KYAH PART TWO By Vivianne Rancho Dudette Kyah's Curiosity: She was Yanking on a long thin leather lead that was split in about two inches from her golved hand and what was attached to two large Nipple rings which were extended from the unusually Long Nipples of the big Nearly Nude Athletic Man who was tripping along after the young pretty girl who was forcefully pulling him along on the Graveled surface outside of the Gymnasium Where Kyah and the other girls along with the Matron of Rancho Dudette Her Assistant, Ciel Ruhl, Activites Director were waithing inside at the moment!------The Young girl had just excellerated his pace as he tried desparetly to keep up with his Young Tormentor while She suddenly Pulled him inside of the Wide open doors which led inside of the large Gymnasium!-------It was hard enough to endure the pain from Her Agonozing Treatment of him as She showed her Skills with the Leash She had secured so tightly on him, let alone the Stress of having to Accept this additional mistreatment of him by this tormenting girl after having had to spend a Horrendous two Hours of forced submission to her as required by the Matrron who had easily turned him into her very own Reading Lamp!---See! Vivianne's Stories, Kyah, Rancho Dudette! Chapter One-The Butning Ass Cheeks of this formerly Proud Older Athletic Man, were suffering by now an additional discomfort due to the prolonged and merciless Whipping he had had to endure from the Girl!----And in addition to that, even now, he could still feel the Hardedned Wax covering a good portion of his Ass Cheeks that had dripped down on them from the Candle she had so skillfully used in accordance with her treatment of him, while left alone with him under orders from the Matron Rebecca De Moin!----The Matron and Ciel Ruhl had escorted the New visiting college girls out for a tour of the Rancho and it's facilities of interest!-----Drippings were warm still and were all around his Ass Cheeks and Anus!------Had he not Resisted a simple order from the Matron earlier in the Day, He would not have ended up in such an Awful troubling situation like this, and had he been more careful and respectful in front of the Matron he would not be suffering under this additional punnishment by the girl who was subjecting to even more Humilating indignities!--------- He had already learned to Respect the Matron by now since he had been here at Rancho Dudette for a good two Weaks.!---But he had erred earlier in the day and unfortunate because The Matron had called this girl to assist her in continuing his come uppence and he was Fearful of what the young Girl had in store for him!------This Pretty Girl who had only been introduced to him only hours ago, and who was called by the name of Kristah, was a very Beautiful Dark Haird Brunette!--Slender and Exotic, She immedialtely began treating him to a Hell Bent Atonement so far!---Where ever she had been over the last two weeks he had been here, he could not recall!---But for Now, his only focus was on keeping up with Her until she suddenly came to a halt once inside the center of the Gymnasium!---------He wanted to blurt out a Plea!----And an Apology!-----But His Mouth Was Gagged!---And Worse from a Pair of Soggy Black Panties that Kristah had Carefully Removed from her hips Earlier, with the sole purpose of making them Available to Stuff into his Mouth in order to keep him quiet!---From the Minute she had been Called by the Matron, Kristah knew Exactly What her Plans for!---"THE ASSHOLE!"---WERE!------Her Typical PLANS!--------As She had Reminded herself after she received the call from the Matron, would be!------------- The Matron and her Dudette Rancho Director, Ciel Ruhl Had just settled the four Students inside of a fairly large building that could have been more appropriate as a full service Gymnasium had it been used sopley for that purpose. There was only one true purpose for it's use however; and while Kyah's three girl friends settled down on the single long Bench with serious concerned looks on their faces, Kyah had a gut feeling about the place and the reason that the Matron and Ciel had brought the girls here right after they had been given a full Tour of the Rancho Dudette!------But Kyah was also still wondering what the Pretty and Exotic looking young Kristah, had been up to back in the office of the Matron with the unfortunate Male "Lamp" who surely, by now would at least have resorted to pleading by now for release from his Ridiculous situation!---She was still feeling Admiration for the Imperious looking Matron's Skillful Bondage and Positioning of this obviously Powerful Large Rugged looking man, Naked and upside Down with a Large CANDLE!---Sticking Up in the Air Out from His ASS!