II Encore! Encore! # 25 By Viac and Cher © 2004 Okay, I know # 24 was hard - it was hard for us too! I had asked Cher to project our futures, and I guess she did it in her own way! No we aren't dead yet - we are both 32 - almost 33. Becky is just coming up on 3, as our Gwen becomes 2 and a bit more. It would be an apt end to our lives together - So to wrap the series up - I guess - This has been a long journey through our lives - and we opened our hearts, and minds to you, the general population, for one reason. Sapphics - Lesbians - are no different that you are. We just have a different take on life, love, and ourselves. Understand us, that is all we ask! I don't know if Viac, has gotten it all clear to you - but here is my take.. We are all human, and our humanity is the same, we have deep feelings for our own, we hurt, love, laugh, cry, and live - not much different than you do. As Sapphics we also share the joys and problems of having our own. Our kitten will grow up in a different world than we did, the life style of the GLBC is becoming more main stream every day - As I write these past few notes to our lives - it is late January 2004, and at long last - we are being accepted as we are - A couple - all be it, a different couple - but a Joined, couple no less. We are parents as well, and our daughter will be allowed to grow on her own, and make her own choices. Will she be a Lesbian? We don't know - and we won't try to influence her either way - just as our parents didn't, with Vi and me. If she does choose one of her own to be her mate - that is her choice.. NOT ours! We both know this as of this writing - Becky Harris and our Gwen are hitting it off deeply, and they may turn to each other - and if so - Gail and Sharon, are already aware of it, and know what may come out of it. Her parents are also well aware of the pressures of society - and will shield their Becky - as we shield our Gwen from you. We both - Gail and Sharon, and us have started to keep the kids out of the house when we play together - not to influence them - but you know kids, and you can't fool your own for long - so - (See # 23 - And baby makes 6! ) Although they do get to play together when Gail and Sharon come over at other times.. They instinctively know what is going on. How it will turn out is anybody's guess - Cher put her spin on it - ( # 24 Fade to Black ) If that is the final outcome - then so be it! We can accept that - it is our life, our children - and not yours. We don't preach, try to make converts - or tell you or yours what to do. Please, we ask that you be considerate, and leave our community to their own lives, and live and let live! We will start work on a fourth series - the third is available only on the CD we offered at the end of # 25 - that is our backstory - our research - and some of the kinks which we worked out - tried - and in some way still do. The fourth series will be entirely fictional - our lives - our children's lives - and what we see, and project out.. Don't get upset at us! We decided to put out # 33 - "How I became Sapphic" only to show society - how we did end up like this - it was a conscience choice - forged link by link - IF you don't wish for your children to follow our example - READ it - STUDY it! - Learn from our lives! If you belong to the GLBC - here is your answer to the constant whining about being Gay. This may anger some - but here goes - We weren't "snatched" some dark night and made to be homosexuals - we were not born that way - our parents were Hetro's like most couples - and we were given the usual upbringing, church, school, and other social conditioning - it was just the societal pressures which made Cher and me turn to each other - for comfort - understanding - and probably the most important - support which two teens didn't get from you. Our love grew out of that - and we became what we are today - For our parents - they were over joyed, we had worked something out like this - and we didn't get into drugs, alcohol, gangs - or other destructive things teens do today. We found our own inner peace - our own haven from the cruel world you people live in. The violence, hatreds and other things like that are tearing our world apart - people - get a life - turn to yourself - Find the gifts your creator placed in your own bodies to relieve the pressures of life - and get on with it. SEX is a great way to get the pressures out - and it finds it's own release when you do. Try IT! For Hetro's - try some of our techniques - you can do it too! - Husbands will find a more understanding wife - if you fulfill her needs! She doesn't have to be Sapphic to enjoy our rites! You have minds, work things out! - You have talents, work out your fustrations - don't go and take them out on your kids - your neighbors - your fellow human beings. We