MRS. MURRAY’S MAID by Vivianne Chapter Two (A TRUE STORY) The CONFRONTATION: It Seemed Like Minutes were rolling by instead of seconds as I stood in complete confusion inside the small kitchen! All that I could think about was WHY?-----I could hear both Cory and Linda Laughing Lightly and all that I could see was the Strange Look that Mrs. Murray had on her face.----Now She Was Sitting there holding the thin grey Box cover of the Vintage Nylons that I had dumbly purchased and practically forgot about after leaving them somewhere in the garage several weeks ago. I really had stopped thinking about them lately and I stupidly forgotten to remove them or secure them in another place where no one would find them. These Stockings were Trouble for me and I disregarded them like a dumb asshole! That is what I was thinking I was at the moment and I felt so Depressed over the way I was feeling physically from getting bombed last night, and by the way this situation was evolving, that when Mrs. Murray rose up out of her chair and walked around me I kept staring dumbly at the open magazines and then started to look up out of the window in order to buy time to collect my thoughts. What the hell can this mean? I began to think! She could tell everyone and she could also tell you know who and I'll get into some mess trying to explain the magazines! And as for the Hosiery and the size! Well I could easily say that I didn't know what size to get or that the sales girl gave me the wrong size and I meant to return them. As for the Porn!-well!---I can think of something!--------Hey guys do it all of the time. YEA! I thought I can do this!---I can talk my way out of this even if it means that the Murray's will have nothing more to do with me. I mean who needs Her or her Daughters. Not me I owe them nothing I thought!---Shit I thought to myself as the girls now were silent!---I relaxed a bit and started to try and convey a cool attitude and now I looked at Linda and put on a somewhat cocky grin!-I wasn't sure where Mrs. Murray had gone and my body kind of relaxed! That is until Linda leaned forward in her chair at me and kind of whispered in a sort of HISS!---"You are Really in some DEEP SHIT Now Victor!"----"What do you Mean?" I dumbly questioned!-"Hey! these are a couple of magazines someone left after working at my house and those Stockings were a present I got!" ---"OH!----REALLY!" Chimed in Diane who had just entered the room form the door leading into the foyer.---"Did some nice Guy Buy those for You?" she Snickered!----As the three girls started to laugh in unison!----"Hey Man!' I Retorted! "Give me a break!---I don't Dig Guys!" I Said Loudly and forcefully!---Diane had probably been out Riding with Her sisters because she was still in her Riding BOOTS and Her Riding Pants. And Then I realized that so too were Linda and Cory!---Not that it made me uneasy to notice the way they were imposing in their clothes, but by their attitude it added to my discomfort. They just seemed a little more emboldened and aggressive with me as I stood there. Wiping the grin off of my face I decided to say nothing for a moment until Mrs. Murray returned to the small and now crowded kitchen!---Diane Reached over and picked up one of the magazines and as she stood there started to laugh at whatever she was seeing!-"OHHHHH!-MAAANNNE!-Look at this CREEP HERE!" She handed the Open Magazine to her younger Sister Cory who Really Cracked up and then Linda took it and held it up to me to see!---"LOOK at how Cute this Man Looks Victor!----I'll bet it was his first Time in Panties!"-She Said!-Actually I don't remember going through the book so thoroughly and hadn't remembered this photo! But it was pretty vivid! These Panties hardly concealed the excitement that whoever he was who had put them on or whether was forcing him into because of the presence of the cross dressed figure standing off to the side!-Linda was holding it close up enough to my face for several seconds so that I could see the image clearly! ----------------------"PUT THAT THING DOWN LINDA!" ---Yelled Mrs. Murray as she returned to the crowded room. -"DAMN IT!-I told you girls not to look at that TRASH!" She Scolded! ---"YOU!-TURN AROUND!"-She Ordered!---------Oh CRAP! ---I Thought to myself!---holding up to her forehead with Both Hands were Two of the Nancy Lee's!-The Two STOCKINGS were So LONG that A Girl Would have had to be at least SIX FEET To WEAR them! ---I never looked at them out of the Box and I was As surprised as the three sisters were by the length and even the Sheerness of them. And they were actually moving in the air as Mrs. Murray held them up high!------They were not clear of the floor and she could have held them well over her head and still they wouldn't have cleared it! --------"I BELIEVE These Are YOURS!"