SALON SADNESS by Vivianne PART TWO Kyah was reclining arrogantly in her usual chair that she had moved from behind the reception desk of the Ritzy salon. Being slight of build she looked really silly in the Huge Boots she was wearing. They had A Two inch Platform and A stacked Heel that was Six Inches Tall!----And they reached up just under her Knees. I noticed that there wasn't any zipper on the side and someone had to have laced them up for her due to the never ending number of eyelets on Her Massive Boots!---Just then I heard the voices of Chris and Judy and it was then that I began to remember that they in fact had not left the Salon as I had thought!---Everyone was quiet now and I weakly turned my head to see if I could see the time and felt an awful pain on the top of my head and my neck suddenly!-----Before I Blacked out, I noticed the Clock on the wall reading well past midnight! Chris:-------I knew Judy would do it!---Right from the minute Kyah had shown her what she had been hiding in the drawer of the reception desk in the Salon. One thing for sure was that Judy couldn't stand this Asshole and neither could I, but Judy had told me often that she was sick and tired of his inuendos and condescending talk to her and always thinking that he was charming her. He Really Pissed me off a few times also by constantly telling me some really sick jokes where girls were referred to as sluts. Little did he know how pissed we all were at him lately, not to mention Mrs. Cromwell who nearly threw him out of here today. I never really saw one of these things so when Kyah pulled open her drawer while we stood by watching her after closing while in the mean time the Shit head was crossing the parking lot headed for a return to our shop, we both had to laugh. Of course then we Gasped over the Shape and Size of what Kyah held in her hand wearing a big Grin on her pretty face. Kyah was cool!- Her Hair was dyed Auburn and she had it styled long and straight down to her shoulders, but with Betty Paige like Bangs hanging down over her forhead. Kyah looked Very Hot and really Cool!----"WHAT The FUCK IS IT?"-----A Fucking BLACK JACK?"------------Inquired Judy!''' Judy BLACK JACKED Him Three times as I stood next to her surprised, as I'm sure Kyah was by the way she weilded the Awful Weapon Knocking Him about!----He!---Of Course Had no time for surprise!-----Kyah Was Motionless fcing him right before that and he didn't have any idea we had re entered the Salon since he was so preoccupied by Kyah's presence. First he went down to his knees and then he Colapsed like a sack of Potatoes before Kyah!- ---Judy then Handed the Black Jack to me and Asked me if I wanted a Crack at Him!--------- I hesitated, realizing that he looked totally out of it and turned to see Kyah reaching down to him and taking hold of his Thick Hair!----"GET Up On Your Feet You BASTARD!"---She Yelled out as she Yanked and Pulled Up on his Head from the tight grip she had on his hair!---Judy looked at me as and I looked at her a little surprised to see the big guy stirring and then getting to one knee!-----His Face had shock written all over it and I could see that he was quickly realizing what had started and what was happening to him!----Then before you know it he got himself upright!---Now usually he towered over Kyah and the two of us, but now with those Big Boots Kyah was wearing he didn't appear to be that threatening!-- I BLACK JACKED HIM GOOD Then!----Right on Both sides of the top of his Head!--I hit him so hard that Chris Groaned loudly near my ear!---"SHIT!---- ---UH--FUCK--IN--ROCKED HIM-GIRL!"-----She cried out then!---Again Buckling Knees started him down a second time but instead of stepping back away from him Kyah Stepped in and Planted the foot of her Boot Right between his Balls!----I felt the pain almost as much as he did not expecting to see her do that. And an unconcious cry rang out from his lips as he started to fall face forward only to get the Bare Booted Knee of Kyah right in his Face. JUDY:---I loved the way She Really WACKED him with that Fucking Black Jack!---Chris wasn't nearly as aggressive as I was nor Kyah, or anyone else here in the Salon!--I knew she didn't like him, and didn't know how much until right then!-----What a creep he is. The three of us knew for sure he would be comeing back in here to try to suck up to Kyah!----His ego was so bruised by Mrs. Cromwell and the mocking he got from Kyah that we had all agreed, that if he in fact did come back that we would give it to him good and once and for all! Right after Kyah Pulled out the fucking Black Jack she had hidden in her receptionist's drawer, she Took out something else that we hoped she remembered to Bring to work today !