II Our New School #4 by Viac © 1996 - 2004 In the first series, I told about the events which stuck out in our minds our three final years at State College. Our first year was a bore. Basically, once you got accepted, it was back to the old grind - except now - it was in a new school, and they were testing you as it was, if this was for you, and if you could make it in this high pressure environment. It was late Spring my Senior year of High School, and mom had two envelopes waiting for me when I got home. "Viac! - Your college acceptance forms have been returned!" I tore down stairs - there they were - A private college, and State College - which one accepted me? I opened the one from the Private College first - "We are sorry to inform you that you were not selected by our regents to attend - -" "Nuts" Opened the one from State - "We welcome you Viac Rodgers, to our incoming freshman class in the fall of - xxxx - and your tuition grant papers are enclosed with this application!" I had made it! I was accepted by at least one school! I called Cher - "Hey kiddo - I got accepted to State!" "YOU TOO?? Dreamy! We can go together!" The summer whized by - both of us working now, to help pay for our tuition - before long, it was time to head out. College turned out to be a bigger fish bowl than out previous educations did - and with more idiots than we could have imagined. We got to State College - in our State Capitol - GAD! was this a big place - well we had to find the building where we'd register - Finding that - we signed up for and paid for our first courses - To the book store - for books - was that expensive! Finally to campus housing - to find rooms - Cher and I weren't a problem - we just needed a room together - and so we applied together. The people down there were sympathic - and put us in the same room - seeing how we could be together - and work harder - due to the fact that we were't strangers in a strange place. It was a bare bones deal - two beds - a couple of dressers - desks - closet - that that was about all. Nobody told us about needing to set up rooms, like we did later. We did bring along the stuff the guide sheet said to - but it was just enough to get by. I guess they thought you'd just know all about what you'd need. Anyhow - we settled in, and got into it. Our first semester, was kind of boring - it seems that they didn't think we learned much in High School, and a lot of courses we took, were remedial - reteaching the stuff we learned in our old school.. Cher and I being "B" - or 3.0 students breezed through this - and moved into other things. The latter half of our year things started to heat up - and so did we. We were a pair - a duo - most of the other girls on the dorm floor didn't mix well with us. Most of them said - "HI!" - but since we two were always together - I guess they didn't want to get into it with us. We did most of the things they did, but for some reason they shied from us. Did it show that much that we were lovers? Who knows - I guess it was the climax, and no guy coming out of our room which tipped them off. OR maybe it was JUST that - a climax which said volumes. But as Cher said - "It's we two against the world, my love.." Anyway - we went to homecoming out freshman year to find out what that was all about - everything was new, and it wasn't. Big crowds - in High School - maybe 100 people, not counting the students - Here - THOUSANDS! We were amazed! - This was an eye opener . . Guys still tried to hit on us - we blew them off - I now really didn't want my belly full of their goo.. or anything else they had..... Or their stupid attitudes - LIKE what AM I? Something to be conquered by the Mr. Man? Macho? Stud? They all seemed to have this attitude that we just couldn't live without their stupid WIENERS... or their goo. Ya Right! - Try this guys - we're SAPPHIC! - we don't need you. - Go away.. What's with guys anyway? Cher and I had to really hurt a couple of jerks who wouldn't take no for an answer - One guy - cornered Cher outside a classroom building, and tried to force her into his car - For "Some fun".... or he said... Ya! Right - some blonde bimbo, they must have thought, - like they only wanted to party in her pants - then what? At first she just said no - then the jerk tried to grab Cher - Umm - don't pull this kitty cat's tail - Cher went after him - and nailed him good with first a pressure point hold to get him to let go of her - then he tried to hit her - that's when she threw him into the street....a good judo throw - right off her hip - The guy flew into traffic - and that's when the Campus Police showed up. Cher totaled the guy. Cher got busted for making / causing a disturbance. I had to go down and bail her out - NEVER mind it was the