THE REPORTER Part. 7 By Vivianne OHH!--Pleeesssee! "OHH!--Pleeessee!"----"PAHHH-----Leeeessse---Take Me OUT of Thissssss Thinnngggghhh!"----Cried the Big Nude Reporter!----"OHHH!---SHIT!----What The Hell Am I Doing In This FUCKING CAGE!?---Kurt asked himself!----Kurt topping had just begun coming around!----All over he Ached from being Cramped for he knew not how long. His boot Stomping from sheila Reed, had nearly driven him through the floor of Maya Artiel's suite at the plush hotel early last night. But Kurt didn't know right now if it were last night, daytime or the next night at the present time. Kurt began to take hold of the thin metal bars on the ridiculous Cage he had obviously been forced into some time ago. He had been unable to move hardly at all and knew that his limbs had fallen asleep which made matters worse. He was no longer Wearing the Panties he had been wearing hidden underneath his Grey Flannel Suit when he first arrived for the interview with the illustrious Maya Artiel,(the Famous Arrogant Reclusive Diva who was admired by practiclly everyone in the country and the world these days).-----He remembered having his Panties Ripped off by Sheila Reed during one of the many temper tantrums she had displayed after she had delivered a number of Beatings to the poor hapless Reporter following her Vicious Boot Stomping of him she delivered to him laughing all the time!-----Sheila was excited to take it too Kurt on the orders of her Boss Ms. Artiel!---Kurt had to endure a good Beating or two before that from Sheila who he had been left alone with when Maya had decided to attend a dinner in her honor that was previously planned months ago. Maya was angered at both he and Sheila at the time. She was so upset over the fact, that she had allowed this presumptious meeting to occur in the first place after Sheila had brought the idea up to her and had not given it another thought at the time, forgetting about it completely. Maya had agreed to it in a weak moment after she and Sheila had been lying in bed together after a serious bout of love making. But when the Reporter arrived, Maya suddenly remembered that she had agreed to see him at her news comfrence, then changed her mind and verbally warned sheila not to present the man to her. But it was already too late and after realizing that Maya was livid and in no way would she relent to an interview with him, but she did agree to meet the pushy Reporter Face to Face!-------Following that first meeting in her Plush Hotel Suite Maya Ordered Sheila to take him aside and have him await her return from her news conference and to make sure to keep him Kneeling on his palms until she returned to the suite. Now however, since Maya was upset over what had transpired between Sheila and Kurt Topping while she had been down in the Hotel Meeting Room for her news conference, and as she had was now standing right in front of the naked Reporter, she told Sheila that she would have to endure a re-education along with the one that Kurt Topping was in definite need of and would surely get from her!--------Sheila was Crushed and Shamed from Maya's words!---Only once several years ago had the young Asian Executive run a foul of the illustrious Maya, and she had been Severly Punnished and Constrained for an outrageous number of days!---The Unique Discipline and Humiliation that Artiel had Subjected her Young Exwcutive under was something the Pretty Asain Sheila would never forget, and something she vowed to herself to never let that happen ever again!------Or!--So she had Hoped!---But Sheila was weak at times!---And sometimes she made a poor judgement or two. This would not bode well for her and Sheila knew that to be true!------Sheila Fucked Up!---------She would do anything to avoid the treatment she had received in the past from the Head strong Maya Artiel! Twisting his head around as much as he could in the cramped Dog Cage he could now see more clearly the Trussed up Naked Black Booted Black Stockinged figure of Sheila Reed who was able to have slightly a little more room in her perspective cage due to her more slender and smaller figure. Sheila sensing the mand Caged next to her was looking over to where she was Trussed in her similar Cage, then turned her head slightly to acknowledge the Reporter, which in turn allowed him to notice the Almost Disgusted and Humiliated look on her face which appeared wet with Tears. Poor Sheila was Heart Sick and already she was feeling the heat and pain in her firm Ass from the Short Whipping she had received before being tied, stripped and cramed into the Crude dog Cage!------Kurt was about to speak when he realized that he was GAGGED!