THE REPORTER Pt. 3 By Vivianne WHAT'S THIS? Sheil Reed Led Kurt Topping Across the large suite too it's south East Corner. The Room's Bare walls were the only thing that the man soon was looking at in his completely dazzed and confused state. He was still overwhelmed by his situation and the one in which he had allowed himself to fall into in order to complete his attempt in securing an interview with Maya Artiel. Artiel was the most sought after Celebrity of the time, and a most Stunning, Arrogant, Obstinit entertainer ever to command the such total admiration and respect from all who were her Fans or were associated with her. Artiel was a Mystery of a woman. She was so Exotic in looks along with her Pitch Black Silky Hair that was usually coffiored on top of her head and complimented with such high cheek bones and piercing Green eyes, that she had the look of a Jungle Cat!----Cettianly when the woman was in a serious Mood and even when she was in a more relaxed composure. Maya's full Suculent Lips, were a dead giveaway to her sensuousness, which was not lost on women as well as men. Maya Aritel had the body to complement her lovely face. She walked with the Grace of Feline, and one felt that she hovered over their psyche like an Exotic Bird. Better yet a Bird of Prey. The fact of the matter was; Maya was an Artist to the umpth degree. But a Tempermental one indeed. Her Anger once ignited was devastating. Although Maya could usually keep it umnder control, that was not always possible when she was put upon or accosted by a good number of males who so wanted to involve themselves with her. She usually wore provocative High Heels and Boots along with her sometimes Outlandish Kinky Attire specifically to arouse those who she came in contact with, lead them in and like a spider come down hard on them. Disguised within one of her outburst of her Anger, Maya enjoyed her amusement over their reactions by those that were the recipients of her wrath. Taken in hand by the shorter and slender Asian Woman, and led by her like a pet or a child toward the corner of the room had been just like what Kurt remembered when he was an errant school pupil who had been told to stand in the corner of his classroom once, for being disruptive and subsequently Dunced with the humiliating, Traditional Dunce Cap, right in front of the entire class at the time all of whom were laughing and echoing derisive coments to their fellow student while his female teacher stood there encouraging them on. The memory flooded back to him the moment Sheila shoved him face first into the corners of the wall. He did not expect her action, but he should have by now, for it was Sheila who had given the big Reporter a good Front and Back hand face slapping earlier while she repremanded him for his tardiness in arriving late to the hotel for his supposed interview with the renown Artiel. Kurt was not aware that Sheila had gone too far in persisting that Maya entertain the idea of a first time interview with a media reporter to help her retain her prominence in the entertainment world due to the popularity of new exciters such as: Lilly Jung and Miko Choi!---The two ascending Stars from Korea and China who were arising from mediocracy a year ago and then spectacular popularity this year, were captivating fans of all ages everywhere!----They were an up and coming threat to Maya's Position as the supreme entertainer of her time!----And!-----Sheila had been developing an interest of her own in Kurt after her initial correspondence and phone conversations with the Reporter!----Sheila took it upon herself to venture a close investigation of the famous Reporter, and what she found out peaked her interest even more so as she continued to delve into his background, eventially convincing her that here was an arrogant man who need to be re-educated and taught to Atone for his transgressions in dealing with others. Especially with The opposite Sex!------ Sheila Learned quite a lot about the man. Sheila learned that as a former College Star Athlete with a Brief pro Football Career that was interrupted by a leg injury, his accomplished education coupled with his degree in journalism had enamered the Famous, Haughty Blanche Harrignton, Owner of the World Famous Magazine, Ultimate Style, who Highered the Handsome Cum Luad Scholar!---Blance then took him uner her wing so to speak. The trouble was that he was to evolve into a Crude and Abusive Womanizer who had his way with women everywhere and in anyway he could. He had a reputation for Degrading, dominating and Subjugating his women friends verbally in front of others, and he often would humiliate them by taking off with another woman right under their noses. His tactics for gaining the right interviews for his magazine, were in many cases unscrupulous and sometimes he was able Get results due to his way of compromising his subjects!