MRS. MURRAY'S MAID By Vivianne (A TRUE STORY) Chapter Thirteen C: "COME IN KATHLEEN!" Chapter Three Resumes with Victor after his awful beating in the Circle Jerk Match with Dusty Baker the youngest daughter of Janice Baker. In Chapters 13b and 13a the story was developing and leading up to this part where under the direct supervision of Janice Baker, Mrs. Murray's good friend and X-neighbor of Victor, Our New Maid has once again been subjected to another hapless Situation in which he really has no way out of and little recourse.- --Refer to other chapters> "COME In Kathleen!"---Said Janice Baker Speaking in a Light and cheery voice to the slightly built lady who was learned later her older Sister, Kathleen Roberts. Standing in the doorway along with Kathleen was her own Daughter, Lynn Stafford. Lynn's young daughter Casey had come along with her. Casey was the young grand daughter of Kathleen!---All three of them were standing inside the front door of the foyer of the House when they Broke Out simultaneously in Laughter as they looked down at the floor and noticed me lying in front of them on my back!-----The only thing that Janice Baker had allowed me to wear after she stripped me naked with the help of her daughter Diane was a Pair of Little Pink Panties that didn't belong to any one of Janice's Daughters, and they were definitely far too small for Janice herself!---I had first hand experience by now in that respect!---During my unfortunate Circle Fight with Janice Baker's Youngest Daughter Dusty, Her Oldest Daughters, Christie and Diane Whipped Them To Shreds While they Paddle Punished my Poor Ass during my match against Dusty! This particularly Delicate pair that I was forced to wear were far too small on me. They were tight and low cut. Not the Sheer kind, these small panties were made of light weight Satin!---They were Black with a Bright Red One inch trim around the leg openings and the waist. There was more Red visibly than Black and I was Panicking with Shame the moment these new arrivals saw me lying there in them!-----Also my usually limp Cock was already starting to betray me as it responded, to my Horror, by bulging into the Little Panties as the smiling group watched with mocking expressions as they looked down at me!------Janice and Diane Baker had strapped my wrists earlier to the tops of my thighs after they had tied my legs together separating them by almost two feet with a long wooden rod they secured to my ankles with nylons.----------"MY!---MY-Y-YYY!" Janice's Sister Kathleen Said Out Loud!----"What A LOVELY NEW RUG YOU HAVE HERE!"----Now all four of them were laughing harder while all three new arrivals kept their eyes on me! I could see the smiling eyes of Kathleen, watering and her face reddening!------ Mine heated up as well!-----I was lying down in Total Dejection, Frustration and Agony. I was feeling so Embarrassed and miserable because since I had been through so much the last couple of days physically, there was nothing I could do or think of to do about my situation, but lie there in front of the three of them and Pray silently. I caught my breath when Kathleen said that loud and clear!---"What A Lovely Rug You Have Here!"---That my heart jumped up into my throat. I hadn't ever laid eyes on this woman before this and she was referring to me as a Rug!---I knew right then and there that this was not going to turn out well for me. I was going to be, A RUG!---A RUG BENEATH THEIR FEET!----Mrs. Baker was a real fucking bitch to do dream this up for me!----- Kathleen appeared much lighter in weight and more frail looking than Janice Baker was and with her deep set eyes and a more angular face, looked Harsher and a lot Meaner! It didn't look to me like they were related at all. Kathleen seemed slender and had more pronounced features. She had a full head of hair, and it was graying in some spots.---Some women have an air about them that they give you when see them for the first time. The way their eyes look and the way they stand and talk!""Kathleen's voice sent Chills right down my spine!----I didn't even know this lady and I was already afraid of her!----Her voice told me to Watch Out!---She appeared confident and very sure of herself!----Her eyes conveyed a WARNING To!---Keep Your Distance!---She was more attractive than Mrs. Baker in a handsome kind of way!