THE REPORTER Pt. 5 By Vivianne OHH MYYY!-----SHEILA! The continuation in part five of "THE REPORTER!"-----A contiuation of Pts 1-4----Where the Arrogant Reporter, Kurt Topping, in order to save his job at Unique Style Magazine presses froward to attempting to gain an interview with the Absolutely Beautiful Diva, Maya Artiel who as a recluse and Man Hater who never would receive a Man or even a Woman Reporter for that matter in order to reveal her reclusive life style. This Arrogant Diva's Able Asian Assitant, and Lover, Sheila Reed, Clash in this latest Chapter!------The Spiraling Decsent for Kurt Topping is only beginning and his road that leads him down the path of Humiliation and Degradation is due to his Stupidity in offering to do anything in order to gain this interview is continuing to result in his undoing. Maya Artiel felt elated as she entered the plush hotel after her successful news conference. Maya was always up beat after dealing with the media and she felt pretty happy with herself for not revealing much about her personal life and her personal feelings to the group of television reporters present. For sure, Maya Artiel had not allowed any of the Reporters at the event to interview her one on one, and what with, this Reporter back at her Suite in the Hotel waiting and thinking he would get the one and only interview with her totally Gauled her!--And it made her wonder why on Earth Sheila Reed Her Brilliant and Valued Assistant and PR Expert, had allowed this tall man, (or Moron), as Maya liked to refer to men as, to gain a chance in meeting with Herselt and then Maya, in hopes of securing that interview, and even being allowed to enter in the presence of the Beautiful and Exotic Diva, in Her Hotel Suite in the first place. It annoyed Maya that he had somehow convinced Sheila Reed, her Lover, in the first place, that he would be the right and the very first person to gain the honor of a one on one interview with her. As Maya Artiel made her way to the elevators and then out to the corridor of the 13th floor of the magnificent hotel where she was staying, she felt un easy at the prospect of looking at this Reporter again. Maya didn't really want to see the man, and she did not like him from the moment she laid eyes on him. what was Sheila thinking, anyway she wondered!----But then it was Actually her own idea to make sure that he would be waiting for her to return while he waited with Sheila in her large suite!-------In the far Coner of the room, in the Corner Wall!----------KNEELING In Waiting for her, while his knees were on top of his more than likely Aching Palms by Now!-------What Better Way for a Man to be Situated when waiting to confront a Woman of Such Stature!-------Maya began to smile as she made her way to the door that led into her large suite, in anticipation of seeing the arrogant Reporter already Serving Her Whims in such a Dedicated and Yet Submissive Position!--- What appeared before the Diva's eyes the minute she opened the heavy wooden doors lading into the entrance of the Suite Stunned Maya!-------The Reporter was Kneeling on his Palms Aright!---But he had been obviously Stripped down to nothing while Maya was attending her news conference by Sheila Reed, and he looked to be incoherent and quite dissheveled!---His head was turned so that his face was in of all places, stuck firmly between the very round and lovely Ass Cheeks of Maya Artiel's Assistant of Public Relations, and her Lover, Sheila Reed! Maya's Heart Lept into her throat, as she immediately stepped back and reclined backward from the open door space in order not to alert Sheila!-----She kept as quiet as possible in order to watch just what Sheila was doing to this much bigger man!----- Maya was certainly aware how Sheila had often Humbled so many other men in the past who had insisted on getting themselves in front of Maya Artiel for a face to face interview or fo any other reason for that matter, and had easily handled many annoying and suido potential suiters and hopeful interviewers in the past. Maya had enjoyed watching the way Her STRICT ASIAN Assistant had DEGRADED and Humiliated these men who rudely interfeared in Maya's life space. But what She was particularly excited about was the way Sheila went about Beating the Shit Out of them, and often right in front of Maya Artiel. It wasn't just the Men either. Sheila had given many a young aspiring female Reporter a Good going over also. One in particular had ended up kneeling the night away on top of Maya's Night Table, along side of a King sized Bed, Bound with used Nylon Stockings and Gagged with A Pair of Maya Artiel's Worn Sheer Panties, as Maya and Sheila spent the entire night in bed together!---This particular aggressively Pushy female Reporter had to unfortunately undergo a good hour of morning Toilet Service which followed her Horrendous Night of Agony as a Result of her Stupidity for Pressing to hard for her interview of the famous Diva!----- But Maya never Saw Sheila doing anything like THIS!----Before NOW!----Sheila was using a MAN!---In a most Sexual Manner!------Sheila was certainly not a lover of Men!----Sheila had her hand reachig behind her, and had it was wrapped aroung the back of her right side. Her hand forced the obviously sorrowfull man's face right up and between her lovely Ass Cheeks so tightly, that it was more than obvisous that his lips and tongue had to be right up inside her Anus!---Maya's face turned Beet Red as she stood fixated, while watching how Sheila was directing the Reporter's action. Her Own Pussy began to moisten!---Surely Sheila's, was doing the same!---Then In seconds, Maya backed out and away from the entrance of the doorway to her suite and stood far enough away in order to intercept and turn whoever came this way in either direction!------ Perched up on her throne like seat in the center of the huge suite, Maya Artiel looked straight ahead!---Her arms were rested on the thick leather Arms of the magnificent Chair which was propped up at least a foot high on a platform that was set up for her by the hotel staff!