know the world is changing - lives are being torn apart by the uncaring corporate types, whose lust for money and power are driving this society absolutely nuts! Well enough of the soap box - Cher and I hope you enjoyed this! - It is our lives, and we did share with you, some of the fun, the joys, the ups and the down, and the problems of being just who we are - - Cher and Vi - two fems in an increasing hostile world, finding our own way - in peace with ourselves - our kin - and neighbors! Lastly - before we go to the encore - You can write to us - if we don't get a ton of mail - we will respond. Our dear friend who has lent us his web access to get this out, is our contact - don't ask him to give you our correct names and addresses - Just write to us, and under our pen names, we will respond! - Okay? Thanks for being considerate of our privacy! Viac - Cher am Malacar % Northwestern PO Box 505 Waukesha, WI 53187-0505 *** *** *** *** ENCORE ! ENCORE ! *** *** *** *** *** It was a Friday night - as usual this was going to be our night for play. I got home at the usual time - Cher was running late - So I started supper - got Gwen fed - and waited for my Mate.. Cher arrived home, about a half hour late - no big deal - she had to stop on the way home - - Domestic life! - Just super! Changed into our break aways - we ate - while Gwen sat in her high chair and fussed - Kitten was becoming aware that when mom and Mate wore our play clothes - she was going into the playpen for awhile.. I think she was looking forward to time alone - She had been at mom's all week, while we were at work - and now the weekend, she would be with us all day! We took kitten up to her room, and plopped her into her toy world.. A small voice asked - "Mom and Mate going to play?" "Yes my dear Gwen - we are going to play - now you stay here, and play by yourself for awhile and we will be back to get you.." Little eyes nodded - A big smile on her face! Satisfied that she was going to be okay - we locked up - and repaired to our love nest... "Oh Cher - it's good to have another week over!" "You know it Mate! - - Hmm - come my Vi!" Cher held out her arms to me - I went over and melted into her - - A tight embrace - then into a deep kiss - Mmm, my Mate - my Love - God I loved Cher's sure touch! Breasts feel sooo dreamy when she does that! Mmmmm I slowly worked my way down Cher's belly - rubbing her just where she liked - she purred . . Now under the shorts, teasing her slit - her purrs becoming deeper.. Slowly, I came around - and dropped Cher's shorts - she stepped out.. We embraced full on for frontage.. Skin to skin - mmm - Dreamy! My Mate's body, so warm - so solid - my Cher! Cher's deep blues opened - "Vi - you want to start or should I?" Long week - I just flopped on the bed. Spread - Cher took the cue - and went for me.. Teasing me - over the slit - her tongue working my labia - then with a slight blowing - Spread my labia - and teased my hood, hood ring - finally sliding it up - my clit.. I just blew a small climax - just like that! "You sure flushed easy tonight my love!" I smiled at Cher - "Yes, Mate - it was a long week!" Now starting gently, then going for it, my clit - and opening . . I was getting deep into this, my mind way off someplace else - concentrating on what was coming in.. Work, the problems of the stupid job - and that infernal machine, our big computer, now floated away! Cher's magic touch eased my mind! Now working me deeply - I felt the urge to blow - and I held it in check - I had to get this one off - fighting it - my mind now reeling under her sure touch! Something finally said go - and I did - - "CCHHEEERRRRRR UUmmmmmmmUM UMUMUMUMmmmmmm AAAkkakakakkkkKKKKKKAkakkakakakaaaa CCCHHEERRRRR!!"" I looked down - My Cher smiling like always! "Good one Vi - you got into that one!" She rubbed my belly for a bit - working into our love tatt - I loved that! I finally stopped panting - and breath came in it's own rhythm . Cher's turn . . My wett still oozing - oh well! As we changed positions, I could feel it -that gooey feeling - my vagina and upper legs - wett! It would dry! - NOW for Cher! Knowing my Mate as well as I do - - Teasing into her slit - easy - now into her clit - Gently teasing her - her body responding like I knew it would! Now harder -and into her waiting opening! Two - then three fingers - in the "Come here" position, working her "G" pad - Cher was starting to pant.. Sweat was starting to form on her warm body.. Now harder - panting like crazy in time with my stroking of her opening.. Cher was deep in her own mind.. Hands now grasping the sheets - COME ON CHER! A bit more working - she was fighting this one off like I did - just trying to hold it in... Never mind! "VVVVVIIIIIIIiiiii UUmmmmmmmmm ummmmmm VVIII - a deep hard pant - VVIIIII - - - - a couple of deep