---Her BLACK BOMBER DILDOE!-------The first time she showed this WOPPER to me I could hardly believe it!----It looked so Realistic that I reached for it and had a start by how real if felt in my hands. And when Chris came into the breakroom and saw it she cracked up laughing so hard that Mrs. Cromewll Peeked her head in and seeing it gave the three of us a look that could kill and admonished Kyah telling her to!----"PUT That Damn Thing AWAY!--I TOLD YOU ABOUT THAT!"------ ------I only had to look at Chris for a second to silently agree with what she must have been thinking about the two of them!----- Ella:----I got there a little late and I was really sorry I did because I missed most of the fun. But I sure didn't expect to see Kyah Doing Him Like This!------As soon as Chris called me on my cell and told me where they were and how they finally got him alone I jumped in my car and got to the parking lot as fast as I could!---Once Judy and Chris Let me in the Salon, the very first thing I heard were the MOANS coming from him!--- Chris and Judy were red faced and excited as they led me to the side of the partician behind the big round reception desk, where directly behind that wall was a Sight For Sore Eyes!--------- Chris:---Ya had to see the look on Ella's Face as she peered around the wall behind the reception desk and saw what Kyah was doing to him!----- Kyah had him facing the wall Naked while that Black Bomber of Her's was a good Five inches already Right up into his Big ASS!-----As Kyah Kept Humping He Kept on MOANING!---And PLEADING!--And Yea!--CRYING!---------Judy and I weren't as Startled as Ella was but we did feel nervous about the way Kyah kept giving it to him. She seamed to be trying to get the remaing four inches of it all the way in as she Humped Him Silly!---Judy and I knew that he had no idea where he was or what was happening! Me: "YOU SOULD KNOW BETTER THAN TO TRY AND FIGHT KYAH!"----Were the words Ella had spoken to me while I tried to collect my thoughts once again!-- I was Racked with Pain all over and my head was pounding!--Had I tried to put up some kind of a fight? All that I knew was that I was getting a real Bad Beating and it wasn't just from Kyah!---Chris and Judy were Working me over as Well!-------I needed to get Out of this Place if I had to fight my way out. What kind of a place is this anyway?--I asked myself!-----The Salon had turned into a Salon form Hell Overnight!---What Did I Do?-----Why was I in this situation anyway?---- "GIVE ME A CHANCE!"--I heard myself Yell Out Weakly!---- Judy: What a DUMB FUCK!-----He doesn't even have any idea where he is or remember How we Just Kcicked the Shit Out Of Him and he wants her to give him an even Chance!---To Fight Kyah?--He's Fucking Crazy!--She'll Beat the Living Shit out of him and then Make Him Eat it!----- Chris: I watched the Surprised expression onJudy's face and especially Kyah's, and then the two of us saw a flash of Anger on Kyah's face and realized she was going to give him the chance he wanted. "GET Yourself Up!-- - ON YOUR KNEES!---When You Speak To Me!"------She Shouted to him!-----I watched him flinch in confusion not knowing what to do. He Probably was surprised that she had aknowledged his request, but too confused by her and Fearful of Her as He began to Follow Her towards the larger area of the Salon on his Knees!----I reallly don't think he really knew he was Obeying her and Doing exactly what she wanted. His head must have been clouded from the smacking around he got from us!-----Judy and I watched him Crawl faster, as Ella walking directly behind him kept prodding him by Kicking Him Hard in his ass with Her Mary Janes as we followed in anticipation for what was yet to come!----- Judy: We both followed the Asshole as he Crawled after Kyah on his knees. The Stockings that she had tied around his hands were loose now as were the ones that kept his ankles together and when Kyah pointed to them, Ella stepped up to him and knelt down to untie them and warned him once more not to challenge Kyah! Me: I only wanted to explain myself to her now!--I couldn't gather hardly enough strength to get to where she wanted me inside the center of the Salon in the first place!------How could I fight Kyah!--They gave me a real Beating!---I felt Ashamed Of Myself!---Now I ONLY Wanted Out of There and Away from the Arrogant Little Bitch!----------"PA--PAH---LA---EEEESSEE---- KYAH!"---I Screeched!---------"PLEEEESS!---AHM--Sooooo-----SORRRRRIEEE!---- Ella: I Know Kyah!--And Kyah Likes To Kick the Shit Out of Men!---They don't expect it from her becasue she is so slightly built and looks so Pristine and Conservative. She's an expert Kick Boxer and As fast as lightening!---This older Pervert!----Is really in for it Now!