---Her back was rigid as it was pressed back into the soft leather fabric of the chair and her high cheek bones were puffed up in her tension as she kept her focus in order to keep both of her Long legs outstretched in a forward direction while each ankle was held very Gently by two sets of hands from the two kneeling figures down at the base of the platform directly in front of the Magnificent Diva!----Two Long Black Un Laced Boots were lying strewn on the Thick Carpet surrounding the Platform where Maya sat Perched high on!----In order to remove such unusual Boots each of which did not containa Zipper for ease of wearing, One had to Tediously unlace these Bizarre Boots and Remove them. This took a great deal of effort by anyone attempting to perform that task, not to mention quite some time!----In order not to cause discomfort to Maya Artiel each of the two kneeling figures had to simultaneously hold the Diva's ankles firmly so that her legs would not fall, casuing her some pain or discomfort!--- Now that the BOOTS had been Removed the Reporter kneeling by Maya Artiel's Right side could see the Bright Red and Green Christmas Designs she had , had Painted on her reather longer than normal Toe Nails!-----At first noticing the Delicate Elongated Toes Peeking out from under such Sheer and obviosly Expensive Nylons, Kurt Topping took pause as he looked at the little white Snow Flakes painted on Her Large Toe Nail and the White and Red Snowman on her Big Toenail as well!----He looked up quickly at Maya(Something he was immedialtely Repromanded for and Given a Vicious Face Slap for), and felt His Large COCK Bounce To It's full Turgid State inside of the Delicate Panties which he was still allowed to keep on by Sheila hours earlier!----- Kurt Topping was supposed to be getting the interview of his Life!---The Scoop of his Career!----And Yet!---Here He Was Holding the Nylon covered Foot of the Most Arrogant Diva, and Admirinig Her Christmas Colored Toe Nails while he was experiencing a Raging Hard on inside his already moist Panties!-------Shaking and willingly awaiting her very next Request his face reddened once more as he felt heat risisng in the cheeks of his face that almost matched the heat of his Ass Cheeks from an earlier whipping he had received from Sheila!-----He knew that Maya was watching and enjoying seeing him Blushing!-----"What Has Happened to me!"---He Mumbled to himself as Sheila's face was Snapped to the side by a Vicious Backhand from Maya who had begun to admonish Sheila once again like she had been for the last hour or so!------------They were getting their ASSES KICKED!-----All over again just as they had over Two hours before this, when Maya Artiel had returned from her news conference! " BEND That Head Of !----DOWN!-----Mister Reporter!-----And Run That Slimy Tongue Of Yours Over Each And Every One Of My Toes!"-------Maya Artiel HISSED at Kurt!------Sheila could not speak!---Sheila had a mouth full of Stocking covered Toes already now as she fought to keep herself upright!---She was presently kneeling on small Metal Balls that Maya had placed under each of her knees over a half hour earlier!-----The Balls were poured into a two large serving trays that had held their lunches on earlier. Sheila's Nylons were ruined by the balls by now, and if there was one thing that Maya would not tolerate!---It was untidyness. She had warned her Asian Admistrator many times regarding Runs in her Nylons. Sheila had been much too careful lately to keep from disappointing her boss as of late, but fearful that she would be further disciplined because of getting these runs in her new Vintage Nylons!-------- While sheila tried to keep from Gagging, feeling the currently Wet Nylon rubbing the inside of her mouth, and the toes of her Boss constantly changing position, she could see out of the corner of her eye, that the reporter was Bowing his head down to comply with the latest orders from Maya!-----"You BASTARD!"-----Roared Maya at Kurt who accidently nearly tore the Nylon Stocking that covered Maya's Toes as they entered his Mouth!---Sheila knew it was Coming!-----Maya Suddenly Pulled her leg away from Kurt and her other leg from Sheila at the same time, then rising upright in her Throne the Diva Kicked out with her Heels and Soles of her Feet, catapulting only the Reporter Flat over onto his back!--------- "WALK ON THIS BASTARD!" Maya shouted at Sheila!-----Who at the very moment was practially choaking on the saliva still in her nouth from the quick departure of Maya's long foot. Sheila was Weak from the Beating she had gotten from Maya earlier. She would have done anything to have been forgiven for taking things in her own hands with this Reporter without checking with her Boss and her lover. Sheila knew now that it was more Jealousy than poor judgement that irked Maya. Sheila was enjoying the attentions she was getting from the Reporter and in a way allowing him to pleasure her and himself at the same time. Both Sheila and Maya were confirmed Man Haters!---But that was not the way that Maya Artiel saw things a couple of hours ago!----------"The Two Of You Are Going To PAY!------PAY HARD For This!"---Maya had Screamed at the two when she finally entered her Suite and Caught them in that Corner!----- Kurt felt the floor come up and hit him as he landed flat on his back and his head at the same time. The execution of her Kick was so well timed that the man could not gather his senses and his balance fast enough to avoid such a hard impact on the hard floor. He was dazzed!--One minute he was focused on her nylon covered foot and now he was looking up at Sheila's BOOTS!---"Oh Myyyy GOOODDDD!----PLEEEESSSEE Help MEEEE!"---He Cried!---Although Dejected and Hurting!------Sheila however was feeling Emotions of her own just then!-----ANGER!-----OUTRIGHT ANGER and REVENGE!----Sheila shreeked out loud as she Stepped with her right Booted Foot High in Air!