Who's In the Closet Now? Part 3 By Wanderer More about Frank and Jim and Frank's little sister. This is adult material. Please do not read if you are under age 21 or laws in your country forbid you to do so. Any similarity to actual persons, living or dead, is unintentional and purely coincidental. As we saw at the end of Part 2 (March 25, 2001) Frank and Jim were trapped in the closet, put there by Frank's supermuscular and dominating little sister, Maddy. They were desperately trying to escape from the closet, fearful of being held captive by the overpowering Maddy for the whole month until Frank's and Maddy's parents returned from their trip to Europe, but the sturdy door resisted all their attempts to break it down. But all of a sudden the closet door had opened, so let's let Frank continue with the story. When the closet door opened the glare from the sudden bright light blinded Jim and myself. We each felt a strong hand at our throats and we were lifted up off our feet, held solidly against the closet wall behind us, unable to move, gasping and choking for breath. "Oh, you guys," we heard Maddy say, "there's just no way of making you happy. I guess you just want to come out of the closet," and she giggled at her own little joke like only a teenager can do. "The idiot writing this story thinks I should keep you in the closet and feed you gruel-'he's the fool pushing the gruel'-she giggled, but I think that's too grueling for your weak little male bodies." By now she was laughing so hard at her own little witticisms she practically doubled up, barely able to keep us pressed against the wall, our feet dangling helplessly off the floor. "But I have a better idea," Maddy said. "Jim, you know all about servants, so you can show me how it feels to be waited on and pampered. I have your car keys, and if you serve me well for a couple weeks I might give them back to you and let you go, and Frank, you know all about being demanding of your little sister, so suppose we just turn the tables? I know you won't run away, Frank, because you're supposed to stay home and take care of me. What will you say? I ran away because my little sister beat me up? Dad would whip your ass, and if you squeal, after dad finishes whipping your ass I'll whip your ass, and if you think dad has done a good job on you in the past, just wait and see the job I'll do on you!" Well, Maddy had a hell of a couple weeks, waited on hand and foot by her humble, scared, and obedient servants, two very docile males. Jim was uncooperative and surly the first couple days. He had always given orders to servants before, even as a youth, and girls had always fawned on him because of his social status, his wealth, and his good looks. He wasn't used to being told what to do. At age 22 he considered himself highly sophisticated, a man of the world, a bon vivant, and here an 18 year old child who had hardly ever left her home town was ordering him to lay out her clothes, wash her hair, give her a pedicure, vacuum the carpets, and cook her dinner (with my help, of course). The second day of his servitude Maddy ordered Jim to wash her undies by hand, and he had had it. "Hell, no!" he yelled at her. "I'm sick and tired of this shit! Wash your own goddam underwear!" Maddy, being only 5' 6" tall had to look up to see the anger in the 6' 2" tall Jim's face but it took her only a split second-she slapped him, and hard. I could see he was staggered by the force of the blow, but he kept his feet underneath him, standing there, hands at his side, stunned. I don't think anyone had ever slapped him before. Maddy, a very stern tone to her voice, said, "I won't tolerate such insolence, Jim, I'm sorry but I shall have to punish you now." As she said that she reached up with her left hand and encircled his throat. Evidently her grip was so powerful that his face immediately turned red and he began to choke. You could see he was trying to breathe and escape her iron hold at the same time, but he was helpless against Maddy's choke hold, and since she was wearing a tank top that day I could see her enormous biceps bulge out from the force of her hold. It had to be a good 20 inches, maybe 22 inches, and since my own biceps only measured 14 inches I decided right then and there that whatever Maddy suggested I do around the house was OK with me. Maddy marched poor Jim over to the nearest chair, maintaining her choke grip on his neck and sat down on the chair while pulling Jim across her lap. She said, "If you're going to be a naughty boy, Jim, I'm going to treat you like a naughty boy. Maybe if your mother had done this to you when you were a child you'd have learned to be obedient now." Well, she gave him one hell of a spanking. I think she made up for all the years he had never been spanked in just this one session. It wasn't long before tears were rolling down the squirming Jim's cheeks for the second time in three days. Being laid out across Maddy's powerful thighs, being disciplined in a manner he had never before experienced, even as a child when