MRS.MURRAY'S MAID A TRUE STORY by Vivianne Chapter 13b: "Let The Games BEGIN!" "Here then are the Rules of Our CIRCLE JERK!"---Low Laughter of anticipation echoed from the girls as well as the three ladies as they listened to Mrs. Baker. "Both of our eager contestants shall engage in a Contest of Superiority. The Loser of The Contest Will, and I know all of you will be enthusiastically interested in watching, Submit to the others Will and Whims!-------- I was feeling disoriented and I resented having to stay squatting in my high heeled Booties as they made me stay facing Dusty. I resented the Restraints they had placed on me in that I couldn't Rise up more than half a foot from straps leading down form the leather collar on my neck to my ankles. In such a painful Position I couldn't compete in the same way with my young opponent who didn't have the same kind of handicaps that I had. It wasn't fair!---I was much taller and even though I realized the length of my broom handle was much longer than hers with pads larger than the more compact pads on her shorter pole, It would not be an advantage at all. My longer length and weight made it much more painful for me and the wooden broom handle itself secured behind my neck felt like a cross with arms outstretched laced onto in a firm handshake like grip for control felt uncomfortable. My wrists were already aching from the tight rawhide straps that held my hands fast. Dusty's lower stance and her shorter poles would give her an inside range and an advantage over me negating my superior height. This was well thought out I realized and even though the High Heeled Booties that Christie and Diane Baker had Laced onto me to help me with my balance would increase my height even more adding three inches because of their Heels!---I was actually really at a disadvantage over her except for my own Muscular male strength! Dusty's two thick compact pads on both ends of her bar had a rougher outer surface then the larger ones attached to the ends of my longer bar gave Her the tactical advantage!---- She would have a better range over my wider swings.---She had another advantage as well!""Dusty was wearing A Pair of Pink Mary Jane Flats!-----I was Looking down at Dusty's Pink Mary Jane Flats because I really thought that they were Cute and Sexy especially because she had thin white ankle socks on in them with a Pretty Pink lace Trim! I loved Mary Janes and I could feel my Cock tart to get Hard Inside her Mother's Panties that I was still wearing when I noticed Dusty Grinning at me. Her Flats definitely gave her an advantage in movement over me and spared her any possible pain in her own thighs and ankles from squatting during our entire contest! So, with her ability to rise up and down without straps hampering her movements up and down gave her the edge!--- Pain coming from the constricting straps leading from my neck collar down to my ankles which ran down my front and back were distracting me now and causing me added pain in my thighs not being able to move about freely.---- Looking like a little girl in her Fucking Outfit Pissed me off to no end because it reminded me of when She really was a little girl and what a pain in the ass she always was!----With her short height and her outfit I really began to think that I was in fact going to be challenging a little girl!------I knew why they had done this and it angered an Humiliated me!------It was un-nerving and it distracted me!- ---As Dusty kept looking at me She made a motion with her had as if to imply that I was Jerking off!----I felt my face get Very Hot and I new my cheeks were getting Red From embarrassment when looking over to my left I saw some of the girls watching and laughing lightly as they were looking on. It was then when I noticed April Reilly and Jane Crawford move in behind Dusty and realized that Christie and Diane Baker were taking their own positions behind me!------------------- Something kept nagging me in the back of my mind as I looked across at Dusty still leering in my direction.----And then I realized what had been Bugging me from the first time saw her again today!---She was still the little Cute but annoying impish looking little wise ass trouble maker she was when she was a little girl. She Was either 18 0r 19 years old now by now but she didn't look it!---She looked to me like She was about nine years old. Her short slim body was well defined like that of a gymnast and for all practical She would be a good one from the strong slender body She possessed!-----She Certainly looked younger than her age. Probably when she's forty she'd still look like a teen and still be a wise ass I thought to myself ruefully. Then for the first time I noticed that her short brown hair had two short pig tails at the back. No doubt Christie and Diane had done them up that way to emphasize her little girl appearance!