THE OPPORTUNITY PT. VII i by Vivianne Tournament Torment SIX MONTHS LATER! Millicent Farswell Burst Out Laughing as she reclined behind her massive desk in her new office at ANPI Industries!---Jill Reynolds had awarded the second largest office in the main buildinng to Millicent after she herself had taken over the office of Nick Johnson former, CEO and Her fromer Boss and had given over his second almost equally large office over to Millicent!-----Only moments ago Carla Saurez, her new assistant had announced the arrival of Dick Carter who was told to wait to be summoned to Millicent's Office for a brief meeting. Jill had remodled the office for Millicent who enjoyed sitting behind the Massive Clear glass desk that Jill had ordered for her Which mischievously served to intimidate anyone brought in to the office to deal with Millicent. Why?---Becasue Millicent Was GORGEOUS!---Millicent Always dressed to the Nines!--Millicent had Long Perfectly Shaped Legs that were completed with Elegantly Long Partrician Feet which she often displayed in High Queality Nylons. Today, Millicent wore a Sleek Pair of Black Sheer Reinforced Heel and Toe Ophellias. They were expensive ahd the Welt(Band along the tops), were Both Black and Grey with a half Inch White Stripe!---Millicent liked to let her guests get glimses of her legs in these Nylons during meetings and always laughed to herself when she detected their embarrasement!--Men! and Women as Well!--- Right now Her Heels were off to the side near her right leg and they were High Six inchers with a series of Straps as well as Ankle Straps!-----They had a half inch platform under the Toe portion and against the Light grey Rug they looked like Weppins!------ "I WANT YOU!--- To Get Over There Yourself And Talk That Broad Into Meeting with Us To Arrange My Return Match!----Or I'll Break Your FUCKING ASS!--SHITHEAD!---And Then YAW OUTTA HEAH"- -------Dick Carter Blanched and began to Tremble from Chuck's Angry Voice!-- He could barely remember when Chuck Stone had yelled at him or was ever so Angry with him before today!----Dick had good reason to feel threatened. He himself had lost a lot of ground physically over the past few years, but chuck had only become stronger and stronger and more and more aggresive and Dangerous!------That was why it was so impossible to imagine How Such a Lovely Young Woman, so Prisitine and Feminine could have delivered such a Debilitating and Horrendously Humiliating Beating to such a powerful champion and Masculine specimin was too much to believe!--------------- "ARE You Fucking HEARING ME?"-----Said Chuck as he leaned over putting his face inches away from Dick's.------I Ain't Waitin For That Dumb Fuckin Johnson Anymore.--Ya Talked Wit Him Yesterday and No One Answers The Goddam Phone!------- Chucks Words were still ringing in Dick Carters ears and he was staring straight ahead not seeing anyone until a voice interrupted his thoughts!----R!----JU---READY SENJOUR?"-----Carter felt his Stomach Churn and His Heart Skip a Beat as he looked down instead of up and took in the Big White Platform Heels on the Feet of whom he knew belonged to Carla Suarez,(see Chapter; The Opportunity VII a.)------Grinning down at the man and second for Chuck, whom Carla challenged and Humbled was enough to force Dick to tentively avert his Eyes and then She laughed in his face when he looked up finally and She then Ordered Him Harsly to Follow Her As She Headed with the now Heart Sick Man, Clomping her way past many office Cubicles in her Platform Shoes where a number of Happy faced Women and Girls stood up to watch them walk by while the few men who still worked there. kept their heads bowed low. Not only because of their embarrasement for the man, but due to their own Fear of Annoying Carla!--------- Millicent Pressed her intercom and requested Joyce Cartwright to come right away to her office since Jill Reynolds was involved in an important buisness meeting at her Bank. Moments after Joyce Cartwrigh entered her office Millicent filled Joyce in regardeing the Meeting which was about to take place in Moments and the fact that it was one of about a hundred attempts by Chuck Stone to Gain her permision for a Rematch!----Joyce Cartwright was the Oldest woman in the Company and a Powerful alli of Millicent. Joyce Had a Sturdy Body with Powerful Legs and Thighs which she emphsized with Elegant Attire!--The very Best Hose and Heels!--Her Short Hair was Thick and Silver White and her high Cheek Bones Gave her a Fierce intimidating appearance. Joyce was not as tall as the Towering Brunette, Millicent, but she could still turn heads!-----"JUST Let That COCK SUCKER Say One Thing Out Of Line In Here!--And I'll!------"Hold On!''----- Millicent Laughed as she reclined in her Black Tuffted Leather Chair, Smiling Broadly!-----"We'll Let Carla Take Care Of Him If He Does!"---- Joyce's Eyes Widened and She Broke out laughing just as the knock form Carla Was Heard on the Door!