FOXES BOUTIQUE Part One By Vivianne Liz Blanchard was anticipating closing Foxes Boutique at exactly P:00 PM as she hurried to close out her registers and was waiting for her Sister Sarah to close the front entrances of their shop. Liz and Sarah had been given full control and ownership of this popular Boutique from their Parents who had owned several Boutiques over the years and had recently sold off the stores in order too retire!---Since their girls were in their twenties and had yet to marry, the Blanchards decided to give full control of the remaining buisness to both of them!------ The very first thing the Liz and Sarah decided to change were the business's products!----Although it was important for the Boutique too retain a good selection of the more conservative merchadise that had made up the Boutiques product Lines in the past and their Reputation relied on those customers who shopped in the Boutique especially for tthose items, their important continued, steady visits to the Boutique were necessary!----However considering the support of those customers, Liz and Sarah took several additional Bold Steps to accomodate a much younger and a more Risque Clientel for the Boutique as well!---Although they didn't actually move toward a Bizarre and Kinky Product line, one could easely see that the merchandise in some of the cases were pretty far out in comparison to their original more traditional lines!----And Buisness was Booming lately here in the Boutique as a Result of the Choices the Sisters had Made!------- Liz would have been more than ready for closing by now were it not for the annoying older well dressed patron who had been shopping there off and on for some time and who had come in once again in his usual irritaing manner searching for certain more vintage and Sheer Nylons Stockings!---It really pissed Liz off the way he always pretended that the selections were for his wife!---But Liz had known the truth about the man. An important buisness owner and former town council member whose wife had left him several times in the past and who was rumored to have have done so again!---If There Is One Thing You'll Learn Here Lizzy!"---Her Mother had Warned her when she started working in the Shop right after finishing College!---""Ya Kin Tell The Ones Who Want Them Foe Themselves!"----When she told Liz that, Liz Burst Out Laughing!------"Not That Its Sooooooo Baaaaddd!"-------Liz couldn't see the humor in it anymore however !--------------Liz was even more irritated by Mr. Moore's increasing need to always expect her to take special care of him!-----Not Sarah, or either of her two part timers; Edna Murray, or Kara Turner!-----Since the irritating man had been gone by now, Liz looked up anxiously to check and see if Sarah was indeed locking the front glass doors and noticed the large figure of a Woman of Color standing on the outside of the door attmepting to summon Sarah to open it!----Nothing was happening as far as Liz could see so she moved from the openings in the middle of her Glass Counter tops where she had been standing and began to walk in her Stocking feet toward the center of the store in order to see just what Sarah was doing about the woman!---It was then that she got a close look at the persistant woman and took a breath, as she noticed Her size and Her Long Black Legs on what appeared to be a very Powerfully well built older Black Woman!-------Liz was getting a little nervous as she come closer to where the woman was and began thinking a woman like this who seamed so Angry and practiclly Demanding that Sarah, Open the Doors for Her could spell trouble for the two of them!-------Before Liz could remark, Sarah took it upon herself to unlock the doors she had just finished closing and stepped away as the Tall Woman Stepped inside of the doorway. Liz stood still attenpting to think of something to say when she noticed the way her younger sister willfully stepped back and away from the imposing Black Lady and Dropped her eyes slowly down her long Muscular well Shapped, Well Hosed Legs!-----No-One Spoke for several moments!----Liz felt her Stomach begining to rumble for some reason and her face redened when she noticed the way Sarah was staring mesmerized, looking down at the strange womans feet!----Liz reacted to that peculiar stare of her sister by allowing her own eyes to roam down along the lady's thighs and legs as well, and noticed the well appointed three inch strappy sandles she was wearing along with what appeared to be shadow Toe Sheer Nylopns with Seams, allowing the big lady's sparkling Bright Blue Nail polish to gleam through the wispy light Grey Nylons!----SHIT!--Liz Thought to herself!---They were just like the kind that Old Moore always ended up purchasing!---"Could She B----eeeeee!"----Liz didn't finish her thought!-----"WHO--RUN DIS SHOP?"----The loud voice that Boomed out caused Liz to Blanche! Then Red Faced, she began backing up defensively toward where her counter opening was when she first noticed Sarah and the woman standing facing each other on each side of the closed doors of the Boutique!------The Lady began walking imperiously towards where Liz had back paddled too. As she was approaching, Liz noticed that Sarah was following right behind the agressive woman with her head down and with eyes that were still glued to the back of the lady's Heels!-----What The Fuck Was This All About?---Liz was thinking, as the woman wass now facing her from a short distance away!---Liz was standing straight up behind her counter with the woman standing much taller and opposite her from the other side of it!---She watched as the Lady placed her hands on her hips wearing an unmistakable Scowl on her sculptured Black Marble Face!-----Exotic!-----Was the Way she appeared to the very confused Liz Blancard!