MRS. MURRAY'S MAID by Vivianne Part 13g (A TRUE STORY) Chapter 13 g: HUNG: "OHHH!---PLEEEESSSEE!"""Were the words I was muttering over and over again through Her Panties which had been stuffed into my mouth hours ago!---Five as a matter of fact!---I knew that neither Mrs. Stafford and Her Mother Kathleen Roberts couldn't hear a thing from the way they stuffed out the sound almost completely as I Moaned and Agonized over what they had done to me earlier.----How Could anyone even think of Hanging someone else, as they had done to me earlier in the evening by Strapping me and then Hoisting me up onto the large bedroom door by first getting me to stand on the vanity stool and by attaching straps that were fastened to two large Hooks that put my back to the door Hanging me desperately and then, because my arms were tied in a poor strained position behind my back forcing my midsection slightly outward, it caused my pelvis which was also sticking slightly outward to present themselves for Kathleen Roberts, who would utilize two Cord Boot Laces of which she used to start to securing them around my Balls!---The Older Lady carefully wrapped the two of them around both exposed Balls and then placed a pair of Heavy pendulum kind of weights to the already low hanging cord laces which had the effect o pulling down forcefully on my by poor victimized Balls!--------Lynn Stafford completed my Terrible plight by taking off her nude colored nylons and opening my legs wide to the edges of the door then secured my tied ankles to the side of the dresser leg on one side of the big door and the hinge on the side by the wall!----Who would not have Cried many times over the past five hours as I had during this long agonizing period!---I'd Like to know because I never felt so Helpless before and at my wits end as I spent all this time watching both ladies lying asleep in their beds while I Hung Tormented on the fucking Door of Mrs. Stafford's Bedroom!""They saw my tears earlier and they didn't Give a shit about what I was enduring nor did they care a bit how much worse it would be hour after hour during the night as the two of them snuggled comfortably in their beds with me hanging in pain, strung up on Lynn's fucking Bedroom Door!.---It only I hadn't complained about hearing that Mrs. Murray and Her Daughters were staying on for two more weeks on vacation and that I would now be leaving tomorrow for Kate Barrow's house where I would be working for the next tow full weeks!---That Would Be HELL On Earth for me!---What a fucking Butch she was and that asshole husband of hers that I met earlier as it tuned out to my surprise and horror was one of my college professors during my freshmen and senior years at State!-----I hadn't put the name together and what a Shock that was to see him getting his Ass Kicked around by his wife during the morning!""I had always looked up to the man and he was a mentor to both me and many other male students back than!""Who would ever had imagined that a man like this was under the feet of such a bitch of a lady? "Why Do You Have To Do This To Me Now?"----I begged Mrs. Roberts as she laughed up into my eyes while she had been Putting the Weights on the cord laces!---"I Didn't Mean To Question Your Authority!--- Really Mrs. Roberts!"---I Whined and Pleaded With Her!---Just at that Moment Lynn Stafford took the opportunity to Stuff Her Daughter's Panties fully into my mouth and after adding a second pair that obviously seemed unwashed, wrapped a Pantyhose tightly around my mouth and face nearly cutting off almost half of my vision and some of the air to my nose. I could smell the perfume and the scent from whoever had worn them and I could feel my cock begin to respond despite the ache in my agonized Balls!---The Hose were off black, almost grey and they reminded me of the ones Diane Murray often wore when she left for work each day!---The thick panty gag stretched and filled my already sore jaws as the Hose held them fast in my mouth!----"That Will Keep Your Fucking Mouth Shut!"---Lynn Said loudly!---"Chew ON That For a While Asshole!"""Added a Laughing Kathleen!---I hated the way this much older Kathleen had been getting more and more aggressive with me and seemed to be getting more excited and imaginative more and more each day she was around. Maybe if I did end up with the Barrows it wouldn't be so bad after all? I thought to myself!""But why wasn't Mrs. Murray coming back as she planned by the way and why did she even consent to my being bounced around from home to home here while she was gone? I was supposed to be just a Maid. Not someone for a bunch of ladies to abuse and do with what ever they wanted? If only they'd take off these damn weights!---I began agonizing over now as both of my Balls began burning once more!----I felt as if my joints were going to break from my body weight which seemed to be getting heavier and heavier again!-----It was amazing that I was even awake considering the Beating I had gotten from Carey and Kyra earlier in our match and then the surprising manner in which I was subsequently mistreated by Kate Barrow's, daughter's young daughter, Madison!---Madison had come along this morning with her father the professor and Kate!---I had never seen nor had I heard of the girl before this day! I started to think about the morning all over again as I struggle to get my hanging body in a more comfortable position on the door!----- ----How could I have had any chance even if I hadn't spent last night up on that damn night table the night before.----And What Chance would I have Especially since I would have to face the young Asian girl Kyra I had wondered on that night table!---I didn't know the first thing about kick boxing and by the time she got finished literally Kicking and Knocking the shit out of me and then when Carey followed in a Boxing contest as she Boxed my Head and brains out all over the fucking yard to everyone's delight. The only saving grace was the pleasure I got while I was kneeling and watching Kate's Husband get an even more terrible humbling beating by their very own Madison in a similar Kick boxing demonstration as the young girls, Kyra and Carey Gleefully watched Professor Barrow and Madison fighting, laughing and clapping the while as the poor man took a terrible walloping from the slight young girl in front of every one just as I had from the two others!