----He then became more aware of the Awful taste he had in his mouth and the wetness of what had been stuffed into it!------Remembering made him practically want to Throw up as his teeth chewed on the fabric in an involuntary anxious manner and inside of his mouth he became aware of the tight binding around his head that had been holding this soggy gag in place!---Turning his eyes down he could just about make out what looked like the Black Band or Welt of a Black Nylon Stocking that tightly held his gag in place. He wished he could spit it out because he was starting to detect the taste of what was the reason for the wetness!----"How--UH---Like Piss In MOUF Noaw!-----ASS---HOAAL?"-----He heard Sheila Blurt out suddenly!---Kurt Topping was beginning to remember as he stopped holding the thin bars of his cage and felt his body go limp in Shame!------It was that Fucking Chair like Thrown that Ms. Artile had been occupying on and off!--He had remembered being dragged up on the platform by Sheila and he now remembered Maya standing along side of it until Sheila had been able to position him directly underneath the seat of it forcing him to lay on his back!--Sheila had been able to do this easily he remembered and that added to his sick feeling inside now. This Young Asian Woman had been capable of manhandling him easily despite his much taller size, strength and athletic ability he had!---And that Power he so enjoyed in the past. Visualizing again what Maya Artiel did made him nearly start to cry out in frustration!----What would everyone think of him now?-----If they would find out that once underneath that Chair of hers that Maya Artiel would order Sehila to remove a section of it's seat and Use the Chair as Her Personal TOILET!----And then Use that Toilet To Piss Alll Over Kurt Topping, Editing Reporter of the Famous and World Renown Media Magazine!---ULTIMATE STYLE.------Maya had really let go on Kurt!---Soaking him for almost Two Minutes of Amonia Scented Urine that told the man's senses that she had obviously Drunk a good deal at some time and maybe even while Maya was down in the auditorium attending her press conference. Kurt still could not figure out how the things in his mouth got soaked as well!----But after a moment or so he did in fact remember!----Sheila had been asked by Maya to help her with his new studies!---Sheila had taken one of Maya's earlier discarded Black Stockings and a pair of Maya's very own panties and shoved the two inside Kurt's mouth after rubbing them all over his Piss Soaked Wet face and then Sheila took care tying them into place inside of his mouth with the second stocking, and following that, she then took her own place upon the seat of her Boss and lover, and a Chair that she prevously had been Forbidden to ever use, as had everyone else. One would have thought that it was sacred Sheila had thought to herself as she mounted the high Thrown like Seat. Sheila felt some hostility at times to her boss and lover, because there was little doubt that she regarded herself high above anyone else in many ways!----Appearence, Intelligence and Demeanor!---Too Many, this was more the case. For Maya Artiel actually was all of those things and more in reality. If she were not, she would not hold the high position of Esteem that she had occupied in the public eye for so many years. And as one Famous Reporter had once said to his colleagues and many others listening during a TV conference after an earlier attempt to get an interview with the lovely Goddess!-------"I'd Get down on My KNEES and EAT HER FARTS for just a Chance!-----Instead of laughter at his remark, nearly everyone present remained silent and seemed to be considering such a Homage to Maya Artiel!-------------Once on top Sheila Farted!-----Heavilly from the opening in the absent Chair Seat!------Nausiating the Reporter who was lying helpless beneath her!----Sheila then followed that with a good long soaking of Urine all over the man's Face Hair and Chest!-----Then Sheila began to Fart down several more times on the soaked face!-------Therefore!---Here was the Skilled Reporter!---Drenched in URINE!----Kurt Topping in just that postion!---Too Actually Eat her Farts!---But they certainly weren't Maya Aritel's, were they?----He had thought sickly to himself as Sheila was letting loose with a number of Deep Loud wet sounding ones!---Overcome with FEAR!---He remembered now reflecting on that, he was worried that the Executive assistant was about to take a Shit on him from the position over him that she enjoyed at that time!----Attending that conference some time ago he had taken pause at that Reporter's Remark and it worried him at the time!------- Just Where in hell am I he tried to mouth through his Wet Gag!