-------They were really sticking it to me and doing everything they could to make me feel Humiliated!----Putting them in Dusty's Hair was just another way to make me feel Degraded for face a girl much younger than myself that they knew from the past I hated so much!-----Just like the time when they were young and Beat the shit out of me years ago in Debbie's driveway that awful night and the way I got Teased to no end for having my ass handed to me by a couple of young girls and a real down home licking from Christie!----That Worked!---I felt deflated and a more than a little Degraded having those memories evoked at this moment and being forced to fight with Girl who looked just like the little Spoiled wise ass girl she used to be.----Mrs. Baker Was Behind all of this and even Nuttier now than I thought She was way back then!- Mrs. Janice Baker Began to Speak again!---"Each of the two contestants will await the order to GO!---- Then they will proceed in a contest of Skill in using the Pads on each end of their respective poles laced behind their necks to connect with either the head or upper body of their opponent. The opponent that is knocked down backward and onto their back will be charged with three points against them!----They will be assisted to their upright position to continue their fight right away by two assistant judges standing readily behind both fighters!"---She said pointing to both April Reilly and Jane Crawford who stood smiling behind Dusty and Christie and Diane behind me! Some of the girls watching started clapping their hands in approval.-----Continuing She went on!---"If either fighter should somehow fall forward!---- unfortunately they will be required to get up on their own within two minutes or they will intern be charged with and additional two points. This position will be difficult due to the precarious position that they will find themselves in making it nearly impossible to pull themselves up on their own power!---Because this is discouraged the two guards behind wither fighter will then make very good use of the paddles that they are carrying in order to keep the pressure on the backside of the fallen failure of a fighter!----After the two minutes are up both guards will assist in lifting that opponent back upright to continue their battle!"---She stopped speaking once more then to allow all of the girl friends of the Baker sisters present to see the awful looking paddles Christie, Diane, Jane and April held in their hands!---Now I knew why the girls had clapped their hands in approval!---the last thing I vowed was to not allow myself to fall forward after seeing those things they held in their hands! I managed to look around and I was surprised at how many girls were present not noticing so many before!-----But most of all I was suddenly angry noticing the difference in the paddles the four women held!----Jane and April's were Thick long Leather flexible Paddles about six inches in width and about two feet in length. Christie and Diane held much Longer and Wider Paddles, only theirs had what seemed like and endless amount of Metal Studs all over the surface of the ones in their hands holding them upright for everyone to see, smiling and grinning the while!----I spoke Out in Protest!---"Oh!----C'MON!"--- I Blurted out in a shaky voice!-----"This Isn't FAIR!"------------- "GAG This FUCKER!---NOW!" Yelled Out Mrs. Baker Enraged Over my Out Burst!---The Large Group of girls Rang out in Wild Laughter at her Order and Mocked me!---some of them shouting out that I was Stupid, a Sissy and an asshole!---Before their Laughter died down I felt one of the girls on my right side start Jamming a Pair of Perfume smelling panties into my mouth and then I heard Diane calling for someone to give up a Stocking to tie them around my head. Soon a Nylon Stocking was tightly secured by wrapped it around my Head and Mouth so tightly and painfully that it stretch my lips back as it pulled both sides of my mouth back stretching my Lips painfully. I must have looked a sight as Dusty facing me Broke out in laughter along with the others!""I could only Chew on the Fabric of the fucking panties that tasted used and saliva began to build up nearly choking me. The saliva building up in my mouth acting along with the taste of the Panties started to make me Gag and I began to Retch!-----------With no where for it to go I had to swallow what was coming up from my stomach as my eyes began to water from my effort to breathe!---While I was gagging form the taste of the Nylon Panties I could hear the girls laughing happily and talking about dusty and how Cute she looked!------Janice Baker Continued Again!