PROFESSOR PETERS 2. By Vivianne Stacy Harrison and Her Friend Kora Acker stepped into the quiet classroom and walked toward the back end of the room where Stacy hoped to find Professor Peters inside of his office where Her Mother Rozalyn Harrison, A fellow Teacher of his at the School, told her where she would most likely fins him at that time. Stacy Harrison was a troublesome student of the Professor's who had been attending his class at the nearby College where the Professor had his main Teaching posistion. The Professor had been filling in at the High School several days a week due to a shortage in qualified teachers there lately. Unfortunately for Stacy!---The Professor had to order her expelled for a number of infractions during classes and outside of the classrooms at the College!------Her Mother Roz had talked to Professor Peters over a week ago and they had agreed that he might reconsider having her back in his classes if she presented herseld to him with a Formal Letter of apology and a personal Plea to Boot!---- Kora Acker and Stacy were very close friends for many years. The two girls had changed quite a bit over the last several years, however; both of them had been getting into a number of scraps with authorities inside and outside of their Schools!-------The Last time Professor Peters had seen both girls together was at the local Mall over the weekend, where he observed the two of them standing among a group of males and behaving and acting rude outside of the Malls Entrance!-------Kora was wearing a Pair of Black Athletic Shoes without hose and Extra Short Denim Shorts along with a Bright Orange red Sweat Shirt and a Black and White Stripped Bandana wrapped around Her Head which held her short Black hair tighly inside of it!----She Looked Absurd thought Professor Peters who was observing Her from his parked car where he sat staring at the group after just arriving and parking near the Entrance of the Mall!-----Kora looked like a real Bitch and it looked as if she was cusing as she smoked and kept taunting the larger Boys around Her who looked as if they were afraid of this shorter smart assed Girl!------It Pissed the Professor off Even More as he realized that this were the way all of these young girls were acting these days!---"What's With These Fucking Males Today?---He Mumbled out loud!---Loud enough to drawe the attention of an elderly couple who were getting into their car next to him!---The woman merely Grinned at the Professor through his open window, but the Man just shook his head with a SAD Look in His Eyes!---"Stacy on the other hand was dressed even more un feminine!---The Girl Had on A Pair Of Shiney Black Combat Boots and What Looked Like Torn Black Nylons!----Peters could tell that the Runs, or Holes in the Hose were purposely put there and he was Shocked at the Leather Mini and the Tight Black Vest She was wearing over her obviously Bare Chest!----The Males along with them were equally disheveled in their appearence, however; it was apparent that the Girls were the ones in control of them by their aggressive and the Aggresive Behavior they acted in!----People were avoiding the girls who were Mouthing Insults to all who passed by them, and they went un challenged by everyone!----Peters had a lump in his throat as he watched the group for a good half hour as they lorded over the space they occupied and kept up their insults at whoever came near them!-----For a moment or two, he thought he might confront them, but thought better of it remembering what he had been hearing about the two Girls!---They Were TOUGH COOKIES!---He had been told by more than one Teacher while they were in High School!---Now!---Of College Age!----They seemed much more Cocky and it probably would be more trouble than it was worth for him to ger invovled with them!-------- Surprisingly however; Stacy had eneded up in one of his classes and had to be Expelled by him, Which made it a little more important for him to remain un invovlved in their behavior!--------- "Why Doan Ya KICK The Fucker's ASS Bitch?"----Kora Said as she walked alonside of Stacy in between the Desks in the empty Classroom!-----------"Ah Want Tah!----But Ma Mom Told Me Ta Du This Shit!"----Stacy answered Her Friend Back!----"Whad Ah Bucha SHIT!"----Kora replied!----- Professor had Reached the Top of his Game and dropped his hands, releasing his fingers from His long Nipples!---He Regained the momentum on his Hard Penis!----The Moment he started his Release1---His eyes noticed a Crack in his Office Door!--------Two Things happened at once!----RECOGNITION As to Who Was Peering Inside, and His FAILURE To Stop What Was Happening Between His Legs!---------- Rising up as quickly as he was able, Professor Peters pushed out his left arm as if to ward off any eyes that could take in the scene in the room!----But since He Jumped out of His Swivel Desk Chair Quickly, His Legs, already Tangled in his trousors which were already low down around his ankles, Peters caught the leg of the Chair and he Kareemed onto the hard wooden floor by the side of his Desk!---In full View of both Girls who were now looking inside the wide open doorway of the office!------- Kora Acker Pushed the door open more so she could see what her friend was looking at!----Kora noticed how Stacy had stopped as if she were frozen and unable to answere Kora who had just asked her!----"HAIY---WAZZ UPP---STAISE?"-------"What The FUCK!----Look Addd--Dah ASSHOLE KO!"------Stacy Groaned!-----Professor Peters Was Trying to stay down in order to Hide his Still Visable Wet Penis which was Hanging by his left thigh while he struggled lying along the floor of his office facing the now Wide Open Doorway!------A Third Girl had made her way to the open doorway just then!-----Ling Chou!----Of All His Students in this particular class of his, Ling Chou was the most difficult!----Peters Recognized Her Intelligence from the Outset, and had attempted to relate to her the importance of Education, but to no avail!---He found out in short time, about Her Arrogant and Superior Mind Set with him!---She not only was totally disruptive during class, but challenged everything he tried to teach the class!---AND!---She was Bizarre!---Shortest of the Girls in This Class!------She Was! In CHARGE!---And not just of the girls, but the males Also!----Ling didn't know Stacy very well, nor had she ever met Kora!