THE RENT Pt. One By Vivianne "NOT AGAIN?"------Todd Said into the phone!------Working for only two Months for Mrs. Chu, Todd had been given the worst of assingments!----Mrs. Chu owned a large number of apartments throughout the City, and She stood for complete accuracy in rent payments and timely payments as well!----She had decided to hire Todd, Hill, a recent Grad School Graduate. Unfortunately He was having a terrible time searching for work!---Todd had arrived in the City after deciding that it was not the right time to follow up in the discipline of his Major at Grad School: Psycology!------But the young man had fouled up soon after arriving in the big City, by getting involved with the wrong crowd of people!----During His first Month on His very first job, He got caught harassing a young female worker in one of the most prestigeous financial Companies in the city that had hired Todd after the first interview. He was an attractive and smooth talker who had imprressed the staff and many of the women after starting on the job from the first day on. Soon however: the real Todd Hill emerged!---------He had the Young Female Worker Stripped inside Her Bosses Office late one evening when He was caught by Security Personnel!-----News leaked out in the Newspapers and on the Evening News at least two times because the female assistant was a Famous Executives Daughter!------Her Mother happened to be an important Educator who had worked in the Office of the University He had transferred from over four years ago prior to this recent transgression by Todd!-----She knew of His reputation and many of His previous misgivings!----It came to light at once when the Mother found out that He in fact was the transgressor who had tried to seduce Her Daughter!------Mrs. Cutler, Devorced from Her Husband for several years, contacted Her former husband, setting in motion Her plan to Ruin the future Career of Yoiung Todd Hill!-------Joyce Cutler was a former Model and Educator, who was a top Ranked Tennis Star in College. She Married Her Husband soon after graduation, and two years ago, when she discovered him with two naked female emplyees in their Vacation home!--Where She had returned unexpectedly from a Universitly Board Convention!---She quickly and expediantly divorced Him and collected most of his mony and the property He owned in the City!-----Jill Cutler, Her Older Daughter who Shared the Tall Sleek figure of Her Mother was the first to inform Joyce about the incident invovlving Hill, and She informed Her that it had in fact been Todd Hill who Harrassed Her Her Younger Sister Dawn!----After Dawn called to Tell Jill what had happened!-----The Ball Was rolling right away, due to the speedy reaction of Joyce Cutler!----Despite the fact that Todd had been Terminated at once from the firm, that wasn't enough for Joyce. Joyce Cutler was known to be a Ruthless Adversary when Crossed!----Joyce had firmly resolved to Ruin any chances of a Career for the arrogant Todd Hill!---She remembered Him all to well from His first Year at College!----It didn't take Her but a few minutes to recall all the trouble He had gotten himself into with Female Students!---She thought Him to be an Abusive and Selfish trouble maker who had always seemed to escape the punnishments He so well deserved!------ In the City with funds running out, Todd Had to land Himself a position if He were to remain in the Metropolis and get on with the exciting life style He had ventured into from the get go!---------Most of the positions available to Him at first, were no longer there. Only a couple of Demeaning opportunities were left!----But without His Doctorate and no success landing another Corporate Posistion, Todd Hill was ready to Snap up the first Opportunity He could muster!------ Lin Chu had read the story concerning the incident in the Newspaper several days later one morning along with a great deal of amusement!-----Sitting with Her Daughter Minn, the two turned on their Television and watched the News and laughed over a long report about the incident!--------As it happened, one of Her buildings Housed the very apartment of Joyce Cutler, who Lin Chu had met on occasion. Lin Chu was impressed by the tall Aristocratic Woman and She became Attracted right away over the Overall Stylish appearence and Joyce Cutler's Physical Condition. On Her part, Joyce Cutler Seemed Mistified by the Slight Asian Beauty!---Joyce Sensed the POWER of the Asian and It caused a strange Erotic Reaction in Her Body and a sudden Nervousness racing throughout Her body that caused Joyce to falter inadvertantly while the two were being introduced to each other by Mai Hu, Lin Chu's Trusted Assistant!----The Strange reaction was not lost on Lin or Mai who snickered and mused about the effect the two had on the Austere Woman!-------After the Asian ladies departed, it took a good half hour before Joyce settled down!---- The Cutler name was in the reports and it was Mai Hu who called Lin to ask if it would be to their advantage to contact Mrs. Cutler and gather Her ideas on what She and Lin could do to help out, and exctly what Ms. Cutler felt should be done with the Transgressor!-----Lin Chu arranged to meet with Joyce. The following afternoon Joyve came to the Chu's Office!-------- Joyce was ushered into Mrs. Chu's Office by Mai Hu!------Before closing the heavy oak door as she left, Mai winked at Mrs. Chu who pretended not to notice and ushered Joyce into the high backed leather arm chair reserved for visitors to Her Office!-----Wearing a Grey Pin Stripped Business Suit and Cream Colored Silk Blouse, the Tall Joyce sellted down in Her Chair and Crossed Elegantly Sheathed Light Grey Sheer Nylon Covered Legs!-----Adorning Her Long Partrician feet, She Wore an Elegantly Styled Pair Of Strapped Pumps of Back Patent Leather which Had Three Ankle Straps tightly ecasing Her Weel Shaped Ankles!!---One of those actually happened to be made of Sparkling plated Silver!--------The Asian's Eyes Sharply focused on The High Heels of Mrs. Cutler!