---Dressed well I noticed that She was wearing Pale Blue Hosiery and a Black Skirt and a White Silk Blouse!---In my position, that was all that I could see. Her Daughter, on the other hand was much taller than either Kathleen or Janice! She was slender and very striking with thick auburn hair and high cheek bones. Her Eyes were dark blue and I could see that besides the black leather skirt she was wearing, along with it she had Boots On!---- I could only see the tops of them, but they seemed tight around the knees and they had laces!---- She looked a lot like Mrs. Baker's Daughters!----Carey on the other hand was the Surprise!----- -- I noticed her last!""She could have passed for Dusty Baker's Sister.------------"Please!---EVERY!----ONE DO COME IN!"------ "OOOHHHHH!---AAAWWWWWWHHHHH!""""---DDOOAAAANNNN"TTT--- AAAGGGGHHHHOOOOOHHH!" Kathleen Roberts stepped up on me at Once!--- She Did it fast as I felt Her push Her feet right down into the middle of my stomach!""She must have turned to acknowledge her sister for her approval before she proceeded to take small baby steps driving all of her weight all over my stomach, and then back onto my thighs, then once again over on my stomach where she stepped forward placing the Toes of her Pumps right on each one of my nipples, digging into them so hard I began to scream more!---- It must have been hard for her to keep her balance as she stepped quickly in several direction in order to stay upright!---My body moved in a reflexive attempt to avoid her shifting weight and pressure as she walked around my naked body form her position on top of me, however, it seemed that either she was to quick in anticipating my moves or that I kept going in the wrong direction because her weight bore down into me even harder. This was so terrible for me and I writhed about in Agony and Horror as I attempted to fight against her assault as she pranced along on top of me!---Her shifting weight brought cries of pain and frustration from me that fell on deaf ears as she continued her game another minute or so before stepping down off of me!----"WELL!--- COME ON GIRLS!"---She said standing behind me now touching the top of my head with her Pumps!---Both her daughter and grand daughter began Giggling until young Carey stepped up on top of me Next!------------ -Carey was about the exact same height as her cousin Dusty Baker was standing a good four feet eight inches!. Carey seemed younger than Dusty but a lot cuter than her cousin!-----Wearing Red Flats the young Carey started to do what I hoped she wouldn't do!---She playfully started dancing all over my prone body, from my thighs to my neck and back and forth while the three ladies clapped their hands in rhythm!---Carey then Jumped up high and landed straight down onto my midsection!---Knocking all of the wind out of me She jumped up and down a few more times before finally jumping off of me completely, laughing the whole time!-----I know if I could have had more self control I would not have started to Cry from the fierce way she used her red flats all over me, but they were harsh and the edges cut into my skin. I should have known that she would be the cruelest one of all. Give a young girl an opportunity like this and she'll make a game out of it!----No body ever walked on me before and for sure, never made a dance out of it!-------Carey bounced up so high and then down on me with such force, I nearly passed out!---She was hurting me so much that I would have done anything to have her stop.---I will never forget the evil expression she had on her face as she mashed her right red flat shoe right into my Panties which were barely covering my Balls at the time while I screamed out, Begging Her To------"PLEEEESSSSEEE-- --STOOPPPPP!"----------Since the Foyer was so narrow that I filled the entire space, it was only natural for each of them to Keep their balance by holding on to either sides of the walls.------ Carey was able to keep her balance and stay upright during her playful dance routine the whole time by using the side walls for support!""It allowed her to place each shoe right where she wanted!-- --This was a young and angry bitch!----I was already afraid of her, in just the few moments that she appeared in front of me!----------- ---OOOOHHHH!---DOA==N'T DOOUUUUU---THHHIISSSSS!---S-S-SST--- T""TOOOOPPPPPPP""IHHHHTTTT!"