One House Divided By Viac © 1996 - 2004 Well when Cher gets her mind made up sometimes there is no heading her off... After the Holidays tiff, and the Police Ball, we were ready for just about anything. "Vi - remember - New Years Eve?" "Uhuh.." "And I asked you to remember something?" I nodded - - Oh no - not that stupid house thing again! "I stopped during lunch and got some listing sheets from the Realtor down the block from work.." "Uhuh.." "Well I checked, and we can afford to buy - we have enough saved up by now for a down payment, and most of our College loans are finally paid off, and I think we can start thinking about that real love nest of our own.." "Like who's going to do the lawn mowing, and snow shoveling?" "We both can!" .. .. Oh goodie - just what I always wanted! - Yard work! "Are you sure? You really want to do yard work?" "It's not the yard work, which matters - YES we will have new things to worry about - but - here's the best part - IT'S ALL OURS!!! " "AND?" "And we can make up a room just for our rituals, and have the rest of the house for other things, not like here - where we have to keep putting up the swing, and taking it down, and hiding all our toys, every time somebody comes over - " I could see some good in her ideas.. "Go on.." "Well we only need a two bedroom house - a 'starter house' or retirement home - - " "Payments? And don't forget taxes - " "WE can work that out when we get that far, but it looks like we can make this go - IF you will go along with it.." "Can I think about it?" "How about I let this go until Saturday, and we can go out house hunting, and we can look at a couple?" "Okay - I guess - we can do that.." I was resigned to another one of Cher's wild ideas..... Well Saturday came - we went out looking at real estate - Nothing screws up a weekend, like two women out looking for a house. A lot of realtor's were antsy about showing a house to two women - but we finally found Monica, over at Belltower Realty. She gave us a couple of listings, one recent - it was for an estate sale - and it might fit our plans.... Would we like to see that one first? "Why not?" Cher said - We had looked at several other houses with other realtor's - so - Well we drove over to the neighborhood - it was quite nice, a lot of well kept up homes, and we kept driving through it to a dead end street.. Saywer Place was a six block street - which ended at the bluff. It was built on a knob sticking out over the river. Last house on the street - from here it was over 100 feet down to the river below. A nice ranch home, built in the late 60's by the guy who develped this subdivision. It sat on the last lot they built on. It was the remaining 3 acres. A two bedroom home, with a recently remodeled kitchen, and bath - a two car garage - and a large fenced in yard. The rest of the stuff in the house had been updated in recent years, and - the last occupant was the gent's widow. - The family wanted to sell out fast... They were asking $152,9 for it - - We spend an hour it seemed walking through the place and the grounds. "Nice house," Cher finally remarked - "Well Vi what do you think?" "Ummm - well - I don't know Cher - I never bought a house before - - You are the Business Administrator - What is your opinion?" "I like the master bedroom - that second one could be our new love nest - then we both can get our cars in the garage - and everything has been updated - so we shouldn't have to worry about expenses that way . . I like it!" "Me too - I like the yard - we could lay out and have privacy - kind of like we did at your place years ago.." "Another plus - - Well what do you want to do?" "Oh hell - let's go for it - you handle the paperwork and negotiations - that's your field anyway." "Want to counter at $145,000 ?" "If they want a quick sale - just thinking what is ths going to cost us - monthly - ?" "About $975 if we can hit the market - and get a loan . ." "Okay - do it.." We made the counter and they took it - the bank had no problem with the loan - so - Did you ever feel you were signing your life away? For a 30 year mortgage? The close seemed to take forever! At the end - it was all ours - 870 Sawyer Place - Now owned by - Cheryl Williams and Viac Rodgers. Done deal! We gave notice - and then it finally came! Moving day! - This is another one of those nightmares you only want once in your life.. Thankfully we only had a small apartment to move out of - not a BIG house. We couldn't exactly call our dads - after the Holiday blow up - so we called Joe and Rod - A friend in need - and the guys came and got a truck and moved us. WAS that a relief! We had some