THE REPORTER Pt.4 By Vivianne Don't Just Kneel There! Sheil Knew how to hold her Blackjack, which she was now holding firmly between her slim fingers!-----Eyes wide open Kurt Topping kept staring at the evil object which was now only inches from his face. Kurt noted the long Bright Red fingernails of this nemesis standing in the same spot where he had just been kneeling moments ago on his palms. His Hands ached from the brief time he had been kneeling on them, but not as much as his head presently. Kurt had the sinking feeling that there was a lot more to come his way, and he had just begun to admit to himself that this idea of his to aquire the coveted interview with the famous and un approachable Maya Artiel, was a!---Big Mistake!----He should have listened to what everyone at the magazine had warned him about!----They had told him in so many words about this strange woman, and her penchant for Humbling everyone around her and her arrogant indiffrence to meeting with the media and Reporters everywhere. Kurt caught the full impact of Sheila's Blackjack full on his right side and then on his left side and on the back of his head!--She had delivered three blows so swiftly that his head was moving in each direction so fast that he didn't have time to realize what was happening!----Now!--Still on his knees but with his hands free, the Reporter had moved back somewhat and away from the corner wall he had been facing due to the earlier instructions Maya had given to Sheila before she left the Luxury Suite of the Hotel to attend to her news conference. Sheila had every intention of following Maya Artiel's instructions to the hilt. But Sheila was Angrier than ever with the Reporter at the moment. Sheila had been Repremanded and Slapped Hard by Maya for taking it upon herself to allow Topping to appear before Maya in hopes of getting an interview with her. Sheila had miss judged both Maya and Kurt and she had regretted having invited him to come out to the West Coast to meet with Maya. Kurt Topping knew one thing, and one thing only!---If he didn't get this interview his career would be over. He had made a complete mess of his job at Ultimate Style over the past three years and had built up a poor reputation in media circles due to his sloppy reporting and his absurd behavior with woman and more recently with Men. His reputation hit an all time low when he ended up staying over for several days with a known alternate life style young male clerk, after attending a wild raucous party when he had been out of town visiting one of Ultimate's Satellite offices!---------Kurt 's penchant for Panties had been discovered that night accidently, by the clerk while Kurt had gone to the toilet. Kurt was bkushing to himself as he knelt before Sheila who had been just standing along side of him patiently for over five minutes, as if forcing the Reporter to only think to himself for a few minutes. So Kurt 's mind drifted back to some of the reasons he had put himself in this position and he could not forget that the episode over the party that night had put the icing on the cake so to speak. This interview with Maya could put him back on top. His reputation would be somewaht restored if he could show that he could land the story of the current times!----------- Sheila had moved away from Kurt a moment ago, and he suddenly heard her Bark Out Loudly to him as she stood directly behind his head!------"Didn't I Tell You That You Must Kneel Down On Your PALMS!"---Sheila reached around and held her evil Blackjack in front of the Reporter's eyes again, wavering it back and forth in a threatening manner that caused Kurt to feel like his throat had dropped down into his stomach!--------Then in another second, Sheila was along side of him as he struggled to get his hands under his knees, and then as she turned toward the troubled man, he noticed that she had dropped her conservative Skirt. Sheila was Bare from her ass cheeeks to the tops of her Nylon Stocking Welts. Kurt could see the taught Black Garter Straps clinging to the top dark welt bands of the Nylons tightly!---These Luxurious Nylons made her legs look as if they were part of her skin!-------- Sheila had Lovely Skin!---Sheila had Lovely legs!---Sheila was a lovely Asian young Female Executive!---Sheila was the only one who could get him the interview he desired and sought to get. The one that would save his career!-------- "WHAT Was It You SAID!--Sir?----That You Would Do ANYTHING!---ANYTHING At ALL?----To Have The Opportunity to Gain An Interview With My BOSS?"----Is That Not What You PROMISED To ME?-----ASSHOLE!"------That word Shook Kurt!----The Reporter Began to feel Weak Suddenly!---He knew that he was a Big and Strong Man who could take this young smart talking Asian girl apart!---Or did He?----He began to have doubts now. What had happened to his confidence so suddenly?---He wondered as the young Asian executive stared down at him turning her head to her side and bending around slightly. She had really High Heels on now. He could not recollect when she had changed onto these high Black Strapped Sandles. They elevated her high enough that it positioned her BareAss Almost inches in front of Kurt's Face!----------Kurt Topping felt COWERED as He Listened to her speak again in a low Voice!------------- "EAT OUT Of My ASS Mr. Reporter!---Do That NOW!"