PICKED UP ON AGONY STREET part 5 by Vivianne All that Ned Cole could think of at the time was Why Sorita was Walking Around WAVING The Two NYLONS! And Smiling at him so WICKEDLY!--- Then He Heard Her cell Phone Ring and she Abruptly Left the Room and Abandoned Him once again while He HUNG PAINFULLY From the Barr Attached By CHAINS to the Vaulted Ceiling of this Large Room!---For several minutes Ned Hoped For Her Return But soon He Began to Fear It Would Not be soon and He Would Have to continue Hanging for Yet another Long and Cruel Period of Time! -----Ned Began to think back now and agonize over the events before! He Was Exhausted and Had Never Undergone Such a Severe Whipping as the One Her Slim Hands Had Delivered to Him Two Hours Ago!---Ned Hadn't Dreamed that this Lovely Young Girl would Have Manhandled Him so Easily and Painfully After she Had Released Him from his Leash That Had Been Attached to The Side Mirror of Her SUV!----In his Tortured and Tormented State He made The Ultimately Dumb Decision to Declared to Her That if he Had A Chance Why Then her Would Give Her a Well Deserved Beating She Had Coning to Her for Treating Him the Way that she Had been after Picking Him Up!--- Delighted Because of This anticipated Challenge From this Arrogant Cowboy Vagrant, Sorita Granted Ned His Wish! ---------"JOU----WEASH""TSO---HALVE--- EI---FYTE---A-WEETHEEE""Sorita?-----OH---KAI------Jou -PREYER""EEZ---AND""SERD- --Sein""JOUR!" She Replied!---The Face of this Pretty Latino was Dead Serious and The Expression was not Lost On Ned Cole Who Suddenly Realized That This Was a more than likely a Big Mistake on his part!----------This Man Was Exhausted at the time and in no condition to challenge the young Mexican Beauty!-------------------But Still, This Was Absurd!---Here Was This Strong Tough Cowboy Asking to Face Off Against a 5'2" Slim Pretty Latina who had Some Asian Features as Well. Only despite that Ned Had To Redeem Himself For His Own Pride and His Self Esteem! ----However, His Beaten and Battered Body was Abandoning Him Now and he Could Hardly Stand Up, Let Alone Put Up Much of a fight Right Now with Even such a Small girl Like Sorita!------"Sein Jour?---Dux----JU---Sea---DE""BOUUT""OVE---SORITA?---- --JOUUUU""WIEL""SUNE---MEET---DI""BOUUTS""Sein""Jour!---- AHN---JOU---Wiel---- PREY---TU""KEEEES---Di---BUUUTS""OVE -SORITA!""Sein-Jour -CAL---BOI!----- NOAH?"---She LAUGHED As She POINTED Her FINGER DOWN TO Her BOOTED FEET For Ned To SEE! And LAUGHED EVEN HARDER NOW!-------------------------Despite The Horrible and compromising Condition that Ned Cole was In at Present He Still was Somewhat Mesmerized By The Beauty of this PRETTY YOUNG Sorita, and He Could Not Forget The Attractive BOOTS and The Impact They had On Him. He also was Remembering the Young Mexican right now From Last Night for some strange reason. Maybe that nightmare recollection was a Warning to this cowboy and He Remembered Now that he Too Had On a Pair of Boots not to much unlike those of Sorita! Ned had Glanced quickly at those feminine Looking Boots momentarily he recalled and was about to laugh and poke fun over them, but of course the cowboy wasn't given that chance! They Were Black With a Pointed Hobnail Toe That Had Glistening Metal Tip Metal Tips and the Heels of The Young Mexican Were thick and Also made of Metal!