guy who tried to force Cher into the car... More stupid men tricks - LIKE they never seem to learn.... After that we both tried to meet up during the day on campus - so we could cover each other - And sure as not - we ran into some more Frat idiots - this time they thought they'd try two blonde bimbos -- DO we look that much like a couple of pickups? BIG fight broke out - several Mr. Macho's thought they'd take down these two, for a party in the Frat house, or whatever they thought they could get away with. They had no idea who we were, but shortly when bodies were flying, and Cher broke one guy's knee - and I put one's lights out with a cross chop to the side of his neck - and we tore into the other three - we were hot by this time - stupid jerks! THEY knew in no uncertain terms - we were Valkyries. Cher dropped one with a pressure point hold, when he tried to grab her - she then threw him off - then IT seemed to be my turn - and I had to go for another one who just had to try to grab my jacket - and throw me down - I almost broke his knee - but just folded him up from behind..the last one - seeing his jerk off friends being totalled - tried to run. They decided that we weren't the girls they thought we were - they tried to flee - all be it a bit beat up - by a couple of GIRLS... Make that a pair of Sapphic Valkyries! This time however - Campus Police saw the whole thing go down - they moved in fast, to try to stop the thing, and it was the guys who got busted. And the pair we did total, got a free ride to the hospital, the rest got a free ride in a squad car. Cher and I were escorted back to our dorm... forcefully I might add. Later that day - We got screamed at by the College people about "not fitting in" and all the rest - and causing problems.. "Whatever! - WE didn't start the fight - we did however finish it off. " "TOUGH deal with it!" After the Campus people finished their tirade at us - Cher and I countered - with "What kind of sex crazed nut house are you running here anyway?" "Two girls can't walk across the campus without every testosterone energized freak thinking we were his personal sperm receptical." "IF this is your idea of "higher education" - you need an education. " They put us on "probation" for being trouble makers. Both of us were steamed! AS we left I let go one more shot across their collective bow - "IF you can't stop these jerks - we MAY end up killing one of them..AND CHER and I ARE trained to do just that. AND no JURY would convict a woman for protecting herself when a major College can't." That really put them on the defensive - WE turned and left, and left them standing there with their mouths open. We were stopped at the door - The Campus Police Chief wanted to know where we got our training - We had recently transferred to the East Winds Capitol Dojo - so we told him. I guess he called them and got the story - That WE two had enough black belts, and training time in the deep Martial Arts, that we should be considered armed and dangerous - weapons or not - we two - the Sapphic Valkyries - were not to be screwed around with. After that got around campus - people started leaving us two alone - we two Valkyires - There were always a few jerks who just had to taunt us, but we just flipped them off and got on with our studies. It was shortly after that, that the girls in the dorm really started to shy away from us.. Problem ladies? Not our problem - we had our own fun - It was about this time we got the strap on dildo - and Cher had a blast with that - "Hey Vi! - another "man" without the mess!" "Oh good! - Now we can have fun - without the guys!" It didn't take too long for us to get into it this night - We started out slow like we always did - and then things got hot - As our climaxes got a bit loud - - So there we two are, in our dorm room - having our own fun.. Cher lets go with a real good climax - And then the Dorm Matron walked in - Wondering what the hell was going on. So here we two are - au natural, Cher just blew goo - deeply - Me with a strap on working into her - AND THIS Matron walks in - screaming - "What the hell is wrong with you two?" "Problem?" She stood there shaking her finger at us . . . "We are a couple of Sapphic Vakyries -you got a problem with that LADY?" Deal with it bitch! - I thought - Pain in the ass! "I'm calling the DEAN's office - you two should be ashamed of yourselves - carrying on like this!" "Sorry - but it's our life style - and not our problem, if you can't handle it!" Long story short - we had it out with the Dean's office over this - Not that we were doing badly in school - but school was doing badly with us. The Dean said - "You two are causing a lot of problems here - two fights with men - and now this - the Matron tells me