KYAH PART FIVE By Vivianne Rancho Dudette A Booted Lesson! Kyah and Christine were at it again!-----Both Young College Girls were on their Knees for the second time this morning!---They were Naked and They were very Busy!----Kristah was among them!---And like the two lovely College visitors here at Rancho Dudette!---She was equally Naked!---That is except for a Very Long Pair Of LACED UP HIGH HEELED BOOTS!----Both Christine and Kyah had not ever had the opportunity before of being so up close to an exceptional pair of Boots such as these!------- Kristah was holding yet another pair of Boots in Her Hands however!--------An Extremely elaborate Dark Brown Box picturing another pair of boots obviously inside!----Opening the box before each of the Girls!----- Kristah took them out of the long box She was holding, specifically, in order to display the Exotic footware, in an effort to allow both girls to see the elaborate packaging they had been inside of as well as the Lovely Boots they were while She went on to describe to Her Obedient Witnesses just how The Head Mistress of Rancho Dudette: Rebecca De Moin had been able to Come by them, and How had surprised Kristah with them!---Kristah was totally thrilled, when Rebecca had Presented them To Her!------Kristah pointed out to the Observant and Tentative Girls how Elaborate the inlaid design inserted in the Lambs Leather was, noting that the inlaid artwork was of a number of different types of Whips!----She showed both nearly breathless Girls, who were looking closely at the First Boot She had taken from the long Box, holding it before their eyes, as their heads were close together, how one had to look very closely in order to notice the Many Impressions of the WHIPS!-----Kyah!---For Her Part Was SHOCKED!-----A little more conservative and privaliged than Her other friends. Kyah was much more sheltered as a young girl and these Boots represented to Her Yet another Bizarre and Strangely Weird Event so far, now She was here for the first week at Rancho Dudette!---She was a Bit Confused by the Powerful Effect these Boots were having on Her as She Peered at the Fine Leather and the inlaid whips they bore with Awe!-----Nervous and strangely excited by the BOOTS!----Kyah caught the eye of Her friend Christine who appeared to be as MESMERIZED By Them As She Was!-------So much had changed for Kyah since Her arrival!--As it had for the others as well!---But it was more significant for Kyah, who was well no Her way to transforming to a Very Heady and Strong Willed Bitch in such a short time!------Arrogant an Stuck up was one thing!---But She was evolving into a BITCH On WHEELS Almost Over Night!-----That is accept while She was in the presence of Rebecca De Moin and Kristah!----And of Course, also any of the other Women here at the Rancho!-------------- Kristha had deliberately taken Her time in removing both of Her Boots from the Box and had Placed them on top of the long Glass Coffee table inside of Rebecca De Moin's Office!-----For at least a Half hour. She went on to explainin detail the type of leather and the craftsmanship, that went ionto the design of the Boots for the benefit of the girls, as the Boots were standing striaght up on the glass table!------And then when Kristah referred to the almost unbelievable Cost of Such a pair as these!----Christine and Kyah seemed even more MESSMERIZED By the Mere Presence Of Kristah's Boots!-----While they most attentively, listened to Kristah's Lecture while looking directly at Her Boots, each girl began to feel the juices flow inside of each of their Panties!---- Both Chritine and Kyah were PUZZLED Over the Endless Laces of the Boots!---They noted at about the same time, there were no side Zippers to aid the wearer to slide them on easily!---Christine was first to notice that the laces traveled all of the way up to the top of the Knee!-------After Kyah Joined in on her Observation, the two girls turned their heads to face each other in surprise!-----Obviously they quickly realized that it woud be THEY!-----Whose Responsibiltiy it would be to aid Kristah in getting into Her Marvelous BOOTS!---------The Girls Eyes were GLASSY!--and Their Faces were Getting RED!----It took only a SECOND For Kristah to REACT!------"THE BLOW From Her Right Handed Black Glove, Careemed along the faces of the two Girls, nearly knocking the two of them back off of their Heels!-----Crying out in unison, Kristah Delivered an even more Severe Left That Moved the girls backward a second time and toppling the two over!---ASS Over HEELS!---Onto their ASSES!-----"KEEP YAH FUCKIN HEADS STAIGHT!----GIT THA FUCK UP NAH!---N'GIT UP OAN YAH KNEES BITCHES!----AH GOT NO TIME FOR BULL SHIT FROM EITHA OF YAH!"--------- They scrambled up as quickly as they could!---Both Were Humbled and dissapointed because they realized that they had Failed to adhere to Krisah's Wishes!---The Girls were so Eager to Please Kristah, and they felt Humbled because of their own failure thus far!