The Engagement Party-Part 4 By Wanderer Maddy makes a spectacle of herself, and Janice confronts her brother If you missed the first three parts please check out the Wanderer bookshelf. This is adult material. Please do not read if you are under age 21, or laws in your country forbid you to so. Any similarity to actual persons, living or dead, is unintentional and purely coincidental. Copyright 2001 by Wanderer I awoke the next morning, still being held tightly in Janice's strong arms, and I tried to get up, but I was held fast. "Oh no you don't," she giggled, "one more time." I knew better than to argue---all that got me was a knockout punch and a sore jaw. Luckily, none of the staff was allowed above the ground floor unless summoned, and Mr. and Mrs. Witherington always took the elevator down from the third floor to the ground level, and my sister Maddy and my college roommate Jim weren't going to squeal on me as they were doing the same thing, although to be honest they were to be married in a few weeks, so it wasn't as bad as what Janice and I were doing. I didn't think what we were doing was bad, I mean Janice was making me do it. From the very first day I came to the Witherington estate she told me she'd had it with a private girls' school and she was going to use me to teach her about sexuality. Naturally, I demurred. This was no way to start off a future relationship with the person who was soon to be related to my sister by marriage, but this slim bitch easily overpowered me, to my chagrin and loss of my macho self esteem, and she didn't even work up a sweat doing it. As we proceeded hand in hand down the grand staircase to breakfast, I asked Janice if I had heard her right the night before as I dropped off to sleep. "Did you tell me I could call you Jan now?" "Yes," she said, "I'm rather pleased with you, and I do believe your training is going well now, once you have accepted that I am your physical superior." "You're too kind," I mumbled, half in relief that I was being found acceptable, and half in relief that I might not get beat up so much anymore. Janice---er,---Jan and I continued to have our nightly liaisons. At one time I would have thought this was heaven, a pretty girl, rich, a beautiful body, even if it was too muscular for my liking, smart, rich, innovative sex, rich, her muscle control let her do things with her body I never thought possible, but having been deprived of sexual experiences for all these years because of having to attend a private girls' school, this girl was insatiable. She was hell bent on making up for lost time, and she was exhausting me in the process. The day before the Saturday afternoon engagement party I pulled Jim aside. "Jim, Jim," I said, "your sister won't leave me alone. First of all, why didn't you tell me she was a frustrated virgin? Second, why didn't you tell me she was so damn strong? Third, why didn't you tell me I was going to get the hell beat out of me? I thought you were my buddy." "Oh, don't worry," he said, "if she's beating up on you that means she likes you. She's trying to mold you to what she wants you to be. If she didn't like you she wouldn't bother." "Fine friend you turned out to be," I grumbled. "Here I give you my sister, and you're trying to palm yours off on me." "Misery loves company," he laughed. If I have to play second fiddle to your sister then you might as well play second fiddle to mine. I know you have a thing for strong women. I could see you tenting your shorts when your sister Maddy was throwing me around or showing off the muscles in her body. Well, my sister may not be as strong or powerful as yours, but she's plenty strong enough to handle you, you wimp, and I think she's proved that to you. When we were kids I decided I wanted a pet. Dad said I could have one only if I would take care of it by myself. We were used to the servants doing everything for us so I asked him how come? He said we would learn responsibility that way. So I picked a cat, they mostly take care of themselves. But Jan always loved horses, so when she said she wanted a horse of her own dad told her she could have one only if she would take care of it. She worked her butt off, and that's how she got so strong. She swept out the barn, groomed the horses, even moved the bales of hay. I tried moving some once and it was hard as hell. She came over, pushed me aside, and did it like it was the easiest thing in the world. So I said to her, "Bet you can't lift that over your head." She says, "How many?" I said, "Ten, smart ass." Damned if she didn't do a hundred, and then she stopped only because she got bored. Since then I've been a little bit afraid of my little sister, but I don't let her know that. You're