THE RENT Pt. FIVE By Vivianne "NOT AGAIN?"------Todd Hill said into in the phone!----He had been working for Mrs. Chu for the past two months and He'd been given the worst of Assignments!-----See: Chapter One THE RENT Pt. One By Vivianne.------------ Todd Hill was more FRUSTRATED than Ever!---As He put the phone down lightly and slumped down in His Chair behind the smaller than usual Desk He'd Been assigned to o recently by Mako Aiuchi, the young clerk who had been put in charge of Todd;s Administration over two weeks ago. Todd Hill was insulted by the choice of His Desk and the closet like room she assigned to Him after She informed Him that He would have an Office of His Own!---When He first Heard Her saying that He'd be getting his own Office, He was briefly elated!---But soon His anticipation turned into Dissapointment when He looked into what at first He believed was a Closet!-------Nevertheless, Todd was putting forth His best effort to try to please Lin Chu!---Owner and Director of this Large Public Relations comapany and significant Reality Rental and Investment corporation that She had single handedly built up all by Herself!---------He well realized that it was Mrs. Chu and Her alone, keeping Him out of the hands of the Authorities and especialy away from that Socialite!---Joyce Cutler!-------" Why am I putting up with this Shit?"---Todd said out loud to Himself as He moved the phone away from him on the small surface ot the Desk!----Suddenly it toppled over onto the floor making a loud aound which alerted Mako Aiuchi who came to the half open door to see what was the matter!------Todd jolted back in His chair at the sight of the Merely five foot Asian Girl!---This was the second time so far Today that He had caused Her to look in on Him in His Small Fucking Cell!---As He He'd described it to His Girl Friend April Cole!---Well!---Maybe not so much as HIS Girl friend any more since He barely had time to get together with Her due to His long weekend Hours working for Mrs. Chu as Well as Week Days!----He had found out that She'd been dating around and had just recently gone off for a long extended Weekend with someone else!-------This was particularly Hard on Todd!------Being so used to having as much Sex as He could over the last six Months!-----And now Getting nothing except giving Himself an occasional HAND JOB!-----Frustrated and Hornier than Ever!----Todd would practically do just about anything TOO!---GET LAID!------Just the other Day He found Himself Getting Hard Watching two ofthe Newest Asian Clerks Fooling around with each other in the Lunch Room where they thought no one could see than as they were alone inside!----Hill had been walking by and when He looked in!---He could see the more feminine one's Pants down and nearly off of His ASS!---Which revealed what seemed to be a Pair of See Through Black Panties!-------Stepping back so not to be seen or heard, Todd felt His COCK JUMP suddenly only to be Shaken when Mako Aiuchi!---Herself came walking along and interrupted his concentratin by saying loudly and abruptly!----"GOA---TU OFRICE!---MUSS---HAHVE WOAK TU--DAI!"------She stood staring up at Him with an Angry look on Her face alerting Todd that there would soon be trouble with Her if He did not comply right away!-----He wanted nothing more at that moment than to show Her or any of the others in the company, that He was not a push over, and a Man that would have to be reckoned with if He dicided He'd had enough abuse from any of them!----At least He was aware of the fact that He was certainly a pretty Strong Man!---A Man that nearly ever had been bested in a fight!--Todd was sure that if He had too!---He would be able to turn the tables on all of them Here should the need arise!-----As He walked toward His Office, He Sensed Her Mocking Eyes on his Back!------Unsure if She was coming after Him, Todd picked up the Pace and returned to His Office!---------- In fact Todd was being followed!---But not by Mako!----Mai Hu had come around the corner of the hallway and She was determiningly following Todd directly into His Small Office!--------Mai Hu was the able Administrator of Mrs. Chu's Property Management Subsidiary!---Educated in both Vietnam as well as in England!---She was quickly employed by Lin chu, who was quick to recognize Her Skills!--------Lin Chu!---Was a little Puzzled by Mai's poor grasp of the English Language and wondered how she had managed to perform so well in Her studies without the communication skills necessary!-------- "YU---WIRL---GOA--NOWAL!-----MISSAH HIRL!"-----Mai Barked out at Todd who had turned around to see Mai Standing in His Office Doorway!---------Mai Began to Scold Todd for a good minute or so before She reminded Him of the Problem Tennant He had been assigned to handle!-----Evidently the problem with the Rental Payments had gone on to long and it was becoming quite an annoyance and a problem for Lin Chu!---Mrs. Chu wished to have the account rectified immediately or Eviction would have to follow!--She had Demanded that Todd Get involved seriously and solve the problem at once, and she had sent Mai to Todd's Office, in order to have Him go to the Apartment right away!------- Todd had heard others talking about the Tennant!