WRESTLING QUEENS By Underground Video Andria versus brandy "Does it ever feel strange to you," asked Andria, slinging her pendulous breasts into the tiny, blue-lycra string bikini top, "doing this in front of a bunch of wealthy business execs?" "Honey," replied the brunette, Brandy, lifting away the younger girl's long blond curls to help her tie the top of her suit, "whatever gets 'em off is fine with me. I mean, its not like prostitution or nothin'. All we do is wrastle a little bit, get their dicks hard watchin', and we make the money." "Yeah, I guess. But Joey said that this time was going to be different. These guys are going to bet on us...big money. And whichever one of us wins gets a piece of the purse. Just like the pros." "Well then, honey, you better try your damndest to put a little pep in that tiny ass of yours. 'Cause I intend to win." Andria looked at her challenger. Brandy had a good 30 pounds on her. Her half-naked body rippled with the muscles she had developed with a steady regimen of weight lifting. She was slick with body grease that smelled of aromatic musk medicine. In the ring, she was fast, strong and sleek. Formidable. Andria, on the other hand, had firm, large breasts, a thin waist and wiry arms and legs. She was nimble, and when aroused, quite savage. In fact, her nails had been cut, because in the heat of passion -- in the rink or in bed -- she was inclined to do a lot of damage with her claws. Joey entered the room and paused to take in the two women. He could hardly restrain himself, but managed because both women looked as though they could eat him for lunch. "Ready, girls?" Both women pulled themselves to their feet and walked out in front of him, through the door. Brandy grabbed his boner through his pants and gave him a painful squeeze. "You better be around with the money, sonny, when this thing is all over." Joey smiled and wiped his forehead with a handkerchief. The two women moved out into the quiet rink area. They couldn't see the men who were going to watch them. That was the way it always was. This wasn't the kind of entertainment that many distinguished politicians, businessmen, or even clergy would want the world to know that they enjoyed. Brandy pulled herself into the rink, then held the ropes open for Andria. Under the hot lights, the girls began to loosen up producing a glistening layer of sweat all over their tanned, exposed flesh. Cautiously, remembering his previous encounter with the big woman, Joey climbed into the rink and moved to the center. He made the introductions and opened the betting. Two digital counters appeared on the far wall. These recorded the odds on the match, based on the bets that the shadowy audience input on small, calculator-like machines in the arms of their chairs. As Joey called out Brandy's name, she paraded around the ring. She flexed her muscular arms and back in a way that showed her enormous physical strength, her coordination and dexterity, and her agility. The counters on the wall signalled the response of the silent on-lookers: she was the odds-on favorite. Andria was called next. She hopped to the front of the stage, bouncing like a featherweight prize fighter. Her nipples were aroused and strained her already bulging bikini top to near breaking. She turned her back to the group and arched her back and ass into the air. Little wisps of blond pubic hair could be seen on either side of her micro-brief bottoms. She looked like a threatening fuck, but no match for Brandy. The odds were against her. Both women knew the rules before Joey chatted them out. The object was to pin the opponent. Beside that, there were no rules. Joey left the arena and a buzzer sounded. Brandy charged like a bull and Andria side-stepped her easily. Both women smiled at one another. In the next moment, however, Brandy was in the air. Her kick landed on Andria's breast, knocking her to the mat. Brandy came down hard on the shoulder, causing excruciating pain. Andria knew she had to roll or be taken out in round one. Joey didn't like short contests. The longer the contest, the more the gamblers could spend money. The more they spent money the bigger the purse. The bigger the purse, the bigger their prize money. If the contest was too short, Joey would have to find another girl. Andria rolled right. Brandy hit the empty mat hard. In a moment, she was on her feet again and looking for her elusive prey. She saw her across the rink and made a dive for her. Andria's foot came up hard into her pelvis, doubling her over. When she lifted her head to look at Andria, Brandy had a look of anger and menace. She reached up and grabbed the blond savagely by her hair. Her other hand took the waistband of Andria's bikini bottoms. With a grunt, she raised the girl above her head like a mannequin. She spun Andria around, then hurled her through the air. Had the fabric not torn on Andria's bottoms, she would have landed in the audience. Instead, she hit the robes and bounced hard into the mat. She saw Brandy moving toward her and the cool air on her exposed snatch. She quickly rose to meet the assault, which proved too powerful to resist. She again found herself spinning through the air. This was not to be a repeat performance, however. As Brandy released her, she caught the larger woman's sweaty neck and arm in a head lock. The momentum of Brandy's windmill was enough