--- So, once Sheila had derived all of this information, she set upon her further investigation so she could find out why he had fallen from grace so quickly in the past couple of years. What she found out was starteling!-----It seemed that, but was not exactly substanciated by anyone, that while on an assignment in a city close to the location of Ultimate Style where the magazine's satellite office was!-----Kurt had been at a more than inappropriate party one night that a Certain young femine looking young male clerk from that Satellite offce had invited him too. There it was rumored that they got Kurt Stoned good and Waisted, and where he had ended up with the Clerk and had been out of touch with the head office for at least four days. No one was witness to the event, but the word was going around that it was a party mostly attended by some very alternative types and he was seen leaving the Clerk's Apartment four days after. The return from that rondezvous coincided with his discovery that his lover at the time and assistant to Blanche Harrington, Jill Hall, had been suduced and Fucked by none other than the famous Black Basketball Star!----Will Jackson!---And to add insult to injury. Blanche had hired Jackson as the magazine's new Administer of Communication and Public Relations Director!---------Kurt had fallen from grace and he then he was immediately compromised by Jackson in two ways. He was under Jackson's supervision, and under the Black Man's Shadow, due to the attentions Jackson was always getting from Jill Hall in front of everyone, and since she was whom Kurt had felt was and alwasy would be his Main Woman. Sheil Reed was delighted with this finding. Sheila also knew that he was still!---No Matter what had happened over the past two years, probably the best Reporter availble, in representing the most prestigous magazine, and would more than likely be the one to have the HONOR of Interviewing her Illustrious Boss, Maya Artiel!---------Miss Reed had done her homework well!--But she went out on a limb to invite Kurt here to California for this chance of a lifetime interview. An interview she knew he needed. One his job depended on. Maya was reluctant, understandably. she had never relented to an interview prior to now. But things were changing and Maya Artiel knew this well. Despite the fact that she hated the whole idea of it, Maya reluctantly Agreed!--- "DO NOT MOVE A FUCKiNG INCH!"----Sheila Hissed Loudly through her White Gritted Teeth!-----She was Furious at Topping. She had been Slapped Across her own face harshly by her Boss for the first time in nearly two years. Sheila Loved Maya Artiel and yet, for the first time in their long relationship, she thought that it was about to unravel and that she would lose the love that Maya had for her. She had let this Asshole into their presence briefly , and he had nearly created a wedge between herself and her Boss!----This did not sit well with the Young Asian Executive. She would make him pay for that no matter what the outcome!------But Sheila could follow orders!---Sheila was complying with the direction of her superior as she Ordered the Reporter Too!---"TAKE OFF SHOE!----BEGIN TO KNEEL DOWN!---PUT KNEE ON PALMS!"-------This was BIZARRE!-----Kurt thought then. He really didn't understand what Maya meant by her Order Minutes ago before she left the suite for her news conference!------- Kneeling on one's palms is not an easy Task. The Reporter was soon to find Out!---Extreemly painfull, one's weight would definitely present and additional problem. He had never heard of anyone ever doing this and yet here he was kneeling down on his palms!----Still Dressed with his suit jacket on, without shoes, it was merely only seconds before he began to feel like he had to move. Kurt was moving to try to arrange himnself in a more comfortable position. He certainly was trying to comeply with Sheila's Orders, for there was no way that he was about to give up on his quest to capture this interview with her Boss after coming this far. Kurt Topping felt that he was halfway there!-----He could not have been more WRONG! Kur! could not see what Sheila was holding in her hand!---How could he? The fact that his eyes were focused straight ahead to the corner wall of the suite as per the Young Executive's Orders and the way he was swaying in order to try to accomplish a more comfortable position, kept him from being aware of his surroundings!-- Sheil Reed Was Hold it in her Hand!---A BLACK JACK!-- An Old Fashioned BLACK JACK!---Like the one the Police used in Shainghai when she was a young girl. One she kept from her brother who was a Policeman there!------"MUST NOT MOVE SIR!"-----She Spoke as She Place The Black Jack in front of Poor Kurt's Eyes!----"WHAT'S THIS?"-----She Questioned the now Fearful Reporter!------He Went Pale as he looked at it and despite his attempts He still could not remain still!---------Sheila's TEMPER FLARED!------------Her Hand Began To Move OUTWARD!----Kurt Was Peering Straight Into The Corner of the Two Walls!------------