The Upstairs Neighbor - Part Three By Wanderer Why you should get to know your neighbors. This is adult material. Please do not read if you are under age 18 or laws in your country forbid you to do so. This is the final part of this story. Parts one and two can be found on the Wanderer bookshelf. Copyright 2007 by Wanderer Stephanie and I are sitting on her sofa watching this porno movie and by now we're laughing and giggling like we've known each other for years, instead of this being our first evening together, and we're on our third glass of brandy, so I'm getting real bold. Since she's claiming a fifty-four inch double D chest and three-quarter inch nipples. I tell her that, as an attorney, I couldn't accept what could be an invalid claim, I would have to do my own research. "OK," Steph says, "research this!" She undoes the last button that hasn't yet popped off the top of her dress after her big inhale and now I see her breasts fully exposed because she doesn't wear a bra. Well, she's right, there isn't any sag to her breasts like with that blonde porno queen we're watching on the TV screen. Her pectoral muscles are a wonder. So firm looking, with big muscle cylinders running horizontally across her chest, and damn! - those nipples may be three-quarter inch after all. But I'm not going to give in easily. As an attorney I have to get cunning here. So I encircle her chest and back with my two arms, and I can hardly get my two hands to touch behind her back, but I manage. This may be fifty-four inches around," I say, while I'm feeling the power in those frighteningly firm back muscles, "but look, those nipples can't be more than a half-inch each. Didn't you say three-quarter inch?" "Oh, yeah, wise guy, you just put one in your mouth and then tell me it isn't three-quarter inch!" she orders me. Hey, anything to accommodate a lady. I dutifully bend a little and insert the right nipple between my lips and my two hands surround the right breast - it was a handful, definitely a double D, and definitely a three-quarter incher. I settle myself down on Stephanie's lap for a long night of sucking and rubbing, rubbing and sucking. The porno movie is a real hoot. The two porno queens are doing unspeakable things to the guy and Stephanie is saying, "I can do that. I can do that." And I'm saying, "Yeah, yeah, sure, sure," with as much doubt as I can put in my voice. My attitude is starting to irritate her and she says, "You think I can't?" "Well, you'd have to show me," I say. "You should be so lucky," she answers me. I'm still sitting on Steph's lap where she had put me a half hour ago, and I've got my hands roaming all over every part of her body I can reach. My hands are roaming all over her solid boobs, I'm rubbing her pecs, sucking on her nipples and I'm massaging the distinct muscles of her firm solid back, but since I can't see them I say to her, "How big are these things back here?" "Want me to flex?" she asks. "Sure," I say. "Impress me." So Stephanie takes a deep breath and tightens up her back muscles under my probing fingers. It's the most astounding thing - I can feel the ropes of muscles under my fingers, I can see her deltoids on top of her shoulders bulge up and get all striated. The deep breath she just took expands her chest to the point where I practically get pushed off her lap. Well, I can't help it. I've had a throbbing erection for maybe a half hour now, what with this beautiful girl holding me securely on her lap and a porno movie stimulating me no end, and I finally lose control. I come like an erupting volcano and my two hands grab on to one of Steph's powerful biceps to help me steady myself as my body spasms through one of the most powerful come episodes I've ever experienced. At first Stephanie is confused. "What's going on?" she asks. Then she sees this big wet spot spreading out all over my pants at the crotch, so then she gets it. "Oh, my big muscles and boobs are getting a rise out of you, aren't they, sweetie?" Then she thinks about it. "Or is it that you're scared of me? Did you just come, or did you just pee on yourself? I'll bet it's pee! You didn't just get excited about my big muscles, you got afraid of my big muscles and what they could do to you if I decided to do something bad. You're afraid of me, aren't you? You peed yourself, you big baby! You're scared to death of a little girl five years younger than you!" I'm thirty years old and, considering where I want to take this, I don't want Steph thinking I'm some sort of baby, or sissy. "That's honest to goodness come, Steph," I say. "You're so sexy. I couldn't hold it any longer. Besides, those porno ladies on that DVD and a bottle of wine at dinner and three glasses of brandy and your sexy body are more than one normal male can