----"Once A Contestant Reaches A Total of eleven Points!---That Fighter Will be Proclaimed The LOSER!"---Janice Baker continued to a silenced crowd of girls now!---"And I might Add that Under No Circumstances Will Contact With The Wooden Part of The Bar Be Allowed or that fighter will be charged with a point against!---- ALRIGHT TAKE Your POSITIONS!"""She yelled out to cheers from all! What other position could we take? We were already facing each other on either side of the Line scratched into the fine stone of the Circle and this time we both made eye contact. Both of us at that moment felt the determination to give this our all and to achieve Victory!--- "LET THE GAMES BEGIN!"--------Dusty and I were now anxiously waiting for Mrs. Baker to utter the word go while balancing on the toes of out feet!---My Heels were actually off of the ground and I felt a surge of energy and confidence overcome me thankfully!---------- -----"G""G""GOOOOOHHH!" Shouted Janice!--------- Her Bar Was Suddenly Blurred, Whirling around and with such speed I didn't have time to react fast enough when Her Right Pad Crashed Powerfully onto my left temple knocking me to my right. I tried to keep my balance and felt my right High Heel Catch saving me from going over onto my side. She missed with about three more wild swings since I was so low from her first blow that even though I had been squatting higher than Dusty now that I had ducked down low enough to escape her blows, the Speed and the Velocity of her swings forced me to back step in retreat, which in turn brought shouts of!--- "Chicken Shit!"----"Fucking Sissy!"-----"Fucking Fairy!"---From many watching my escape!---But this movement luckily was allowed and there was no warning from any of the guards.---I gathered my thoughts even though my left ear was ringing, and stepped forward! Dusty didn't seem that confident after her first assault and came at me stepping smoothly forward Swinging from her left. Only this time my right pad caught hers from underneath halting her swing and causing the young girl motion to stop and upset her balance caused her to fall forward alarming all of her supporters watching to scream out at her to stay up as she tried to balance herself!---Here was my first mistake and I regretted it because I had just blown a chance to let her fall face first into the gravel. But I thought I had such a good opening to come across with a left sided swing that I took it and it caught young Dusty very hard right in the middle of her down turned face and lifted her upright!---Although the Blow took it's toll on her head it kept the young girl upright and still facing me! Had Dusty been as Hampered as I was and not constrained by the straps like those hanging down from my neck to my ankles prohibiting her to rise, she would have been knocked over onto her back. But Dusty was not constricted and able to rise up enough to resume her fighting stance. My swing did however redden her face and visibly Anger my shaken opponent.""I had an edge and as I noticed her confusion I came around faking form my right side and smashed Her again with a right Knocking Her Head So Hard that She nearly fell all the way onto her back Fortunately again for her and her athletic body she was able to push one leg back behind her in order to catch herself!---But the result of that move propelled her forward and as a result almost caused her to fall forward head first into the gravel.----She was so agile it Stunned as I watched her agility in regaining her balance. This young girl was in great shape and stronger than I thought she was! I was nervous now. She had un- nerved me! My well placed Swats with so much power behind them couldn't do the job so far for me. Dusty Look Groggy but she was getting focused despite my hits while I paused for a breather! Swinging these bars was taxing and tired me as I'm sure it would her!-- --A Lot of the girls watching were now yelling encouragement to her loudly in support which distracted me and momentarily interrupted my strategy. I had her and I knew it was a mistake to take a pause but I was already hurting in the back of my neck from taking the swings with the heavy broom handle and the weighted pads on the ends and my back, thighs and ankles were killing me. I was out of breath already and this was just the beginning.-------I had been through so much earlier in the day that I didn't really feel confident that I had enough energy left in me to last too long!------I had to get her out and It had to be soon!