------There was TENSION between the two Women from the Get Go!---Was it Attraction? Or was it Adcersarial?----Mai wondered as She left the room!-----Almost like a Struggle for Dominance!---Which one Held the True Power!----Who would be the Contoller of the other!---Had Lin Chu possessed a Penis it would have been Rock Hard by now!-------But Her own Demeanor was dropping qucikly!----Joyce was noticing the objects situated on the Coffee table along side of the Long Leather Couch in the office!---She had to do a double take as She noticed what looked like a Black Penis shapped objefct covered by some Thick Black Straps!---Next to it there lay what she recognized to be a Harsh looking Thin Whip!----------It contained a Metal Grip and as she turned Her eyes to the side of the objects she took in what had to be a pair of Black or Navy looking Nylons attacted to their Garter Belt!-------- Flustered and Rosy Cheeked, Joyce Turned back to Mrs. Chu!--------Dressed in a Tight Pale Blue Sleeveless Satin Top And Showing Her own Well Shapped legs under Her Glass Desk!----Lin was carefully moving Her Metal Platformed High Heeled Shoes around so that Joyce could not avoid seeing them. The Power Struggle Was Obvious!-----And Joyce Cutler was Losing It!-------- Mai Hu was puzzled!------She had to inquire as to why Lin Chu kept there meeting friendly and cordial!---It was out of character, She thought, to actually witnesss Lin Chu keeping from Over Powering another female!---Mai had seen how Lin Manipulated, Seduced, Dominated and Degraded Women, and of course Men in the Past!-----She was Curious as to What had changed suddenly!--------- Lin Chu liked to take advantage of a situation when it arose. And Here was yet another opportunity for Her to employ,(so to Say), another fool who would be in debt to Her and at Her Beck and Call!-------Mrs. Lin Chu saw the Opportunity!---She was convinced after speaking with Joyce Cutler that the woman wanted to teach the man a lesson!---She wanted!-----"REVENGE!"----As Joyce Blurted Out!------"Not Just For My Daughter!---But For All The Others He Has Harmed!"-----Mrs. Lin Chu Liked The Opportunity of getting someone like Todd Hill in a Situation He Would not expect and realize He was getting into one!-------She was excited over His good Looks, after watching the news reports!---What better than Having a Servant who was good looking!----She liked His Wavy Blond Hair and his Light colored Skin. Noticing His Slight Features during Her first look, was enough for Her to see that his features were actually more feminine than masculine. From Her own perspective!----Perhaps!---That more than likely was what got Him into much trouble with the girls?---To show his masked Masculinity no doubt!--------Always trying to prove He was a Man!------ Mrs. Chu certainly was not interested in Helping the lad as much as getting someone on Her Staff who would have no choice but to follow Her Directions to the Hilt!-------Mrs. Chu was a STRICT and FIERCE COMPETITOR!---A Woman with the Will and the Martial Arts Skills to Inforce Her Will on the Strongest of Adversaries!---This She had learned the Hard Way as a Young Chinese Girl living in Vietnam, where Her parents had migrated to work!------Early in Her Life there. She learned how to servive under the most Difficult and Adverse Conditions!---Mrs. Chu was a beauty to behold as a svelt young girl, and She had managed to keet that Beauty even into Her Adult Years Despite those early hardships!---Just 50 Years old now, She still stood barley a shade over five feet in height and wieghed only about a hundred pounds, Her Straight Pitch Black Hair Hung down Behind Her and down around shoulder length. With Pronounced Cheek bones and Skin Clear and Glowing, due to the constant Attention that was paid to it by Her attendies, Lin Chu could practically instill instant paralysis on those who looked into Her Light Brown Sparkling Eyes!-------One would immediately get the sense of DANGER, However; when looking into Her eyes for the very first time and ensuing times thereafter!------- After speaking with Her lovely Daughter Minn, who was a close Shadow of Her Mother, the two decided to have Mrs. Chu's Friend who ran an emplyment agency find and offer Todd a posistion with Her firm.----Totally surprised and elated by this opportunity, Todd Hill Jumped at the Chance for a Job to support Himself and one that would give Him the Means to Stay in the City where He had become so excited and lucky to live in!-------The first thing He did was to inform His Startling!---Arrogant Red Headed Girl friend of late, April Cole, that He had successfully found a new Position here in Town.-----What He had no idea of at the time of His first interview with Mrs. Lin Chu's assistant Mai Lan, was what would be required of Him beyond the Job Description!------Excited and Hopeful for whatever the requirments, Todd Showed up dressed in an appropriate Black suit with polished Shoes, White Shirt and Red Power Tie!-----Of course Mai Lan nor anyone else in Her office that day hadn't the slightest knowledge of what else the Young Hopeful was wearing!----April Cole had easily Seduced the recent Grad into an appreciation of Ladies unergarments. April in a ruse had Goaded Todd Hill into a pair of Her very own Nylon Panties!----When He held the Whispy Ping and Red Flimsy Panties in His hand, April Laughed delightedly at the Embarrased look on his Face and His Red Cheeks!----"IF Y'ALL ARE A MAN!---YA JUS LUV ME FOA IT HUN!"---April laughed heartilly as she pinced Todd's Ass Cheeks and stepped away to admire Her handy work that Morning!-----After Sheepishly slipping into the Little Garment, Todd Hill Flashed a Whimpy smile that Caused April to burst out laughing at Her New Boy friend!---She mocked him a little and convinced Todd that it would be a lot of fun for the two of them to Play Boy Toy once and a while. Todd Hill hadn't a clue to the fact that April was a skilled Male Manipulator!----