breaths - UUUMMMMMMM pushing down hard now - I felt her bottom contracting - - UUMMMMMMMM AAKKKKKKKKKKKK VVVVVIIIIIIIIAAAAAACCCCCCCC!!!!!" When you feel Cher contracting - get out NOW! Yup she blew - goo - across the room again! Cher's deep blues opened - - "Hi Mate! - mmm -Loved that one!" "I can see that Cher - good blow too!" Our world was interrupted by a cry from upstairs - "I'll go Cher" - Grabbed a towel, dried my vagina off - Au natural, Gwen was used to us like this anyway - (If you ask me - it's easier with a girl - she sees mom and Mate's vaginas - and hers - and doesn't think a thing about it! - A BOY on the other hand would have tons of questions. We know - one of our friends - Sapphic couple - had a boy - and he's full of questions all the time. -- Gwen just accepts us..Breasts sometimes cause a question - but we tell Gwen, when she's older she will have then too! - Problem solved!) (For those of you in the general society who are having a problem - we also know Hetro couples who belong to a "naturalist" club, and their kids don't have any problems with nudity in the family, and it's just accepted - like ours is here. - Cher) Went to my kitten.. No problem I see - - held her - Little eyes in wonderment - the scent of sex - she still didn't know what it was - but it set something off in her - - "Mom? Potty?" Uhuh - you know what stage we were in - and my little kitten was learning fast! Gwen sat, and did her thing - I dried her off.. She pulled her "big girls panties up" - I finished by slipping her pants up - "Love you mom!" "Love you too Gwen, my kitten - ready for more play?" "Uhuh!" "Good girl! - now if you want to go again let us know - okay?" Little eyes nodded again! I went back down to Cher.. "Kitten is growing up - " "Uhuh - now asking to go potty - that's nice.." "Mom said that today she was asking all the time!" "So when is she going to go on her own?" "Should come in time my Mate.." Cher was ready for more - so I grabbed "LA II" and went for her.. The sight of our red dildo, Cher layed back - spread wide for me - - Drew her knees up - and just opened as wide as her hips would allow.. Now on my knees before her presentation.. I went for it! Teasing into her slit - Playing with her clit - the dildo now workng deeper.. Cher sighed as the thing went home.. Her belly contracting as I started my dance of love in her.. First gently working the opening, the sex skin lubricating - Now deeper - and more in and out - up to her "G" pad - Cher was just deep in her own revelry! A mewing climax - gently - flowing more lubricant - Now I started in harder - more to the sides - and into the labia - and clit.. Cher was responding like she always did - Panting harder - and wringing her own breasts - working the nipples.. My cue to start in on her belly - Easy on the tatt - as I continued the bottom work.. Cher winding up - her breath now deeper - starting to pant harder - hands grabbing the sheets - - Now starting to writhe in her ecstasy! Time to get out - and just work the clit - - Damn! Too late! "VVIIIIIII - UmmmmmmUMummumummuuuuuuUUUU MMMM - a hard pant - her face so deep - UUUmmmmm - now bearing down - AAkkkkkakkKAKKKKkk - another deep breath - VVIIIIII UUMMMmmmmmmmm VVIII!!!" Cher blew - and it went all over me! Deep blues opened - smiled back at me - - She started to giggle - "Vi - you didn't get out too early I see!" Arms - upper body - covered in Cher's thick sticky goo - Some on my face... She got up a bit spent - grabbed the nearby towel - Cleaned me up a bit... "Thanks! Mate! - How about a warning next time?" "Not my problem - after all our years together - you should know the cue's by now!" Cher relaxed in her after glow for awhile, while I cleaned up the rest of it.. My turn to blow - To say the least - Cher got me back - and more.. I got Cher! Working with her sure hand - and "LA II" she knew just what this was going to take - And how long! I was predictable! OR was I? This time I held it longer - and let Cher work me higher - Then let go when she wasn't expecting it! Cher's turn to be the goo target! She tried to protect her face - but I kicked up just a bit, after the first blast - Got her good! "Okay Miss Mate! - What the hell was that?" I opened my eyes - Cher dripping with my goo this time! Some in her hair - Giggling at her - I tossed her the towel - "Very funny Mate!" We both had a laugh! It was Friday - so we showered - Did our usual rituals - Pee - Wash - Dried - we went for the oil... I did Cher first like we usually did - - About half way through - Gwen needed to go potty again.. "My turn - you went last time Vi.." My hands were wett with oil - Cher au natural went to Gwen - "Hi Mate! - Potty?" "Uhuh my kitten - that's a good girl!" Cher plopped our kitten down - "Mate can I go like you and mom?" "How's that kitten?" "You two stand