----Victor!---ARE They NOT?"------Now the room was quiet! ---The Three girls were smart to take on a low profile! ---I was FLABBERGASTED!-I had no Idea what She would say next and now silence prevailed for almost a minute as Mrs. Murray stepped over to a kitchen chair and laid the two Nylons over the back of it.----"WELL Mr.?----What do you have to Say about This?" ------------For the Life of me I knew that I was Trapped and had to think fast and convince her that this was all a Mistake!---The four of them were waiting for my response and so I took a stab at it and for whatever reason and for what it was worth, I stated my case! I felt like she had me in some kind of Court as she took the forth seat, the one with the Stockings hanging over it as the four of them looked at me stone faced awaiting my reply!---------- "BULLSHIT!"---Loudly and Forcefully was the Reply that Mrs. Murray Gave me after my Stupid Explanation.-I mean, Hey! What could I do!-I was A Mess that Morning and confused so I did the best I could, but it wasn't convincing and I knew it! I told them that the Nylons were for a friend of my wife and that the books didn't belong to me, that they were left by the guy that does my lawn. And What was the big deal? That statement opened the gates! "YOU'RE A PERVERT!"----I Thought I was STABBED By the REMARK!---No Way am I a Pervert and yet she was standing up now Facing me with conviction!---Replying that the magazines and Nylons do not make you a Pervert!-she Responded by Yelling into my Face!---"THAT'S RIGHT! THEY DON'T_-But You Are A PEEPING TOM!---And Cory CAUGHT You LAST NIGHT!"----------------------------------------------HOLY SHIT!----------What the Fuck did I do last night I Wondered!-Yea I vaguely remember returning before heading out again really late and now that I started to quickly remember, it wasn't a dream about the lights. But what were the lights. "Cory say you looking through her window around 11:15 last night and she called me!-You thought you were trying to look into Diane's room but it was the wrong room!-so I whispered Hi! To you from the other Window and you were so DRUNK that you thought it was Diane calling you and you answered "Hey ELAINE!"---Cory was undressed at the time and you were there WATCHING HER YOU BASTARD!"-She Raged Now!-----I wanted to CRAWL On the Floor and Apologize, but then I still could not believe all of this!---"AND WHY Did You Call Out ELAINE?"----Questioned Linda Now!---"Yea!-said Diane!---"WHY ELAINE!" --------"Something is Screwy With You Victor!--------Added Mrs. Murray!-I'm going to REPORT This To the AUTHORITIES!"----She Decidedly Stated!---- "NOOOAAH-NO-No NOOAHH-PLEASE Mrs. Murray!" I Replied. PANICKED and TERRIFIED!---I'LL Do ANYTHING PLEASE-I'LL Do ANYTHING!-PLEAS Help Me!"-I BEGGED!------ --"GET OUT!-GET OUT NOW!" I can Still Remember The SHAME and HUMILIATION I Felt Right then and There That Day as I Began to CRY!---TEARS!---Ran Down My Face and The LAUGHTER of The GIRLS RANG OUT In My EARS!---I Could Barely Think Straight as I Relaized that I Had BROKEN DOWN In Front Of Mrs. Murray In FEAR and TERROR Over My Situation Then!----"AWE!---POOR MANNNN!" Cried Out Linda in a Light MOCKING VOICE!---"LOOK At The CRY !" BABY LAUGHED Diane LOUDLY! As I SAW Her WIDE GRIN Through My TEARS of PAIN and SHAME!---I was TOTALLY HUMILIATED!----I Was Feeling So Much ANGER at both Myself and Mrs. Murray's Daughters as they Continued LAUGHING At Me and I Felt So HELPLESS and FRUSTRATED For FALLING Under Mrs. Murray's WILL, that I Could not STOP the FLOWING TEARS As They Continued To RUN DOWN My FACE!---WHAT The FUCK Could I Do NOW?---She HAD Me LITERALLY BY MY BALS and I Was TOTOALLY HELPLESS To Do Anything About It!--She Was Not A WOMAN That I or anywone For That Matter Would Have Expected To Be Like this!--I had So ADMIRED Her and Had Hoped to Be Some Assitance TO in that she had Her Daughtes and so much to Deal With! INSTEAD She Got The BEST Of Me and she Was LEADING Me DOWN a ROAD That Was Taking Me Somewhere I Was POWERLESS To RESIST!--She MEANT to DISTROY ME, I Knew That NOw and I Was AFRAID Of Her more than Anyone I had Ever Met Before, And Yet I Still Have To ADMIT that I Was Still in AWE Of HER--As I Continued CRYING In My SHAME and DEGRADATION Before Her andHer DELIGHTED DAUGHTERS! I Must have sat There in my Sun Porch for at least Several Hours before I got up the Nerve to call her on the phone. Hopefully this woman whom I was really getting to like would somehow reconsider and not report me. I Truly have no real recollection of what really happened last night, and I'm sure that the Alcohol was the reason. Or was there something more. As I sat there I do remember going into the Rear of the book shop where the Peep shows were. But I don't Remember Much after that. I only had a few drinks before I went into that shop!