handle all at one time. I just had to let go." "Well, you didn't save any for me," she pouted. "Oh, I think I've got some reserves," I offered, hopefully. "We'll see," she says, also hopefully. "Hey, I'm ready, willing, and able," I say. "Just look." Sure enough, I just came and already I've got a big boner pressing against the crotch of my pants. "That made Steph giggle again. "Why, what a man! Hang on! I'm going to put that to good use!" But there was one thing I didn't believe about Stephanie, and that was twenty-four inch biceps. My legal mind told me that had to be an exaggeration. Why would Steph lie to me? Maybe it was to intimidate me. Time to confront her about that. Time to find out what I was really letting myself in for. "Well, I've seen your calves and your thighs and I'll admit they are pretty big, but twenty-four inch biceps? C'mon, you're pulling my leg. That must be the brandy talking. You may be those things you say you are, like fifty-four inches around your chest because your well developed pectoral muscles hold your big breasts in place, and you may even have three-quarter inch nipples, although I may have to see a tape measure to confirm that, but it's extremely doubtful that your biceps measure twenty-four inches. There are very few men in the world who can lay claim to a twenty-four inch bicep. How many are there - one? Two? Three? And probably they're six and a half feet tall and weigh three hundred pounds. You look to be around five feet eight inches or so, and maybe one hundred fifty pounds, so no way do you have twenty-four inch biceps. You're exaggerating. Wishful thinking, sweetheart." "That's your lawyer's mind talking," Stephanie says. "You've seen my triceps. Pretty big, huh? But if I show you my biceps I'll probably scare you away.You're right about the height though. Five feet eight inches, but do you know that muscle is very dense and very heavy? I weigh two hundred thirty-five pounds, and you say you're only two hundred? That's why you're sitting on my lap and I'm not sitting on yours. I'd probably break your thigh bone or maybe I'd break something else if I sat on your lap," she giggled. There I am, a six foot guy, sitting on this smaller woman's lap, unable to move because she's holding me so tight, and she says to me, "I'm not your ordinary run-of-the-mill girl, you know." "You could have fooled me," I mumble. "Oh, don't get smart mouth with me, or I'll have to spank you," she giggles again. "One can only hope,' I muttered. Steph looked at me very intensely. "You're not one of those S & M guys, are you?" she asked. "No, but I can learn if you want to teach me," I responded. "Well, if you don't behave yourself and do what I tell you I may just have to give you a spanking or two to teach you right from wrong," she laughed. "Oh," I said, "I thought S & M meant I was supposed to spank you." I guess we could flip a coin," she mused. "But since I'm stronger I guess I'd be in charge, so gee, guess who gets the spanking," she giggled. "Damn," I said. But all this time we're having our witty little give-and-take conversation I'm trying to keep my arms around her amazingly huge chest and to do that I need to snuggle up real close. That puts my head resting on her shoulder. It was amazing how hard her trapezius muscle felt against my cheek. Well, I'm emotionally moved by this woman's scent, my pheromones are flying all over the place, my penis is giving me a fit, and on impulse I start planting little kisses on her broad muscular shoulder, and then I move up to her neck, then her cheek, then her ear, then her mouth, and she doesn't resist anything I'm doing. She must really be horny! Is it me or is it the stimulus she's getting from the porno movie, or is it the brandy we're sipping? I hope it's me but I can't be sure. Mentally, I'm differentiating; emotionally my hard-on doesn't care. I'm running my hands all over those double D's, I've got her right nipple in my mouth, then the left nipple, then the right again, and I'm running my hands up and down her arms. I can feel her triceps - solid - and now I'm running my hands over her biceps - huge! - why isn't she reacting? Is she getting angry? Is she about to let me have it? The longer this goes on the more worried I'm getting. I've got to stop. I stop and look her in the eye. Those beautiful deep blue eyes. "Are you mad at me?" I ask. "You're not saying anything." "I'm just wondering," Steph says, a note of sadness in her voice. "Wondering what?" I ask. "How long it will be before I scare you off?" "Why would you scare me off?" I ask. Because every other guy gets scared off," Steph says, a little angry note creeping into her voice. "You're all just a bunch of sissies. You can't deal with being with a strong woman! I kiss you back. I