----He knew the rummors cercuilating about the Tennants refusal to speak with anyone. He also knew that none of the other Account workers had ever succeded in making contact with the delinquenat Tennant!-------Todd Hill Knew that this particular Tennant was a real aggrevation for Mrs. Chu, and He also was aware that the problem had been going on for a long time!----But!---He hadn't been informed as to what exactly the problems were all about. Surely after all this time other reps who'd handled this Tennant would have resolved the issue of late payment or whould have gone ahead an evicted the errant Tennant!-------No one told Todd why these two things had not occurred!----Interestingly enough, was the fact that all of the others who'd worked the account previously had either Vanished completely, after calling the Office, or they had been dismissed by Either Mai, Minn, or Mrs. Chu Herself, upon return!-----------Those who'd attempted to contact the Tennant were always Hung up on!---Usually, a Woman answered and Either Hung Up the Phone, or Cursed the callers and then Hung up the Phone!-----Those who had gone directly to the apartment complex, either never returned to work after they called in to resign, or they did return , only to be Dismissed by Mrs.Chu!-------Todd Grinned to Himself as Mai was walking away down the hallway!-----"WHAT THE HELL!"-----He said to Himself out loud!-------"DAMN!---I'LL WIN THIS BITCH OVER YET!"-----Hee truly wanted the chance to prove himself and show Her that He could do the Job!------He Also had a Deep Rooted Hope inside of His Peerverted Mind that somehow He'd get on Mrs. Chu's good side and gain the chance to FUCK The SHIT Out of Her GOOD!----He Knew that was really what She Really needed!-----Sometimes He could detect a kind of bemused look on Her face when She was with him!-----Todd knew form past experience just when an arrogant female wanted His Cocl!---And He's be able to give Her the biggest one She ever saw before!---- However; Todd Hill Was Pissed!---It was Friday again!---Late in the afternoon, and He had been counting on this one Friday Memorial weekend to get Himself back into circulation with His friends who hadn't seen Him for some time now ans to also get April Cole back under His control!---He knew about Her Current Dates and He didn't wish to lose Her to someone else so quickly!----Todd felt that somehow everyone here in the company was aware of what was going on in His private life and how He was fretting over not being able to see His Current Lover!-------Todd was more than annoyed!---He felt as if they were deliberately Sticking IT!----RIGHT UP HIS ASS!----------- Tidd Hill closed His Office Door!---He picked up the folder for the Tennant in question, and began to Dial!----------"WHOO DAH----FUKK---DISS?"---A Loud Angry Deep Voice answered!----Todd BLUSHED!----It Surely wasn't A Man's Voice on the other end and the way the phone was slammed down hard, Todd's Ears started Ringing!------"WOW!"----Todd Winced!----He hadn't expected top be dealing with a Man like that. His Balls contracted right away as He digested the Deep African Threatening Voice!-----"Sooooooo!"----Todd Murmmred to Himself!------"They're in a Getto Area for surrreeee!"------He began to get worried then!--------He had expected to hear a wpman's voice, but this could be another problem all together!-----He waited about ten minutes and called back!--------The phone rang for about a minute or so and finally a Woman's Voice was on the other end!---She was talking to someone else as She held the phone. Todd held His Voice for a moment or two until Her voice was directed at him!---But He had to wait!-------HE Listened!------"TA-ELL DAT BITS---He HAV TA EAT OWET--MAH ASS!"------Her Voice sounded Mean, and Todd's Cheeks were Burning Red, as He Breathing became very excellerated!----"What The Fuck?"---He hadn't expected anything like it!---His Cock Jumped inside His Sheer Panties!-----One of His requirements of His position Here, since His failure to respect the female workers in Mrs. Chu's firm, were orders directed by Mrs. Chu Herself. That HE!---Todd Hill Dress appropriately for Buisness!-----Unfortunaely for Him: The requirements were: Sheer Lace or Feminine Panties had to be worn every day under His Male Clothing. He had experienced wearing Nylon Panties already, because His current girl friend, April Cole had been giving him Her Worn Nyhlon Panties to wear for some time. Of course He had been surprised by Her request for Him too actually wear them at first, but it turned out to be a lot of fun and a complete turn on for the two of them!---But this was entirely Different!---The Bitch Boss was Actually Commandeing him To Wear them and letting some of the Asian Young Males Pick out just which ones He'd be required to wear each Day the night before!-----Either Tao,(Tommy), or BAN,(Timmy), would select the appropriate attire the Day before!---The first time Todd!---holding His RAGE- confronted Minn Chu,( Mrs. Chu's Daughter), objecting to the requirement!----"UWE---WIll WEAR Or ELSE!"---She warned Todd!----Uwe Lucky She Soon Hav Uwe Wear Stocking!"-----Todd could feel His temper rising, but turned and walked out of Her Office feeling Humniliated by the answer She gave Him!-----"What Kind Of A Perverted Bunch Of Bitches They Are!"----He said to Himself!-------- It didn't take long!