MRS. MURRAY'S MAID By Vivianne Eight Years Later Pt. 6 (A TRUE STORY) I was still lying alone by myself on the hard cold floor of the Large Penhouse!----The Heel Marks more than likely were still all over my near naked body as I laid there in the most agonizing pain from the long hard stomping I had just received from first Mrs.Murray and then from Charlene Roberts!---It was much worse by far than what I had recieved from Mrs. Murray. That was certain!---But I was doing exactly what I was told by Mrs. Murray!---I was remaining where I was told to remain or, as she had Said to me!-------"SUFFER The CONSEQUENCES Victoria!"-----Sadly that was who I had become so quickly and against my will!--Just as it had never stopped happening!-----I am suddemnly Her Maid and I had only laid eyes on her briefly only Hours ago. I didn't even know how I would beging explaining this to Marisa!---But Marisa was far from my mind now anyway. What was really on my mind was waiting for Inez to show up here!---Evidently, all the while Charlene was Stepping all over me in her attractive low heeled low cut Booties, Mrs. Murray was on her cell phone with Inez giving the young friend of her Daughter Diane, instructions of about what I did not know. As Charlene was almost finished with her Awful Walk!----Mrs. Murray laughingly told Charlene that I was requested to stay just where I was and that when Charlene felt that I had finally made the!---"Difficult Transition From MAN TO RUG!"----As she put in and in words that are still ringing in my ears!-----"Then LEAVE Her Where She Is To AWAIT INEZ!"---------She was once again reverting back to using my Maids name once more!---The Case is Closed!---I thought dejected as I was not going todo anything more to annoy either of them and that I would follow what ever were her wishes!----As much as I wanted to get up and leave there, I knew I hadn't the Strength nor the Will!---So I stayed and reminised about the events that had brought me to this very place and in this ridiculous position!---- How Embarrasing to have been discovered in the back room after closing in a large department store by First one Sevcurity Guard, (and a Female at that), and then A Second, A Hispanic Young Male!---It was the look of Surprise at First!---Then SHOCK!---Followed By!--------- AMUSEMENT!-----That Even Spiraled me further into Humilaition!----More So than I was at that point!---Especially since the only thing I had on were these Panties I was wearing and the fact that Charlene and Inez had Stripped me naked earlier. Also, my clothes were no where in sight!----That however was just the start of what was to insue after the Male guard joined the female!------------ It occured to me for awhile that I could change what was going on and get my head straight again. It had only been hours since I had been shopping in the large department store with Marisa my girl friend from work. I had been away from Mrs. Murray so long that I actually was beginning to convince myself that that was so long ago that what I remembered about all that went on bck then had been a phigma of my imagination and that I really was the pretty cool guy I always I was and everyone else thought that I was, and not anybody's servant or Maid!--i had pretty well repressed all that had happened and had been pretty much in denial about it all for quite some time!---I actually had to be in order to finally get my head on straight and end up with a good job again, with lovers, and a current girl friend like Marisa. Why would I ever let a Woman turn me of all guys!----Into her Maid?---No one would have believed it at the time!---She fucking turned my life around,However; so fast again in only hours that it was if I was losing my mind!---The Idea of Getting up and out of there subsided quickly as I continued to think about the events leading up to my present position!-------- They actually were standing there laughing at me after their initial shocked expressions left their faces. I mean security guards see a lot of things, but these two had to tell me that they never expected anything like what they were witnessing!--And the first thing that they noticed was the absence of any male clothes in the room and when the younger one of them, the girl in, what looked like she was wearing clothes of a cleaning woman, spoke out to the young male guard called Carlos, telling him to look at the table!---I shuddered!-------The only clothes around except for the many packages of open and empty nylons all over the floor of the small square room were two Long Black Seamed Stockings and a thin black garter belt lying there along with them. Next to the table on a chair were a pair of high heels that looked bigger than what Charlene had been wearing and a half sleeve Navy top next to a pretty long Skirt, Also Navy!-------The girl was pointing to what was lying on the table and both of them started laughing once more. I was practically speechless. I didn't know what I could say to then!"----"WHATCHOO DOIN--IN DIS STOW!"---The one called Carlos questioned out loud?---I was about to find out that this room that I had been taken into was not really part of the department store after all, but that it belonged to another shop that shared the long dark hallway in the same Mall as the store I had been in with Marisa!