Oops, We Did It Again! By Viac © 1996 - 2004 My phone call to mom, went as well as I could have hoped for - at least I know knew the whole story - - The next day I called Joe Rains, and told him, mom had told me the other side of the story, and I didn't want him to hate me, and to try to understand small town problems in the late 60's and early 70's and that he, like mom were trapped by things outside of their control.. It could have happened to anyone... Joe understood - - "Joe - you didn't tell me about the Purple Heart at Da Nang - - " "Oh Viac, I wish your mother hadn't told you about that - - After the letters had come, my dad wrote me and bitched me out, and called me all kinds of names for getting Janet pregnant - I was just torn - I tried to get Janet to stop the wedding but to no avail - I was so broken hearted, I wished I could die, and I almost did, making a stupid mistake while out on patrol . . I don't know if it was a suicide wish - or my mind was clouded - but it happened... anyway, what are you two doing over the Holidays?" "Oh Joe! - We will be going home, Cher's brother Brian is getting married next month, and we got to be there - family and all that - and this is the party before the party, - if you know what I mean . . " "I understand Vi - well maybe in the spring then?" "Well we can talk about it, and try to plan on that?" "That would be fine - - thanks Vi for letting me know . ." I put down the phone, my mind a whirl - - at least it was the last day of the visit from our friend....... BLAM!!!, - Cher slammed into me - knocked me to the floor ... "Hi love - I'm dry down below - ready to go?" My Cher - always randy! - I went and checked - yup dry as well... I eased into the living room - not really sure what my crazed Valkyrie Mate was planning - - braced for anything after a week off... The Cat sprang from the couch - we rolled onto the floor - Locking into a kiss as we tussled with each other - Her hands going for my breasts, and me for her bottom... It wasn't long we were both into each other - - Cher trying to suck my top dry - very hard now - I wondered what that meant? I eased into her vagina - played with her piercing - and then went for her - - fingering the clit . . Then into her vaginal opening - - Cher was deep in her own thoughts as she exploded in the first of many that night... She slipped my jeans off - and went for my bottom - Leaning over my body - Her lips finding the target quickly - and although I was trying to hang on to her breasts, I just gave up and laid back... I came with a bang! - Not the biggest - but - Although this had a tinge of pink . Oh well - it was Cher... and we had been off this for a week now - She got 'La Machine II' and went for it . "Cher I don't know if - - uggaaggg ummm ummmm "" I started - I had a small climax - OH what the hell, she was on that end! "Don't worry Vi - I brought a towel, just in case..." She worked me deeply, I couldn't see what was happening - - - -- Waves of pleasure swept over me, my belly contracting rhythmically - as she worked - - A week off, and I was ready to blow - - and I did.. "CCHHEERRRRRRRRR!!! DDAAMMMNNNNNNNN UGGGUUNNNNNNNN UNNNNGGGNNGGG CCHHEERRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!! I blew - red goo . . "I guess you aren't finished yet VI...sorry about that!" "Oh Cher - that was just super! - did you say red?" "Yes my love, I guess you are still not done with the flow..." "Oh Cher - that was just deep - I don't know what happened! - I just felt this release, and something just blew out of me.." "Uhuh - and you want to see what you blew? "Ugh! no! - I know what flow looks like - - -" Cher tossed the towel in the wash - - "You know that we could try that thing we read about - Blood and Sand - doing it on our flow.." "Cher you have had some goofy ideas, but this I draw the line at - I'm not making a bigger mess which we'd have fun cleaning up..." "Okay Vi - it was just a suggestion, I hate the time we have to be off while we wait for nature to finish it's work.." I decided to get this out and over with once and for all - to end her fascination with it !! I grabbed 'La Machine' still red from my blast, and lunged at Cher.. "RED?? YOU WANT RED????" I forced her apart, and worked furiously on her vagina - making sure to hit the "G" spot pad - - She was deep in her own ecstacy - playing with her breasts, while I worked the other end.... "VIIIIIIIIII - - - - - UUGGGGUUUMMMMMM UUUUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN VVIIIIII !!!" Cher blew - all over me, and I got some in my face - - "All right my mate", I came up - My face was red - Cher hadn't quite finished yet either... "Don't move", she chuckled - "I'll get you a towel" We had quite a laugh over the whole situation.. "Well partner, I guess it was just a bit early for each of us...." Oops We Did It Again! - (Red) "Stupid periods - " "Well, that's why they call it the curse!" "Funny - and no, I still don't want to try Blood and Sand..." We were now both covered in some part of each other's last flow - so what the hell -- We decided to go for the shower - - pee and all... The intervening weeks flew by - The time before Holidays are like that - So on Friday night, we packed and headed across State to my parents place.... We packed our usual toy assortment - we weren't going to be bothered my our parents either - "Do you know how much your parents accept our Joining?" "I'm not sure - why?" "Do you think that they will accept our