---- Dusty attempted another Series of Swings that missed me completely and I so with extra effort I swung with all my might and connected again with a right that hit her so hard form the side that she faltered and began to pitch forward. The Side swing had hit her in a sideways motion, and because of the longer length of my Bar she didn't fall backward and by trying to catch herself from going down as she had before she was unable to get a foot back and started falling sideways! Then I watched the young girl pitch forward and collapse face first right into the Fine Stone gravel!---Screams of Anger Rose up as I breathed a sigh of relief through my Panty gagged Mouth!---I Knocked the little Bitch Right Onto Her Face!---Ass in the air April Reilly and Jane Crawford went to work on the young girl's ass with their paddles. And they didn't handle them reluctantly either to my own and everyone else's surprise. April and Jane began to give Dusty a severe Ass Walloping to the surprise of everyone, especially me!""there was no way she would get up within two minutes without help and as they assaulted Her Pink Bikini Clad ass and she would just have to take it. I knew She Was Crying!""This was Exactly where this Young Bitch Belonged I thought!---Right there with her wise ass face into the Gravel!---But as They continued to Whip Her Ass I actually began to feel some sympathy a little for her as I listened to the Whaps coming from the paddles!---Her Ass Was getting a Beating That The Little Bitch had coming to her sure I said to myself now, but Hey! It could be my ass as well and that fucking Mrs. Baker Was Surely the Bitch that devised this form of punishment!---I quickly began to realize that if I could pull out a swift victory here that I would give Dusty an Ass Whipping that would make the one she was getting Pale in comparison!---- In more ways than one, I was getting so Hot from these thoughts and watching Dusty get her ass beat from these ladies who were her Mother's best friends that my Cock was oozing Pre- Come!---I'd Bet they couldn't wait to lay in on Dusty themselves for a long time.------They probably wanted to do that to Wise little Dusty just as much as I would give just about anything to do the same to Mrs. Baker! But even so, it also amazed me that Dusty didn't Holler out from the Pain she must have been in!---How could she undergo such a Brutal ass Beating Like this and not Yell Out in Agony or Protest!--- When Her As Beating finally subsided both April and Jane Lifted the Disheveled young Dusty upright!""She Had a glazed look in her eyes as she glanced my way. She seemed a little disoriented also and it made me vow not to let myself fall forward for want of not having to endure that kind of punishment. I doubt if at this point that I could take it at all!---------Back In her fighting position again Dusty now had a look of Rage on Her oval shaped Pixie Face!---I new this meant trouble for me, but I felt Ready. With the time I had to rest for those two minutes I was able to gather up some strength. Moving forward I let lose with a couple of powerful swings and connected twice with two hard and vicious blows to Dusty's Head! One from the right and then one from the left!---It Rocked Her Head Back and Forth as Her eyes rolled Up in her head so I could see the whites only!--- Girls were screaming at her to fight back!""April and Jane Were as yelling at her as well as were Christie and Diane behind me!---I followed with another Blow from the Left and that one really stunned her because she retreated backward about six inches.""I needed to knock her onto her back since I already had a two point advantage over her now!--------I moved closer to the dividing line in the stone and I got off another good Hit from my right side and it staggered her and I could see her legs begin to shake and buckle!---The Bitch was going DOWN!---I felt A Thrill as I watched Her stepping quickly in Her Pink Flats trying to regain her Balance!---I shot a left wide swing connecting with the full impact from the pad right under her right jaw that Blasted her and Tears were coming from her eyes now!---I couldn't Speak because of the Stuffed Panties Tied into my mouth but I tried to yell out" I GOT You Ya Fucking Little Bitch!"---No one heard that but it gave me even more confidence. ---I stepped up with three more swings hitting her from her underarms down and followed with another low and rising right swing that caught the young Bitch right under her chin up righting her head!---Everyone was yelling now for her to fight back harder. As Her head dropped back down I was planning a knock out blow!---But something was on my mind!---Why hadn't She gone down?---What was wrong here?----Was it my Power!----realizing that I must have been weaker than I thought and my power wasn't what I thought it was I made the mistake of hesitating for about two seconds!---THAT Was When SHE GOT ME!---From out Of The Blue She Unleashed a Terrible Swat that Nearly Knocked my Fucking Head Off!