------------------I screamed out again at Her as she stood behind the back of my head fearing she would step up on me a second time!----This was a terrible nightmare and I was nowhere near the end of it!---Kathleen's daughter Lynn was waiting for her turn!----She was ready to be the next one to take her walk through the foyer!----Lynn took up her own position as had Kathleen and Carey, at my feet facing directly down at me. Lynn's facial expression was dead serious and I could now verify that she really was wearing very BIG BOOTS!--- They were black really fucking mean!- ---The leather of which, I would later discover, was made of Kidskin and very expensive!---The high Heels were thick and tapered down to a narrow half inch in diameter at the very bottom. I saw this as She deliberately held one of her legs up to show them to me then turned her leg slowly to give me a close look at them!-----I was panicking!---The heel looked like a weapon!---I waited in dejection as she grinned down on me!---------"What Was It With Women And Their Boots?"---I asked my self as I waited in angry hopelessness while she got ready to make her move! "Make Sure You Wipe Those Big Boots Off On This Ugly Throw Rug Before You Track Dirt Into My House!"------Shouted Janice Baker, which brought Out Loud Laughter from Kathleen, young Carey and herself!-----By this time I didn't give a Shit anymore. I just wanted all of this to come to an end!---- She quickly stepped up on me and began wiping her Boots all over me!-----It was like someone was rubbing sandpaper all over my body!-------The Scratchy soles of the Boots and the Jagged Heels were giving me an awful Beating!----- The others watched her rubbing her soles and heels on me in silence as I loudly Yelled Out and Begged for this Lady too!---------- PL-----EEEEEE""SSSSEEEE----DOOOAANNNN---ITT'S Kill---INGGGG--MEEEEE!- --DOANNN'T----DUUU---THISSSS!---PLEEEEESSSSEEE!"---But Lynn wouldn't stop. She wanted to show everyone how much better at stomping she was. I'm sure of that!-----Then, getting a little bored from rubbing her boots. She began walking all over my chest, stomach, thighs, and crotch, just as Kathleen and Carey had a few minutes ago!-----But that wasn't enough for her. Lynn decided at that point to Start STOMPING All Over ME!""She was at least 5'10" and solid muscle. And she weighed a good 140lbs. This was the most weight had I endured up to now. Once More Lynn started Jagging those awful Boot Heels into me over and over and then followed by pressing Her Heels Right onto my already sore nipples and along the right sides of my face!---When She dismounted over three minutes later it seemed as if she had been walking on me for hours!----Lynn still wasn't laughing at me, and the arrogant lady leaned over and peered into my tear stained eyes!--- She then abruptly turned and dismounted and along with the others walked into the living room to sit down.----- The Frustration and helplessness had overwhelmed me by then. I didn't know which one of the four I hated the most.----I It took over twenty minutes for some of my pain to subside while I laid there in shame and misery listening to Mrs. Baker tell the two ladies and young Carey about my defeat in the Circle contest from her youngest daughter Carey!----They listened and laughed joyfully over my humiliation! Carey seemed to be the most excited learning that it was her close cousin Dusty who had given me the!---- "BEATING Of His LIFE!"---Janice Baker laughed excitedly!---- That was a bit of an exaggeration.---Sure I got beat, but she got lucky because I had gone into the match exhausted and at a real disadvantage!------------- " But Mom"!---She asked Lynn!-----"He Looks So Much Bigger And Stronger Than Dusty!"-----"YEA!""Gran Aunt!"""He's So Much Bigger Than Duss!" ---Carey joined in questioning!----That was the Nick name she used for her Cousin I was to learn soon enough!------ "Oh!""No Let Me Tell You HONEY!"----Interjected Mrs. Baker!---"You Would Be Surprised How Easy It Is To KICK A MAN'S ASS!"---The Ladies laughed and I could feel my face burning in disgust!----I should have won the damn fight but I was worn out the day before yesterday!---That wise little bitch Dusty Baker would never have won otherwise!" I told myself!----"I' Bet You Could Take Him Easily Carey!"-----Lynn Laughed!-------"U---NOHHH---IT MOM!" Giggled Carey!