--------The Grin returned to Kyah's face as began to imagine what had actually been transpiring in the Matron's Office with the man and Kristah!------Kyah enjoyed visualizing once more, the image in her mind of the Desperate and Degraded Look on the man's upturned head as he was forced to look upward at his own genitals which were hanging down visibly, while his legs were hanging over his head!-----Upside down and Trussed Up like this, the man had to be in absolute Agony as the the RUDE Candle Sticking up high in the Air, Was Dripping Scalding HOT WAX!---Down it's sides and all over His Reddened Muscular ASS!-----Bad enough that he was situated right next to the Matron who sat there nonchelontly reading from her Book under the light from the Candle Sticking high up and out of the Man's Asshole!-----He had been turned into, unfortunately, a make ship lamp for the benefit of Rebecca De Moin after she forced him into such a Painful, Nerve Racking and a Totally Precarious upside down position on Her Leather Office Sofa!---And Then!----Having been left all alone in the room to be guarded by this Strange and Deviat Young Girl!----A Predicament that would not Bode Well for any Un Lucky Man who would Cross Matron Rebecca De Moin!--------- Kyah had to laugh silently to herself as she thought about how he surely must have done something really wrong, and then she had to laugh to herself, thinking that maybe he might have been perfectly innocent and this was just the Matron's way of treating men that way, whenever she felt the Need too!------Kyah Reasoned!------Too have been treated as Harsly as this!----It Had to be Because!----WELL!-----WHAT The HELL!-----Because He Was Only a MAN!-----------------The Powerful Matron Seemed so at ease and non shellant about all of it Anyway!---Just as if It was NO BIG DEAL!---------Sitting there enjoying a Book with all that Hot Wax Pouring down along the sides of the Candle and all over His Ass and Searing the poor guys Ass!-------Shit!---She Had To Be One COOL BITCH!-----Kyah Loved the IDEA!---- Catching Herself once more!---"Why The Fuck NOT!---Probably Just Another SHIT Head!"--------Kyah actually blurted those words out loud enough for Jessy Cole, Kyah's closest friend to lean over and ask her!----"What's That All About?"-------- Before Kyah could respond a loud noise from a closing door interrupted both of them and startled her other two friends Sue Parker and Christine Jennings!----Kyah's heart was suddenly in her Throat and the wide eyed girls looked at the Bizarre Scene evolving in the far corner of the room to their left!----"It's HER!"-----Blurted Christine Jennings!---Kyah turned to peer at Christine whose interest in Kristah was similar to her own!----And Christine was interested in Kristah in a big way!-----Christine was always more interested in the unorthodox and the unusual!-----Kyah had noticed her interests only recently. It actually was Christine who had convinced the three of her friends to take this trip to Rancho Dudette in the first place. Christine Was almost perfectly built with an above average face. Her Rich full Light Brown wavy Hair and deep set Blue eyes matched her creamy White Complexion!----------She was a good athlete as well and had a keen interest in Unusual and Exotic Clothes!---In fact, Today she had dressed for this occasion by donning a pair of Striking Maroon Colored Knee Length BOOTS!-----They had Three Inch Stacked Heels and an endless series of lacees which were needed in order to properly lace and hold the Boots Secure enough on her Long well shapped legs!---There was no Zipper along the sides of Her Boots either, and it was normally much too Tedious an effort and much too tedious and tiring a Job for her to Don the Boots all on her own!-----This was not the case for Christine however; for it was actually the Responsablity and the Duty of her close friend Sue Parker, whose Directives had been too always take the time out and to take the care and effort needed in order to assist Christine whenever Christine felt the need to be LACED Into Her Expensive Boots!--Or For That Matter!---Any of HER Other BOOTS!--------Or, infact Any other garment that Christine felt the need for Assistance int getting into!--------Christine! was a Spoiled and Particular Bitch in her own Right!---Chrisitne had been an influence on Kyah more and more lately!-------Of course these were not the only style of Footware that Christine favored and enjoyed!-----------A Member of a Wealthy family, Christine Jennings had a Variety of the most Stylish and accordingly and definitly, the Wildest and Exotic Heels Around!-------Spoiled Rotten and Very Arrogant, Christine had spent the last two years in College!------TRAINING Her Roomate Sue Parker!