----She had High Cheek Bones, Wide Very Ligh Greenish Brown Eyes, a Full Head of very Thick Well Groomed Hair!---Her Skin had a Satin like Bronze Color!-----She was more than good looking for Her Age and and perfectly well groomed thought Liz, as she studied her closely. Albeit much older and probably the age of the two sisters put together. A Strong odor of almost intoxicating perfume permiated the atmospher around the Big woman!---Her perfume engulfed the air like an invisable aromatic cloud of pleasure, of which was causing Liz to tryto keep her sences in tact and keep from falling under the influence of it!------Liz desparetly was trying to size up this imposing lady, hoping inside that she was not going to be the adversary that she looked to be from her attitude toward her!------ There was total silence then!---Until it was Broken Suddenly By the Woman!----"Ma Naim Iz MS. Washington!"--------She announced stern faced!-----"Ah Well Yes Ms. Washington!---How Can I"---"DOAN CULL Me MS.-------- BITCH!---IT MRS. Washington!--Git Daht STRAYT!---The way she shouted our took Liz back for a moment or two and she was Speechless!----Liz was trying to regaing Her Balance feeling disoriented over the past few mimutes, as she retreated further away from the woman once more. feeling even more uncomfortable over this sudden aggression intrusion into the Boutique!---She had no buisiness being in here at this time and she certainly should not have been let inside in the first place by Sarah----The Actions of the woman were Absurd and she radiated Aggression!------ "UHM---UM Sorry Madame__AH--I Ah I'm Here Ta Help You Mame!"---Liz submissively replied hoping she could calm things down a bit!---"AIN DOAN CULL MIE MAME!---DAT CLEER!"-----Sarah had backed away even more with her back against the wall behind the glass counter. Looking down at the tops of the counters now, Liz almost could not bare to lift her eyes up!----But Liz looked between the counters where she would go to step into the display areas of the center area of Her Boutique!--It was a nervous reaction even though Mrs. Washington was Blocking Her way!---Her Eyes could no avoid taking in her well formed legs!---This certainly was and attractive older Black Woman, but one with and attitude as well!---------"Allow Me To Help You Madame!"-----Liz requested!----U--GOT Daht RYTE NOWL!----GIt OWT FROAM DARE AIN GIT DOUN OAN DOSE KNEES!"-----Mrs. Washington was now standing with her leg out in front of her, inside of the opening of the counter tops and she was pointning down to her feet with an extended long arm!----Long fingers with fiercely long Rapier like nails, which were covered with the same hi gloss Blue Polish that Coated the Nails on her toes, which were also unusually long!------This was the closest she had been to the lady so far and staring down at the feet of Mrs. Washington!----Liz took pause realizing that she was doing the exact same thing as her sister was doing!------"What Do You Want Me Too DO?"---Liz questioned Mrs. Washington in an unusual meek sounding voice!-----Liz's face glowed red and She felt as if Her Knees would soon give out from beneath her!----She thought she heard Sarah Laugh after she had asked that question, and felt un-nerved about her sister now!-----How the hell did Sarah allow this shit to happen?----Why did my Stupid Sister Let her in Here?-------Liz felt her head start to pound and her eyes became Blurred in Fear!-----She knew one thing!---This surely was no Hold Up!---This woman was Angry and for whatever reason Liz did not know!----"Mame---Oh I'm Sorry!----I Meant Madame!---What Seams to Be Th---------------! SAHH---LAMMMM!---A Huge, fast moving Open Back Handed Open Hand of Mrs. Washington's left extended arm Slammed across the face of Liz so quickly it Smashed Liz so hard across across the left side of her face, that the Store owner was Bounced into the Wall behind the counter once banging her head and her back up aganist the Hard Metal Shelves which were packed with a variaty of Boxes and Plastic containers of lingeries, Bras and Nylons, some of which came falling down all over Liz and around the floor!----The force from hitting the wall behind her was so hard, it propelled her back again forward to almost where she was originally standing, putting her right into the opening where Mrs. Washinton was holding out her muscular well leg which she had place there in order to have Liz to kneel down before it!-------The Blow to Liz's head nearly caused her to lose conciousness!----Falling in what seemed to be slow motion!---Out of Sorts!-----Facing Down!-----She had no idea by then where she was!----As she lay on top of a asortment of scattered Panties and Nylons!---Liz was totally Unprepared, when a Hard Knee snapped her head up as it was falling towards Mrs. Washington's foot!-------The Knee met her face just at the moment when her face was pointing straight down!----The impact was Vicious!-----Had Liz by some instinct, turned her head slightly, she would not have received the crushing force of the knee straight in the middle of her face!----Head pain Rocked the younger owner and it was enough to force Liz to collapse right down on top of Mrs. Washington's Right Foot which was plated over some of the fallen lingerie where it had been moments ago!---Now!---The right hand of Mrs, Washington Took hold of Liz's Head by Her Hair, and began to Rubbing Liz's face continuously all around and over the tops of her Nylon covered Feet!--------Never In Her Life had Liz been BOWED DOWN to another Woman, or Man for that matter, and in a Daze Liz Realized that this Evil Woman was Forcing Liz's Lips To Run Along Her Feet in a Total Dejecting Way as if Liz Was In FACT!----WORSHIPING HER FEET!-------As Out of it as Liz was Right Now She Was concious enough to Feel Humilated and Sick to her stomach, over What was taking place!