MRS. MURRAY’S MAIDS by Vivianne BOOK THREE part 2 PLURAL (A TRUE STORY) We Were Both Nearly in Tears!---- Mrs. Murray Had Caught the Two of us RED HANDED!------By the time She returned home a day earlier than expected and a little before midnight, we both were pretty far gone!---------What made matters worse was that She had brought Jill Haller with her along with Her Eldest Daughter Elaine and none other than Kathlene Roberts!---Rahael and I especially were both pretty well Stoned by then and we both had on hardly anything when the three of them came practically barging into the large rear family room, Laughing and talking loudly, of Mrs. Murray’s new Condominium. We had no idea they had arrived, not expecting them to be back that evening and not hearing anything from the front rooms, so when the noise from their voices hit us it was too late!---Too Late and Too Bad For Us!---Espectially for me and the position that I was in!----Things over the past couple of days hadn’t been going too well for me once Mrs. Murray had put me under Ricky’s Supervision!--I was pretty much dejected by it all and had no choice but to bite my tongue and follow whatever was dictated for me despite my disapointment in having to answer to him!---I felt it should have been the other way around!----It only took till the second day for me to rebel, and that was when the fught between us started around ten in the morning on the second day!---------- I surely felt that I had it all over Rachael,(that was his Maids name), being a lot more muscular and older and all that!---He was nothing more than an arrogant young smart ass as far as I was concerned and there was no way that I ever felt that he would last as Diane’s boyfriend!----The more he Mocked me back then, the more I wanted to Kick His Ass!---Then She dumped him and then he wasn’t around!-----So I was totally shocked to see and learn a few days ago that he also was Mrs. Murray’s Maid!------How long had that been going on? I wondered the minute I saw him standing there with her the other day!---But the minute she left us shortly after and ordered Rachael of all people to be in charge of her house that question was the least of my worries!----As soon as she left Rachael lowered the Boom on me!- ----And He Hadn’t let up since!---At that moment I was LEASHED!------ Following along behind Ricky right now I was still on all fours and he had attached a light thin string around my collar besides the leash that he held in his hand and it had been tied earler to the base of his Spike Heels. As he strutted around it was my duty to keep up fast or slow enough so as not to let the string break!---This had nothing to do with my Maids Duties and it had been going on so far for a Frustrating two and a half hours while Rachael laughed and Critisizing me for being such a Whimp and a Sissie and reminding me that if I broke the string that I would get a Worse Beating than the one he gave me after our fight this morning when I finally decided to Kick His Ass which he had comoing for quite a long time as far as I was concerned!---He was nothing but a Royal pain in my ass when he was dating Diane Murray and he seemed to like goading and Teasing Me from back then and again now for a reason I did not know. I didn’tunderstand at all why he took such a disliking for me and why he kept trying to Verbally Humiliate me by constantly Mocking and Critisizing me, especially right in front of the Murray’s and whenever Diane was around!---Back then and before my troubles began with Mrs. Murray the girls and Mrs. Murray respected me and the daughters kind of looked up to me!---I was in great shape and Cool and I think they had the Hots for me!--Well I think all but Elaine!-------- I had HAD IT WITH HIm!--------I was determined now to Give The Shit Head a real Ass Kicking!------HE KICKED MY ASS!----INSTEAD!----- Tired from the Long Tedious Crawling around after Rachael on my now really sore knees and wearing Black MESH Nylons that were Run pretty much on each leg I was pretty well Stoned since Rachael had first offered me some Vodka and then actually Demanded that I drink it whenever She decided that I should be having more. Not even having been allowed near Liquor for some time now, it went right to my head!----The Euphoria from what I had consumed blunted the Delima that Rachael had trapped me in!----It was almost as if Rachael had turned me in to His VERY OWN MAID!---Or-----Slave For that Matter!-----The Way I had My ass Kicked Proved that and Now Some of what was Happening to me didn’t seem too really bad since I was so Drunk by now!----Keeping my eyes on The Gorgeous Nylon covered legs of Rachael all the time I struggled around the room endlessly also made me feel jealous!-------The Nylons really looked great on those legs and there wasn’t a run in them compared the mess mine were in. I kept thinking!--What would Mrs. Murray Say if she noticed how many runs I had on my Nylons!------ She wouldn’t stand for it!