lucky she hasn't given you a black eye yet. I think she's trying to keep you pretty for the engagement party," he laughed. "But I've seen Maddy and my sister with their heads together. I think they're plotting, so at least you and I can team up for a little self-protection. There's strength in numbers, you know." "What strength in numbers?" I asked. "You know Maddy handled the both of us together at one time when she locked us up in the closet (See "Who's In the Closet Now?" and "We're Back In the Closet Again" in the Wanderer bookshelf), and your sister handles me easy, and I wouldn't put it past her to put the two of us away at the same time, even if you have spent the last year in the gym lifting weights and trying to get stronger." "Well, I still think we're better off as a team than we would be separately, bro," Jim said, "I love Maddy, even when she might lose control and start spanking me because I did something she doesn't approve of. After, she's so apologetic the sex is just fantastic," he giggled. "The cure far outweighs the punishment. And you could learn to love Jan. She might spank you a time or two, but deep down the little bitch is really a sweetheart," he laughed. "We got to hang together, bro." "Yeah, right," I said, but I was pretty damn skeptical. We had dinner together again that night, and I think I did a little better with the silverware. We had some beautiful wines, and even I, who was a novice with the stuff, could tell these were superb. I probably overdid it, like I had the night before, but Maddy, who had just turned nineteen, had no experience at all with alcohol, and two or three glasses got to her. Picking up her wine glass she saw Mr. Witherington swirling the wine in his glass to stir up the bouquet, so she tried it. Well, it ain't exactly that easy if you've never done it before, and she spilled practically a whole glass on her dress. "Oh, fuck," Maddy said. Well, a few little four letter words don't faze me, but evidently four letter words are not used in polite society and there is no doubt that Mr. and Mrs. James Witherington II are the epitome of polite society. Consternation filled the room. The butler gasped, the sommelier dropped a full bottle of wine, and another butler spilled a ladle of soup on Mrs. Witherington. My mother and father looked terribly embarrassed. Janice, who had just learned the full meaning of the word, giggled, and Jim just sank down in his chair, trying to disappear. "Oh, shit," Maddy said, which brought on more consternation, "now I have to go change clothes and the airline still hasn't found my lost luggage. They probably sent it to Afghanistan, the bastards." By now I felt people were going to begin fainting all around me. "Jim, can I borrow some of your clothes? Hopefully they won't be too small for me. Maybe I'll have to cut off the sleeves," a somewhat tipsy Maddy giggled. "Of course, my dear, help yourself," Jim said, glad to get the cussing Maddy out of the room for a few minutes. When Maddy came back to the table she was wearing the only things she could find. A pair of Jim's shorts and one of his T-shirts. Well, she filled out the T-shirt much better than Jim did, and Jim is a pretty athletic sort of a guy. The chest front was swollen, pulling up the bottom of the shirt, exposing her six pack. But what was stunning was the sleeves. The girth of her arm had pushed the short sleeves up almost to her deltoids, fully exposing her biceps. Mr. Witherington's mouth just dropped open, and Mrs. Witherington just said, "Ooooohhhh, oooohhhh," and two maids rushed over to fan her with napkins and a third went for a cold compress for her forehead. Maddy's arms, even unflexed, were terrifying, they were monstrously huge. Not only were they a full 25 inches, but they had blood vessels running up and down and crisscrossing all over the place. Of course Jim and I and my family were used to it, we thought it looked pretty good on her, even if it was a little unusual, but that was just us. People like Mr. and Mrs. Witherington II were not so accepting of anything that might be considered outside of normal. Mrs. Witherington succeeded in regaining her composure. Maddy just sat there, slightly intoxicated, a foolish grin on her face. It had to happen sooner or later, so maybe sooner was better. "My, my," said Mrs. Witherington. "You're---you're---so---so-muscular," she got out. "Really?" said Maddy. "Do you really think so? So nice of you to notice. I work very hard at it," and she proceeded to flex her right bicep. Well, when Maddy flexes a bicep it's a sight to behold. All those muscle fibers bunch up together and make an astonishing mound. Blood vessels stand out like cables and she gets this high