CHRISTIE & DEBBIE 8. By Vivianne STRESSED and AGONIZING!----Stationary and immovable for the past hour and a half!---- It was already My Third Week here at MIss Courter's Home!-----Because I never showed up that Saturday Morning over at Mrs. Baumus's Home, my neighbor across the way from my parents house. As She had requested sternly, that I do!---It was just as well that I adhered to the advice given to me by Miss Courter!-----See Chapters 1-6 CHRISTIE & DEBBIE By Vivianne: There was plenty of time left in the Summer before I was to return to Graduate Study in Fine Art; for me to get as much training in Art from an accomplished Artist like this strange neigbor of Mine, Miss Courter!---As possible!----It was common knowledge around My neighborhood that She had expressed an interest in Me, discovering that I was pursuing a Career in the Fine Art field!-----I had only seen this strange tall fairly strong looking woman twice: Once as She strolled along Our quiet Street in front of the Kenney"s Home adjacent to the Railroad Tracks that were opposite. The Tracks Sat up high on a ridge that ran parallel to the road!---Again on a cold Winter afternoon entering Her Home whitch sat privately away from some of the others along that road!------Each time I was surprised to See Her sporting a Long Black Shiny Raincoat and wearing some SURPRISING Heavy Black Leather High Heeled Thick Soled BOOTS!-----Her outfit took me by surprise when I frist noticed the Massive looking Woman!---I had no idea at the time, just who She was, but My shock at Her attire Brought about a confusing reaction in me!---I was suddenly interested in seeing Her again!----One can only imagine My pleasant surprise once I learned from Mrs. Kenney whom I was working for in Her Cellar, that this so called acomplished Artist had been asking about me and telling neighbors that She would like to meet with me and discuss my interest in Art, and what exactly were My Plans for it in the future!------ "One Must Understand!---ART Is A Far More Difficult Discipline Than Most People Realize Young Man!"----She Said to Me that Firszt Moment I stepped inside Her House on that first Saturday Morning!-------"YES!---DISCIPLINE!----And SENSITIVITY!-----LEARNING How To Experience So Many Unusual Sides Of Life!"---------She said as She Glarred down at Me!---I was suddenly wittnessing a totally different Side of this Woman that I had seen inside of Mrs. Kenney's Kitchen the Day before this meeting!------ "I-----AM Well Aware Of What Has Been Going On With You Lately!---These Young Girls Have, unfortunately for You!---Been Teaching You Quite a Surprising Lesson!----Have They Not?"---She continued as I suddenly began to feel squemish doubting if I should have come to Her Home at All!--------- "There Is One Observation I Did Take Note Of However!---Those Nylons Of Your's!------You Know Victor!------Inside The Kenney's Kitchen!---The Nylons Mrs. Kenney Said Were Given To You By Your Girl Friend!---What Was Her Name?---OH!---YES!---Patty!---Were You Aware That Her Mother Is A Friend?---------Interesting!----But You See!------I Liked That You Had Your First Opportunity To Explore A New Senesitive Side Of Things For Once!------This Is Very Important In The World Of The ARTS!"------ I Couldn't take much more of what I was going through at the mement!-----Thinking about that first day was keeping me from falling over!---It wasnt easy to remain in the agonizing position I was still in so far Today!-----By This time here in the third week living inside Miss Courter's Home, I already had already become a different person altogether!------It was part of What She Recommended as An important insightfull training regimen to aclimate myself for the discipline of the Arts!--------- Five inch HEELS!----Black Shiny Ones with a thin Heel that was Like a Nail!----I was Hariless!---At the end of My first Week She carefully began to fundamentally Change Me from My muscular masculine appearence, Drastically!-----First: She emphasized KEENLY the need to separate Myself from everything around Me!---She convinced Me toe notlet anyone know that I would be living alone here in Her Home!---Miss Courter was particular in Her resoning that it was necessary to isolate and Remove all of the influences around Me!-----She suggested that I let everyone know,in particular My girl friend and parents that Iwould be staying with a School mate for The rest of the sunner which was had 10 weeks left!-----I had no problem convincing My parents, but Patty was another thing all together!---Miss Courter said that Mrs. Kenney was willing to let MeRemain with Her for Several weeks!---I was miffed about that but I eagerly went along with Her Wishes!----I was Motivated and overly Willing to learn as much as Possible from such a well Know Skilled Artist!