Angela and Joe, 6 months later. Angela and Annie, Joe's ex girlfriend, Surprise Joe when he wakes up in bed with a hangover. They make a deal with him he dare not refuse. Its the second week of December and the first week of Christmas vacation. Since Joe's encounter with Angela 6 months earlier he's made a lot of changes. He has a lot more respect for people, especially women. He apologized to Ben about a week after the party. He even fixed up Ben's bike. He tried to avoid the jocks as much as possible and especially steer clear of Lisa and Angela. Joe knew nobody would ever forget what happened to him, but after awhile he learned to ignore the snickers and sneers which would occur on a daily basis whenever he entered a classroom or walked thru a hallway. It would all be over soon anyway as he was graduating in June. It was his last year of school. Lisa's boyfriend, the head jock had already graduated and went off to Boston college. Lisa had her own apartment and Angela's parents let her stay with Lisa. Angela and Lisa were a lot more than just best friends, but nobody talked about it. The subject made Angela very angry, and nobody wanted to deal with Angela when she was angry. Misty was a shy little redhead with freckles and braces. She was 17 and would be 18 in two months. about 5 foot 3 and 110 pounds. She was probably the only girl who ever really liked Joe. Joe was the first boy she kissed way back in the 3rd grade at a church picnic. She lived with her mother and went to a private school. Joe and Misty were finally going out together and were getting serious. they started seeing each other 3 months ago in September, just before school started. Annie was Misty's older sister, the same age as Joe 19. She was taller than Misty, about 5 feet 7 and 135 pounds with strawberry blond hair. She was considered by most prettier than her sister. She had bigger tits and didn't wear braces. However misty was a lot cuter and more petite. Joe had gone out with Annie for two months before Misty because Misty was with her mother and step father all summer on vacation. Joe hadn't seen Misty since the third grade at the church picnic. Misty was also the first girl he ever kissed. The only reason Annie went out with Joe anyway was because Joe had a good summer job and plenty of weed to smoke. Annie also wanted to make her ex boyfriend jealous. He was the new head Jock and captain of the football team. He took over after Lisa's boyfriend graduated. Annie got into a bad fight with him over another girl so they broke up for the summer and Annie went out with Joe. When Annie and her jock boyfriend got back together in September she dumped Joe like a laundry basket full of dirty clothes in a washer. There was no emotion, just "sorry I got to dump you". A week later Misty came back into town and started school in September. She was sick of living with her father and going to a private school. Thats when Joe and Misty hooked up. Annie and Lisa have been best friends for years. It didn't change when Angela came into the picture. Annie just follows both of them around now instead of just Lisa. Annie knows there's nothing that can be done about Angela. Angela does whatever Angela wants and there's nobody big enough to stop her. So Annie now has two best friends instead of one. Annie is a nymph. She likes sex at least 3 times a day. She wore Joe out for the brief time they were together. Misty on the other hand is still a virgin. Misty decided years ago not to give it up until her 18th birthday which was still 2 months away. Joe and Misty were at the county fair all day hanging out with one of Joe's cool party friends who was 21 and feeding Joe way too many mixed drinks and beers. Joe was almost 20 and didn't need permission to stay out all night. Misty told her parents she was staying over at Annie's friends house. Neither Joe or Misty knew who these friends were. Annie had other friends besides Angela and Lisa, and Annie and Misty didn't talk all that much. Around midnight Misty helped Joe, who was totally hammered into the house and put him to bed in the bedroom used for overnight guests. Annie was asleep in the living room with the TV still on. When Misty closed the bedroom door Annie woke up and walked over by the door. She knocked lightly and said Misty is that you. Misty said yea sis, just me and Joe. These words would cost Joe dearly. Annie's boyfriend had a big football game coming up in a few days. His coach has a very strict rule to abstain from sex for a week before a game. Annie was so horny she was almost climbing the walls. She quickly came up with a plan that would satisfy her needs at poor Joe's expense. She couldn't get to Lisa and Angela's room fast enough. Joe woke up suddenly, the first thing he saw was Angela, she had nothing on but a long tee shirt and was sitting right on his stomach. Her asshole was positioned directly over his belly button. Joe tried to move his hands but they were tied to the bedpost. To make matters worse he had a huge piss hard on. He saw Annie sitting in a chair by the side of the bed smoking a blunt. She reached over and put it to Joe's lips. He took a long drag, blew it out and said, "where in the hell is Misty". Angela said don't worry about her, I sent her with Lisa to the mall to do some Christmas shopping. Annie gave her 150 dollars. She's got her Christmas club too Annie said. There was a loud noise as Angela farted right into Joe's belly button. It was a funny feeling like the jet stream of water you feel at the side of a swimming pool. Joe pleaded what do you two want. I didn't do anything wrong, I'm a nice guy now." please let me go". Not until we have a little talk, Angela says. Here,s the deal, Annie over here needs to get laid because a stupid football game is more important to her boyfriend than what she needs. Joe says "What's that