---I was beginning to wonder what got me so Screwed up. But I do remember Laughing with the Tall Black Guy who worked there watching the patrons, and how he then took me around to show me some really wild magazines with interracial teams. One that was still in my memory had a Big dude like himself with no less than Three attractive white girls worshiping the guy's Huge Cock and Balls while a third Redhead had her attractive Face Buried in his Ass!-My last memory was when he took me around to the Rear of the Store where some of the Darkest Boots were. But I really don't remember anything else.---So I had to own up to something I may have done and now it was more than important to make amends with Mrs. Murray or I could be RUINED! Three times She Hung Up the telephone over the next hour until she finally answered around 4:00 in the afternoon!---------"JUST KEEP CALLING and There is Going to Be more trouble than you can Handle Young Man!" She Yelled into the Phone!----"Mrs. Murray!-I Pleaded!---"PLEASE Give me A CHANCE!-I Can't Explain why whatever happened, Happened, But I WIIL DO ANYTHING To Make Up For this and I MEAN IT!"-I GROVALED! ------SILENCE!-DEFENING SILENCE For A Good Five Minutes While I Hung onto the Receiver! Hands Sweating and My Heart Pounding I Could Have Knelt Down right then and There and KISSED HER RIDING BOOTS When I Listened to Her REPLY!----"UHMMM---WELL!---Let me Think On THAT!" She Replied Cooley and In a Studious Voice!---One Hour at least passed before my phone rang again while I Worried in the most Mind shaking Terror over what her answer would be!--------Then the Telephone Rang! It Was Music To My Ears and I nearly tripped and Broke My Ass as I Lunged for it knocking over the night table in the room and shattering a lamp in the process!----------------------------"OKAY!---I Want You To Come Over Hear Right NOW!"-------It Wasn't Long After The Phone Clicked when I did just what I said I would have Done a moment ago!----------I did What I Could never imagined I would have done to anyone and especially this older neighbor of mine! More or less as EXPECTED! I GENUFLECTED as if I were in Church and ASKED Mrs. Murray if she Would not Report me!---And she Responded by asking me What Exactly I would do right then and there to convince her that I meant what I said when I said! And She Asked me exactly what I would do if anything to convey my true intentions!---"What Ever Is Your REQUEST Please!" I said!-------You see I was Out of Control and Absolutely Terrified! I Really had gotten myself in some trouble hear and I knew that it was a situation that was rapidly spinning away from me and that somehow I had to capitulate for the moment until I could figure out a way out of this mess and get things back to normal.-and then She Made a REQUEST! And It REALLY TOOK me By SURPRISE and SHOCKED The HELL Out Of Me!-----She Didn't Ask or Request!-She ORDERED ME TO KISS HER FEET!------"VICTOR!" She Said Softly in a Very Mellow But Assured Voice!---I WANT YOU To ASK Me For FORGIVENESS and Then I Think that You Should PROVE Your SINCERETY by GETTING DOWN On YOUR KNEES This MINUTE and KISS MY SHOES, and Then I Want You To LICK Them and Colplete Your TASK By CLEANING The BOOTOMS of THEM!"---Unbelievable was what I Thought as I Lowered My Head To Her FLAT BLACK SANDLES!---Who Would have Thought that This Lady Would have Somehow Turned Me Into A SHOE CLEANER and SHOE LICKER?---Anyone would have been incomplete Disbelief and Hysterics had they been Witness to the position I was in. Hear We Were alone in her house now and I Was COWTOWED And AFRAID to Do anything to DISOBEY Her in ANY WAY, TASTING LEATHER For the First Time in My LIFE!------I Can't Explain HOW HUMILIATED I WAS!-Only hours ago I was Free and Easy. Looking for a good time, I was A Guy with everything going for him. Making good money with a great job and home life, and a great fun filled week ahead of him. BUT NO! Now things Had QUICKLY SPUN AROUND! AND NOW! ------Here I Was With My LIPS and TONGUE! FULL of the TASTE of LEATHER!---And At the FEET OF My ANGRY Neighbor, Mrs. Murray!----I Can barely explain the FEELINGS That Ran Through my Head As My LIPS and Then My TONGUE RAN ALONG The HARD LEATHER Of This NEIGHBOR WOMANS BLACK LEATHER FLATS!---CHILLS Ran UP The BACK Of MY NECK as I ABJECTLY SUCCUMED TO HER ORDER To FIRST KISS and Then Start To LICK Her SHOES!-----"KEEP this UP Until You Are ABLE To See Your FACE in THEM!--VICTOR!"-----She QUIETLY and FORCEFULLY HISSED, Peering Down at Me With An ANGRY EXPRESSION On Her SMUG But Now ARROGANT Looking FACE!