--- Before they arrived As I followed Rachael around the rooms I kept thinking how our fight went!--------Standing in front of Rachael and getting Verbally berated for not performing my Maids work fast enough, Rachael began to mock me the same way he had from the first time I met Him!- --I just couldn’t take it anymore!--I hated the fact that he was now a Maid for Mrs. Murray just as I was and I could still not understand why she would want any part of him,especially since she had been constantly telling her daughter Diane to Get Rid of Him!---I Resented the idea that He Would Be in charge of me, especailly since I had ben Mrs. Murray’s Maid a lot longer than he was and had a hell of a lot more training by her and experience than he ever had!------It was totally Humiliating for me to have to answer to hem since I hated him aleady so much before all of this started!-------- I couldn’t take it earlier this morning putting up with all of the insults that I was Getting and the impossable tasks that Rachael was ordering me to perform!--Like Cleaning the entire Bathroom floor on my knees and using only my Tongue to apply and lick up the soapy water!---At one point He sat himself up on the back of the toilet seat and put both of his Spikes from his Heels down on the Seat with me kneeling in front of the seat and my Cock in between the Seat and the rim of the Toilet!---There he wanted me to explain to him why I convinced Mrs. Murray’s daughter Diane to stop seeing him. That was before I had succumbed to Mrs. Murray and before she found myh stash of Nylons and the Porn Magazines inside my garage. Diane liked me, but she was much younger and I swore to Rachael that I hadn’t said or done a thing to influence her in any way. I had to Jerk off to forgive myself as he smirked and laughed as he rocked his heels back and forth compressing my by then aching Penis!--------I could barely control myself and unfortunately I had to let Go of my pent up Frustration and dumped a good load into the water!--I was drained already even before that when I lost it I could feel my self grow really weaker and very Dizzy!---And it was still early in the mid morning!----Rachael jumped up fast then and he took hold of my head by my hair and pushed and forced my face right down into the toilet water!---i heard him yell out just before my head went under too!---”DRINK It All UP!”- ------------After about a minute or two I was back on my knees dripping with water and that was when I lost control and got up swinging!----About three or four of my punches missed there mark but the fifth one connected with Ricky’s Jaw!----I wasn’t thinking of him as Rachael anymore and I wanted to really deck him and turn the tables back my way. He ahouldn’t have been left in charge of me and he should not even be Mrs. Murray’s Maid!---He Doesn’t deserve to be and she had to know what a shit he really is!-----Ricky’s Nylon Thighs were right there staring me in the face. I didn’t even know how long I was in that position because my head was still trying to clear itself. Both sides of my head were aching along with a wetness that I was to realize in a few moments later were the result of Tears!---It seems that after my punch landed he countered with quite a few of his own droppping me down on my knees again!---it seemed that I was always on my knees now with Ricky!-------”Ricky PAAAA--LEEESSEE!”------I heard myself say to him in an unfamiliar Higher than normal voice as if I had beconme a sissy!-----His Sissy!---I remembered placing my arms around his Stocking Thighs as if I was going to somehow take him down as I moved my then weak arms in a motion to attempt to Tackle him!--But it was a joke!- -A Futile attempt on my part to try and show him I was still in the fight!-- Ricky(Rachael was laughing at me now and calling me what I thought I was then!----”C’MOOOOOAAAAAHHHNNN SISSSSSSYYY BOOOOYYYYY!---KISS DEEEEAAASSS NYYYYYYLONSSS!- So there was nothing more for me to do but follow the directions of this Bastard Rachael and so here I was right now struggling and tied to the backs of his Black Spiked Heels!--------- The first voice that Rang Out when the three of the ladies stepped into the rear family room with Mrs. Murray leading the way was!----Of course Elaine!---Always the one who really disliked me from the start,just like Ricky!------She Burtsed Out with a Laugh that echoed loudly!------- ”Just Like I Figured!----Both Of Them Mom!!---And Look at This ASSHOLE!”-- Elain Said now right standing grinning next to me where I was still kneeling at the back of Rachael’s Spiked Heels!-----Elaine Glared into my eyes and mouthed more of what was on her mind!---”I Get You Tonight! You Miserable Little Asshole!”-------Jill Haller, who I hadn’t seen since early on when I first fell under Mrs. Murray’s Control and who was her Neice, Burst out laughing long and Hard and blurting out how she knew from experience how much I loved and belonged down by ladies shoes!