peak, and she just loves to make it dance. Flex, unflex, flex, unflex, flex, unflex. Again Mrs. Witherington uttered "Oooohhh, oooohhhhh," and this time she fainted dead away. So here come the three maids, a butler ran to get the smelling salts, and finally the coterie of servants managed to revive her. "I---I---knew you were quite broad shouldered," said Mrs. Witherington, "much like my daughter Janice, except your shoulders are even wider than Janice's, almost unladylike, but your---your arms, I mean---they're very masculine, aren't they, my dear? Maybe you should be more---more---shall we say, passive? I mean, do you really want to have more muscle than your fiancé, my son Jim? It's so---so---unladylike," she reiterated. Maddy replied, "But Mrs. Witherington, mom, I need to be able to enforce the orders I give Jim, how else would I be able to do it if I weren't stronger than he is?" she asked. "B---b---but, my dear, women don't give orders, men do," said Mrs. Witherington. "Oh, mom," my sister responded, that's so last century. I mean, maybe in your generation women did everything the men told them to do, but in this century, with equality becoming more and more meaningful every day, it's pretty much acknowledged that whoever's the stronger controls the family, and women are attaining more and more control. Why, your daughter Janice is very strong, would you want her to be the obedient servant to some man when she gets married, even though she could whip his ass?" "Well, I would like to think that my Janice and her future husband could reach some type of amicable resolution of any disagreement that might arise without the need to resort to fisticuffs," Mrs. Witherington huffed. Maddy giggled at that. "Well, look at how meek my brother is," she laughed. "When Janice says 'Jump!' he jumps. All she had to tell him is how high. Do you know that Janice has already had to 'discipline' Frank several times when he questioned her orders?" Maddy asked. "Oh, I don't believe that, my dear," Mrs. Witherington said. "He's such a nice quiet boy, I'm sure he wouldn't give anybody any trouble." I just sat there, saying nothing, just staring into my half empty bowl of soup. "Is that true, Frank?" Mrs. Witherington asked. "Has my daughter really used physical intimidation to control you?" I hesitated to respond, but finally I thought it best that I be truthful. Maybe I could sue or something down the line. "Y---y---yes'm," I responded. Janice sat across from me, glaring, and I knew I was in for it. Oh well, in for a penny, in for a pound. I might as well make the best of it now, so all my frustration came pouring out. "She's very mean to me," I said. "She slaps me, hits me, she has a very violent temper." I might as well go all out now that the cat was out of the bag. "My goodness," Mrs. Witherington said, "I don't want you doing that, Janice!" "Oh, mom," Janice said, "he asks for it, he just has a hard time following my orders, he's kind of a slow learner that way, but I try not to hurt him." Somehow that didn't make me feel any better. Mr. Witherington, who had been taking all this in, now spoke up. "You know, honey," he addressed his wife, maybe it's not such a bad idea. If she and our son James are going to control our corporation once I retire, I know that some of my senior executives are going to see a young girl with very little business experience that they can take advantage of, and she's going to have to knock some heads. What better way to go than to practice leadership and control on Frank? He's going to be a part of the family soon so we can keep it all in the family. I don't want it getting out that our daughter is a ball-buster until it absolutely has to come out. It will be more of a surprise if she practices on Frank," he said. I was beginning to feel somewhat queasy in my stomach. I didn't relish being a punching bag for their daughter, although I already was one. "Well, maybe you're right," a dubious Mrs. Witherington responded. I was feeling worse by the minute. "Don't I have anything to say about it?" I asked. "I don't like getting knocked around. My teeth hurt. I think I may need some dental work." "Shut up, Frank," Janice interjected. "Don't worry, my boy," Mr. Witherington said, "we have our own corporate dentist, and if Janice damages you in any way we'll take care of it for you." Somehow I didn't seem terribly reassured. Well, for some reason the wine flowed that night. Maybe everybody was a little on edge. I was afraid Jan would be angry with me because I told the truth about her vicious temper. Mr. and Mrs. Witherington were worried about Maddy having such big unladylike muscles and poor social skills, and Jim, who adored my sister Maddy, was