his nanny had been too afraid to even touch him, was a totally new experience for Jim. His arrogance didn't work here, his powerful sportsman's body was being punished by a mere slip of a girl more than half a foot shorter and at least fifty pounds lighter, but whose muscular structure made him look puny by comparison. He, who was disdainful of women because they threw themselves at him and could have any of them that he wanted, he had such control over them, now found himself in the unique position (for him) of not being in control. This girl would use him as she saw fit, she made the decisions that controlled his life now, she could throw him aside (literally and figuratively) should she so wish, so he all of a sudden found her to be very desirable, an unattainable goddess. And despite the pain that was accumulating in his buttocks he was beginning to enjoy his close contact with Maddy's thighs. He could feel the muscles in her quads ripple as she balanced his heavy body on her thighs from the force of each powerful whack on his rear end. The contact was so sensual to him that he felt his penis growing, pushing against Maddy's muscular thighs. Maddy must have given him fifty or sixty powerful poundings on his ass and then she stood him up in front of her and he stood there, head bowed in submission to his 18 year old tormentress, tears rolling down his cheeks, his hands on his behind trying to soothe the pain there. They made a ludicrous sight: This little girl, looking even smaller seated in the chair, and this big 6' 2" guy standing there in front of her, towering over her, head bowed and crying his eyes out, holding his butt, and his inflated penis tenting the front of his shorts. "Now, Maddy said, "I don't want to punish you, Jim, but I have decided that you are to stay here for at least two weeks, and then I will decide whether to send you home or not, and I must have total obedience from you and my brother Frank. I will not tolerate any dissent from my decisions, is that understood-or do I need to continue your discipline? And for heaven's sake, put that silly thing away," Maddy said, referring to Jim's monumental erection, "I'll decide when that thing comes out, not you." "N...n...no," Jim stammered, "I think I've learned a lesson here today. Maybe I've been too arrogant. Maybe I think only of myself. And as for my erection, well...well, you're very attractive, very pretty, and I...I'm sorry, I...I'll try to keep better control. " I think I saw Maddy blush a little, but she got up, gave Jim one more huge swat on his behind to remind him of who is in charge, and ordered "Now go wash my underwear," and as a final humiliation Maddy said, "Oh, and you can do Frank's too while you're at it." Jim didn't say anything, it was quite clear he had learned his lesson, or at least that he had better keep his mouth shut, lest he upset Maddy. With us guys waiting on her Maddy spent the next couple weeks with our free weights down by the pool, working out hard because she had no responsibilities around the house, other than to monitor our performance. Maddy made Jim hang around while she was working out and as her muscles grew bigger with the workout so did the bulge between my buddy Jim's legs. She made Jim towel her off after each set. For barbell curls he had to towel off her stupendous arms, for squats he had to kneel in front of her and towel off her gorgeous heavily muscled legs. To tease him she would start to do toe raises to inflate her calve as he knelt there in front of her, and the sweat on his brow wasn't just from the heat of the day. When Maddy finished a set of bench presses with her usual 375 pounds she would call Jim over. "Towel off my breasts, Jim," she would say. I could see how nervous he was because he was scared. He would look away as Maddy studied his face and giggled to herself while he ran the towel over her 44 inch double D's. But Maddy wasn't above playing games, testing out her girlish charms. One day I was looking out the kitchen window towards the pool as I was preparing lunch for the three of us, and as Maddy finished a set of bench presses I heard her say "Jim, towel off my breasts, please." Dutifully Jim did as he was told and looked towards the pool as he did so. Feeling the mounds of firm breast under his fingers excited him-I could see his prick grow even from the kitchen window. Then Maddy said, "Jim, there's some perspiration running down into my cleavage that you didn't get, why don't you remove my shoulder strap and get it?" Well, there was no reason to remove the shoulder strap as there really wasn't much to her bikini top and Jim could have easily run the towel into the deep chasm that was her cleavage, but he hesitated. "Do it!" she commanded, and Jim jumped to comply. He pulled down the right strap exposing about as perfect a breast as there ever was, with an engorged nipple standing straight up in the air. Even I felt a pulsation between my legs, and this was my sister, but I just couldn't help it, it looked so perfect and inviting. And Jim