---It Came Around Form Her Right Side and Crashed into my Face So Hard I Burst out in Tears!----I was In total Agony and I wanted To Quit right then and there. Her Pads were much more compact and harder than mine and She had Far more Power and Leverage!---I was Frozen where I stood and I heard myself Pleading inside of my Panty stuffed mouth for her to stop!---I felt All of The Fatigue form the whole day and I wanted MERCY!. She was nearly Knocking me out on my feet!---She had me looking at every star in the milky way and my jaws and temples were pounding. She hit me with such force again that I could feel myself Start Crying!---This Little Bitch Had me!""I Pitched forward to my Knees and although I didn't go over on my face my knees were down and She took the advantage of my poor position to unload a Terrible series of at least seven or eight blows that had my lips bleeding and my eyes puffing up! I know I was Pleading and Begging but no one either heard me or cared!----Then Little Dusty Delivered such a tremendous upward Blow that what was heard was a Terrible Cracking shot on the bottom of my left jaw knocked me up from my kneeling position straightening me, lifting me and sending me over onto my back. I would have screamed foul because even in my delirium I knew she hit me with the wooden part of the bar near where the pad wasn't attached. I was out cold for seconds and then as I started to come around I heard someone yell out!---"THREE POINTS!"---I was so Fucking OUT of It!----As Clapping and Cheering Rang Out I could feel my heart beating and I tried to breath in more oxygen in order to gather up some strength. I had to get revenge!---I couldn't let this happen to me. I had to regroup. I had to get back into this despite the pain all over my body!---Everybody was laughing at me and I never felt so Miserable in my whole life!---This Little Dusty Baker Was Beating The Living Fucking Shit Out of Me!---- I was getting the worst of the contest that she Predicted when She told me that she was going to Beat me while I was wearing her Mom's Panties.--- ---I needed desperately to regain the upper hand. It seemed Longer but in only a matter of seconds both Diane and Christie lifted me back up into my squatting stance not allowing me any time to rest. My poor Ears were ringing and my head and Jaws ached like they were on fire and I was so terribly weak that I almost collapsed right away. I was Heart Broken. My thighs were screaming out at me from the strain of trying to maintain this Bizarre Duck walking stance. She had Humiliated me again! What annoyed me along with all of this was how Dusty took all of it in stride. She was moving from side to side like a ballet dancer without effort, swinging at nothing to antagonize me and looking like a she was doing the twist! She seemed to be getting stronger and stronger. I was getting Weaker and Weaker. My strength had been ebbing and I knew it. I was running out of time. I was Losing!----Exhausted before this had even begun from the days early activity I was calling on whatever resources I had left. I HAD To WIN THIS FUCKING THING!---I could not let the Young Little Bitch Subdue me Here in front of all these girls and ladies. I had to prove Who I, despite the Shame I was feeling for being corrupted by Mrs. Murray who had turned me into her Fucking Maid!--------They all knew about it and I had to Prove that I was really not really a Maid but a Man!-------- Dusty moved to her right as I tried to focus on her. My eyesight was becoming blurry, and my insides were aching more as everything began to look black and white.---- She let loose and Caught me square on right Cheek with another huge blow that felt like a rock had landed on me. My scream came out right through the nylon panties in my mouth!--- My knees weakened and I heard Mrs. Baker giving Dusty a warning. She had to have connected with the wooden part of the bar again and this time Janice saw it. I got myself squared upright however and planning in my head a counter but I couldn't move my arms.---Totally useless!-- -They were not responding. Five or six times at least she came at me with a whirlwind of Swings catching me under my arms and over both sides of my chest as I just squatted in front of her motionless not knowing what to do, unable to move an inch. In my mind I was saying to myself!"""Stay Put! ---Don't Fall! --- Wait Until She Tiers!"""But Dusty Kept Hitting me.---She moved her assault upward and hit me back and forth so many times that I was still feeling her blows in my mind as I lay on my back, until I heard Janice Baker Yelling out over the screaming girls!-----THREE""POINTS!