DOUBLE DOSE OF DEGRADATION Pt. 3 by Vivianne Kate Farrow and Terry Fox reached their Motorcycles slowly and deleberately feeling the eyes of the men from the Bar following their every move. Both Biker Girls were smiling to themselves as they made a special effort to Grind their Big Biker Boots into the Gravel of the driveway in front of the Roadside Bar!---The tentative expressions on the faces of the men watching were not noticed by either Kate or Terry, but the two already knew that none of them dared say a word!---Kate Farrow at 41 years old, was over six feet tall and weighed a Solid 165 lbs. While Terry standing 5'5" weighed 115 lbs. and was as Pwerfull if not a more skilled fighter than the Big Blond Kate!---Terry's short Black Hair gave her a more approachable look, but anuyone who ran a foul of her, or who made rude remarks got a quick lesson from Terry whose fiery temper was well known amongst many biker Gang Members and unfortunate reipients! Kate and Terry were still really Pissed Off over the long absence of their Macho Biker partners Doc Carter and Chad Davis!---Thinking that the two of them had drifted off on their own without telling the Mamas as they had done in the past to Pick up some local girls or start a Rumble somewhere, the women had no ideas as to where they were or what they were uo too, nor would they ever have beleived what was happening to these two Tough Dudes Right at this time!---Neither would anybody else who had known the Dudes!---- Penny and Courtney were laughing again as they stood outside of the Large Stable along with their two step Sisters Kelly and Taylor Parker watching Yu Won and Her sister Jiang Leading Doc Carter and Chad Davis around the dirty Stable floor as they tried to keep up with the raped walking Chinese Girls, stumbling and nearly falling as each girl Pulled and yanked the men by the thick leather Bridles that the two girls had attached to their heads. Thick Metal Bits cramped the mouths of the Bikers stretching and pulling their heads back, as both of the Asian Girls forced the Exhausted and Beaten Men to continue moving Backwards over and over again as they had been doing for the past hour. Both Penny and Courtney had watched the way their Step Sisters Kelly and Taylor had given the two intruders on their property a sound Ass Kicking when the two Dudes Crashed their Motorcycles accidently there!---When their Parents divorced Courtney and Penny went to live at the Cross J Ranch owned by their Grandmother Terry Baxter and where their Father's first wife of two years, Christie Collins Lived. Both girls were visiting Their step sisters today when the two Bikers had happened on this property by mistake!---After staying too long at the Bar they were at earlier with Kate and Terry who had gone off ahead of them, anoyed that both of their Dudes were to involved and fawning over the Woman sitting at the bar next to them. Kate and Terry, used to this typical behavior were more interested in meeting up with them later after they found the Cross J Ranch where they all hoped to find out what exactly had happened to their Biker Gang leader Deke Forrest who had disappered over two Months ago. Picking up rumors here and there the four some decided to stay behind their roaming Gang, determined to find their Champion and Respected Leader Friend if it was the last thing they did. Neither of the four could accept the growing reality that Deke could have fallen into foul play. They wanted to get him back! Once the Bikers rode up to this stable and realized that they had happened on the wrong property they were about to turn back, but got distracted by the Pretty Young Girl s exiting the Stable's entrance about 50 feet ahead of them, Both riders didn't notice the three foot deep Gulley covered with Hay that had fallen from a Hay Truck Days before!--The Two Men Crashed into the Ditch so Hard, their Motorcycles were Strewn about, Wrecked, and the two men were Kniocked Senceless as the Girls Looked On Laughing Hysterically at them where the two Dudes lay Srpaun in the Ditch! Doc Caster stood just under 6'2" in Height, Weighing 190 solid lbs. with Curly Black Hair that was combed over to cover his Balding Head. Doc was a Tough Dude.An X Army Ranger and later X Con. A Brawler from the word go, Doc Had been Jailed on many occassions!--His Best Buddy Chad Davis was much better looking and stood 5' 9" in Height and Weighed a Slim, Muscular 170lbs. Chad had no Military background but was an ex-con himself who became a follower and an admirrer of Doc. Chad was a trouble maker from the get go and had often gotten in trouble with women often. Chad had influenced his Idol Doc to follow along the same path which continually annoyed Kate Farrow and Terry Fox. This kind of behavior explianed their goings on today and had they not lingered at the Bar and gone along with their women to search out the Cross J Ranch they would not have ended up in this awful situation, at the Mercy of these Young teens and the two Chinese College Girls who worked part time at Taylor and Kelly Parker's Mom's Ranch. Doc Carter was Besides himself in Humiliation as Jiang Pulled Him efffortlessly, while the big nearly naked Biker stumbled along hellplessly!