master of this beach, and I said so. That's all that's to it. Now you must take my test." "O.K. o.k. Give me the test. Let's get this over with." I complacently comply with her. "Good. The test is that you have to wrestle me right here." she commands. "What? Are you nuts?" I complain. "No, your nuts is what I want! And I'm going to prove you're a jerk! I'm going to jerk you off!" she confidently claims. "What the hell? You're crazy lady!" I scream out and start to run. "You're not going to get away, you wimp!" she yells as she chases me down. In less than 30 feet she has caught up to me and grabs the back of my swim trunks, yanking me with a real hard, upward snuggie-like hold. She uses her other arm and puts a hard choke hold around the front of my neck and squeezes me tight. "Now you're mine! Did you think your wimpy body could outrun my powerful legs? You jerk! You need to have your scrawny neck wrung out right now!" she snarls. "Help! Help. help. hel..p, h..e.l.... ", I scream as I gradually have my voice squeezed off by her powerful bicep over my throat. She wrings my scrawny neck out and twists my head to an overpowering movement, as she drags me down to the sand. She is giving me a brutal onslaught of female muscle punishment, gradually and quickly taking me out of commission. "Now, to prove you're a Jerk!" as she bites my ear. She places my head, neck, shoulders, and arms under and between her huge, muscular thighs and calves, locking me in an unescapable hold. She is facing toward my feet. She flexes her big biceps high into the air and yells, "You Are A JERK!" She opens the front of my swim trunks and grabs my penis and balls and pulls them out in the breeze. I know that she is about to prove that I am a jerk. She's going to jerk me off! I try to feel around with my hands. I can only bend my arms at the elbow, as everything else is held captive. My hands graze against her big, strong, tight thighs and calves. She is immense and strong!! I rub her muscles. I am really turned on by her sexy muscles! My cock is getting so erect and stimulated by her. She starts to squeeze my balls and rubs them around and yanks on them. She's making them so tight in my sac. Then with great strength, she squeezes my cock and yanks me up and down real hard and fast with eye-blinding speed. She's nearly ripping it off, with my lower body lifting off the ground a ways. She is brutal with me. My dick goes limp from her squeezing it so hard. She has outmuscled me, even my hard cock! She jumps up off of me and looks down at my squashed body and yells, "You Wimp! Now I'm going to have to take you up to my beach house, up on that overhang. I'll work you over in my house, until you give me your CUM! You are such a limp dick jerk wimp!" She bends down to my damaged body and drapes me limply over her shoulders and stands up powerfully. She walks over to the long stairway of rocks that climb the 200 feet height to her place. As I lay across her strong shoulders, I gaze at her strong legs, as my upper torso dangles behind her. Her calves and thighs show great cuts of strength. She is a site to behold indeed! About halfway up her steps, the jogs and movements of her body, along with her great looking muscles, and strength, have sensuously bounced me into a renewed sense of sexual excitement. The blood is rushing to my head as I am dangling down, not to mention the blood is also going to my other head. My penis is re-erected and pushes into her breasts. She feels my loins pumping and stirring back to life against her pecs. "Ah", she says. "That thing of yours wants to fight some more, huh?" She flexes her great pec muscles into and around my dick as she continues to move up the long stair walk. She is undaunted by my weight and rushes faster up the last few steps. She is excited at the prospect of my newly engorged cock. We arrive at the top of the rock cliff ledge where her house is. She opens the seaside door and enters with me still across her strong back. She carries me over to the center of her front viewing room and throws me down on a really large bed with all dark brown leather upholstery. "This is where I wrestle the cum out of you, Jerk!" she explains, as I lay on my back. She takes off her bikini swimming suit and flexes her muscles for me and licks her lips, "There's no escape for you, Jerk. My muscles are too big and sexy for you. You should know that by now. Now take off your swimming trunks!" she yells her command. "Obey your Master!!" I don't know what to think. She is definitely much stronger, but I'm afraid to take my trunks off in front of her. "Come on, Jerk. I'm waiting. What's your problem? I'm naked?. Now its your turn. Get naked, now! Besides, what are you afraid of? I've already seen and grabbed your little guys already. Are you afraid I'm going to hurt you?" she quizzes and scorns me. "I, uh, I'm afraid you're going to beat me up", I squirm. "You're darn right, that's what I'm going to do! And sometime along the line, I'm going to squeeze all the sap out of you too! Now lets get to it!" she impatiently explains. I don't move. "O.K. That's it! Enough