----Shortly afterward Todd was called into Mai Hu's Office and told that he would be joining the other males in adhering to the required dress code!----Almost Panicky!---The masculine Todd Looked on in Horror to the Selection of Totally Feminie Articles that Mai had laid out across Her Desk!-----He had not seen these types of Vintage Nylons and Garters like this ever before!------Knowing better than to object at the time, He listened as Mai informed Him that the particular items had come from the Mother of the Girl He'd molested before He had been taken on in the company!----Joyce Cutler had made arrangements with Lin Chu for that to become possible!---Todd had Sexually Harrassed Joyce's Daughter Jill, and had been found out!---When Lin Chu watched a news report the next day and realized who the girl in question, and that She was the Daughter of Her Aquiantance, the Socialite, Joyce Cole!---Lin Chu offered To be of assistance in dealing with the Young Man instead of just letting the authotities deal with Him!--- There were items of lingerie that baffled and confused Todd at the time He was first inside of Mai Hu's Office that fatefull Day. But His confusion was soon to pass!----- Today He was Wearing A Bright Reddish Orange See Thru Pair that Had Little Hearts on Them and Thin White Lace around His Hips and His Thighs!---------Gartered with an extra tight thin Leather Belt, Four Garters were tightly clapsed too a Pair of Pure Nylon Stockings with Reinforced Heel and Toe!---The First time Todd Hill attempted to Put on a Pair of Nylons, He Ran them, as Mai Hu and Mako looked on Laughing and Sornfully Chidding Him!---Now however, Todd had Mastered the technique and Skillfully gathrered His Hosiery and Gartered them tightly to the Hanging Garter Straps onto the Stocking Welts of the Smooth Nylon!----Mai had instructed Him that if he would soon manage not running His Nylons: She would allow Him to try on a Pair with Seams, just like the ones Tommy Boi and Timmy Boi ususally wore every day!-------That Really Pissed Him Off!----Todd mearly took a chance He surely would have reggretted! Todd was sick over all of it!----To be in a situation like this was an Absurd Nightmare!---But there wasn't a single thing He could do about it!----He had to prove Himself too Mrs. Chu!---To show Her that He was a Man and not like the little Fairies She controled!-----He wondered what anyone would think if they knew what had happened to Him!---Or that He had possession of a variety of Panties and Stockings1----- And He was Now wearing them every Day?--What if they would see themon Him?----He worried!----"I Feel Like a REAL ASSHOLE!"----He Blurted out when Tommy Boi handed Him a Pair of Nylons one Morning when He got to work!---Todd Kicked Himself for assuming that Tommy Boi would offer Him sympathy!----- As was nearing his Subway stop, He started thinking of the Woman's Voice. Nearing the Apartment complex in one of the Poorest sections of the City, He BLUSHED!---His BALLS Tightened as He Remembered the Deep Angry Voice of the Man who had answered His first call!----He heard that same Voice in the Backround repling to what the Woman was saying to Him while She hesitated to speak with Him on the Phone!--- Todd had to Hurry and get there before dark!---it was a Bad Area!!-----It would soon Be Friday Night!---He wanted to get this over with and get to see April Cole before it was Too Late!--------- As He walked along the filthy sidewalk, Todd began thinking harder about His Situation---He'd apologized so many times to Mrs. Chu and Minn and also to Mai and Mako!----He was trying to let them know that He intended to Attoned for His Transgressions, and that He appreciated the Second Chance they had given Him!---He only wnated to do the best job He could for Mrs. Chu, in hopes that She would keep Him on and eventually He could move on to something more attractive in the Business Commuity later on!------He Even appologized also to the little Asian Sissy Bastards!--As He referred to them as; Tommy and Timmy!----Those Two New irritating College Grads who had recently arrived, and whose real names were Tao and Ban, respectively. Everytime He had to run into the two of them, they would giggle and talk in Vietnamese so Todd could not tell what they were saying about him!---But He Knew!---For sure they were still making fun of Him. They were privy to Mrs. Chu's requirements for Him!---Highly Degrading Requirements which made Todd well aware that He had to follow the same Perverted and Humiliating Procedures ad had all of the other Asian Males at the Firm!--Only the Girls were spared the Humilliating procedures the males had to adhere too at work!----At first Todd was exasperated and perplexed by the insistances of Mrs. Chu!-----It depressed Him to have to Submit to Her requirements regarding proper dressing while at the work place, in order to show respect for Her and Her Staff!---She treated all men like SHIT!--He'd learned!--And Todd had learned that the Hard Way so far!-----Other Asian males in the company were exactly like Tommy Boy and Timmy Boy!---Todd hated the way She referred to Grown men as Boys!-----And Since All of the other men there were always Slight of Build!------Todd felt in contrast to the others. He was All Man!----He was the second non Asian Male in the Firm right now!-------What had happened to the others?---He did not know.-------