---- The Young Stranger Had Punished Ned Severely With Those Metal Heels and BOOTS, OVER and OVER AGAIN, to the Amusement of The Rest of the Patrons In the Bar Before Taking Him By the Hair and Dragging Him Outside of the Saloon and Verbally Insulting the Bruised and Battered Cowboy Prior to his Passing Out! Ned Could Still Hear the Laughter of the Two Ladies at the Bar and some of the Other Patrons While He Was Getting His Ass Kicked, And the Three Hombres that He Had Beaten were then Standing and Cheering the Young interloper Wildly as He Then delivered a Horrific STOMPING To Ned! It Seemed that They Themselves had been Reveling In Revenge for The Way that Ned Had Given them a Sound Ass Kicking Minutes Before!---But He Was Exhausted and Had Been Physically Spent from the Earlier fight and found that out The Minute the Young Mexican Faced Him! ----- Ned would Never Forget the Happy Expression on the FACE of the Young Mexican as He Was Standing over Ned's Beaten Body! -His Dazed, Stomped and Battered Muscled Frame Lay Along side Of His Old Car! The Young Mexican Must Have Removed His Jeans and Boots because All that Ned Could See AS He Looked Up at His Conqueror Through Blurred Eyes were Bare thighs and A Very Unusually Large Penis Facing Down at Him then!-- Now Ned Was Worried once again. FEARFUL That He Had Done Something he would regret! With time To Ponder His Situation Now, He Began to Realize this was his chance to Overcome the Rotten Position He Was in and Teach This Arrogant Pretty Tyrant Just who was the Boss Here!"""Just who the Hell does Thos Bitch Think She is?" Ned Puffed Himself Up muttering Out Loud to himself as He Was HANGING By Her Fucking Ceiling!---"What the Fuck Is Happening to me? Letting A Young Girl HANG My ASS Like This? I'm the One That Hangs Ass Around these Parts!""Not Some Kinky Fucking Mexican Split Tale!" -He Said To Himself in his attempt to Bolster His Sagging confidence! ---No Fucking Cunt Was Going To Push A Man Like Me Around Like This, Especially Not Ned Cole!----Totally, Beaten and Tired, Ned Still Was Managing To Sum Up Courage, to his Credit!---Ned Was Ready to Strike the First Blow!--------- Ned Thought about how he got his chance at Her!---And the Young Sorita Was Not Ready for it!---The Girl Had Not Expected Him To Gather Up the Strength at the Time!---No Doubt She had Underestimated The Big Man's Power and Resolve! -----She Had Gotten Overconfident and Didn't Consider the Resources of His Strength due To The way that She had Just Driven Him Around on Her Leash that She had Attached To The Mirror of Her Truck!--- She'd Observed him Getting Weaker and Weaker! ---the young Senorita had Truly Worn Him Out completely!--- She Knew That He Wasn't Crying For Nothing!------------------------- Sorita Noticed The Fist Coming straight at Her Too Late!""she Feinted, at The Very Last Moment and It Grazed Her With Half Of its Force Across The Left side Of Her Face and Sent Her Flying Back Two Feet Hitting The Hard Desert Ground Forcefully!---Sorita was Only WEARING HER PANTIES Now and Since Her Legs were Spread Apart He Caught a Glimpse of He Pussy Through Black Lace Panties which were Her Favorite!---Ned Had a Start!---He Reacted At Once as His Face Blushed Right Away!----Naked Except For His Worn filthy Cowboy Boots with His Big Cock Swelling, He Stood for a second Transfixed By the Vision of Her Delicate Pussy Before Him!-----Noticing a Wet Spot Peering Up at Him, His Eyes Narrowed as he Stared at It!---Ned Thought that his Punch had Been Harder Than it Was!- Underestimating the girl, Ned Figured that this Was His Chance! ------As for Sorita, She Was More Shaken by the Impact from Hitting the Harsh Desert Ground than from the Punch which Ned Cole Thought Had Connected Fully!