you two are making love to each other.." "That's the idea of being a Lesbian my man - we are Sapphic - and if you are having a problem, I'll call my lawyer - and we can see about this in court.!" "Well - stop causing problems ladies - or you are out of this school.." "You find a way to stop your stupid testosterone laced goons from attacking us, and as far as the Matron - tell her to join the 21st century. WE are doing okay in our studies - and what we do on our own time is ours to worry about - we don't bother other girls in the dorm - and we don't go to Frat parties - we just want to get an education and get the hell out of this place. - " I think the "lawyer - court" finally sunk into this man's little brain... "Umm Ladies I think if you keep your studies up, we can find a way to work this out...I'll call the dorm Matron, and School Housing, and get you two a room so you can be left in peace..Will that work?" "Put the Frat houses on notice - we will kill one of them if they keep on going on, sorry about the damage we did to those two guys - but - that's just a sample if they want more - just keep on trying to make us go to their stupid parties".. - Cher threw at him.. OR try to start anything with either of us".. I added.. "I'll see what I can do with the Greek Societies - until than - don't total any more people on this campus - or you are history.." "And we will see you in court.." We left - steamed again - what is this world coming to? "Stupid school - Cher what are we going to do?" "I don't know - but for now - let's just cool it, I think we've turned up the heat enough already.." Campus housing moved us across the campus to a building nearer our studies - and they already had a couple of other Sapphic couples living there - so we fit in finally. AND away from the Frat houses - the word was out - leave anything which looks like it's a lesbian alone - a couple of them are very dangerous. Our Freshman year went smoothly from there on, and things quieted down - I don't know what was going on in the Dean's office - but we were accepted for another year - and we finally did finish out our education. ** Look - I know what you are thinking - but here's the deal, This was in the late 80's / early 90's when Women's Rights - Title IX and other empowerment issues were finally coming to fruitition. Viac and I were probably among some of the first to benefit from these changes in society. We thank all our sisters before us for carrying the ball for us. But now it was up to the next genereation to move it more forward - and force the changes in entrenched society. Colleges were and still are a "Mens Club" where women and other minorities get to go, but too often it turned out to be an Old Boys's Club - and we stridently took the first steps in breaking the hold they held on women, and other minorities. You get tired of being "labeled" something, - just because - I'm sorry - but there comes a day in time - when people have to start changing. A life style, Sapphic, Gay, Hetro - or any other - is difficult enough, without a bunch of uncaring people trying to exploit your situation for their own benefit. Viac and I, in writing this - are detailing out some of the joys, fun, and at times - painful parts of our young journey through life. As we are in our early 30's, we are not going to change now - not for some stupid reasons like - "WE don't fit in.." WE are not misandrites - manhaters - we just don't need men, and we both wish they'd leave us alone. As far as society - find another group to hate - we are here, and like us or not - you will find a way to work this out - and live with us in society. - - Cher . ** By Viac am Malacar © 1996 - 2004 Post Script - As we were editing, and rewriting these stories - the "Gay Marriage" thing is heating up again - I wish they go away! - The whole thing boils down to this one and one single fact - GAYS don't make MORE! - I know some Gay / Lesbians do have children, but there is the rub - The real power brokers - The Churches - The Government - Big Business - need MORE bodies to make their power plays work - and we don't make more! Bodies in the pipeline to be tomorrow's consumers - tomorrow's sheeple to rule - tomorrow's bodies to fill their stalls every Sunday, and keep their coffers full. It's all about money - and power - and controlling people. GET over IT !! Mind control is their big thing - keep hating Gays and Lesbians - the Bi community - and you keep their mind focused off the real problem - the power brokers are selling you out fast - divide AND conquer! - Keep the people stirred up over this issue - and you keep their minds off what the power brokers are really doing - controlling the sheeple! - - THINK about it if you dare! Viac and Cher - - - January 2004