----In the Ways and Means of Offering Herself in the Arts of providing the Services, that Haughty Christine felt She so well Deserved!---Sue Parker, although Reluctant at first, became an attentive and respnsive student, who was Eager and Motivated after She had been Properly Taken in Hand, (or Foot in this Case), by Christine, and trained and re-trained by Christine until Sue Parker was able to Properly Execute the Required Services that Christine Demanded of Her and Learned Ability to Execute those Services too Chrisitne Jenning's Complete Satisfaction!-------- During their first year at College it was inevitable for both Christine and Kyah to CLASH!----- "Look Kyah"---Christine Exclaimed as She leaned over to look into Kyah's Eyes!------"Look What She's Doing To His Nipples!"----She Repeated!---------"WOW!------Shit!---They Are Fucking LONG!"---Added Sue Parker!---Jill was Stunned!----Not saying anything as She stared at them, while Kyah felt Her Heart Pump and Her Own Excitment Growing!-------"She Must Have BEAT The SHIT Out Of Him!"---Jill finally added!------- Ciel Ruhl turned quickly and gave the four girls a look that interrupted their revelrie and got their attention!-----Matron Rebecca De Moin laughed lightly in a sultry voice as she too looked over at the surprised expressions on the faces of the younger College Girl visitors to her Rancho Dudette!--------Kyah held her gaze on the light blue eys of the Imperious woman who quickly recognized a hint of Adoration in the young Kyah's fixated stare!----Rebecca De Moin knew at this Precise Moment that she had locked her eyes on a willing and Interested PROTEGE!-------A Lovely Young Alert Girl who surely Reflected Unmistable Admiration in her eyes!--- And one who could surely become a willing and Avid Student of a different sort from the studies she was currently focused on at Her College!---Rebecca could sense a perspective Awakening that would soon take place for this obvious young Admirere!--------------------She would shortly be learning a great deal from Rebecca'sT eachings. The Matron was feeling a sudden rush of heated sexual response as she focused still on the very attractive young Kyah!-------What the Matron did not know however: or surely would have been hoping for, Was the fact that Kyah's Panties were soaking with her moist sexual juices already!---------Rebecca kept watching Kyah in a Mexican sort of stand off until the Younger Kyah suddenly dropped her Gaze down toward Matron Rebecca De Moin's BLACK BOOTS!----It was a Submissive Gesture that TOLD The STORY!-------Kyah's Gaze Caused the high cheekboned face of the Matron to Blush!----"I've Got HER GOOD!"---Rebecca Said silently to herself!---------- Kristah Had walked the now Trembling Subject of the Man she was guiding directly infront of where the four girls and the two women were seated along the first row of seats in the gymnasium!--------Pointing with her extended arm and her index finger downward!---It was a jesture for the man to kneel down quickly at her Heels!--------------It was exciting for the four girls who were more concious of what Kristah was wearing now!-----Whoever had the task of removing the endless laces of Kristah's Exotic Boots which she had been wearing when she had entered the Matron's office earlier to take charge of the beligured man, it had to have been a tedious effort!---But off they were and in their place was a pair of very high Black Strappy Platform Sandles!---The Heel had to be nearly Nine inches long and narrowed down to a needle thin Rapiaer!---Her feet were unusually long for her height, Kyah noticed and must have been a good size ten!---The Vamp of the pllatform was exzzerated and ended in a two inch platform that held the toe firmly enough for the girl to balance on a good Six Inch Heel Height!-------Sheer Grey Nylons finished off the legs and attached garters were barely bisible where her short denim Skirt ended. Only a Vest covered her, sllowing firm average sized Breasts to peek out!---While Kyah was taking all of this in, the other girls were totally involved in watching the manner in which the man was by now using his Tongue to Lick and practically Clean the Heels of both of Kristah's Shoes!----All was quiet as the sounds of his wet Tongue and lips addressed Her HEELS!------The Tension was Electric!--------- "STOMP HIM!----NOW!"---------Ciel Ruhl Ordered Suddenly!--------- Kristah stepped back slightly and pushed him over on his side with the toe of Her Right Foot causing him to roll over onto his back!----- In seconds She was On top of the his Chest Walking back and forth as Muffled Screams in Vain tried to escape his Panty Stuffed Orafice!------Laughter was competing with those sounds as Kyah joined in with her friends in their Hysterical Laughter over what had unexpectedly taken place!------