worried about his parents' response now that they learned Maddy wasn't the shy, retiring wallflower they had originally thought she was. And my parents just concentrated on the wine, to the exclusion of all else. So by the time we left the dinner table we were all a little tipsy and giddy. Maddy got outside the dining room and she's dancing and twirling around, acting like a silly teenager, which she still was. Finally she stops and before Jim can realize it she picks him up, cradle style, and says, "C'mon, Jim, let's go upstairs and fuck--- oooppps, there's that word again!" Now Jan, not to be left out, screams "I can do that! I can do that!" and before I know what's happening she's got me in a cradle hold and she's twirling around also, holding me as easily as Maddy is holding Jim, and making me dizzy. "C'mon, Jan," my sister says, "I'll race you up the stairs!" And they both run for the stairs, Maddy carrying Jim, Jan carrying me, and the Witheringtons, at the foot of the stairs taking it all in, decided they'd had enough excitement for the day and took the elevator to their third floor living quarters. Despite the fact that my sister Maddy looks more solid than Jan, Jan is taller and has longer legs than Maddy, and she's neck and neck with Maddy as they race up the stairs, both Jim and I bouncing haphazardly in each girl's arms, afraid they were going to fall and maybe hurt us. I've got my arm around Jan's neck, hanging on for dear life, and I can feel her trapezius swelling as she shifts effort to balance me. I could swear I'm getting an erection just from feeling those traps. Maybe Jim is right, maybe I like muscles on girls after all. The girls are absolutely even until Maddy decides to take two stairs at a time, and she beats out Jan carrying me. "No fair! No fair!" Jan cries, "you did two stairs at a time, you cheat!" The girls kept arguing as to who is better as they carried us into Jim's apartment. "Ha, ha!" Maddy said, "bet I can make my brother Frank say uncle before you can make your brother Jim say uncle!" "What a novel idea!" Jan said. "Actually I've never fought Jim before, I mean he's five years older than I am, and I never thought about it. We're such a traditional family. The oldest son gets all the goodies. But I'm sure when Jim and I take over dad's corporation we're going to get into it, so we might as well get into it now," she giggled. "Now, Jan, we're not going to do this, I don't want to hurt you," Jim said. "Oh yes you are," Maddy said, a sharp edge to her voice. "I'll decide what goes on here," she said, "and if you lose you're going to get one hell of a spanking," she said. "Of course, if you win you're probably going to get one hell of a spanking anyway," she giggled. "I guess you win either way, don't you, Jim?" she laughed. Jim was getting red in the face now and I figured it was going to be an interesting contest. I had forgotten about the other half of the twin bill, me and Maddy. Jim was five years older, maybe twenty-five pounds or more heavier, maybe half-a-foot taller, for the last year or year and a half he had been very seriously training with weights to see if he could catch up with my sister Maddy (he couldn't), and Janice had never even lifted a weight, she only did a lot of stable work with the horses and she was a demon when it came to moving those bales of hay, but heck, beat Jim, no way. "I'll referee," Maddy said, "I'll keep time and I'll see that it's fair. Get to your corners, men, oh, and ladies too," she giggled. "All right, at the sound of the bell come out fighting!" Jim walked to one side of the room and Jan to the other. He knew it didn't pay to disobey Maddy once she made up her mind, but still he said, "I don't want to do this, Maddy, I'll never forgive myself if I hurt my sister." But Jan giggled, "I'll never forgive myself if I hurt my brother." "All right, hot shot," Jim said, "you asked for it," and Maddy made a sound like a hammer hitting a bell---ding---and said, "May the best man---er--- woman, win." Janice hopped out from her side of the room to the center, but Jim came out reluctantly. "Shake hands, you guys," Maddy ordered. They shook hands and Jim decided to get it over with quickly. They broke the handshake and before Janice could even move Jim put a headlock on her and he pressured it, putting his whole weight on her neck. "Ow---ow---ow, is that fair?" Jan yelled. "You bet it's fair," Maddy said. "I'm not going to play any favorites. You gotta win on your own, Jan." A big grin crossed Jim's handsome face. He knew he was going to be the winner. It was more than just this little struggle here. It meant that when he and his sister finally took over control of their dad's corporation it