got to do with me and you". Angela says It's got everything to do with us because I've been wanting to meet up with you again for months. What do you want Joe says. Angela explains to Joe how she wants to wrestle him again. Joe says Hell no, I wont. Angela tells Joe If he wont she will let Annie sit right on Joe's cock and then go and tell Misty when she gets back from shopping. Of course we will leave out the part about you being tied up. Joe's face becomes flushed with anger, he wants to call Angela a bitch so bad but imagines what she'd do if he did. He asks, if I wrestle you Joe asks Angela what will happen to me if I lose again.. Angela smiles and says we get to do to you whatever we want for the next 2 hours. Misty will never find out and we will be gone long before they come back What if I win Joe asks. Angela says "I will tell everybody what a strong man you are and how you beat me fair and square and you wont get laughed at anymore by anybody in school. I give you my word. Joe says No Sleeper or Scissor holds and Ill do it. Angela says OK not during the match. We start in 15 minutes. Joe has wicked cotton mouth and asks for a glass of water. Angela unties one arm and Annie goes into the kitchen. She comes back with water and a beer for everybody. After a couple more beer trips and a blunt Angela unties Joe's other arm and is ready to start. Joe says I got to piss real bad. Too bad Angela says and starts to stalk him. Joe notices that Angela has put on at least 10 more pounds of solid muscle. Her thighs are even thicker than before, and her arms are bigger too. He knows he can only hold his piss for 5 or 10 minutes tops, His only chance is to pin her quick and declare victory. Joe has been studying wrestling moves, and has several wrestling games on his play station. When she comes in he grabs her wrist and goes for an arm bar, she stops it by grabbing her wrist with her other arm, and yanking them both loose. Joe uses this opportunity to spin her around so he's behind her, and he goes for the full nelson. He is too slow, she bends over her ass pressing against his piss hard on, grabs his ankles, pulls up and pushes him over onto his back with her ass. Joe rolls over to his hands and knees and Angela backs up grabs his legs and traps him in a Boston crab. She rocks back and forth for about ten minutes until he is finished awhile Annie sits on the bed laughing her ass off. Joe is motionless face down on the carpet a big piss stain under him. His hands are tied together and to the door knob with rope which is closed and locked. Angela has been wailing on Joe's ass for almost 15 minutes now. with only a few pauses and breaks. Joe is begging and pleading for mercy. He says, "Ill let her fuck me." please let me up". Angela says only if you let me fuck you first. Joe says "OK, OK, I will". Angela pretends to feel sorry for the little wimp and takes one of the handcuffs off. Annie produces a beer for everybody. Joe sits up on the soaking wet carpet, with Angela sitting Indian style about 3 feet away on the dry part. Annie sits in the chair. Annie's cell phone rings. Its Misty, they are still shopping and have decided to go to another mall. She said she wont be home until later in the afternoon. Joe looks up at the clock, It's only 10 in the morning. looks like a long day Angela says. Both girls giggle. 8 beers and about an hour later they have both Joe's arms handcuffed and tied to the door. Joe is on his back now and has been dragged to the dry part of the carpet. Angela's legs are wrapped around Joe's lower waist again. He has one of Annie's dirty socks shoved into his mouth so they don't have to listen to him. MTV is on in the background. All 8 beers are slowly squeezed out of Joe within in the next 30 minutes, and his face is slapped several times. Annie also pisses in his mouth. They untie Joe's arm and take a beer break. They all down several beers and Annie leaves the room and comes back with a big black strap on with fake rubber balls attached to it. Joe gets slapped silly for resisting and is face down on the floor again. Angela is fucking the piss out of Joe. Jo feels like he's being nailed to the floor. Every time the huge black shaft is thrust strait down into his ass it grinds his balls into the floor, a hot stream of piss squirts out of the end of his cock and he can feel the rubber balls go crashing onto his. 10 minutes of this, the carpet is soaked again and he has came twice. They flip Joe on his back. Annie is ready to ride him now but Joe is limp from cumming off. Annie says don't worry we can fix that." Angela hold him for a minute." Angela clamps her legs around Joe's waist again and begins squeezing. she pinches his man boobs with one hand and grab his balls with the other. Annie exits the room and returns a few minutes later with a plastic bag. She pulls out a pair of filthy panties. Annie says "Yea I wore these for almost a week when I went camping. I was gonna sell them to some pervert on the Internet, but I guess ill use them now. Angela was still wrapped around Joe's bare waist, her crotch Dripping from sweat and cumming off. Annie had the panties on and was warming them up. She had taken a shit a minute ago and didn't wipe properly. Annie slowly walked over to where Joe lay on his back. Angela unwrapped him, got up and went to get a beer. When she came back in the room 5 minutes later Annie was sitting right on Joe's fully erect penis. Her panties were placed nicely over Joe's face, a big skid mark directly on his nose. She then rubbed the skid mark into his nostrils with the palm of her hand, as she was cumming off. Joe came off too, like a rocket. The girls kept their agreement, showered and left before Lisa and Misty got home. Joe took a long hot shower and went to bed. He would tell Misty he got drunk and spilled beer on the carpet.