force to topple the woman. Brandy went down, with Andria on her back. The two women rose slowly from the floor. Brandy's top was in tatters, her small sweaty breasts and dark-brown areolae were exposed. Her nipples were erect from the exertion and the sensation of the younger girl's body against her. Andria took advantage of the girl's momentary hiatus to take the offensive. Launching herself from the ropes, she leapt high into the air and landed on Brandy's shoulders, pressing her cooze into the girl's face. Grabbing the brunette's hair, she toppled her rearward to the mat. Her cunt pressed against the woman's mouth and nose, choking off her air. Brandy struggled, arms flailing, and finally found Andria's top. She pulled hard, and the bra ripped from the blond's neck, leaving a red, sweaty welt. Andria rolled off nursing her wound, then found her arms being pressed to the mat by Brandy's knees. She expected to be pinned, but Brandy's efforts seemed to be elsewhere. Looking up, she saw the woman removing her bikini. There was a smile on her face, malicious and lustful at the same time. "Do you know why a woman and a six-pack of beer are alike, honey?" she asked in a booming voice, "because you can pick both of them up with two fingers." Brandy held her thumb and index finger out for Andria, horrified, to see. Moments later, Andria found herself rolled onto her belly. In a savage thrust, Brandy's fingers drove like hot, searing pokers into her cunt and asshole. With excruciating pain, she felt herself being pulled off the floor. There were whistles from the normally silent audience. Andria was suspended under the mighty arm Brandy by two fingers stuck into her asshole and pussy. In agony, she spied a target. With all her strength, Andria slammed her fist into the girl's pubis. Brandy buckled as though she had been kicked in the balls. Andria jumped on top of the girl and pulled back on her leg at the ankle. The woman slapped the mat with pain. Andria still ached from the savage attack, and sweat pouring down between her huge mammaries, plotted her revenge. Maintaining her leg lock, she gingerly moved over the muscular woman's butt. She made a little fist and rubbed it in the pool of oil and sweat that had formed in the small of Brandy's back. She took the oily fist and positioned it at the entrance to Brandy's asshole. Brandy's eyes widened in fear. "Give up, you slut!" Brandy kept her mouth clamped tightly. "Give up or I'll ram this fist so far up your ass, you'll feel it in your throat." Andria applied pressure until the first knuckles descended into the chocolate opening. Brandy cried out. "Give up." Brandy said nothing. Andria dug her fist deeper. "I said give up." Brandy said nothing, but her resistance was relaxed. Andria noticed her sphincter muscle loosen and her butt open under the punishment she was giving. She positioned to stick the fist all the way in. Before she had the chance, Brandy's ass slid rearward and engulfed her entire arm up to the elbow. Brandy's face was transfixed. She sat upright and pumped the fist in and out of her asshole. Sweat poured from her skin and face and she pinched her nipples viciously. Then, she squeezed her asshole with so much power Andria thought that her arm might be ripped off. With a thunderous scream, Brandy came. Her vagina poured cum onto the mat and Andria's fist slid out of the woman. Brandy turned to her with a relaxed, satiated look on her face. Then, she grabbed Andria by the back of her head, and buried her face into her snatch. Andria choked and sputtered on the juice, and finally yelled out. "I GIVE UP!" The bell rang, but Andria was not released. She had aroused this he-woman and would have to completely satisfy her before she would be released. She figured that there were no more purses to win, and from the position of Brandy's hand on her neck, only her life to lose. She lapped furiously at the woman's snatch, diddling her clit and tonguing her labia. In shuddering orgasm after orgasm . the woman came, until at last, she pushed Andria to one side. Andria picked the girl's pubic hairs from her teeth. They didn't speak through their showers and Andria moped for . having lost. When they returned to the dressing room, however, Joey was already there. "Sorry it didn't go more than one round," Andria spoke, expecting Joey's wrath, and possibly her walking papers. "No, no. Not at all." "What's the action?" asked Brandy, now back to her normal self. "How about 20 large for you, Brandy...plus 50 large for each of you!" Both girls looked up at him in astonishment. "Your little trick with the fist caused a little side-betting. Everybody bet me that you couldn't take Andria's fist all the way up. So, we all came out good." "I'll say I did," Brandy gave Andria a squeeze. "Honey, I've never been fucked that good in my life." Andria smiled, feeling her breasts quiver. She too had been with many men, but somehow Brandy topped them all. She felt drawn to her masculine muscles, and to her feminine understanding. "What're you doing after work, tough guy?" she asked Brandy. "How about my place? I'll do that 6-pack trick again. Only, this time, I promise to be more gentle." Joey's mouth dropped as the two women embraced and kissed deeply. Counting his take, however, he was quite content. "Whatever turns you on...." COPYRIGHT 1998 UNDERGROUND VIDEO ALL RIGHT RESERVED