smother you with kisses, I hug you! All of a sudden you're not breathing like you're used to breathing! I pick you up in my arms! You're scared shitless! I don't mean for you to see my biceps but I do something without thinking. They flex! You'll probably faint! I like you! I might even come to love you! You're cute! You're smart! You're charming! You're witty! And you're just like every other man! One look at my biceps and you're out the door!" I was shocked at this explosion of Stephanie's emotions. It was like she'd been dealing with these feelings for years and now all of a sudden they were coming to the fore. "I could be different, you know," I said. "You think you're any different, do you?" Stephanie raged. "OK, look at this!" Stephanie flexed her right arm right in front of my face. Now when a twenty-four inch bicep gets flexed about two inches in front of your eyeballs it looks pretty big - and it fills up your field of view - and it's a little scary. No, it's a lot scary. That big blue vein that runs up and down a body builders bicep, Steph has one of those, too. But she's also got smaller ones that run perpendicular to the bicep muscle, and I can make out blue tinged veins that are even deeper under her skin, not on the surface. This is one mighty big bicep. Now I'm believing twenty-four inches. I've never seen anything like it. Of course I'm not into bodybuilding. When you work seventy hour weeks you're too tired at the end of the day to go to a gym, and my body shows that. But I didn't have time to think about it - I had to feel it. I just reached out with my two hands and tried to encircle it - my fingers weren't long enough and I couldn't squeeze it any to compact it - it was as firm as her leg quadriceps were. On impulse I lean over and plant a big wet kiss on it - don't ask me why, I just do it. Steph looks at me with astonishment. "You must be nuts," she says. "No one has ever done that before. If I knew I had such a kook living just two floors below me I would have been knocking down your door a long time ago," she giggles. "You're the first guy to get this far with me and not get scared off by my big muscles." "Well, just because you've got big muscles doesn't mean you're strong," I kidded her. "I could probably mop the floor with you, sweetie; after all, I am a man. Just watch your step!" Steph looks at me like I'm out of my mind. "I'm not strong?" she asks. "I've been working with weights since I was twelve years old and I'm not strong? I'll show you who's strong!" The left arm holding my back upright stays right where it is, but the right arm goes under my right leg and to my outside left leg as I'm sitting on her lap, and suddenly I find my two hundred pound body up in the air over her head - while she's in a sitting position on the sofa! I was incredulous. Also I was scared. Also I was worried. "OK, OK, you're strong! You're strong!" I yelp. "I give up! I give up!" Now she's doing overhead presses with my body. "One-two, one-two,one-two." She does ten presses, holds me up over her head, and says, "Shall I do another ten?" "No! No!" I say, emphatically. "I'm convinced - you're strong! You're strong! Put me down! You could hurt me if you drop me, and I have to be in court tomorrow!" "Are you still going to mop the floor with me?" she giggles. "I haven't decided yet," I answer. Steph lowers me back onto her lap and she starts hugging me and kissing me all over my face, and I'm hugging her back and returning kiss for kiss. My ribs are bending under her embrace but I don't mind, I haven't had this heartfelt and sweet an encounter for years and years, and if she does break my back this is going to be a helluva way to go. We get to the end of the porno movie and we each finished off our third glass of brandy and I'm still sitting on Stephanie's lap and between watching those two porno queens do the guy in the movie and then two of his friends who just happened to drop by, and playing with Steph's fifty-four inch DD breasts and sucking on her three-quarter inch nipples I've worked up another raging hard-on and Stephanie knows it because she's been playing with it through my pants. So Steph turns the TV off with the remote and she says "Wow, that was a pretty tasteless porno film but it and the brandy and you sitting on my lap and playing with my boobs I'm all hot and bothered. Before you get out of here you're going to relieve some of my built-up tension. Do you have time for me to rape you, sweetie pie?" "Do I get a choice?" I asked. "Not really," she giggled. "Well, maybe I could call the court in the morning and get a continuance on the case I'm working on," I say. "I could tell the judge I came down with the flu." "Oh, my poor sick baby" Steph giggles. "Let me put you to bed." Steph rises