fooling around! Lets get it on!" she screams at me, as she flexes her arms and leg muscles to finally intimidate me, as if I wasn't already. I try to scurry off the bed to the other side, away from her. But with the skill and strength of a great lioness capturing her prey, she leaps onto the large leather bed and jumps over at me. She scapes my back with her long, sharp fingernails and wounds me for the taking. She roughly manhandles me back onto the bed, placing me in a violent full nelsen hold, lifting me and stretching my neck and head forward in great pain. She forces me onto the big center bed and pushes my face into the leather and rubs me into it, causing me a bad face burn. As she holds me down on my face, I feel my swim trunks being pulled down as ripping sounds eminate forth. She has completely removed and torn them to shreds. She now has forced me to be naked and rolls me over onto my back. She pulls my body around so my head sticks over the edge of the bed. Suddenly her awesome and thick thighs surround my head. She clamps hard like a large boa constrictor and squeezes my head into great pain. My hands shoot up to grab onto her hard behemoth thigh muscles as I pry on them to no avail. Soon I am kicking for release, but there is none. She wants me and she wants me bad. She is making me suffer. I am seeing stars and flashes of blackness. My cock has gone to full stiffness under the great squeezing power she is applying to me. My nose and mouth are stuck in between her big hard glutes. Then she bends forward and down to my prone body. She grabs beneath the underside of my knees and lifts me up all the way until my cock and balls are up to her chest. She surrounds my dick and balls with her chest and flexes her big pec muscles tight around them. She squeezes and flexes them hard, shaking my wimpy body up and down between the hard chasms of sex strength that she has upon me. I am nearly ready to give up my load, when she suddenly releases me and drops me to the bed. My body writhes in pain and unreleased ecstacy. My head is throbbing and my body humps in an ejaculatory motion. She uses her left hand to pull my gonads upward and holds me steady. Then she flexes the mighty bicep of her right arm in front of my face and says, "Here goes nothing, Jerk!" She wraps her mighty right biceps around my outstretched manhood parts and clenches and flexes it so hard. In less than 10 seconds, she is squeezing my spunk all over. She drains me and crushes every last drop out of me. I am a weak male wimp in her strong femuscle biceps. My dick goes limp in her arm, but she keeps squeezing it and stretching it to make certain I am empty. Then she yells, "See, I told you, you are a Jerk!" She takes a leather CBT thong strap from her drawer and ties it viciously around my balls, and rolls me over onto my stomach. She goes back to the drawer and pulls out a hand operated male dildo vibrator. She walks to me and spreads my skinny legs apart and thrusts the dildo into my anus and gradually rams it in deeper and deeper. "Now I'm going to fuck you, weak man!" she yells out. She turns the vibrator on and pulls the dildo up and down real fast. My head shoots up as I yell, "OWWWWWW!!!" She pushes my head back down with her other strong hand, twisting and squeezing my hair painfully. She continues to work me over with the vibrating dildo. "OOoooowww...!!" I yell out some more. Then she lets me lay there with the dildo still vibrating, shoved in my ass. She goes over to the drawer again, as my body quivers in stimulation. She puts on a strop-on dildo and walks over to me, turning off the one she had jammed in my butt. She flips me around onto my back and pulls my legs up nearly to my head, with my knees touching my shoulders. She rams her stapr-on into my butt hole and flexes her biceps for me to see, as she continues to hold my legs up. She keeps fexing her arms as she rapes me, pumping me real hard. I beg her to stop, "Please Master, stop." "No. my weak man! Not until you cum while I fuck you! As soon as you cum, I will let you go.!" she says with a very deep and strong toned voice. She works me over for quite a few minutes, as I gaze at her sexy muscles fucking me to shreds. I want the pain to stop. The only way, is for me to cum, so I have no choice but to try and cum. I go into humping motions with hers. Our bodies slap together. She is way too strong for me. I am rammed into the bed. All at once, my dick tightens up and I finally am forced to Cum! She lets me go as promised and unties the leather CBT thong from around my nuts. She licks the cum from my dribbling cock and hoists me over her head, with outstretched powerful arms, spreading her legs in a victorious stance. She thanks me for the nice day and takes me back down the long 200 foot cliff, carrying my naked and depletel body across her shoulders, like a shepherd carries a lamb. She lays me back down in the area of my cooler. I sleep in my naked form for several hours, as her strength has sapped me out. When I wake up, I find the leather CBT thong laying across my chest. I'll never forget this vacation!!