------ Isolation and Patience was the first order of direction that totally caught Me By Surprise that first Morning, in less than an hour that first Morning!-------- "SO YOU Recognize THESE!"-----She suddenly Scolded Me as She moved within an Inch of My Quickly Reddening Face!--------I paled as I was staring at the Very Pair of Ruined Nylons that I had first donned and had worn that second Day sown inside of Mrs.Kenney's Basement!---The Very Fucking Nylons that I stupidly let My girlfrien Patty convince Me to Don along with a Garter Belt, in order to alleviated the Pain in my back after i hurt it working down in Her Basement!-----The Same Nylons and Garter Belt that She took from Her Mom and the ones Everyone including Miss Courter Saw Me waring!----The ones that I had been waring when Debbie and Christie and girls found Me waring as I left Mrs.Kenney's House in Humiliation and then ganged up on Me!---Ruined and Laden with Runs!---- In a moment I was chewing on them, and without a chance to try and understand what was coming next, I found Myself face to face with The Very Boots that Had so impressed Me the Very first time I had laid eyes on this Statuesque Woman Artist!---- There wasn't much for Me to think about as I was standing still, so I continued to reflect on the past three weeks. I was thinking about everything I had learned so far!---Despite the Restrictive ways in which She Went about initiating My lessons, I alowed Her to Start Me out in This strange training more than willfully!---During that first Morning She Was Quick to introduce Me to the fine Art of Worship!----And that Began with the Taller Woman's Massive BOOTS!-----I had no idea how much I would soon Relish Worshiping by kissing and Licking Her Pair of High Black Boots!------Powerful ones like these on a woman whom I certainly felt, could over power Me at will!------- "In Order To Truly BeginTo Learn Sensitivity!-----You Shall Be Stripped And Confined!"--------With My Head Down, and My face practically lying on Her Booted Feet!---Without resistance I was aware that I had Crossed the Line!----Her Line!"-----Willfuly I allowed Myself to be Stripped and Man handled for the remainder of the Day only to be required to spend the rest of that first Day learning the sensitivity of a more feminine side of Me that I had no knowledge of at the time!------That whole week began with Me confined inside of Miss Courter's Bedroom!------ "What Is Paramount In An Artist's Experience!---Is The Ability To Explore New Sensations!----We will Begin By Allowing You to Continue The Exploration that You Have Recently indulged In!"---------Miss Courter Led me that first Evening inside Her Massive Bedroom and She Directed me to a large Dresser on the opposite side of the Room!------"This Is Where We Will Begin!"---She Smiled looking dowm at me As I looked up to Her Admiringly from My Naked Kneeling Position on the floor by the foot of Her Bed!----- "KEEP STILL!"---She Barked!---re- entering the large open room where i had been standing hardly oveing int the High Spiked Heels!-----The Tray that Was Attached to My waist and fastened by a Belt that went around My Waist, was held inplace by two thin chains that were clipped to the outerside of the Tray and were upwasrdly attached to My Nipples by Clamps that were causing both of My Nipples to Burn with pain because of the weight form the Tray!------This Seving Tray was for Me in order to serve two Guest that Miss Courter had invited earlier!---She felt it would be be a surprise for Me, since I had not seen anyone else for Three long weeks!-------Today was an on going lesson for Me to learn to understand Sub Servience!---A way for Me to realize the difference in the experience of others, and the importance of what everyone else undergoes in their lives!--------- "You're ATTITUED Must Undergo An Eptihany!-----What You were Will Not Suffice!---Your Once Cocky Arrogant Self Has Been Transcended Into A Willing And Sensitive Observer!"---------- I heard the Door Bell, and Hesitated to Turn My head!----Fortunately, if I Had The Three Champaigne Glasses Miss Courter was ready to place on My Tray would have fallen to the Floor!--------"WAIT!--Until I Summon You!"-------She Scolded!------ I stood Straight up!----I could feel My Legs Quivering in Painfull Arched Positions!--My Ankles Were Screaming from the Heigh of the Heels!----My body ached, and the worst part were the Aching In My Balls, which had been Compressed by the Stingent Ball Spreader I had been waring since 8:00 Pm. the night before!-----The thin Pale Blue Panties were My only protection!--I was mortified that isoon I would be entering a room where Others would be waiting to receive the Drinks that were now resting on My Tray!------ There were Voices!---Loud and Familiar Voices!---They Were The Voices of the KENNEY"S------