time before we moved, so we did all the painting, and carpet cleaning before we moved in. The local locksmith came over, and put heavy duty deadbolt locks on the doors - and all the rest rekeyed to match, and remembering the mess on Western - we also had window locks installed. We had an alarm system put in, and this nest was armed for action! Our room ended up being a robin's egg blue - nice color, and we did the living room in a wheat - a nice beige which matched the carpet. We got moved, in, the final cleaning - the furniture finally arranged - and then we were home. "Well Vi, it looks like our love nest is finally ready to go!" "Yup - and now the last thing we need - is to get our love nest built!" The second bedroom had a connecting door to the one common bath, with the master bedroom, and a third door to the hall - We decided to paint it a light color - a pinkish hue - they called it Morning Pink - I think it was for a girls's room - - Looked nice - when we got done - we put a pair of locks on the two doors to it, and then bought a second double bed for it. A couple of lamps, and drapes finished off the room nicely! Mauve satin sheets were next - then I used my skill to find the ceiling studs - and we found a place to hang up our swing! Our play clothes went into the closet, and there was a smaller dresser in this room - SO - we had lots of room. Our first night in the fully completed house - we walked into our love nest, and it was just what we had ever hoped for - Privacy, play areas - and a handy bath - what more could two Sapphic Lovers ever want? "Well Cher, I thought you were crazy at first, but now - I see what you had in mind. This is great!" "Time to break in the new nest my love! We went back to our room, and got ready - nice to be able to walk around au natural, and not worry about who is going to see you! Cher flipped open the bed - Mmmmm satin sheets - a luxury we couldn't have before - due to we also had to sleep on them. Our other set was snuggly warm flannel sheets. She flopped down, held out her arms - invited me in.. A deep kiss, the slippery feel of satin, we slipped around and into each other - mmmm. Cher started in easy on me, and I worked her bottom, we were warming up fast. She slid me around - nice! My bottom just slipped into position - why didn't we do this years ago? Nestling down between my legs, she worked my piercing, clit, and then fingered me into our first orgasm of our new nest.... It was dreamy! The smell of the new place - our combined sweet fem scents - mmmmm.. She then got out 'La II' and worked me into a real lather - I was just going out of my mind - Up and down, in and out, held it to my 'G' pad - I was losing my mind in all the new sensations - "CCHHEEEERRRRRRR!!!! UUUUmmmmmmuumumumumuuuuuuUUUM,MYYYY M M M M UUMMGGGGGGGGGGG CCCHHHEEERRRRRRRRR!!!! I blew goo - "Nice one my love! - and here's the best part - we can let go like that all we want, and nobody is going to say word one about it!" Drained - I was just spent - I hadn't blown like that in quite a while... I got up weakly - smiled at Cher - "Love you, that was just super -" "My turn!" We exchanged positions, and I did her - Easy at first - then into her - 'La II' doing most of the heavy lifting... I had found that the best way to blow Cher's mind - was to use 'LA' on the inside working her as we had learned to do so many times, and work her clit with either my fingers - easy - or better my lips... She was writhing in ecstacy in no time - her deep panting told me she was winding up - Her hands clenching - her belly heaving - this was getting close - - ""I think - I think" she started out in a panting mew - - "VVVVVIIIIIIIIIII UUUmmUUmmmmmmUUUUUUGGGGGGGGUUUMMMuuuuu uuGGGGGGGGGMMMM VVVIIIIIIIAAAAAAACCCCCCCCC!"" Goo - lots of it - I didn't get out of the way in time - and when she jumped around in her climax, I got sprayed in the face again! She looked down at me - her deep blues shining . . . "Hi there! Like my love?" Cher looked down at me further - an started to giggle - "Vi - you got it again!" "Yup - too close to the action! - Again! - Good one my love!" I got up and towled off - then went and laid down by Cher - for a short afterglo - A deep dreamy french kiss - my love - my Cher . . "Mmm my love - swing? "Let's break this place fully in!" "You went first last time, now it's my turn to be first.." Cher got into the stirrups, and swing - I got out our strap on - "Ready?" Experience is a good teacher - and we knew how this thing worked - I worked her deep - hitting the sides - and hard straight in - she was just loving it . . Another small climax, and she opened her deep