was he, Jim, who would make the big decisions. Maybe he would talk it over with Jan, maybe he wouldn't, but he would decide. Jim kept pressuring the hold, she was sinking down, down, her forehead was almost touching her knees, and now her knees were beginning to buckle. Jim was now grinning ear to ear, and Jan had such a sad look on her face I couldn't help feeling sorry for her, even if she was so bitchy to me. I don't know. Maybe it was because she had given me her virginity. Maybe it was because we had spent the last few nights in bed together, maybe it was because she was so pretty, maybe it was a love-hate relationship between Jan and myself, maybe it was because someday she'd be so rich, maybe I just got caught up in the excitement of the moment, maybe it was the wine. Anyway, I did something that I instantly regretted but it was too late. "Pretend he's a bale of hay!" I yelled. "Oh," she said, like it was a light bulb being turned on over her head. Jan placed her left hand just under Jim's knees, her right hand was already on his back trying to push him off, and she just lifted. All of a sudden I could see big cords of muscle in her thighs bunching up as she straightened her legs and her dress split down the back as her lats spread wide with the effort, and Jim's feet came off the floor and he rose and rose and kept rising until Jan had him over her head, arms fully extended, just like that bale of hay! This girl had muscles that were unbelievable for such a slim looking girl. Her thighs were knotted up with powerful looking muscles, and even though I had been sleeping with her the past few nights I never dreamed that she had such wide lats. Meanwhile Maddy was applauding and cheering and even I applauded politely this feat of strength as Jan paraded proudly around the room, holding Jim high over her head while he yelled at me "Traitor! Traitor!" "Aw, shut up," I said, "you probably had it coming," but all of a sudden I felt a presence behind me. "Why don't you join Jim up there?" Maddy said, and there I was, up in the air, level with Jim. The two girls paraded around the spacious room, dancing and twirling, shouting and laughing, enjoying our obvious discomfiture, chanting: Women rule! Women rule! We don't need their tool! We don't need their tool! Women rule! Women rule! Then they started bumping chests as a sign of their victory, just like football players do. They were smacking into each other, harder and harder, and laughing almost hysterically, they were having so much fun at our expense. "C'mon, girls, let us down," I asked, a little bit scared that they might drop us and we might break something, and also I was embarrassed that these two women could do this to us, us macho guys, and not even break a sweat. I mean both Jim and I knew Maddy could do this, she had handled both of us easily at the same time before, but Jan? They kept bumping and laughing and twirling and Maddy gave Jan a little kiss of victory-I could see it, we weren't facing the ceiling, we were being held sideways , looking at the wall more than the ceiling or the floor. "Oh," said Jan, surprised, "that seems like fun," and she gave Maddy a kiss back. ""Oh," said Maddy, "you kiss better than Jim," and she gave Jan another kiss, this time longer. "This is REALLY fun," Jan said, and the two girls stood there, still holding us over their heads, like we didn't exist, exploring each other's lips and mouths, laughing and giggling at this new found pleasure. "Cut that out, you fuckin' lesbian bitches!" I yelled, "quit that crap and put us down!" Suddenly the laughter stopped. "What did you call me?" Maddy asked, a chilling tone to her voice. "I called you a fuckin' lesbian bitch, which you are," I said, now mad as hell and throwing caution to the winds. I found myself standing on my feet, and Jan put Jim down beside me. "That's what I like, obedience to the words of your master," I said, considerably relieved. Maddy went over and sat on a nearby chair. "Pull your pants down," she said. I didn't think I heard her right. "What?" I questioned. "You heard me, take your pants down." "You have to be kidding," I said. "I won't ask you again," she said. "It will go much harder for you if I have to come over there and do it for you." I knew Maddy was deadly serious. Her voice had a cutting edge to it, and knowing her capabilities I knew she could do it. And I knew I couldn't run away, she was much faster than I was. Reluctantly I reached down and unbuckled my belt and let my pants fall to the floor. "Same goes for you, Jim," Janice said. "I don't want to have to beat you up, after all you've got your engagement party tomorrow, how would it look if you show up with two black eyes?" Slowly