---Sorita was Feeling Pain but Still was able to Recognize the Expression on the face of the Cowboy! She could See How Transfixed He was looking down at Her Pussy!--- She Bought Time By Keeping Her Legs apart and Started To Move them Slightly and Seductively!---Knowing Full well that He Had Mistakenly Thought that his Punch had Done More Damage Sorita Pretended to Let Her Head Fall Back in the Dusty Sand and Begin to Close Her Eyes so that they appeared to be Shut.----Stupidly Cole Concluded that He Had In all Probability Knocked Her Out Cold! ------He Was Going to Fuck Her and Fuck her But Good for What she had done to Him! He Cupped His Right Hand Around His Bulging Penis and Began To Stroke it Very Slowly!-----"Ahm gona""fuck dis bitch fuckin good man!" He Mouthed to himself so low that he hadn't thought that Sorita Heard him!---Sorita Let Her Legs Flatten On the Sandy surface of the Desert Ground and Let Them Spread as if in a Unconscious Deductive Move To Entice The Horny Hungry Hombre!---She Knew In Her Mind that His Huge Cock and Balls Were Hot, and A Trophy For Any Woman!---Or she Laughed to Herself, any Men also If One Were So Inclined!---- She Also Knew that She Was Going top Put Those Balls to their Test.---And A very Special Test Indeed, in just a Few Seconds!---As the Young Girl Began To Move Her Body as if she Were Out of It!---------She began to Spread Those legs even Wider!""Ned Cole Dumbly Thought that Fate Had Intervened and given him the chance he so deserved! An Opportunity that he had not anticipated moments before!.---- Ned Cole should have Taken a Moment to Check to See if Sorita had in Fact Been Knocked Out, but He Was Too incensed by his desire to Fuck Her and Fuck her Good, To think Straight by Now and She Knew It! -In Seconds!---Ned Made His Move and Stepped forward slumping Down Hard Hitting Sorita Hard due to the Physical Weakened State that he Was In.---As Ned Began To Move Forward in an Attempt to Place his Arms Along Side Of Sorita He felt a Thunderous Impact that shook his Senses so violently that everything around him went Black!---So Swift, So Harsh, and So Forceful was the Speed of Her Booted Toe, and Her Placement that Connected With Big Ned's Balls, that If An Observer Were Present They would not have Seen it Happen, But Would Have Heard the Impact!-------OOOOAAAAAHHHH-------GGGOOOOODDDDDDD---- NNOOOOOAAAAHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhh!"---SCREAMED Ned As He Collapsed On Sorita's Prone Body! And Went Out!-- As She Pushed Him Off of Her Fast, And Quickly Moved sideways, She Was On Her Booted Feet even Before He Actually Hit The Ground!---She Was So Fast and He Was So Slow!---Ned Cole's Slowness in Hitting the Sandy Hard Ground As Her Boot Flipped Him Over, did not Lighten his Impact any, and His Body and Face Were Mashed Into the Sandy Gravel Like Surface!----No Sooner Had The Man Found his Face in the Dirt than She Was Mounted right on top of Him and Beginning To Grind Her Boot Heels Into His Already Aching Back and Bulging Ass Cheeks!---Sorita Was incensed as She Delivered A Series Of Wicked and Cruel Kicks To this Man who had The Audacity To Think That he Could Best Her in a Competition!-----This Was a Man That Truly Needed A sound Beating For His Arrogance and Stupidity!------ -------------"JU----ARRR---WHAN---FAKIN---BASTER---SEINJOUR""ANJOU""WIEL --- BI""SARY""DU""JOU ---ANDIR""STAIN?"""Sorita SCOLDED Him As She STOMPED VICIOUSLY AWAY On His Once Again TORMENTED PHYSIQUE!--- "Sein---JOUR""DUZ""JU- RAIMIMBOUR""WHAIN""AY""A""SAID""FORE----JOU""IEF---MAI-- -BUUTS""MAS---KNEE""AI---KEEES?