from the sofa with me cradled in her arms as if it was the easiest thing in the world. Her two hundred thirty-five pounds and my two hundred pounds make four hundred thirty-five pounds, and she just gets up from the soft sofa cushions like it's nothing and she starts walking with me towards the bedroom. Now I've been having a lot of fun. The porno film was so bad it was good, and we sat and laughed and laughed, and the brandy made us both giggly, and usually I am an austere attorney-at-law, but now I start thinking. Bad habit. The prospects are looking good. Steph switches me over to her right hip and puts her right hand under my butt and gets it under my left leg so it's like I'm sitting on her hip like I'm a little kid or something. She wants her left hand free to open the bedroom door and I just reflexively put my left hand around her neck to hold on for security purposes, although I needn't have bothered because she's got a nice tight hold on me. I can feel her very thick neck muscles under my left forearm so I pull myself up a little and start planting little kisses on her shoulder and neck and nibbling on her ear lobes. I'm giving her my number one treatment. "God, you're strong," I murmured into her right ear, the one I'm nibbling on. "Does that scare you?" she asked. "Hell yes," I said. "Good," she said. "I wouldn't let you go anyway. You got me too horny now, blowing in my ear and nibbling it like you've been doing. Shame on you." "Where we going?" I inquire, as if I didn't know. "Why to the bedroom, sweetie. I want you to prove yourself. Time to find out how you react to a sexual, aggressive, powerful woman who is always in charge. You can be in charge in your courtroom and in your professional life. I am in charge in the home and in the bedroom. When I'm ready I don't take no for an answer. And I'm usually ready," she giggled. No!" I said. Of course she knew I was kidding. The pole between my legs told her that. I was still riding on Stephanie's right hip and she had her left hand free to open her bedroom door, so she brings her left hand around and flexes her left bicep right in front of my face. It was fearsome. "Tell me 'No' again," she says, "and you receive your first spanking," she warned me. "Yes! Yes!" I said, as her left bicep rose in front of my eyeballs. A twenty-four inch bicep two inches in front of your eyeballs is going to get your agreement every time. "Good boy," she laughed, "you're a fast learner. My kind of guy. I think we're going to get along very well." Now I'm getting a little alarmed. Suppose I don't measure up. "You've got to remember, Steph, I'm a lawyer, I work seventy hour weeks. I'm not a stud." "I'm sure you'll do just fine," she laughs."Remember, I can do everything those porno queens can do, and I can do a lot more. If you're human you're going to respond - and I'll bet you'll respond in a big way, too, honey." But my male ego is beginning to raise its ugly head. It's a pretty sure bet that I am being carried to the bedroom to service Steph's needs. I'm going to be used. Used in any manner she sees fit. It's not the other way around. Big strong me carries clingy female to bedroom - No, here big strong female carries clingy male to bedroom. What kind of wimp am I? I am a very successful lawyer. Opponents in court are afraid of me. Here I am, being carried by a woman to her bedroom and truth be told I'm a little bit afraid of her. She does all these things with amazing ease. For my own dignity I could say, "I'm sorry, I have to be in court early tomorrow morning. Maybe I'll give you a call next week." Just like all the guys do to her when they find out about her very large muscles. But I got her all hot and bothered - the porno movie, the brandy, playing with her breasts and nipples - I know she's going to make me satisfy her, even if she has to rape me. Why resist? Male ego be damned - relax and enjoy. I've still got my left arm wrapped around her neck so I keep giving her little nips and kisses on her neck and ear. That gets her giggling again. "My goodness, Mr. James, you certainly do know how to stimulate a girl's senses. It's hard for me to believe you haven't been with a woman in a year." "Some things you just don't forget," I say. "Besides which you are an extremely attractive woman and I think guys were stupid to bypass you just because you have some little muscles here and there." "These little muscles are going to give you one hell of a night, Howard. I don't think that even in your wildest imagination could you visualize what's coming your way in the next few hours." Well, Steph was true to her word. I'm still riding her right hip so she can have her left hand free to open her bedroom door, and it's a nice large room with a nice large bed and very attractively