Jim also did as he was told. Having been put high in the air by Jan he was now pretty scared of her. He had told me before that he was a little afraid of her, but now she had proved to him that she was pretty damn strong, probably strong enough to beat him up good. So the two of us stood there now, pants down around our ankles, heads bowed. "Get down here over my lap," Maddy said to me. I knew what was coming. Although Maddy had never spanked me before, she had threatened me several times with punishment, and calling her a fuckin'lesbian bitch had been the last straw for her. Reluctantly I moved towards her, shuffling my feet, I couldn't move much faster with my pants down around my ankles, and hoping she would relent and say "Oh, forget it." When I got there Maddy said to me, "Lie down on my lap." "Please don't do this, Maddy," I begged. I didn't want the shame of my younger sister administering a spanking to me, even if I had erred in calling her a name. "You need to learn the proper respect for me if I am to become a Witherington," Maddy said. "It will never do to have the servants hear family members refer to each other in that manner." "I promise I won't do it again, Maddy," I begged. "Too late to be making promises," she said. "You've earned this disciplinary session and you're going to get it." I was scared. That was some 25" biceps that was going to propel the palm of that hand down on my butt, and I had every right to be scared I found out as the first blow hit my derriere. I could feel Maddy's powerful quads cutting into my soft underbelly as each blow bounced me on her solid legs. "You, too," Janice ordered Jim, and Jim, having just been held seven or eight feet up in the air by his little sister, and not wanting to show up for the engagement party with a black eye, decided not to challenge Janice, not now, anyway. "But why me?" a dejected Jim asked of Janice. "Because you never objected," Jan told him. "As my brother you should have taken umbrage that your future wife was spoken to in that manner, and you know our parents wouldn't tolerate that manner of speech around me. After all, I'm only 18," she giggled. So I did it. I lay down across my little sister's lap and she gave me the spanking of a lifetime. Those 25 inch biceps can really propel the palm of a hand onto your rear end. Each blow was memorable for its severity, and judging from the groans Jim was releasing as he lay across Jan's muscular thighs, he was suffering about like I was. Despite her slim appearance that Janice was as strong as an ox. When his sister let him up off her thighs I could see his butt was a fiery red, and I presumed mine looked exactly the same, or worse. "Now go stand in the corner until I tell you you can move," Maddy said. "Aw, Maddy," I began, but she cut me off. "Do it!' she ordered. And Jan, taking a cue from Maddy, did the same. "Go stand in the other corner," she ordered. "Now face the wall and don't turn around until I tell you you can," Maddy ordered me, and Jan said, "Same for you, Jim." So there we were, two grown men made to stand in the corner by our little sisters, not daring to look around for fear of even greater punishment. I stood in one corner, I knew Jim was standing in the corner across from me. I heard a giggle. Then another. Then some more girlish giggles. Then a sigh. Then a moan. Then more sighs, more moans, then a little scream. I didn't dare look around. I was too scared. I knew how harsh the punishment could be from my little sister if I disobeyed her, and I think Jim was now having the same feelings about his sister Janice. I just had to use my imagination. Finally I heard my sister Maddy say, "OK, you may leave the corner now." I turned around just in time to see the two girls disappearing out of the doorway, one of the girls carrying the other. The shock of it was it was Janice carrying my sister Maddy! That dominating bitch---oh, sorry, that slim young lady was carrying my heavier sister like she was a flyweight while my sister was peppering Janice's neck and shoulder with kisses and nibbles. That Janice continually surprised me with how strong she was. Well, Jim and I slept together that night, in separate beds of course, and Jan and Maddy slept together, in the same bed, I'm sure. I found myself experiencing strange feelings of jealousy, even though I was glad to finally get rid of Janice for a night. Who would she decide was the better lover? My sister Maddy or myself? I found myself tossing and turning in bed that night, thinking if I hated Janice and her controlling nature and her viciousness towards me, why was I annoyed that she was in bed with my sister and not with me? Next: The day of the engagement party finally arrives.