---WOL---AY""TING---EAT""IES---DI----TYME!---- NO?"----- Sorita Stepped Off Of The FLATTENED MAN and STEPPED Directly In Front Of His Face Lying sideways In a Pile of Dust and Sand!""She Moved Her Right Boot under His Face and Lifted it Upright Ordering The Defeated Man Too!--- --"KEEES----BUUUTS!----AN MAI---SEUUURRR---AI""FAIL---DI""KKEEESES---HOMBRE!"- -------Ned's TONGUE COULD NOT HAVE MOVED FASTER!----He Was Terrified Now once again of a Continuation of further assault Form The BOOTS of this Girl and the BOOT'S HEELS! He wasn't Getting Fucked, He Thought to himself as he Recalled Clearly what Happened With Sorita!""But He Sure Got Fucked didn't He?----- She Kept Changing Her Position so that He Could Tongue Kiss and Lick Clean The NICE BOOTS Until There Wasn't a Spec of dust or Sand On Them!--- Sorita kept Directing Him as to Where To Use His Tongue Effectively and she was not Hesitant To Scold the Terrified and Trembling Cowboy When He Was Shortcoming in His Efforts!----She Was Humiliating Ned Cole More Than He Was Ever Humiliated In his Entire Life!-----However Strangely He somehow wanted to Please This Pretty Young Tormentor as if that would somehow lesson His Degrading Feeling and Cause Her To Show a kind Of Pity on Him!--- This Was The Very first time In His Life That He Let a Woman, or Girl Run Roughshod and Manhandle Him and Push Him Around!---The Very Thought of Such a Nightmarish Event Was Beyond His Imagination!""And Yet!---Here He Was, Down At Her Feet!-----And Sorita Had Just Started Telling Him That!----- "SEINJOUR---DUZ---JOU""SEA---DEAS----EEAS---HAWARE""JOU ---HALF""BILAONG-- -FAR""SEW""LOANG""SEIN---URE---ESTUPAID---HAMBRAY!""" She LAUGHED LOUDLY!------ --- Often they would hear an Auto or Truck traveling along the normally deserted Roadway but they were so far away from it that surely no one would have seen where they were or what was taking place. Had Anyone seen this why it would have Shamed Ned To The Base of His Bones!---Such a Strange and Bizarre Sight the Two Were!---He, Prone Along the Desert Floor Without a Stitch of Clothing On, Battered And Bruised Because of A Severe Beating The Night Before at the Hands and Booted Feet of A Young Mexican Boy and Now Wearing Only his Old Cowboy Boots, This Tall Tough Wrangler Was Licking the Boots of A Young 5'2" Latina after Suffering a Horrendous Trampling By Her BOOTS and receiving a comeuppance and a Heart Wrenching, Verbal Tongue Lashing as He Went About His Humbling Task!---She Stood Up Proudly In Her Obvious Delight and Glory As Her Naked Body Gleamed in the Sunlight!------ From Time To Time She Sneered Down at Her Muscular But Defeated Hombre who was so intent Worshipping Her Feet! -So Slight of Build and So Uncommonly Pretty with Such Light Skin!---- For a Latina Girl Her Light Milky Skin Contrasted with Her Pitch Black Silky Shiny Hair!----- Her Eyes Sparkled!--- Those eyes Could Have Served as A Warning to one to stay Away or Face A Similar Fate!------- As The BOOT Licking Was Nearing an End!---Sorita Spoke out Once Again!----Sein---JOUR----JOU""HALVE---KNOT---DOAN""WHEL---AN--- JOU""MASSSS""SAFFOR""FAR---DEEESSS!"---- Poor Ned Cole Was Beside Himself With Fear Then and Because of The Terror He Felt, Ned Cole Burst Out Into Tears!-------A Man Who Hardly Cried Even as a Young Boy Was Shedding Tears As IF His Eyes Were Like a Waterfall!""Shamed and Pleading Sorita Left Him for A While In The Sand As She Walked Head High Towards Her SUV! When He Felt Her Hand Wrap itself Around His Hanging Penis, He Swooned With Pleasure He Didn't Expect!""Sorita had Forced Him to stand Up Against the Hood of Her SUV Facing It!