decorated, very feminine. This gal may have very large muscles but there is certainly nothing masculine about her, she's all woman. Steph deposits my body on her bed, and she says, "Just a minute, honey, I'll take my dress off. I kind of ruined it anyway, the buttons have all popped off the top and I guess the fabric ripped when I did a chest expansion for you. I ruin more dresses that way," she giggled. "Nice way to dispose of them," I commented. Steph removes the remnants of her dress and there never was a bra so the only thing left on her body is a bikini panty, and she sits down at her dressing table to put up her hair. I'm watching the display of biceps flexing and her very large and powerful looking back muscles as she brushes her hair. "Come over here, Howard. Come sit on my lap while I do my hair and you can tell me all about yourself. Oh, and you might as well take off your clothes and get comfy. You won't need them for a while," she laughs. So I remove my shirt, pants and underwear and I'm naked and I go sit on her lap and tell her my life story and watch the play of her enormous twenty-four inch biceps as she casually runs the brush through her shoulder length blonde hair. I'm so close I plant little kisses on her lips and her neck and her eyes and her biceps as they flex and unflex as she works the brush through her hair. I can feel the steely hardness of her leg muscles as they support me on her lap. I press my lips hard against those twenty-four inch biceps but they don't yield a millimeter to my pressure. I even try to bite one and Steph giggles, "Watch out Howard, you might break a couple of your teeth!" Good advice. Now, instead of sitting side saddle on Stephanie's lap I straddle her because the dressing table bench she's sitting on has no back, and now I can put a hand on each of her biceps as she's doing her hair. That jams my erect penis up against her six pack of abdominal muscles, and Steph knows I'm ready for her. She gets a serious look on her face. "Howard, you think you can take it if I get a little rough with you in bed? Sometimes I get carried away and forget how strong I am, but don't worry, I'll try not to hurt you. I do know first aid and the hospital is just three blocks away. Anything happens, we won't have to wait for the ambulance, I can just carry you there." "That's encouraging," I mumble. "Oh, don't worry," Steph says. "The last five years I've only had to take two or three guys there, and then that was because they didn't do what I wanted. They wanted to be the boss. Makes me mad, you know." "Oh, I'll be sure to do anything you want," I gulped. "I'm not sure my health insurance is all paid up." "Good, sweetie," says Steph. "I think we'll get along just fine. When I'm doing a guy I tend to get a little physical. Most of the time it's because if I can get a guy this far without him finding out I'm a very muscular lady he's going to find out here, even if I turn the lights out first. Idiots think they're in bed with a man and they try to run. Imagine, they're too stupid to realize that they're in bed with fifty-four inch double D boobs, all they know is that the leg muscles wrapped around them and the arm muscles holding them tight against that fifty-four inch DD chest can't belong to a lady, they must belong to a man. When I've gotten a guy this far I'm just too worked up to call it a night. The guy has to satisfy me, even if I have to rough him up a little. Or it could be because I'm getting so little action I just forget myself and get overzealous. I'm not gentle, and guys complain - usually as they're coming buckets and buckets. Some of them even go out of here thinking they've been raped. Raped against their will. Raped by a little girl. Well, it's probably true. Men are such riddles," she mused. "But when we get this far I can't control myself, so if you find me dominating you a little bit physically just relax and enjoy it. I guarantee you'll be pleased when I'm done with you," she giggled. Well, she raped me over and over again. Stephanie is definitely in charge in the bedroom. I learned to do things that I didn't think were possible. I entered her and she put those steely legs around me and I couldn't move. She did all the action. And those enormous arms crushed me to her massive chest. I was in seventh heaven. Running away never entered my mind. I loved it. Luckily I had about a years worth of semen stored up. "I never expected this.You're exhausting me," Stephanie mumbled. "I love it!" "Keep going," I gasped. "I just know there's more semen in there!" It was so much fun we spent the whole night in bed. She raped the hell out of me! We spent the next day in bed. I didn't see my apartment on the eighth floor for two days. And that's how I met my wife. The end.