love rituals?" "Well if we were a man and woman, I would expect that they wouldn't say anything, so, I don't know being Sapphic.." "You know where they will put us up?" "Not really - probably my room - - " "Hmmm - we can play nineteen again - the place where it all began" "Mmm Dreamy! - so long ago - almost seven years now - that brings back memories.." It took almost four hours to get there - - As we came into the big city, I noticed how much it had changed since we moved to the other side of the State.... I called mom, to tell her we were in town, and would be there shortly.. My parents came out to greet us as we drove up.. I got out - "VI!!! Welcome home!" mom said - Dad went over to the other side - "Cher! my other daughter - Welcome home..!!!!" We looked at each other - surprised at the greeting - Dad helped us get our cases out of the car and up to my old room..... Cher and I walked in, sort of slowly as we crossed the doorway.. The shrine to our first love - Dad put down the cases, he knew from the look on our faces, this was a special moment, and he slipped away quietly... We dropped our coats on the floor, and embraced - a deep dreamy kiss - - "Oh Cher - this is where we all began, it's hard to believe, but it has lead us to this!" I looked around the room, it was hard believe, but this was it - our first love nest.... Cher took my hands, smiled at me - "Vi, it's more than I think either of us could have imagined! - Our trials, our love, our Joining....." Well we got somewhat unpacked - we left most of the stuff in the cases, we hung up our matching blue pant suits, as it was easier that way - and our toys stayed out of sight. Mom had dinner ready, and we talked for hours afterwards.. All about our lives, what was new, what all had happened to us in the past year - Cher and I both being careful not to mention the attack, nor Joe . Getting on to bed time, dad looked a bit uneasy . but - - I gave him that "Night Dad" look! And waved as he went upstairs... Mom stayed with us for a bit more then she went up too. "Ready Cher?" "YA I guess - your door still lock?" "I suppose so - why?" "Privacy my Mate!" We dropped our clothes, and eyed each other - where to begin? We didn't bring PJ's - we slept au natural - Oh hell - - - "Come my love" I said as I laid down extending to her.. Cher slipped in next to me, we started out slow - and easy kind of like we did years ago, in memory of our first time... This didn't last long . we were too Sapphic for that now.... I went over, and grabbed 'La II' and went for Cher . . "Your parents are in the next room Vi - - " "SO? We are legally joined - not my problem.." And I went for her - hammer and tongs.... I started out with her piercing - her clit was next on the menu - then into her waiting opening . . . "viiiiii - - - ummm - ugg viii!!!!" Cher came as quietly as she could... "No my love, that will not do..." As I switched on the vibrator - and really went for her . . In and out, in the violent motions we had so many times practiced . . Cher was trying to keep it in, but she was losing the fight . A small climax, she was getting louder.. "My Mate - I CAN'T HEAR YOU!!!!! I worked long, hitting her "G" pad - she was trying but - - finally she couldn't hang on any longer.. "OOHHHH GGOOODDDDDD VVVVIIIIIIIIII UUUNNNNNUUUUGGNNUUUMMMMMMMM VVVIIIIIIIII !!!! She finally screamed out - - I looked around - nobody came to the door... Cher looked evilly at me - - "Okay Miss Mate -" Cher hissed - "You asked for it..." She grabbed 'La II' and jumped between my waiting legs.... And she went nuts . I thought my bottom was being eaten raw, the way she worked my piercing, my hood, my clit, then went for the opening.. Fingering me - working the 'G' pad hard . . I came quietly, but I did, the scent of my first climax set Cher off.. Now with 'LA II' she really went for me - - Waves of pleasure rolled over me - she was working with all the skill we two had develped over the years... "Cher - - I - umm - I - - GGAAAAAAAAFFFFFFF CCCHHEEERRRRRRRRR!!!! UUGGGGMMMMMMGGGG MMY UUUUMMMUUMMM CCHHERERERERER!!!!! I had a major climax, and I think the rafters moved when I blew - It was still ringing off the walls when I finally cooled down a bit.. Cher smiled at me - Her Mate - "Good one Vi! - You haven't blown like that in months.." Still no noise outside the door which would indicate somebody was up - or heard.. We got into our robes, and slipped down the hall, and took a shower - our full ritual - Pee Wash - This is where we did it first, and we thoughly enjoyed ourselves... Now dry we went off to bed, entwined in each other.... Sleep came fast for the two Valkyries... it was a long day.... In the morning however - We came down for breakfast, we could smell it all the way upstairs... Mom looked embarassed, dad scowled.. "Morning all!" I called, trying to break the ice... "That was disgusting last night Viac!" my dad said... Oops We Did It! ... Again ! .. (Somebody got pissed at us being Sapphic) "I don't mind if you sleep here, or make love here - just do it quietly! - Keep your love making to yourselves.. Okay?" Cher was turning red - I wasn't going to stand for this at home - either ours, or theirs... "Dad, damn it! We are two adult Sapphic Lovers. We are 25 years old. We have every right to do what we please and have our love rituals as we please, and WOULD you mind your own damned business? Please? This is our lives, and we live it our way, as two Valkyires. Committed to each other as we