-- The Reporter was STARTLED!---He was shocked as never before in his entire life!---What was he supposed to do?---Refuse?----Lose this Opportunity to save his Career and his reputation?---The Obsurd idea of this act was Demeaning!---Disgusting!-----He almost wanted to Beg her to Reconsider!---The Reporter Opened his mouth as if to ask her to reconsider!------Sheila took a step backward and With that motion both of her Ass Cheeks Wrapped themselves around the sides of the hansome Reporter's face!----"KEEP!---POSITION---ON PALMS!" Sheila Screamed Out Loud at Kurt!----And Then with her Right Hand, Sheila reached around the man's head and forced his face right up between the Cracks of Her ASS!------The Poor Reporter Was Certainly at a Loss Of Words Now!---He was Ouit Of IDEAS!-----His Nose!--His Eyes and His TONGUE Were in a Place that they had never been Before!---Kurt Heard Sheila emit from her normally delicate voice a Long Low MOAN!----Kurt then could here Her Speak Again!-----"PUSS TOANG OWT Of MOUF!"------Sheila was not the Proper speaking Executive anymore!---He heard something different in her Voice!----And Authorative Anger. A Crude and Compelling Directive coming from a Woman he was now in Fear of!------Sheila held him POWERLESS and the Reporter Knew it Well!---- The Reporter felt Helpless with his face being forcefully Planted tightly between Sheila's Hard Ass Cheeks. She was holding him fast and beginning to move her Ass in a rythmic motion, Grinding her ass against him the while. Kurt was at a loss to convince himself that he should forcefully pull himself away from this Angered Asian Executive!-----It would have normally been a question of saving his Honor for him to disallow what Sheila was forcing him to do for her. Crushed beyond explaination!---Kurt did her bidding to the best of his ability!------ Naked and back on his Palms facing the corner walls of the large room Kurt was feeling as if he would keel over from the pain in his hands due to his full weight, and the length of time he had been in this position. Stripped down, by the request from Sheila, the embarrassed Reporter was once again reminded of his Promise to do Anything in order to get the Interview with Maya Aritel!-----So He did what he was told. Only Kurt was further Humiliated when after hesitating to disrobe before Sheila, once he had completed his Ass Rimming of Her, he began to Protest!---and Sheila Reached up to the taller man and commenced her effective Bitch Slapping across Kurt's face just as she had done earlier!---He did not want her to see that he was Wearing Ladies PANTIES!----------Sheila GASPED!---SHOCKED!-----For A Moment Seeing this tall Masculine man in Girls Panties!-----Sheila Stepped backward for several steps and was speechless for several moments following what she had just noticed!---Poor Kurt had his heart in his throat, remembering that he was in fact wearing Girls Panties and standing before this young Executive!---He Blushed a deep shade of Red and just stood there in front of her as if he was an errant student awaiting punnishment from his teacher!---And that was exactly what he was about to receive from the young Asian Executive! With her own face Blood Red and Heat Rising in her face!-----Just then, Sheila Reed felt totally ANGRY" at the Arrogant Reporter Now. Despite the fact that she had Bitch Slapped the mand Twice already!---Sheila felt that it now was certainly Not Enough!------"YEW MUSS PAI------NOUW!---She Spoke in her more colloquial Voice!---Kurt Shuddered!----Sheila Stepped toward him quickly!------- Embarrassment was abound in the mind of the reporter!----Inside of His Light sheer Pink Panties, his Huge Balls were full sized and Turgid!-----Kurt had a good sized Penis and that also was quite Turgid now!---Kurt was trying to figure out why he was getting such a sexual response presently and none the less Ashamed to have this Sheila woman seeing his Cock and Balls encased in such Feminie Panties!---Pink ones at that!-----Many times in the past when comments such as: "Hey!--You really got BALLS!"---when those words were directed at him for his acts of Bravado at times, he knew deep down inside that he really did in fact posess some really big ones at that!---"Really Big Ones!"---As his ex. girl friend and fellow, worker at Ultimate Style, Jill Hall would say to her girl friends!------Well That was until she was suduced by Will Jackson. ( Star Former Baseketball Player and new employee at the magazine, see Chapters the Reporter By Vivianne). Before the Reporter could keep another thought in his head Sheila stepped into his Crotch with her Knee doubling the taller man over. As he samk down on one knees Sheila lashed out with her forearm and connected with Kurt's Jaw sending him flat down onto his right side. Sheila then raised her left leg as she took a step toward the nearly unconcious man lying there beneath her!---Her Black Spiked Sandles were positioned perfectly above the vulnerable Reporter's Big BALLS!----- Sheila despised men who led with their Cocks and were arrogant enough to think with them instead of their heads. She had found out quite a bit about Kurt Topping; Reporter and Womanizer!----She would teach this man a lesson that he wouldnot soon forget!---And Sheila was not sure now weather or not he was deserving of the coveted interview with Maya Artiel at this point.