-------And that was not all that was heard as Dick Carter Hearing The Familiar laugh from Joyce Carter felt a Chill run Down his Back and a slight Stirring in His Balls!---There was no Denying to himself that he Dick, was infactuated with the Cartwright Woman from the first time he laid eyes on her that night in the Arena before that fateful Match had begun. As Carla and Dick Carter stepped inside the Huge Office two things startled Dick Carter!---The Emence size of the office and the long wide Clear Glass Desk that was Millicent's!---Dick First took in her Long Legs Sheathed in the most Lovely Black Stockings dispite hardly feeling his arm being pulled along by the Young Hispanic secretary Carla!---He felt as he was floating forward towards her Desk!--Just as he was about one foot away from Millicent's Desk She Swung Her Legs Up Propping Her Long Legs Across of Her Glass Desk Top so that They were Practically right under Dick Carter's Nose!--Suddenly the Room was totally quiet(formerly sound proufed by Nick Johnson when he occupied it), after Joyce Slammed the door closed!-- --Carter Staired at the Long Slender Partrician feet of Millicent!---Her Briight Big Apple Red Toenail Polish actually Gleamed through the Darker reinforced toe of the Hose and Gleamed Out from the Nylon!-----Hissing Words of Carla Suarez Ran through his Ears Suddenly!-----"JOU NOHW--WHA JOU MAS DU!---SEINJOUR!"------Dick Froze on the Spot!---"What the Hell WAS THIS?------He Thought quickly To Himself!-"WHA---WH--WHAT Da Ya Meeeaannn?"- ----------"KISSSSSS--THOSEEEE FEEETT!--YOU BASSSSTARD!" Screamed Joyce Cartwright as she Gripped Dick Carter By his Thick head of Greying Hair!---- --He didn't know what to do!---All of a sudden he felt his whole body begin to Shake and his mind began to whirll!--No one had ever Ordered him to do things before accept Chuck Stone!--To be ordered by these Crazy Bitches to Bend over This Millicent Farnswell's Desk and Actually fucking do!------- "KISS HER FEET ASSHOLE And DO IT NOWWWW!"---Joyce had his head Bent Down Now and there was only one thing that Dick could do!-----Seeing Her Long Toes Shining through Those Nylons her face in a half view Dick Cringed seeing Millicents Wide Grinning, Smiling Face!----------What was he to do he thought quickly!---He had to succede hear today or Chuck would surely Break his ass and probalbly fire him!--The Women Graoned as He Allowed his Lips to Brush the Tips of her Nyloned Toes and as He caught the Scent of a Heady Perfume and a strange but no unpleasant bopdy scent, this man began to Kiss those Toes like he would his Lover. He Pressed his lips down hard as he felt the Shame of the Moment take effect on his Cock and Balls!--He Kissed first one foot's toes and then the other without being told!---- "WOW!"----Joyce Vocallly Called out!---"He's Doing Well!"---------That remark caused Dick to hesitate as he raised his head slightly then!---Carla reacted quickly by Grabbing the hair on the back of Dick Carter's Head just as Joyce had Previously and Orded Him!----"NAH---JOU WEIL--LEEEK--DEE--FEET SEINJOUR!"----He wanted to Faint!--He wanted to Run from Them!--He wanted to get out of there. He Wouldn't want his Buddy Chuck to know about any of this. He was a man sure enough but what was he going to do? Dick Carter had been given an ultimatum by his Friend and Boss!--Fucking Nick Johnson never did shit to help them and the fucking Fairy maybe really was getting his ass kicked over on some Ranch!---Dick Thought--- These were the thoughts that were running through Dick Carter's Mind over and over as he Ran His TONGUE ALL OVER Her STOCKING FEET!----Millicent Farnswell was Thrilled as the other two women looked on in envy silently!--- -----As Sheer as these Nylons were the more the man tongued and Licked them, the more dry his mouth became. The three women were even complimenting him by now on what a good job he was doing as the minutes began to pile up!---After about fifteen minutes Dick Was Groggy and Tired!-- Groggy from the Humiliation and Shame he was Feeling and disgusted with his inability to avert what was happening to him right then.---He didn't even resist Joyce and Carla leading him away from the front of the desk and walking around to the side of it where Millicent had turned her chair and awaited them to position him down on his knees so he could apply Licks and Kisses to her Feet as She had them now planted on the Soft Rug before him!-- -The Man, or any Man for that matter would have been Dizzy and Confused By Now!----Dick Carter was dizzy by now and he kept his Tribute up for her for another fifteen minutes or so until Millicent Lifted her legs and pressed back in her chair so that one at a time the man could literally WASH The Bottoms of Her HOSE With his Raspy Tongue and His Now Cotton Tasting Mouth!- ---This was a BONUS For The Ladies!---For By Now A STREAM of TEARS!---Had begun Running Down Dick Carter's Red Cheeks!---Former Boxer Wrestler, College Jock and Tag Team Partner of the Great Chuck Stone was Subject to The Feet of This Dynamic and Fearful Woman Executive!