-----Thankfully the subject changed but not for the best!----- -Listen Aunt Janice!" Said Lynn,---------"MOM Said You Were Taking Care Of Him For This Friend Of Yours For A Few Weeks, Is That Right?"-----"Why Do You Ask Dear?"----Well I could Use A little Help Around My Place You Know!---Since Ted And I Split Up I have The Whole Damn House, The Barn And Our Two Horses To Care For!--- Plus I Have The Job With the City And All!"--------"C'MON Lynn!--- Just How Would You Supervise HER?---You Need To Spend All Of Your Time In That Office With That Crooked Judge Spears!"---How In God's Name Would You Be Able To Watch What She'd Be Doing All The Time?"-- ----------------- "YA""MEAN HHMN!---DOAN""CHA?"----------Interrupted young Carey looking at Her Grand Aunt!.----All of this talk was going on within earshot while I agonized over my aching body and an uncertain future for the next three weeks. What the Fuck had Mrs. Murray gotten me into here?-----------"Oh----WE'LL Explain That To You Later Honey!"------ Kathleen Roberts said softly to her grand Daughter.--------"Well Lynn?---How Would You?"----Listen, Carey Is Home For Another Month And She Is More Than Capable Of Making Sure Whatever Needs To Be Done By This Loser,-----Will Be DONE!"----- Lynn answered forcefully.-----I paled Hearing her say that!---It would Be PREPOSTEROUS!--------------------------Mrs. Baker said nothing for over a couple of minutes, then!----"Listen Dear!--- Carey Is Still Way To So Young And"-----"OHHHH PLEASE SIS!"----GET OFF Of IT!"---You Know Damn Well How Carey Is!---She Is Older Than Her Years. I Have No Doubt That She Can Handle Her As Well As Any One Of Us!"---Kathleen Said Firmly!---"I Am Only a Quarter of a Mile Away And Sheila Jackson Works Over At Marsh Stewarts House Every Day!""All Carey Would Have To Do If She Were To Have Trouble With Her Would Be To Call Sheila!---And, I'll Tell Marsha To Make Sure She Has Sheila Check In On Carey Every Hour Or So To See If This ASSHOLE Is On The Ball!-------"I Mean!---- HEY!----- Do You Really NEED This CREEP Around You Here The Whole Three Weeks?"------ ---Lynn Laughed!---"WELLLLLLLLL!"-----------Mrs. Baker started to laughing again lightly!----"My GOOOODDD----SWEET LYNN,-----You Sure Know How To Get Your Way With Me Don't You?----Okay---I Surely Don't Need This Punk Around All of The Time.---He's Already Pissed Me Off Over The Last Twenty Four Hours. I Don't Know How Ellen Murray Puts Up With Him Or What He Does Over There?----- He Is Nothing But One Big FUCK UP Here!"----"HE Won't Be In Our House Aunt Janice!"---Piped Up Carey!"------That brought laughter from everyone else!---I could feel my throat start to tighten in anger. What Was She Going To Be Doing With Me Now!-----Would I have To Answer To This Young Girl?---I Worried!----Holy Shit!---What the fuck is this mess I'm getting into now??------------------Lynn was thinking in silence now I guessed as they all sat in inside the living room.---"How About Monday Tuesday Thursday And Saturday?"---- ---Lynn replied!-----"UHMMMM---AH""NO!---Take Her For Monday Through Wednesday And You Can Have Her Again on Sunday!"------"OOHHHH--- RIGHHHT!" ----Carey Yelled Out!""I Get A MAID To Watch!-----"Thanks Aunt Janice" Said Lynn, turning to her daughter then adding!--- "Honey You Don't Watch a Maid!---You Make Them Work Their Damn ASSES OFF!"---------- It was at least three AM and I was trying to sleep up on the Third floor in the Attic of the huge house in a room the size of a closet. Hotter than Hell It was nearing the end of summer and I Had Nothing on but the same tight panties that Mrs. Baker had me wear earlier. I still didn't know whose they were but I was beginning to get ideas when they stood me up when it was time to take me upstairs. Carey kept Grinning over at me looking directly at them. ---I blushed and at that moment I began to realize that these panties were Carey's. Mrs. Baker Would surely have chosen a pair of hers just to humble me in front of everyone!-----That was her way. I had re-learned this about her two days ago. She was good at humbling men. We knew about her in our old neighborhood by the way she destroyed her own prominent husband, taking his money, kicking his ass repeatedly and leaving him with nothing, then finally throwing him bodily right our on his Ass in front of many neighbors watching one morning!