blues - smiled - then flipped over.. "Do me again Vi! - Like we did the last time I blew . " Now in the kneeling position - I went for her - hard deep - sideways - up down - she was really loving every minute of it. Coming in mewing pants which was becoming her style "I think - Viac - I - - I - OOOHHHHHH VVVVIIIIIIIIII GGGOOOOODDDDDDDDD!!!! UUUMMMMmmmmmMMMMM mmGGGGgggGGgGgG VVVVVIIIIIIII!!! She came up still panting hard - - Hugged me - a kiss - - she was dewey wet from sweat . . "Vi? Your turn!" We swapped out the dildo - - I got my leather bikini - 'G' string on - "Why leather Vi?" "DO me HARD CHER!" I put my leather on when I wanted it very hard and deep - it kept Cher's wild strokes centered deeply. AND gave me some protection from her very hard thrusts. I laid down on my belly - and presented - My exposed slit encased in a leather one - my opening just there - ready for her.. Spread as far as I could for her - my exposed slit, at the very bottom of the presentation. Cher grabbed my hips - - I couldn't get it out of my mind - me dying for Cher - It was such a rush - to die for my love! I held the frame of that awful attack in my mind - helplessly being held there by two goons - my belly totaly exposed from my belly button to my mons, the third about to jamb the knife deep into my belly at my tatt... WHAM! Cher jammed in hard! - She bounced off the labia - and it went down almost sideways the first stroke - Mmmm pain! - It hurt like hell - but I wanted it - so - she kept it coming.. The swing seat, resting on my tatt, and over my ovaries provided me with a focus point - - I just let the situation take over - The pain in my bottom from Cher's wild stroking - the sensation of the seat - -my mind put the two together - - Mewing pants led to a small climax - - I hurt - but I was enjoying every minute of this - - ""CHEEEERRRRRRRRRR UHUHUHUHMMMMMUGGGUUGGGMMMMMmmmmmmmm a deep breath - UUNNNNNUUUGGGGGGGGUUU CCHHEEERRRR!!!!"" - I almost felt the cold steel ripping my belly open - my internals being destroyed - I blew goo - tons of it, it seemed - my mind, my body, having the final release of my young life. I was now sweating hard - panting even harder - I was totally drained - Cher helped me out of the swing and up... "What the hell was that Vi? I've known you for almost seven years now, and that was just about the max I have ever seen you blow!" I turned to her - smiled the best I could - "Love me Cher" - panting hard still - "I just gave all for you!" She gave me a funny look - then I guess - figured it out - Pulling me towards her - a tight embrace - A deep french -- and she rubbed my back as we held on to each other - I was draining fast, and my goo was running down my legs now - She released me - "Oh Vi! I think I know what you just did! - God I love you!" - her deep blues said it all! I smiled back - "Hmmm - Love you forever Cher - my Mate!" Cher just about melted into another embrace - a deep kiss - - rubbing my back - "I see we both need a shower!" "MMMmmmmmm" Cher got it going - our first communal shower in our own home! Cher stepped in, I followed - She spread our labias - centered us - nodded - I did back - we both released at the same time.. That warm feeling of Cher's pee - into me - dreamy! I knew she was enjoying it too! We washed each other as we had soo many times before - fingering each other as we washed each other's vagina - dreamy! - Almost another climax - the soap - the warm water, hands working ohhh sooo slowly in our deepest parts, - mmmm - legs - - This was the end of our sessions - we always did each other - from start to finish. Dried off - we went into our room - "Hey Vi! - nobody has to clean the bed!" "Best of all Cher - nobody has to sleep on the wett spot any more!" A bit more touching, teasing and play - and the two Valkyries drifted off to sleep - snug in their own nest. A couple of weeks later - we held an open house for some of our gay friends - Joe and Rod were there - The other Sapphic couple we knew, Gail and Sharon, just adored our love nest - this could have possibilities - it was a great party! Joe and Rod presented us with a house warming gift that evening - a garden tractor - with a 42 inch mower and a snow thrower attachment.. "Now you two don't have to fight the yard work," Joe said - "Call me and I'll show you how to change the attachments!" Heidi and Mary - our other Sapphic couple friends, Mated and Joined like us - said they'd like to come and play some time - - We made sure that happened - lots of fun! It wasn't exactly a four way - but - well you will see how that turned out a few weeks later. By Viac am Malacar © 1996 - 2004