----When The Girl told me this a moment after Carlos hit me with that question, I was breathless for a moment!---Because I realized then why all the lingerie had been in this back room there. This had to be the back room of a lingerie or Stocking Store of some kind!-----"WELL!----SPEAK UP J,O!"------She said again as she stepped closer to me!----------"UH!---AH!--FAGGOT!---AIN'T CHA?"-----------I could feel her breath on me she was so close to me when she asked me!--------I wanted to crawl right out of there and I probalbly would have tried if I hadn't been tied up so tightly with some of those nylons that Charlene used on me!----"KAH--MOAAN!----ANSAH--DAH GURL!"---He joined in!------I know that they were just doing their jobs when they found me, but this probably was so much out of the ordinary and since it had to look like I was not going to be any kind of a threat or problem to them in any way!---Well It must have dawned on them that it could be kind of interesting for them and that they would be able to have a little fun with me!----"HE WARE Dah STOCKINS!''----The Girl Asserted!------------When She Said that I Saw A Grin appear on Carlos's Face!----""Hey Carlos!---MAIY BEE HELYKE TAH BLOW YA!"------I broke out into a sweat in seconds as the two of them became silent!-------"HEE--Lyke AH GURL --ANY HWAY!"--she Laughed stepping back away from me a little!---She quickly leaned over to the table and she picked up the Pair of Nylons lying nearly over the side of the square wooden table!---"SEE--CARLOS!---DAY AVE RUN!"-----HE WORE DEM!"---------Shit I said to myself!------She thinks that I was wearing them and thats what caused the Runs in the Hosiery!----What the fuck could I do now to convince her what the real reason was that I was in here!---But I had to try. It was getting hairy now. Carlos actually was grinning wider and he had his dark hand right in the middle of his Crotch!---I took notice and it did not escape me that he had a significant package inside his Khaki pants and that it was getting a little excited over what was going on here!---- So far, I hadn't spoken a word. But Now I had no choice!---and I chose to tell them what had happened as truly as I could remember!---I went on for a good fifteen minutes or so, explaining what I had been doing in the department store with my girl friend and meeting and old neighbor of mine in the store and getting convinced by a clerk here at the store to follow her into the back room for a look at some special items I could purchase for my girl friend who was off somewhere else in another department.(of course this part was not the truth but it sounded okay to me). See Chapters Mrs. Murray's Maid Eight Years Later pts. I-4.-------I kept at my story trying to be as convincing as I could. It looked like they were listening intently as they kept serious expressions on their faces!---THEY DIDN't BUY IT!---And Carlos Didn't remove his hand during my whole explaination!-------"SOHW--SA---CREEP--WHO DAH MAIN IS HERE CARLOS!"---She said Loudly and Sternly!---:HEE--AH ROBBAH----AIN HEE AH SISSAY ROBBAH!"------- It Was So Fucking BIG!----And Right in Front of My FACE!---Carlos kept Manipulating it and moving it around in his hand for what seemed like an hour!---It was if time had stopped for me as my mind tried to figure out what this was really about, what I could do? And What They were about to do!---I FEAREDQ-------Dumbly the first thing I actually said!---Or really Maoned under my breath was!-----Marisa!--------I actually moaned it rather than said it, I was so scared!---But The Girl whom he now called Angie!---------Said!---SAH HU MARISA?-----NOTHA SISSAY?"-----By then Carlos was only inches away form my face!----- My remeniscing was suddenly interrupted by the squeeking of the front door of the Penthouse!----It had to be about three o'clock in the morning by now and I was not only exhausted from lack of sleep, but still in a lot of pain from the earlier ordeal of the day and I was totally confused as to what I was letting myself in for!-----I could hear Sharp High Heels on the Hard Wood Floor and since they were approching me where I was laid out on the cold wood floor, my heart began to pound!----it was very dark where I was and only shadows from the reflecting lights of nearby buildings shining through the windows, allowed me to see much at all. But I did see Her Towering High Heels!-----Suddenly!-------They were perched right along side each ear of my head. One nearly touching each of my cheeks!----And they were pretty damn long at that. Her feet were perched up so high that it seemed as if she were standing right up on her toes in Her Sleek Black Leather Heels!---I had seen many pairs of high heels, some conservative and others Truly OUTRAGEOUS!---That was what these were!--I knew just why they were and why they were there with me know!----"Hello Victoria!"----Inez said in a lower and a more unusual voice for her, lower voice!---"I Hate Your GUTS!----YOu CREEP!-------But You Already Know That!-----DON'T YOU?---You SHIT!"---------- "I'm Soooorrryyyyy!"---------I Said that right then. I don't know why I said that, becasue even then I knew that it would not do me any good at all.