- ---Chad, Completely Naked would still be yelling and scoffing at Doc had it not been for the Cruel Horse's Bit That Stretched his Thick Lips painfully making him unable to utter words clearly. Doc Carter Was wearing Pink Panties!---When the Teens Stripped the Defeated Bikers, Chad noticed a Pair of Pink Sissy Panties on his Idol with Delicate WhiteLace Trim all around the leg openings and the Waist of the Sexy Panties. Poor Doc didn't know what to say and he tried to explain himself, but he was being manhandled by one of the girls and couldn't get Chad's attention. However; How could he tell Chad that Terry Fox had been Kicking the Shit out of him on a regualr basis. Terry was an expert Kick Boxer and she had taken this big dude to task from the very begining of their coming together without the knowledge of any one else including Kate Farrow, her friend and confident. From the Moment two of the Teen girls Netted The Dazed Bikers, who were trying to come to in the Soggy Gulley by using an old fishing Net they had planned to use for some time!-----And until this very moment, when Yu Won and Her Sister Jiang abruptly stopped Parading both men around the Barn, neither of the dudes really understood where they were or what was happening!-----Chad Davis was covered in Mud and Straw that stuck all over him. His face was a mixture of Caked Mud and Horse Shit. The Foul oder was matched by his Buddy Doc, who had been dumped into a pile of Dung by Jiang, after being let down with Chad from the second tribulation of theirs where they were restrained from the high beams of the Stable this second time. Not by Taylor or Kelly, but Jiang and Yu!----The girls had decided to take them down to clean the two up when once almost free Chad decided he would make another atempt to fight The girls once more the first chance he got. The hatred Chad had for anyone that got the best of him was legend!-------- Chad took no shit from anyone and now he was so insensed because a couple of young teen Girls had Kicked and Literally whipped his and Doc's Asses more than once and then later these two Chinese girls who worked at the Ranch part time, joined in to give both friends a sound Beating and that defeat pushed Chad over the edge. He wanted Revenge!--Ashamed of Doc, Chad's now Panty wearing former Buddy and Idol, wasn't one he could wait on to come to his senses!--------Doc might have been a hard ass X Special Opps veteran, but that was in the Past. Chad realized this as he watched Yu Won Bring the Big Biker to Tears and as he had Listened in disgust, Doc Started To Beg the young Chinese Girl for forgiveness!-----Another thing that Chad could not forget were the Parker Girls, Penny, and Courtney Collins, the step sisters of the Parkers and whose Mother Chritie Collins was the Daughter of Terry Baxter, the owner of the Cross J Ranch where both men should be now with Kate Farrow and Terry Fox.--------"MEN---STINK!--------- WASH NOW!"---Summoned Yu Won Looking at the four girls who were watching and enjoying what they were seeing as the Chinese Sisters brought the men to the front of the stable. Kelly was the first to step forward as Yu Won 5'5" and weighing 105lbs and sister Jiang 5'7" and 115 pounds, were unfastening the Briddles and Bits of both the Naked Bikers. Kelly and Taylor had changed into their new Boots and they complimented that by putting on very tight Navy Colored Shorts with light Blue Arobics Tops!--The young girls were Good Gymnasts, Riding and Kick Boxing Students. They performed Horse Breaking, excelling in that despite their rather young age. They were well respected in Riding Clubs in the area for the number of events they competed in. It was Taylor who took hold of Chad by the Reigns attached to his Bit that still held his head in place. Much bigger and Hoping to get up enough strength to attact this girl, Chad began to fromulate his plan. For Doc Carter however, the Bigger man would not be much help and Chad could not rely on him!--As soon as the shorter Kelly took hold of the Long Reins in her Thin hands and Looked up into Doc's eyes, the Man Collapsed down onto the Gravel in front of the stable with his Head Hung Down facing the New Boots of theYoung Girl!-----Laughter rang out form Yu and Jiang, Courtneyand Penny. So shamed was he by His Mentor, Chad had an unexpected reaction! His Long Penis Jumped for some Reason from Humiliation over what he was seeing!----------Shame!--- was all that Doc could feel now. His Best Buddy and Biker Partner had discovered the Secret of he Panties!-------Doc had been completely Whipped, Humbled and Embarrase by the Girls!----If word got out about this he would be ruined. He Knew that Chad was so insensed over his plight that he would not keep all it to himself. What else would Chad find out about him next he worried as he felt Kelly Move her Boot Slowly to the side of his face.---Doc Heard a Groan from Chad when he heard!--------"APAROGYE---TUU--BOOT--OVE--GURRL!"--- Hissed Yu!---Bringing more Laughter from the other five onlookers!