----Unable to put a stop to it, she hoped that Her Sister Sarah would help her in some way!-------Mrs. Wahington was allowing her sharp toe nails to dig right into the reddened cheeks of the Shop owner who was barely concious and slightly aware of what Mrs.Washington was doing to her!----This was not the case for Sarah!---Who!---Stood by Glued in her tracts!---More Amazed and Captivated by what was happening than concerned over what was happeing to her Sister!-----It was almost as if some kind of Drug had induced her to keep perfectly still and keep her in a a state of Awe over the Black Woman!----Had Liz been more concious she would have felt the sheer fabric of Mrs. Washington's Nylon, and the Aroma of the same Perfume which was on it all over her face now!---Mrs. Washington had no intention of using her knee to knock Liz unconcious!---Not at All!----She wanted to hurt the girl yes!---But her real intention was to teach Liz a LESSON!----Backing away from the fallen girl then for about four feet, Mrs. Washington turned to look Directly at Sarah who was looking up at her obediantly!-------- Sarah was about 5'7" tall and well shaped with a figure 34x24x33" Bod . Long Legs Light Green Eyes and Frizzy Brownish Blond Hair. twenty six years old , very pretty and slender at 115lbs. Liz was taller!----Almost Five Foot Eeleven inches tall, with long legs and around 33x26x35 slender but solid due to her rigid athletic routines when not at work. Liz shoulder length Black Hair, Baby Blue Eyes and Milky White Skin!------- Sarah stood perfectly still as Mrs. Washington stepped closer too Liz's Terrified Sister!---Aside from being Terrified, Sarah was Mesmerized by the Tall Marvelously imposing Black Woman!---Sarah couldn't keep her eyes off of the Thick powerful thighs and the long length of her powerful and shaply legs!--- A much too short Black Leather Skirt came down only enough to barely cover the lady's garter straps which were fastened to the expensive Nylons she wore. Her Thick Red Lips were parted now and her full Sparkling White Teeth Glared down at the young Sarah!----By instinct!---Mrs. Washington had known from the moment that Sarah had laid eyes on her outside of the Store moments ago that this was a submissive Young white girl the likes of which she had dominated in the past and would look forward to doing the same right now!------Grinning Broadly at the younger sister, Mrs. Wahington repeated the gesture she had used moments ago to Liz when Liz was standing inside the openings just inside of her counters!---The Long Extended fingernails were pointing downward to Mrs. Washingtons Shoes!-----Mrs. Washington heard Music to her ears when she heard the Crackle from Sarah's Knees as the girl bent down abjectly to procede in following what Mrs. Washington had intended for Her!----Behind the two, attempting to regain her strength back while she still lay on the carpeted floor near her counters, Liz could barely see what was going on from the floor until she was able to turn her head which was pounding now and could see Mrs. Washington's Heels and Calves!-------Sarah had two emotions!---Horror!---After she noticed her Sister's Face lying over both of Mrs. Washington's Hosiery Covered Feet!---Disgust!---Realizing that what Sarah was doing seemed to be hopelessly Voluntary!----The Shocked Liz was able to reach back for the strength that she was struggling for and got her self quietly up on her stocking feet!---------- Suddenly!---Mrs. Washington's World turned upside Down!---The Ceiling was not where it should have been, and neither was the floor carpeted floor upon which she had been standing on!---Severe Pains were Rocking Her Head clouding her Brain as the Big Woman Crashed into a disply of Packages of Nylons and Panties that been set in the middle of the center of the Shop!-------Hitting sideways and Harsly, then rolling involuntarily over on her back, both of her long muscled arms flailed to each side of her and onto the floor!----Mrs. Washington was completely Stunned!-----Bairly Concious!------What seemed to be minutes to her lying flat on her back now had only been seconds, when a pair of Nylon feet began an Angry Dance all over the Thick Thighs and torso of Mrs. Washington!----Angry Liz Blanchard was so intense that Her Kicking kept intensifying, with a rythmic pattern as she soon directed her kicks upward until she finally caught the side of the head of Mrs. Washington!------But those kicks however; were not as forceful enough due to the impulsive movements of Mrs. Washingotn who from instinct way back in the past when it came to fighting, was naturally able to recover somewhat and soon up on her own feet asid she was a Cat stalking a prey!-----Her instinct alone was enough for her to know exactly what to do in a situation like this!---A Swift movement to one side and a fake to the other and the Large Woman went up on her feet easily!---In an opposing stance; Albeit still glassy eyed Mrs. Washington was zeroing in on Liz, who had regained her own stregnth and stepped aside herself in order to regain her dominant position, but it was in vain for her movements were much too slow to avoid the long leg that reached out and caught the Shop owner directly between her legs!----Liz Went Down again!-----Aching all over it was beginning to register in her mind that this was going to be an un surmountable Hill to climb!---Ahletic and with a sinewy cat like speed, Liz Blanchard was definitly no pushover!---But Her Clock had been cleaned twice already and as desparet as she was, she was feeling her confidence decline and FEAR Swelling in her mind!------Rolling over onto her back the first thing that met her eyes once she opened them was the bottom of the Shoe of Mrs. Washington, inches away from the front of her face!-----------