---Some neighbors had gathered around out of curiosity that day and they were shocked at her bizarre and outrageous treatment of the poor husband and also by the way Janice's Three Daughters joined in with her as they stood on their back porch mocking their father as the shoeless man cried for forgiveness in only a ripped pair of pants and a t-shirt. Nearly tripping Mrs. Baker the man tried to climb back up the stairs when His Middle Daughter Duane picked up the cover from the families garbage can setting up on the porch and hit her father square on the top of his head sending down onto his back!---Getting up the husband ran from their back yard as the daughters and mother went back into the house.--------It was appalling and I know none of us would ever forgot it!--- So then, here was I, inside this very same lady's new home and helplessly right Under Her Feet allowing her to run my life and direct it for the next three weeks, thanks to Mrs. Murray!---What a mess this was turning into!-----------As I tossed and turned I kept thinking about Lynn!--- An Attractive Woman. The trouble with her I was beginning to realize was that she had a lot of Janice Baker in Her. What was keeping me awake then were some of the comments Lynn made towards the end of the conversation in the living room after Carey went up to bed!----- "Listen, Aunt Janice!---I WANNA KNOW JUSS HOW THIS!---Mrs. Murray Turned Him Into Her Personal Maid?"------ She questioned softly!----Janice answered her and she got right to the point! Starting form when Mrs. Murray discovered the box of Nylons and Porn Magazines I had left inside our garage where she had gone into to borrow my ladder that fateful day!---Janice Baker Started from the stockings, and then the Porn Magazines Mrs. Murray found that day and then went right to the confrontation I had with Mrs. Murray inside of her home the next day where Mrs. Murray after listening to my story, gave me an awful beating and followed it up by Bitch Slapping me all over her kitchen!----Then she went on to describe how she ordered me into Panties for challenging her authority. Janice went on to describe how Mrs. Murray with the help of her daughter Elaine began to train me, and then proceeded ton lead me down the long road to Nylons and Subservience,-----"She Really Fried His Brain Didn't She?"---Lynn stated!----"And She's Such A Small And Frail Looking Woman?"--------"OH Come On!---I Find This A Little Hard To Believe!"------Interjected Kathleen!"----He Must Have Wanted It!-----Didn't HE?"----Kathleen added!--------"NO WAY!"""I'm Telling You Both!"---She KICKED The SHIT OUT OF Victor!"-- -HE'S PETRIFIED OF HER!"-----When Janice finished her version of her story there was silence for a while!---"OHHHHH-----MY---- GODDDD!"---Moaned Kathleen!----She Really RUINED HIM!---DIDN'T SHE?"---Kathleen Stated!-----"Turned Him Into One DAMN FUCKING SISSY ALRIGHT!"---Laughed Lynn Stafford!--------------"Honey!"--- Janice added!""Ellen Murray Is The Most Determined Woman You Will Ever Meet!---You Don't Mess With Her!----- When I First Met Her At The Stable And Watched How She Handled Those Big Horses, I knew One Thing!---WOA BE IT THE MAN WHO GET'S IN HER WAY!"----"She's Not A Very Understanding Woman!---Is She?"----Said Kathleen!---"No She Is Not!---She A Proud Woman, Not Real Pretty!-----But Not Unattractive Either!---- Her Daughters However Are Gorgeous!"------Answered Janice Baker!-------"So You're Saying She Whips His Ass Regularly And There's Not A Thing He Can Do About IT?-----Whenever He Steps Out Of Line?"----Lynn asked Janice still somewhat doubtful!--------- "Not One Fucking Thing Lynn!----Listen Honey!---He Does Exactly What She Says!---And When She Is Not Around, Her Daughter Elaine Usually Is Or Diane Or Linda!---But He Will Do As She Says Even When They Are Not Around!"-------"OH!-- My God!"----Kathleen said adding!------"This Beats All!---She Really Fucked With His Head!"--- -Right, And He Had Better Not Cross Elaine Up Either!------Get The Point?"----I know I Wouldn't If I Were Him! ---That One Really Has It In For Him!"----Janice's last remark quieted Lynn.---- Kathleen Spoke out next.---You know I kind of feel sorry for him,!"--------"HE'S A PERVERT! ---Look At Him In There Wearing Carey's Panties!----She Left Them Here Last Week!------ He Wears Nylon Also!---He's A Ladies MAID!