THE RENT Pt. TWO By Vivianne As He Looked at the Stunning Young Vietnamese Woman sitting across from Him, He had tried His Best to kept His Package from Showing before he took a seat in front of Her!--------Underneath the young man's suit he could feel a Bulge beginning to expand inside of the Secretive Red Sheer Tap Pants He was currently wearing underneath his Trousers as He stared at the lovely Vietnamese Woman, who was seriously sizing him up across from where She sat. Her responsability to Lin Chu was to evaluated and insure that this job candidate did not impose a risk to the organization in any way. Not that She or the any of the other employees couldn't handleHim on their own!----But mostly to avoid any prolonged difficulties should they occurr which could possibly lead to bad publicity and involve the Authorities. For Her part in the interview, it went extremely well and Todd Hill did impress Her and it was a cinch that Yodd Hill would land the job He desparetly needed, just in time. His stay in the City was now assured and His current Girl Friend, April Cole would be pleased. Impressed with himself for landing the job during His first interview, Todd showed up for work the following morning only to have his senses Rocked Seriously when He Met Mrs. Lin Chu and Her Daughter Minn for the very first time. If He was impressed by Meeting with Mai Lan the Day before, this meeting Blew Todd Hill's Mind Totally!--------------From the Tip Of Their Toes to the Tops of Their HOSE!---The two Stunning Ladies Sat reclined on the Couch of Mrs. Chu's office!---When He opened the door and stepped inside to meet Lin Chu!---A Lady He hadn't expected inside the Office of His hopeful employer was standing by His side, next to the Door of the Large Office!-----Minn Chu standing next to His Side, Surprised Todd, and He could feel His body tense up immediately!-------Both of the Ladies had their Brief Skirts High enough for Him to see the Black Stocking Welts on the tops of their thighs!-----Mrs, Chu's Thighs, showed at the edge of Her Pink Short Skirt and the Pale Blue Welt,( the Bands at the Tops of Nylon Stockings), of the Sheer Hose that Envloped the lovely legs of the younger Chinese Lady, (who He was to be introduced to as Mrs. Chu's Daughter)------Held a series of Garters which were fastened endlessly along the very tops of the Welts!---- Neither of the Women particularly warmed up to Todd. But how would that matter for Him anyway. They did however, see an energetic and a strong looking well dressed and particularly handsome Man standing before them. "Definitely The Kind We like!"----- Stated Mrs. Chu in Chinese to Her Daughter, who acknowledged what She said Grinning back knowingly at Her Mother!----Mrs. Chu thought about Todd as He Stood before Her and pondered how cleverly correct She'd been by already judging that He "A REAL ASSHOLE!"---(Again in Chinese as She Smiled to Her Daughter Minn!---"Another Arrogant, Spoiled White Privilaged ASSHOLE Who Thinks He Soon Be Promising Professional!"------- Minn answered back to Her Mother!----Thinking they were speaking well of Him. Todd Began to Grinn, due to the friendly looking smiles on the faces of the two Outstanding looking Women facing Him---In fact it was Her trusted Assistant Mai Hu who had said after the interview on the office phone earlier that!----"HE---AH----AARHLOGANT--MAIN!"------ Lin Chu was a determined and a very successful Buisness Woman who struck a head turning awareness in Her demeanour!---Well dressed and well Respected, She was the Epitamy of the Dynamic Asian Lady!----She Received and DEMANDED!---A High Accountability from others. Especially Men.----Mrs. Chu was Single presently, having arrived in the Country less than a Year ago from Vietnam, with Her Daughter Minn!---Minn Chu was in Her First Year of College and spent Her spare time Assisting Her Mother in the Management of their properties when not attending classes!----- One of the biggest Mistakes Todd Hill would soon make during His first few days on the Job, and fatefully the same kind of sorry Transgressions He'd Mistakenly taken before in the past!-----And the kind that had put Him in His Present Predicament, was trying to make a move on Minn!-----Todd was so used to getting His way most of the time with the Opposite Sex, that He had no idea would Be Dealing With, and what type of Girl!---Minn Chu Really was!-----Todd had run into Minn after His second Day on the job late one afternoon in the Office!------Upstairs, in The Brownstone House's Private Office Where Mrs. Chu's Rental Company was located!----Mrs. Chu kept Her Rental Buisness separated from Her other Companies and it was there where Todd was being trained in that end of Her Business!-----Realizing how lucky He was to get this Job in the first place had't yet made an impact in His Brain!-----Anyone else would have possibly considered that a lesson had been well learned by now!----Unfortunately Mr. Hill was well beyond personal introspection, and Still immersed in Self Gratifications!