----Sheila paid little attention to him however. Sheila had her own porblems. Sheila knew exactly where they were. After a good three hours or more they bounced around in what they thought was a large SUV in which they were driven in and which came to rest in a desert like surrounding. The house they were in was a large Mesa that Maya had owned among her many homes around the country and the World!---Nervous now Sheila tried to move about slightly inside of her Cage!-----Sheila knew also, that her servants at this Mesa, consisted of one Mexican Young man who was totally obnoxious and out of control around her since they had been unloaded there and that he seemed so over sexed. There were also Mexican Girls and another wopman around thirty five years or so!-------It was a rough place to be in Sheila remembered!----------Especially if Maya was not in one of her better moods!----A Very Loud Bang!---Coming from double Tall Oak Doors was followed with what sounded like Spikes Hitting the Hard Tiled Floor!---Crouched as he was Kurt Topping attempted to pull his head up high but could barely get himself up to knee level!---Kurt Was suddenly Looking at a pair of Feet laced in a Peculiar Pair of what appeared to Be Metal High Heeled Sandles!---The legs were well shaped and they were encased in some Ivory colored Nylons and he could see how very Sheer they were indeed!---But the voice he heard coming down form higher than his head was not that of a Woman's!---He could see no one else nearby!---He turned his head to his right to look over at Sheila!-----She had an Evil Grin on her pretty Asain Face and a kind of Mocking Sheer as she stared at Kurt!---He felt even more Queezy than he had moments ago and he could feel bells ringing in the back of his Brain!---Something was very wrong here!---He though to himself as he heard the voice once more!-----"DOES JOU--WHAN--TUU--CAHM--OWT--NOWH--SEINJOUR?"------- These Heels were really High and he could see that they had a thin half inch platfrom!-------They tappered up very high and seemed to be well over five inches. He was now staring at a pretty jewled ankle bracelet that seemed to be inside of the Nylons that covered the right leg!''-------"JOU---CAIN---NOH---SPEEK?---SEINJOUR?---SAHT--EESS--TUUWW--BAID- --SEINJOUR---AYE--MUSS---GEEVE JOU Aiii--HAAD--WHEEPING--SEINJOUR!"-----JOU---HALVE--NOAH---REEE---SPAEEKT!---DOE S--JOU SEINJOUR?"------- Topping tried his best to move quickly along the cold hard Stone tiled flooring inside of this huge room in the Mesa!---But His Knees were aching!--Aching much more than when he had been required to kneel on his palms for so long at the Hotel when he arrived to interview Maya!---Sheila Reed had made sure that he did exactly as Maya had requested and he thought that he could barely stand anymore pain at the time!----But now!--This was the WORST!----He had been freed from his Cage and could see what his liberator looked like. He was a slender Young Man who normally would have stood about maybe 4'8" or more weighing hardly a hundred pounds. But he seemed to have the figure of a Young Girl, and with his High Metal Spikes and the Pretty Nylons he was wearing he seemed much taller. He had dark pitch Black Shiny Hair and an oval face. Red Lips and a strange way of kind of slithering about. Kurt felt a JOLT of what he could not describe and began to feel his Balls ache while he looked up at him. He tried to hide an Erection he was getting as he looked at the figure glaring down at him right away. But Juan did not fail to notice Kurt's Reation to him. "SEINJOUR!---AYE--HIM-JUAN!---JOU MUSS---OANLEE---CULL---MIE--SIR!--SIENJOUR!---IEES--ZAHT---ONERSTAIN?--SEINJOU R?"----But Juan did not wait for a reply and swung down Hard with his left arm that connected with the Big Bare Ass of The Reporter as he held a Thick Four inch wide Black Leather Paddle that promted a quick reaction from the big Reporter to begin moving as fast as he could away form the swinging arm of Juan!---As He Crawled fast on his knees he could feel the weight of his body baring down on his already sore knees. After about ten minutes of this movement both Kurt and Juan had to stop suddenly at the sound of a Sharp High Girlish Voice!------"BOAF--AVE--JOU---MAUS---STAP!"-----Hands clapped loudly as Juan backed away from Ther Reporter's Redened Ass Cheeks!-----One of the Young Mexican Girls was standing to the right of Kurt!---The first thing he noiced which caused Kurt's eyes to open wide were the Dark Brown Cowgirl Boots that were designed with a Red series of stripes on them and Glowing Metal Tips on the toes of the Boots. What opened his eyes even wider however, were the Huge Spiked Joweled Spurs that had been Strapped on the Wild Looking Boots the Young Mexican Girl Wore!------