------Everything was spinning around! I was almost done for. She was beating the Shit out of me. It Was Hopeless!""I started to Cry! -----"OOOOUUUUHH! ---LOOOOOKKK!" One of The Girls Yelled out!""Christie and Diane had Me Under the Arms ! They Lifted Me once again!-----Amazingly instinct took over and I got a Rush Of Energy!---For a second I Saw an Opening as Dusty glanced Grinning to some of the girls to one side. So focused was she before that this was the first time She had taken her eyes off of me.----I Swung!---And I Connected!---with only about half strength it still was a powerful enough blow to nearly topple her and the loud impact interrupted the joyful crowd who had been celebrating and watching!---- -Staggered and Dazed by the Blow, I knew it was my Chance!---So instead of coming back with a Hit from my left side I thought that if I faked that and came at her again from my right, I would Drop Her catching her by surprise!----As my forceful swing this time approached the side of her face. I saw the arch of my swing rising. That was when the worst thing happened to me!----My Left High Heel on the Bootie Collapsed and I went sideways far enough so that my swing missed her and went over her head by nearly three inches. The velocity of that effort and the failure of my High Heel breaking dropped me right down forward Onto the Harsh Stone Grave mashing the Right Side of my face in the Rough Stone bruising and scraping it!---"TWO POINTS!"----Hollered Mrs. Baker Excitedly!------With my ass so high in the air it took only a second for Christie and Diane to begin working my upturned Ass over with their cruel metal studded leather paddles all over my upturned Ass Cheeks! Swinging their paddles with all of their might I could hear the two of them laughing above the noise form all of the others!""The Nasty Metal Studs on those Leather Paddles started to tare right into my ass cheeks Burning and Searing them!--- My screams Came right through the panties they stuffed in my mouth and brought louder and somewhat nervous laughter from everyone.. I was to learn later that the beating was so harsh that the panties on my ass were Shredded in parts!---- My Poor ass was On Fire!----Suddenly I Felt The Nylon Stocking being removed from around my head by Diane as Christie continued using her paddle on my left ass cheek!---Then the Rounded Tip of one of the Pink Mary Jane Shoes was Placed Right By My Lips right after Diane Pulled Out my panty Gag!----All While Christie was Smacking my ass harder and harder!---"KISS THESE SHOES and She'll Let up a Bit!"---- That Was the Voice from Dusty!---The Little Fucking Bitch. She was not even a hundred pounds and not only was She Kicking the Crap out of me but telling me Now To Kiss Her Fucking Shoes!----- "DO IT!"""She Screamed in a Commanding Voice!---What could I do?--- There was silence then as everyone looked on to watch this new Degrading twist this contest had taken!---Everyone was aware of the Degrading Perversion Dusty Wanted!---I had To!---It could buy me the time I needed so bad!---Besides I liked her shoes!---My very first Kisses failed to satisfy the young girl however!----"YOU'RE DOING A ROTTEN JOB!---You Better LICK THEM If You Know WHATS GOOD FOR YOU ASSHOLE!" She Yelled!---"DO It NOW!" Echoed Diane who leaned over smiling into my tortured and Scratched Face!----That Thrilled The Crowd and They Cheered Me On!---"GIVE IT YOUR ALL ASSHOLE!"""One Girl Yelled!---"EAT THOSE SHOE SHIT HEAD!" ---Added Another excited one!---- I Let My TONGUE WORK All Over Her PINK SHOES, trying to bullshit myself that it was nothing, but nevertheless my pride took a serious downturn when She said something else!----"DON'T Get My SOCKS WET ASSHOLE!-----Remember How I Told You I Was Going To Beat Your Ass My Moms PANTIES?"----That Broke up The Crowd Watching and I hit an other low when I heard a voice out loud Yell!---- "COME ON VICTORIA,---You CAN DO IT!---But Christie and Diane Were Beating My Ass Harder and I was in Pain like never before. No one had ever given my ass anything like this. Soon My reaction was Changing and as my mouth was mashed onto the tops of Dusty's Mary Janes I was starting to move my ass high in the air to meet the Wild Ripping Smacks form The Paddles both sisters were wielding. The Girls were going wild and so was I! I had crossed the Threshold of PAIN!""I wanted to feel the Paddles all over my ASS!---I Groaned Out Loud! More than the two minutes passed before Christie and Diane stood my disoriented being up before her again! Dusty Pointed toward My crotch and Yelled for everyone to see the Wet Come stain that Covered the Front of it!--Squatting in my Booties Dusty was looking me dead in the eye!---I was delirious and exhausted. In my condition I couldn't Rise up more than a half a foot and had to remain in this painful position---- the Broom handle was stretching my throbbing arms! It felt like a Cross behind my neck. I started to look down at Dusty's Pink Mary Janes when I noticed Jane Reilly and April Crawford moving behind young Dusty again!