---So self absorbed in His own satisfactions that He had so soon forgotten the reason He was now working in this New environment!-----Amongst suchDevastatingly Gorgeous Women!---Todd didn't even consider infroming His New and Current Girl friend, April Cole, right away about His Successful Job Acceptance!----- It didn't take long for Todd Hill to make His first move on the most available female. On his way up to the Brownstone Office of Lin Chu, He spotted Minn in the long hallway where She happened to be trying to fix something along Her Thigh!----Todd felt a PANG in the Pit of His Stomach, as His Eyes fell on the Black Garter Strap and the Silver Garter Clip She had been holding tightly between Her Long Fingers!---He kept approaching quietly observing Her Red Nails fastening the Sparkling Garter Clip to the Black Stocking Band!------When Todd Reached within a few feet of Minn!---She, looked up quickly, and with Surprise!---Minn had not expected to See Todd Here so early and was about to speak out when suddenly His long arms reached out to Take hold of Her Shoulders!---------- Todd began Gropping Minn, but pulled back when Mako Aiuchi, One of the Japanese Clercks who was recently hired by Mai, Exited the Office adjacent to Lin's!-------She stepped out Just in time to find Minn Sweeping Todd to the ground by using Her right leg to swing around behind the back of the man's knees while pushing Him back with Her closed fist in the middle of His Chest!------The force of Her Leg combined with a push from Her fist simultaneously!----Rocked Todd Hill Fast and Backward!-----Stumbling the Surprised Aggressor backward, Crashing Him onto the floor!------In a Blink of an Eye, Minn had begun Stepping all over Hill until He was able to turn on His side in a desparate attempt to escape from Her Brutal Heels!------He moved away quickly and was trying to get Himself opright into a standing position, yet still on his Knees,when Mako Stepped in front of Todd and Kneed Him with full force between His Legs!---Right Into His BALLS!---Mako was a five foot Slender Young intern here at the company and only a few months out of College from Japan!--- A Skilled Dancer with a Pixie Face!-----Short BlackHair and Deep Dark Eyes!----Mako gave off a more Demure and Conservative Apperance and Impression to others!---BUT!--Mako could Be LETHAL!--A Skilled KICK BOXER along with a Black Belt in Karatai!---Neither Todd Hill nor many other men for that matter would be a match for the young Asian!-----She sent him down Hard onto His back!-----Todd tired once more to rise up in a feeble attempt to redeem Himself. As He barely got back to His Knees He was Back handed by Mako who laughed and stepped back away from Him again as She gloated at the way He was holding his Jaw while falling down again!--------On His Back again------Mako wasted no time Quickly Placing Her Three Inch Black Spike Heeled Shoe Directly into Todd's Balls. Right where He had been impaled moments earlier by Minn who by then was relaxed and standing back admiring Mako' handling of the Arrogant New Employee!------A Scream from the Hapless Aggressor Rang Out!-----That Alerted Lin Chu Herself!---Who Burst Out from Her Office, Wide Eyed and Ablaze in Anger as She took in the seen before Her!----The Hapless Todd Hill!---At the Mercy of Young Mako!----There was sudden silence from the three of them once!---More Curious than Alarmed then!-----The Confident Asian Buisness Woman moved to where Mako had Him down on the Hard wood floor, and moved the young girl off to Her Side with Her outstretched Right Arm!---She knew it was only a matter of time before He would make His first Mistake Here!------"MAIN NOT CHANGE!----EVARAH!"----She had told Joyce Cutler during their first meeting together!----She had not mistaken in Taking Him on as an Emmployee: Surprise!--Had only been a brief expression on Lin Chu's Face when She came out of Her Office Hearing the Rucuss!----A Sinister Sneer Was what quickly replaced it.--------- Todd hardly would have known what Mrs. Chu was capable of when it came to Arrogant, forceful Men!---Nor could He have any knowledge about what she had done too two of Her Arrogant Investment Bankers who had been cheating Her and had attempted to missle Her out of Her Buidness Holdings and Cheat Her over Her involvement in the purchase of Several Apartment Buildings She had purchased recently!--------Because of His lack of knowledge, Todd erroneoudly plodded on in his naieve attitude toward Females in General!---The man had no Positive Regard to the Opposite Sex!----And even though He Feared upsetting or failing Mrs. Chu!---It was only because He wanted to prove to be a successful employee!----ToddHill had totally miss judged the Stern Demeanor of the Exotic Woman, who was now His Employer!----From The get go Todd knew what was Expected from him when Mrs. Chu's Assistant Mai Lan explained His Job Responsabilities. He sensed accurately that it was His Duty to Perform Each Assignment to Completion!------OR ELSE!------OR!---DID HE?---------