---GET IT!---I Can USE HIM Kathleen!"--------Lynn stated!-----"Right Aunt Janice!"------- "You're Absolutely Right Lynn!--- He's Also been Trained To Wear Many Other Kinds Of Lingerie, Along With A Corset Ellen Purchased For Him And HEELS!----My Friend Trained Him Well!" ------ Put Him To Good USE!"------ "OOOHHHHH---MYYY""GODDD!-----That's Awful! ----WE Can't Expose Young Carey To This!"----Said Kathleen!---"How Is Going To React To A SISSY Like Him?"--------"We'll Keep Him In His Own Clothes Mom!--- So Don't You Worry!"----Lynn Answered!-------But Kathleen was still confused!------ Kathleen Was Still Skeptical!-----"SO!-----You're Trying To Tell Me He Let Her Do This And Couldn't Stop Her!----------"Yes!"-- -Laughed Mrs. Baker!----"I Only Wish I Thought Of It Years Ago!"--- .------Well What about His wife?----What Does She Say About All This?---I Can't Believe She's Just Sits Idly By Watching All Of This, Does She Janice?" ------ Kathleen Questioned In Amazement!---- -"That Was Well Over Way Before Ellen Murray Kicked His Ass. Don't Busy Yourself Over It, He Was Heading For It. He Had It Coming. She Gave It To Him Good!----He Needed It!-----His Curiosity Over Those Nylons Got Him Screwed!---It Was The Lucky Clue Ellen Murray Stumbled Over When She Found Them, And She Knew Exactly What She Had To Do!"-----She Wanted Him To Be Her Maid! She Said to Me That She Always Wanted To Do That To A Man!---All She Had To Do With Him Was To Correct His Arrogant Macho Behavior!---After She Got Him Over To Her House That Morning Where She Confronted Him With The Box Of Nylons And The Transvestite Magazines, She Had Him BY THE BALLS!----Then The Idiot Defied Her. He Tried To Call Her Bluff. She Turned On Him Like A Wild Animal!---She Fucked Him Up From That Day On!---She Turned Him Right Into Her Maid So Fast It Made All Our Heads Spin!"----Janice Baker Proudly Stated!--------- "I WANT HIM!"---Lynn Said Loudly!"---------(I heard that and in a Perverse way after hearing Lynn say that she wanted me I had a flash of Pride for a second or two).------Janice Baker Laughed!----- ----"Well You Must Be Making Him Nervous. You Yourself Are Not an Understanding Woman Either!"------Laughed Kathleen!---"ARE You!" Responded Janice Looking Directly into her Sister's eyes with a Smile!---I Watched The Way You Laughed When You Were Walking All Over Him, You BITCH!"---The three laughed and then Kathleen Replied!"""Yea, I Guess I Can Be At Times, But Lynn Here Is Always a Bitch Aren't You Hon?"-----"You Bet Mom, Whenever There's A Man Around!"-------"Just Don't Plan On Keeping Him Too Long Lynn!"---- Janice warned her niece!---For about a Minute no one said anything until Lynn Said in a Very Low Voice!- "I THINK HE'S A COCK SUCKER!"- -----There was a Pause after I heard her say It!""Then There was A ROAR Of Laughter from the three of them!-------"Well!"-----Answered Janice Baker Laughing along!------"You Can Find Out!---Sheila Has That Black Buck Husband Of Hers Who Stops By All The Time!"------ The three o f them must have Pissed their pants laughing so hard over the remark!---I felt a Fucking chill and then my memory drifted back to Sandra And Cal, the black couple that befriended me during my first week with Mrs. Murray.----After the Laughter ended Janice went over the Whole match I had with Dusty again and I had To Listen to once more her recounting of the whole Degrading fiasco. And when I heard her telling the two ladies about the way it ended brought I had to hold back tears that began to well up in my eyes. I Was Glad about one thing, Carey wasn't there to hear about it. I don't think she should have told any of them about the Yellow Shower Dusty Gave to me at the end after she whipped me, nor should she have added what some of the other girls had done to me also. I knew from their silence that their interest had peeked from hearing about that!---- Their Silence listening to Janice Tell Them was un-nerving! Lynn's was especially alarming for it was she whom I was beginning to realize would be my worst nightmare. "You Know What?" I heard Lynn Speaking Louder now to both older ladies, breaking a long five minute silence.---"What's That?"- --Replied Kathleen!---"I'll Bet That My Carey Is Going To Really Whip His Ass Easily In that Stupid Game You've Been Talking About!-- -And I Want To See Her Do It To This COCK SUCKER!