---During the time She had taken to Get On Some Clothes Ned had Recovered Somewhat!---And He Was Once Again Aroused, this time because of Her Hand Which she used on Him and How She Fucking Hot She Looked! Sorita Had On a Different Outfit Now!""She had Donned the Outfit quickly without him even noticing her putting it On!!-- It Was Erotic!-----She Was Also Holding Something In Her Hand!---Ned Knew What It Was!-----Ned Was Going to Get------WHIPPED!-----Sorita Held a Long Braided Bull Whip by The Thick Handle of the Whip!""and Ned Could Make Out it's Shape As Well!---It Had A PENIS HEAD On The TIP Of It And The HANDLE WAS BLACK and THICK!-----------------------------------------"OAAHHH__PA""PA- ---APLEEEESSSESE""DOAN""WHIP ---ME---MISS---PALEEESSEEEE!"""Ned Pleaded as Tears began to Fall Once More!--- Sorita Merely Smiled at the Cowboy and Spoke Softly Once More to the Tearful Cowboy!-------------------"Seinjour--- eeezzzz""ai""skare---oaf---Sorita!---NOAH?---seinjour -ai""alm---soari---bagh-- -jou -mass""bi---HAWEEPED""NAL---AN""Jou__MAS""SHOT""Jou""FACKIN--- MAUF""Seinjour!" What Had He Fucking Done To Himself He Thought!---No Man Should Be treated Like This By a Woman!---Especially from a Young and Pretty Latina!-- ---- To Be Treated in such a Way by this LATINA Was Worse than Vole Had Imagined! He hadn't Made a single Advance Towards Her when she had Picked Him Up and For What Reason She Felt Her Need To Trick Him So Wickedly wasn't Fair------Ned Was a Tough Cowboy who Always Got the Respect He Deserved. And if He Didn't get it naturally, from everyone, well he damned sure did after he Roughed them up.---Many a Man Cringed when faced with the Prospect of Fighting with Cole1""The Many women about Knew of His Tough Presence and gravitated to Him!---But This Slim attractive Short Mexican Latino had RAKED Ned Cole Over The Coals and Reduced The Big Man to Tears more than once in less than 24 Hours!---Sorita Struck Fear into The Cowboy and He Was Crying Tears of Shame and Cow towing To Her BOOTED FEET in Sorrow!-----Finally Ned Cole Did Decide To Admit To himself That He Would Do JUST ABOUT ANYTHING TO PLEASE Sorita, He would Do Whatever She Wanted Now and If She Would Just Give Him a Chance, He would willing apologize to Her For Whatever It Was he had done To Get On the wrong side of The Senorita!---- She Didn't She Had No Intention of Letting Up on Ned!---- Instead she casually felt that It would be a Good Idea to give this arrogant Dirty looking Cowboy Bastard Another BEATING, but This Time With Her BULL WHIP! Ned Cole had Seen Many Lopsided Fights and Whippings in his Travels and Experiences!-But This Was One For The Books and He Was On the Receiving end this Time! And He Was Getting it From the Slim 5'2" Young Latina Girl who Picked Him up and Fucked Him up!-----------------Poor Ned Cole Was Scarred Shitless as the Happy senorita let Fly With The FIRST LASH! Ned Cole Was shaken Out Of His Reverie When He Heard Footsteps coming From the other Rooms!--- He Could Tell that Someone Was coming Back to Where He Was Still Hanging!"""GOODDD!""I Hope She Lets Me Down From this Fucking Ceiling!" He Moaned to himself!""Ned couldn't Take Much More of This!---"Please Let Her Come Back and Get me Down He Prayed!"-----The Door Opened On The Other Side of The Room and someone else Entered The Narrow Hallway Between the large Room in which Ned Hung Holding The STOCKINGS that Sorita had Been Waving In The Cowboy's Face!