--------She was a friend however of Stacy's Brother!---Ricky Harrison and had classes with their Mother Rosalyn Harrison at the School!-----Rosalyn had given up on the girl and had her banned from Her Classes!-----Normally the girl would have been expelled from the School had it been any other!--but things here were a Big difference!----The Principal here was the Reason Ling Chou!--Or any of the Other Out of Control Girls were not Kicked out of School Entirely!-------- As he struggle to get up on his knees in order to prevent anyone from seeing him in the humiliating position he was in, the Professor grabbed hold of the edge of his desk and bgan to pull himself upright until he in fact was actually on his knees, with his back upright!---By then all of the girls, with Stacy in the lead, were now directly in front of him and were inside of the office in the rear of the classroom!---The office had been Professor Peter's Sanctuary!---Only a Teacher or two, or the Janitor had ever been in his space prior to this!----Right Now there were Three Young Students standing in his space!-----The Professor's Penis was flacid and sonewhat Hidden for he had slumped over in hopes of keeping the girls from noticing it!---Still Flaccid, but only about eight inches in length, he was sure that so far he was safe from the girls ees yas he managed to pull up his briefs which were not as low around his ankles as were his pants!---- Two Hands grabbed hold of the Professor's full head of hair!------Ling Chou was behind the man as the hands Wrenched the Head of the Struggling Teacher so that the Veins in his Neck began to Bulge out!---They were not Gentle!----Kora had him from one side and Stacy had taken hold of his hair from the top of his head!--------A series of Vivious Slaps Rained down on each side of the Face of Peters who lifted up his arms for protection and to ward off blows that were almost as devastating as punches!---------He fell forward!---Not just because he had lifted his arms up for protection, but becasue Ling Chou had delivered a BALL SPLITTING KICK Right into the Middle of His legs, which were exposed once more after the Slim Asian Girl reached out and Yanked his pants back down around his thighs!-----"SHOVE This FUCKIN LETTER Up HIS ASS!"---Stacy Yelled Over the falled man, as she reached across from his naked body to give Ling Chou the letter she had been told to draft for the Professor!------- "GET READY!-----ASSHOLE!"---Stacy Laughed as both She and Kora waited until Ling Chou Bent Down with the Letter in her hand!---------- "PROFESSOR!--------PROFESSOR?----Professor Peters!---ARE You THERE?"------As they scurried out of the Rear Office of the Professor Claudette Perkins stood with Her Mouth Wide Open as She waited in front of the black board that ran along the front of the room, until all three girls sorted out!-----Perkins was Assistant to The Principal of the School!--------Colleen Masters!-----About Mid Fifties in age, Claudette was a hard nosed Adminstrater!----Claudette acted on Instinct when it came to problems in the School!-------Of Particular interest to Claudette was the interactions between the Teachers staff and the Students of the School!-----Claudette had in the past found it necessary to interviene when Teachers were too hard on the Students!-----Professor Peters was highly regarded by her Boss and Principal Colleen Masters!------Both Ladies felt he would be a plus in adding to their new breed of Educators at the School, Professor Peters and Rosalyb Harrison!-----When he accepted a position as had Rosalyn Harrison, Colleen and Claudette felt they had finally begun moving in the right direction!-------- Professor's ASS Was Burning Red!---Hung Over The Small Sized Desk in the cramped office at the Rear of the classroom , His Head was nearly down on the floor and all the Naked man could see were the Fashionable Black Patent Leather Pumps of the Woman who had been relentlessly Wailing away at his Upturned Ass Cheeks with the Wide Leather Belt She had been wearing minutes ago!------For over a good twenty minutes She Skillfully used the thick Belt which She had Strapped around Her Waist!----The Agony of Her Vicious Assault on His Back and Thighs had ended after five minutes or so and She went on too Engage His Round Ass Cheeks with the Thick Belt, following up with an even more Vicious Swats and Punnishment!---The Sounds of the Leather Beating down all over His Hard Globes, were muted because the first thing the Administrator did was to Close the Office door Tightly!----Claudette Blocked the bottom opening with his discarded Clothes so it would keep the noise down and She then Gaged The Professor's Mouth Shut Tightly with the Nylon panties she had on and Secured them around his Face with one Of Her Nylon Stockings!---Cluadette used Her Second Stocking to Expertly Tie Tightly, the Professor's Ball Base!--His Scrotum was Burning from the Tight Nylon Fabric, and His Nearly full Sized Penis was Strained to it's Limit as Claudette Lengthened Her Blows too a higher Pitch, Reigning Her Belt Whip down Hard after Rising up on her Tip Toes in Her Sleek Black Patent Leather PUMPS!------During HisTraumatic Pain, this Man could only focus on those Pumps of Her's, and dispite his agony, He kept his focus on their Attractive Style!---A Small Platform and a Tapering Slim Heel Adorned the Heels Claudette Wore So Well!------Peters Was beside himself in Pain, but He still could admire and reflect on the usual different, spmetimes provacative footware the Administrater adorned her feet with every day at School!-------------"Kiss Them!------KISS THEM!"------She shouted out the second time becasue he didn't react fast enough to her order!-------It wasn't because the man didn't hear her the first time!---No!--It was because!---That was Exactly What the Man wanted to do!---Not just NOW!---But From the Minute He first Saw the Lady on his first interview with her and Colleen Masters in Colleen's Office that fatefull day!------Claudette put her arm down in a waiting pose waiting for the Humbled Professor to begin his task!--She listened to a Soft Moan from The Man as He Stretched his body out a little more so he would be able to accomodate the distance he was away from her Pumps!----Smiling down at him it was her turn to let out a Groan as She Felt His Raspy Tongue Engage the Soft Shiny Leather of Her Lavish PUMPS!----