couldn't help it either. He just looked at that beautiful breast, let out a low moan, and he bent down to lick her nipple as he simultaneously had an orgasm and shot his load halfway across the lawn. Maddy pretended to be shocked, but we all knew she had set poor Jim up. "Oh, you naughty boy!" she exclaimed, and she got up off the weight bench and put one hand on Jim's neck and the other on his wet crotch and with her powerful muscles bulging easily pressed the terrorized big man's 200 pounds over her head and held him aloft, his body now shaking with his fear of his unknown fate. I mean, after all she could bench press 375 pounds so his 200 pounds was light as a feather to her. I could hear Jim moaning and groaning, the big 6' 2" man begging, "Oh, please, Maddy, please please don't hurt me," and he began to cry again, fearful of the unknown, Maddy, easily holding her burden over her head, walked over to the side of the pool, and said "I think you need to cool down, Jim...and wash off, too," she giggled, and she threw Jim half way across the pool, turned and walked back toward the house, and out of the kitchen window I could see a big smirk on her face, she was pretty satisfied with herself. Maddy was having a lot of fun, but she wasn't going to let Jim know that. She knew Jim couldn't take his eyes off her, and that made her flush with pride. She had him under her spell. She knew her powerful body could easily control him physically, and her big powerful muscles had cast an emotional spell over him, he wanted her and he feared her at the same time. The big elitist socialite was putty in her 18 year old hands, she could take him or discard him whenever she wanted, the choice was hers. Her female beauty and powerful muscles gave her total control of this male-he was hers, body and soul, and she felt pretty good about that. He wasn't a bad sort, after all, just too rich for his own damn good, but he was really handsome, there was no getting around that, just spoiled rotten, used to having his own way, and he had a good body compared to any male, it was just that he was puny compared to her own musculature. So one night near the end of his stay with me Maddy cornered him. "W...w...what did I do wrong?" said a very apprehensive Jim as he cowered in the corner of the living room as Maddy stood in front of him, hands on hips and legs spread apart, looking very threatening as she put a little extra tension in all her muscle groups. "Oh, nothing, you silly boy," she giggled, "you've been very well behaved, so I've decided to reward you before I let you go home." She lifted his helpless body in her strong arms and easily carried the big man up to her bedroom-I could see him quivering all the way, not sure of what awaited him-and there she knocked some of the pride out of him by using him as she wanted all night long. He felt violated, he felt used, but Jim finished out his stay scared to death of Maddy and absolutely adoring her beauty and fearsomely muscular body. As a matter of fact Jim pulled me aside and whispered to me, "Frank, Frank, you're my college roomie, you're my best friend even if your social status is beneath mine, you need to invite me back for next summer, you just have to, I'll do anything for you, your sister has me all confused, I'm scared of her and I'll do anything for her that she wants, I hate her and I love her, I'm very upset. Invite me, Frank, we're both MBA candidates, I'll take you into my father's firm with me, we'll play golf, I'll teach you polo...anything, you just must invite me to spend next summer with you, I need to work this out or I'm going to have a nervous breakdown!" Getting a job in Jim's Fortune 500 company was the best offer I'd had all day. "Of course, Jim," I said, "you're always welcome here, we'll set it up when we go back to school." Hell, I would sell him my sister for nothing just to get a chance to be in his father's company. I knew he'd start at the top and he could drag me along with him. But Jim was clever. Before he left he gave his Porsche to Maddy, promising to come back next summer to teach her how to drive a stick, hoping she would maybe drive his own stick! Does Frank invite Jim back for the next summer? Does Jim clear up his confusion over his feelings for Maddy? Does Maddy surrender to Jim's charm? Does Jim surrender to Maddy's muscles? Does Jim subordinate his masculine ego to Maddy's overwhelming musculature? Does Frank join Jim's Fortune 500 company? Does Frank learn to shoot golf in the low 90's? Can the suave, sophisticated, debonair, filthy rich Jim overcome his obsession with the middle class, uncultured, but very strong (my, my, what big muscles you have, dear) sister of his college roommate? Can Jim learn to play second fiddle to Maddy? Can Jim play the fiddle at all? Can he diddle with the fiddle? So many questions, so few answers. Stay tuned. Come Frank and Jim's next summer vacation we will see what fate has in store for our two intrepid heroes and one very young, very intrepid, very strong, very dominating heroine.