---- Then I Heard the voices of Diane and Christie Baker behind me talking about how Dusty had me by the Balls!---Dusty Was Grinning at me as I felt my head clear and the haze in my head ending slightly!---- -Reality was returning!---and it was not good!-I heard Christie tell Diane!---"Remind Him He' Got Eight Points Against Him Sis!"------ Dusty was Gloating over my condition!""She was so Cocky and Arrogant.--- -She was relaxed and comfortable.-----she knew She had almost WON!----- From the time they Walked me form the back of the house to the center of this large circle, it seemed like an eternity had passed!""I had never been dragged around like this even from Mrs. Murray or her daughters and that took an early toll on my thighs.---I Lost My Spirit!---I wanted To Quit Now!""I couldn't Beat Dusty and I Knew she was going To really give it to me when I had to Submit to Her!""if ever anyone had told me that some day I would be Under The Feet of This Little wise Ass Girl I would have laughed right in their Fucking Faces!-----My stomach Was Hollow and churning and I was Heart Sick!--- She Got ME!""She WON!---I wished with all my heart that Mrs. Murray would suddenly appear and stop all of this from happening!-----I was certain She wasn't' aware of what her friend Janice Baker's intentions were really up to! ----I was sure she had no knowledge of my past with this family!-------I Spoke Out!---"I SURRENDER!"--------------- "IT'S TIME to CONTINUE!"---Ordered Mrs. Baker.---"FIGHTERS!------TAKE YOU'RE Positions at the LINE!"---"NOOOOO!""I PLEADED!---"PLEASE Tell Her I GIVE UP!"------The Contest Will Close Only When I Give The ORDER!"----So That Was It!---There was no Chance to End this!---I had no Choice! I moved into position facing Dusty. My heart Wasn't in it while I made My PLEA Once More!----"PLEASE MRS.BAKER!"---- I Whined1--- PLEASE Tell Dusty---I'M SOR---RRREEEEE!"---- QUIT PLEASE! NO MORE!----- ------My request fell on Mrs. Bakers deaf ears as Dusty came at me again!---Two Blows Go me on the right side of my face and two more on the left as I just stood there defenseless!------Then The Incredible Happened!---In a defensive reflex I attempted to block her next blow from her right side and my block caught her on her lower chin and Dusty's forward thrust met the impact and that reversed her as she turned twisting over going flat onto own Back!---You could hear a pin drop over the Disbelief!---Dusty got caught in just the right spot on her jaw and it Knocked Her Out for a moment!---I was So Surprised by my luck that I was the only one that yelled out------"OOOHHHH--- YEAAAAA!"--------"Three Points!"---Janice Baker Said Angrily more concerned than ever now!---April and Jane Rushed to pick her up but she seemed limp!---Up again Dusty's Body Sagged!---I went in for the Kill!-----I forgot about my Pleading for Mercy!""I Was back in the fight!-----dusty had her chance and now I would get mine!------The Fucking Broken Heel on my left Bootie BETRAYED ME!------I Began to Slip to the side again!---Lady Luck Had Intervened again for the little girl. My Left Pad was Holding me from falling all the way down on my left side as it stuck in the gravel only that was to prove to be the disadvantage that gave Dusty Her Chance. It was too Little Too Late!---Had I gone down I would have lost the fight gained two more points against leaving me with one point over the allotted eleven, forcing me to lose the match. Remaining in that position left me vulnerable to Dusty who would in no way not take the swing she now was about to deliver! If she swung now and connected it would knock me back onto my ass which would also cost me the match!---I heard Her Laugh Out Loud!---I Waited And Closed My eyes!""dusty Took Her Time Allowing me a moment to Contemplate what Was Coming to me From Her!---- "HERE IT COMES ASSHOLE!" I heard Her LAUGH OUT!------- Dusty Gave it To Me GOOD'-----She Hit Me With everything but the kitchen Sink, landing the hardest Blow of the Day!------A Hard Blow that had me with such force that I was Out on My Feet Before I even Hit the Ground!---I was KNOCKED OUT COLD!------------- BURNING HOT WATER Began To Wake me as I Started To See The Laughing Faces Of The Girls and Ladies Surrounding me peering down with Excited Laughing Faces!---Then Realization Sunk In !---It wasn't WATER!---It WAS URINE!-----A Hot STREAM Of YELLOW URINE Was Pouring All Over My Face My Hair and Then into My Mouth as I Started To Open it in Protest!---Dusty had Just Stepped Off of Me and Now amidst the Reeking Odor another Girl I didn't even Recognize was taking Her place!-------