-----Far different from the attitude the girls came to Rancho Dudette with, in hopes of having a Cool New Expreience!---All Four of the Students had a Mind Bending and Attitude Re-adjustment in only a matter of Days by now!------ But Despite all that had changed for Kyah, Christine and their two friends; Jessie Cole and Sue Parker!-------Here was Christine and Kyah!---Down on their Knees once again!---Before Kristah's Feet!--Both Knowingly Well Aware that They would once again be offered the opportunity to WORSHIP HER BOOTS!----And They Secretly had Begun To RELISH That Experience Once More as They Stiffened up and Re-adjusted their Postition on Theri Knees as directed by Kristah!-------- "PERFORM YAH TASK!----RIGHT NOW!"---Glared Kristah as She peered into the eyes of Her Chattles!----- "Each!---Take a BOOT!----Do It NOW!"-----Ordered Kristah!-----Kyah and Christine were quick to respond as each took a Boot in hand and followed Kristah as She backed up and made Her way to the Couch inside of the Large Office of rebecca De Moin!-----It was the very same Office the Girls had been led inaide of by Rebecca De Moin's Assistant rhew first day the college Girls arrived at the Rancho!-----See KYAH PART ONE -FOUR By Vivianne: -------And now Kristah was on the proverbial couch where the Stunned girls stood transfixed as they were being introduced to Rebecca De Moin who was sitting before them on the couch nonshelontly beside a Naked Upside Down Male who was so bizarrely Trussed up that the girls were at first confused as to edxactly what they were witnessing!---Until they notice the LIT CANDLE STICKING RIGHT Up OUT Of the MAn's ASSHOLE!----As The Lady kept Her Eyes Cast Down on the book she was reading!----Not ready to greet Her newcommers, and becasue of the overcast darkness outside Rebecca De Moin was using Her time to catch up on Her reading!---Yet!---The Matron was more than a little annoyed at the interruption!---She However; did take Her attention away for a moment and She did take the time in short to greet Her New Guests!---Confused, Yet Excited The College Adventureses Stood firmly before the most attractive woman they had seen in some time to remain silent and attentive!---It seemed to the Girls that any interruption would prove to be quite troublesome for the four of them!---Needless to say this was because of what they were looking at besides the Austere and Lovely Matron Seated on Her Office Couch alongside a Truely TRUSSED Up!--UPSIDE DOWN Naked Male With a Huge Thick Lit CANDLE STICKING STRAIGNT UP And Out Of His Bare ASS!---Plunged into His ASSHOLE!--It Was Obviously the source of Light for Rebbeca De Moin, as she Was Reading what appeared to be, a Paperback Novel!------- Surely they knew tight then and there that they would find the adventure they were seeking Here at Rancho Dudette!---Rebecca De Moin Said to Herself as she accepted their presence!------See KYAH PART ONE!---By Vivianne Rancho Dudette!------ How ABSURD That Was!-----Kyah was thinking to Herself remembering the sight She and Her friends witnessed on that Profound Day!--------And Here She was once more, near that same Couch along with Her Friend Christine!----------The two excited and almost shaky girls reached out to each take a Boot in their Hands!---FEARFUL Of causing an Error, Neither looked at each other and Began to perform their TASK, as the ARROGANT and Bemused Kristah Started to Sit back on the soft leather couch!---Kyah noticed the position She was in!---Exactly as the one She had seen Rebcca De Moin In during the first introduction at Rancho Dudette!------ "GIT-----YAH FICKIN TONGUES OWT!---DOAN KISS Until AH SAY TUWE!"---A VICIOUS SWAT!--Crossed both of their Faces as the reclining Kristah sas forward in an instant to Pre-Correct both of Her Chattles!----Instant TEARS emerged form the eyes of Christine, that were quidkly duplicated by Kyah!------"OA!--SHIT!---Quit Ya Fuckin CRYIN!---AN LICK THEM!---Or ELSE AM GOIN TAH KICK YAW ASSES ALL OVA This OFFICE!"----Kristah Screamed Out Loud!------- Kyah's Mouth Tasted Like Cotton!--She needed Water or something by then and she hated to interrupt what She was doing to ask Kristah!---Kristah was busy on the Cell Phone for over an hour by now, and hadn't looked down at either girl for some time!---As for Christine!--She was either Lickeing or Sobbing by this point as Her Aching body repressed Her erge to straighten up!---To both of their misfortunes!---Kristah had decided after the first five minutes to keep the two girls from moving about and so She took some items from Rebecca De Moin's Desk!--Namely some used Nylons, unwashed Panties and some Rope!---And Practically HOGTIED Each of the Girls so that they had to remain Tied up on their Knees, but Face down unable to rise up at eye level with Kristah!---Exausted and Drained. Each wished to ask for relief, but both knew the futility of such a request!--------