when you pee.." We thought we had this covered - and Gwen didn't know - "Umm how do you know we stand?" "Over at mom's when Uncle Joe goes into the bath room, I can hear him doing it - and when you two go I hear the same thing.... and grandma said that was cause Uncle Joe stood when he did it.." Inquiring minds wanted to know . . Surprising how much you can't get by your child! AND how fast they pick things up! Mom needs a talking to.. AND we need another plan - just to head this one off.. "Gwen, you are too small to do that yet - umm - maybe later on, mom and I will show you how . .Okay?" Eyes smiled - "Okay!" She finished her work - Dried off - big girls panties back up.. Pants up - "Ready to go and play? We will be done soon Gwen.." "Mate, Can I have some of that stuff on your body?" The scented oil wasn't completely worked in yet - "Maybe later kitten - now go and play - Okay?" Eyes nodded.. Cher returned by me.. "Little kitten is really growing up now.." "OH?" "She wants to pee like us - standing.." "How did she figure that one out?" "Your mom - told her - the sound - Joe peeing - was because he stood - and the little mind put the two together - fast!" "Mom needs to be careful what she says - " I went back to Cher's tight buff body - Onto her belly - breasts - Cher loved that! Lower belly - into our love tatt - She purred and arched like a kitten.. Legs, and then it was my turn.. Cher worked me, like she always did.. I love her touch! - Firm and sure! Done, we dressed, and went back up - Played with Gwen for a bit - Time for bed - got Gwen into her sleepers - - Night diaper - Gwen was hating those by now - - "Mom, when can I wear big girl panties all night?" "When you are dry in the morning - for a few days - we will see.." "Good nite mom and Mate!" "Night my Kitten!" Cher rubbed her back for a bit - And our little kitten was out for the night! We settled into the livingroom - a glass of sweet rose' wine for each - and then cuddled up with each other and watched the 10 O'clock news and weather.. The latest crime spree in the city - it never seems to end! "I sure hope Gwen has a better life - it's getting worse every year Cher.." "I agree - but we can only hope for a better time ahead!" "Looks like snow for the weekend - want to take Gwen out to play in it?" "Good idea - we can call Gail and Sharon and Becky can go with us - -" News and weather over - we repaired to our room.. A movie - and then to bed.. Dropping our clothes - au natural - we slipped under the warm flannel sheets.. I cuddled up to Cher - as I had these past 14 years - Our left hands above us, rings entwined - my right hand coming over and around Cher - Grasping her left breast...Cher digging her bottom into mine.. Our legs wrapped into each other - to hold on for very life! "Night my Mate - I love you Cher!" "Night Vi - love you too - " The night passed - two Valkyries locked in our night embrace of love and devotion to each other! ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** Fade out Final Fade to Black - End Titles - "Our Sapphic Lives" The Story of Two Sapphic's, deeply in love, and life with each other! By Vaic and Cherylyn am Malacar Well that's our story! - and this is the end for now! I hope you enjoyed out look into our lives - it's not all that much different from your - only different! For all of us - Thanks for coming along on our Journey! By -Vaic am Malacar Cherylyn am Malacar - With our friends, and families - And our dear Gwen - Thanks! - And - a final Bye! Vi and Cher.. © January 2004 The End! Contact - "nwlock@execpc.com" Subject - "viac" Our final notes for a bit - Thanks to all who have come along with us on our long 50+ story journey! - It has been a long saga, but in the end - whether you realize it or not, it is a true story. We did change a few things to cover our identities, but in the main, what you read is what happened. We would like to thank the people at "Diana the Valkyrie" for their kindness, and letting us publish our work there - as we said before, without them - there would be no place for our voice in this world. Thanks! Diana! - Danke schon! We have another series, " IV " on the drives, and it is almost finished. Sometime this fall, ( 2004 ) we will start shooting them up - watch for them - it is another long saga, about our lives, and our dear Gwen. Lastly, we will give you, our dear friends, who have come with us - the final clues in our lives - - With love, and thanks for coming along with us! Beth and Karen, (Yup that's our correct names!) Waukesha, Wisconsin. (And this is where we live!) (Grads of the University of Wisconsin, at Madison, 1991) (Beth in Computer Science, Karen in Business Management) ** Thanks ever so much, and we will see you this fall! - - Beth and Karen ** Good Night All! © 2004, January 31 By Viac and Cher am Malacar