---I knelt between them in tears at first until his demise gave a weird kind of relief to myself!----What a Humiliating morning it was for the two of us however. Two Men!----One more mature and the other in his prime, having to endure such a terrible man handling and degrading Whipping in front of so many older ladies watching and cheering the efforts of the young girls the whole time!---You have to know that almost all of the ladies who had come from the riding club, (four friends of Lynn's and Kate's) had to be surprised however, when Kathleen Roberts announced a contest between the shortest thinnest girl and the Professor! All I could think about as I hung so painfully now was that I would do just about anything to go back to just being Mrs. Murray's Maid I thought to myself as I twisted my head painfully to catch the time on the clock sitting a top the dresser next to me!---Shit!---It wasn't even 3:AM Yet! I would be lying if I said that what I had been forced to do right before my match with Kyra was unpleasant! The fact of the matter was I relished every moment of it as I tried to see my reflection glaring back at me from the dull shine of the object of my attention. It was the only pleasurable thing that I had been able to do since I Jerked off thinking about This two nights ago!---And Here!--------I was!---in that precise position that I had fantasized about then!----- "PUHT---FACE LOW---TU---BUHT!"""She had Ordered Angrily at me as I was trying to moisten my poor tongue which I had been using for the last twenty minutes or so.---Only about three people were left watching me now!""Kate Barrow! Carey of COURSE and the shattered looking Peter Barrow!---This poor excuse of a husband of Mrs. Barrow!---This same young Asian girl who had just a short while ago given me a lesson in kick fighting had knocked me all over the yard and finished by repeatedly Kicking my upturned ass as I tried to get to my feet for the last time, when the now very angry young Asian girl started giving it to me in the ass with her Boots!-----I was just trying to make each tongue stroke more accurate as I tried to follow her directions with my whole face!---I couldn't help but see the professor watching me then very intently wearing a strange and glassy eyed expression on his face as I labored fitfully. Professor Barrow was still teaching at the College, I learned after seeing him for the first time that morning. I was taken by surprise when I saw the two of then, Mrs. Barrow and Her Husband come into the large yard with a very adorable young girl along side of them at the side of the stable where our contest was to begin!--------------------------------"KEEEP---- MOUWTH-MOOVE""AHN---LEFF---BAHTUMM!"---She had Yelled in and even angrier voice with me bent lower in answer to her command!-----Her Angry Voice Sent Chills Up and Down My Spine as I licked my tongue in order moisten it in an attempt to keep it from feeling like cotton!---- -- Just then a Small Hand Mashed My face harshly right onto the surface of her Left Boot as I heard laughter coming form Mrs. Barrow and a Groan escape the mouth of Peter!---Professor Barrow was sympathetic to what I had had to endure so far I guess. He knew me from College and I had been one of his science students!---I thought he was an okay guy back then and a very dedicated teacher!""I had no idea what an Asshole he really was until he arrived with Kate here this morning! I heard someone come up behind me but didn't expect what I got in that fraction of a second!---- A SEARING Swat Tore into my Ass and was followed with a series of Hard Smashing repeated swats that caused me to jump up on my knees screaming out in real alarm. Kyra reached out securing my head as the assault no my already badgered ass cheeks continued!---I had no idea just who had begun to Whip me and I didn't care!---I only wanted it to end right away. But it didn't and as the Asian held me by my hair the only sound besides the Leather hitting my ass and my own moans were that coming form the professor who off to my left was having an Ass Beating of his own suddenly form Carey who was standing directly behind him as he stood facing the back woods of the large property holding him by a collar and using her thick Leather Paddle on his Black Spandex Covered Ass Cheeks!---As Bad As His Whipping Seemed to be going I knew the one I was going to get would be Worse!""I was already feeling it and Ass Beatings had always been long and painful so far, form just about everyone who wanted to give me one!---It was the same old story.---They all wanted to really beat my nice ass!--- I was almost positive it was coming from Kathleen Roberts!-----But It WASN"T!---No by God It Was in Fact Coming From the one person present that I never would have suspected and one whom I never would have thought would have such Power!-----I was getting it from!-----MADISON! You had to see Madison to believe her. A perfect looking girl in every way with short light brown hair and light grey eyes! Very Lean, Shapely and not very tall. Approximately about an inch under five foot tall and definitely no more than a hundred pounds in weight! The Heavy Western Saddle nearly forced me to collapse flat onto the grass. What was worst however was the Metal Bit and Horses Head Harness that took so long to get fastened over my head and into my mouth!---The shame of it was came form Kyra who was the one getting me into the gear kept laughing at me as Madison stood by patiently watching. Here we both were!---The Professor and Me!""He already saddled and waiting with Carey ready alongside of him to mount up. Lynn, Kathleen and Kate had already gone over to the riding ring with their four lady friends and had taken positions to watch what was about to come!----I kept looking straight ahead as I knelt while Kyra finished her task but from time to time looked over at the Spurs on Madison's dark brown riding Boots!--------Before long I listened to Her Boots in the gravel along side the grass while Kyra walked me slowly along side of Carey who was also walking Professor Barrow toward the open gate leading into the riding ring. I hoped it would not be muddy this morning as it was once before and mud or not I dreaded having to go around that track all over again. Carey kept smiling over at me, her Wide Grin reminding me what that had been like. Madison had yet to mutter a single word to me or anyone so far as she stepped closer to me as we reach the entrance of the gate