-----Who Thought Up That Crazy Game Anyway?"-------She asked!----"HAH!---You Won't Believe Who!"---Janice Baker Answered Laughing!---------------- "YOOUUUUU""GOOTTAAA---BE JOKING!" ---Protested Kathleen in a voice of disbelief----NO FUCKING WAY!"---Laughed Lynn now louder than ever!----HA""HA""HAH---HA0---HOOOWELIE SHIIITTTT!" SHE FUCKING COULDN'T!----I Can't Believe It!""This Dusty Of Yours Takes After You!" ---------"YA BET YOUR ASS!"-----Janice Verified. -----What About Sick Punishment Afterwards?"-----Lynn Questioned Janice!----- "GIRLS, Dusty Hates Victor!----And By The Way, From Now We Will All Use Her REAL NAME!-----VICTORIA!"------Answered Mrs. Baker!----"As For Our GAME!"---Kathleen Offered!---"I'm With Lynn!----I Say Let's Do It.--- Casey Is Going To Love This Chance!---She' Make It Worse For Him Than Before!---He Won't Even Knock Casey Down!------ There Won't Be Any Nudity Or Any Crude Piss Ass Ending Either!--------- No Revealing Clothes On Casey!"-------------------- "I---YY--- YYEEEE""DON'T REALLY KNOOW!""But HEY!-----That's YOUR CALL!"--- Answered Janice. I couldn't believe it. Here I was flat down on my ass, tomorrow going to yet another woman's house whom I met for the first time when she walked all over me, and she was talking to Mrs. Baker about getting me into another circle fight with her own young daughter sometime soon. My head was swirling all over again. I couldn't think of any way out of this and I knew that if I didn't obey these ladies inevitably that I would be answering to Mrs. Murray! I knew one thing!---I wasn't looking forward to fighting Carey. I didn't like the way she enjoyed treating me earlier in the foyer and I felt that there was something uncontrollable about her. I also didn't want to undergo another whipping, especially like the one Dusty gave me, NO WAY!---No HOW!---I had a real disadvantage the other day and that would never happen to me again I vowed.. I knew that I could take Carey easily if it would be a fair fight. I had to speak up for myself this time if they carried this out. They had to give me a chance. My dreams woke me after about an hour and before I could get back to sleep my mind drifted back to the Bedroom with the high night table. Washed and cleaned after our fight my fatigue and exhaustion was enough to convince Mrs. Baxter that I had had enough!------Whoever took me up to one of the rooms to lie down had given me a change of Panties but that was all. After Sleeping for several hours Christie and Diane entered the bedroom where I was and got me up then led me down a long hallway to the open bedroom door at the end of the hallway!-----I could see soft light glowing on the warm pink walls and a very large canapé Bed.-------------- The night table was high and not to wide, the top of it was two feet by two feet.----It was the middle of the night and all that I could hear was the breathing and some light snoring coming from Janice Baker!--------My Arms And Legs were without tied together with more nylons and I had no movement at all as I faced away from the wall so I could look down on the sleeping Mrs. Baker!---My Head Had Been In a downward position with only about three inches of movement up or down because the girls had carefully used a pair of Panty hose that they had pulled over my head covering my eyes and attached the legs of the hose to the bottom legs of the night stand that they had propped me up on. Behind my back they had used another pair of old nylons to tie my elbows together behind my back and two more around my wrists leading down to my ankles which were once again separated by a wooden bar about two feet wide,--with my full weight on my knees the girls did show some compassion for me by laying down a doubled over thick Turkish towel claiming!----- "Hey Sis!---Lets Make Sure He Doesn't Hurt His Knees!---He'll Really Need Them Tomorrow!"-------- One of them laughed!----Shortly after they had me propped up and secured leaving me alone by the side of this bed, in walked Mrs. Baker who wearing only a see through sheer pink baby doll got into bed without pulling on her covers. Here in the middle of the night while I tried to doze but feared falling from the night stand I could only set there gazing at this older bitch of a woman that was ruining me even more and I was only in her charge of a couple of days so far.