promised almost two years ago. GET OVER IT! This isn't the 60's - it's almost the turn of the Century! I was hot.. "Viac, if you can't control yourselves - you will have to leave..." "FINE BY ME! - Mom?" "Viac, I don't wish to get into this, but it is your life, but you are staying at our home, and we umm - - " "I know - you two haven't had sex since Nixon was in office.." "Damn you Viac - how dare you?" I turned to Cher - she was looking for someplace to hide - - "Cher - let's go!" I stalked out, and Cher followed me.. Oops We Did It Again ! - (Stood up for ourselves) Somebody got pissed off because of our Joining.. "What the hell was that all about Vi?" "Stodgey feelings I guess - I've had it with his condescending attitude, all my life, putting me down, for something - anything it seemed - I'm not standing for it any more, - let's get dressed, and find a motel - and something to eat..." We jumped into jeans and tops - - We threw the bed coverings on the bed quickly, tossed out suits back into the cases, snapped them shut - I grabbed a phone book from the hall as we left.. Out to my car - -Cher took the wheel - I grabbed my cell phone, and started calling motels.. Best Western had a good sound proof room available.."Could we get it for a couple of days?" Cher spun into Hwy 190, and quickly we were at Best Western.. We went in to register.. The desk clerk looked a bit funny at us - two girls standing there renting a room... She then noticed our rings - Cher made out the check - The desk clerk looked at it.. Cherylyn Williams or Viac Rodgers...... Belltower Heights . . . . No more questions.. she handed us the key - and we went to our room, after moving the car.. "Well my inn is too hostle, and yours is too full, so I guess we end up here!" "Did you have to piss off your dad like that?" "I'm tired of people's feeling about Sapphic Lovers. Damn it Cher - there is nothing illegal about it - besides we are. I've had it with a life full of his crap - always finding something to demean me - that was the last straw. They should know that Sapphic's make the most intense love - and we just did it. So they can stuff it. This is our life." "Okay, I sure hope things don't blow up at my parents place... " "Cher if they throw rocks, we are throwing bigger ones." Cher marveled at this new side of me she had never seen before... It made her all the more resolved to follow me - Sapphic means just that - Like calls to like. And we two were alike...and it was all coming out now - the fire of our love, was also kindled in our attitudes and emotions, I had just uncorked a major release. We were supposed to go over to her parents place that afternoon - We got out our matching blue pant suits, white blouses, and dressed - Cher looked nice in her outfit - at 5' 11" deep blue eyes, shoulder length blonde hair, and at 135 pounds, you'd never guess the power this Valkyrie could pack. With 2 inch heels on, she towered above most men - The blue suits set off our Joining Rings nicely - we looked like business.... So we went over to Cher's parents place.... it was a cool reception, I guess the phone had been hot... We milled about the living room then drifted into the dining room, and talked with some of Cher's family, standing about.. Brian worked his way towards his sister... "So" Brian her brother finally said - "I hear you two had a small tiff this morning - with Viac's parents . . " I felt the heat rising - Cher stepped in.. "Bri - if you know what's good for you - find someplace to stuff it. - OR I will..." Cher looked evilly at him... That look! - I knew it all too well - for us it meant - rough sex - now - it was DANGER! Don't pull the kitty cat's tail - THIS one has teeth, and CLAWS......... He looked shocked that his sister would turn on him... her dad hearing the exchange - backed off - Most of the people in the house did.... Except - Chris - Brian's wife to be.... I eyed her nerviously, as she worked her way around the room - something was going to explode - and I knew what was coming - I could feel it. We had heard that she was homophobic - hated Lesbians - and here we two were, Joined Mates.... identically dressed..... I tried to head this one off, but knowing Cher this wasn't going to be easy.... Cher and I were standing holding a couple of cold ones, our rings very visable - around the cans... Chris was now too close for me... "So", she mocked Cher, - "How does it feel to be a DYKE?" ... "Who's going to Hell????"" Everybody in the room heard her. The room tensed up.... I tried - God KNOWS I tried - I grabbed Cher's arm - she flipped me off.. "I hate DYKES!!! " Chris said - And she threw her drink in Cher's face... Cher handed me her drink - That tore it - Cher went ballistic.... the rack was full, and now she unloaded the rack with all the fury of an injuried Valkyrie... She grabbed the wench, pulled her arm forward, what was left of her drink falling to the floor - in a modified Judo throw - flipped her about three feet onto the buffet table - Food and everything went flying - Chris ended up on the floor next to it, with stuff falling and piling up on her... Brian tried to come to his to be's rescue - He came running at Cher - threw a round house at her - BIG MISTAKE! - Cher grabbed his arm, and chop blocked him on the side of the neck, - he went down.. Her dad tried to stop her, he came up behind her - got her in a bear hug, - she stepped back then into the stance, kicked his left leg out, and with all her strength, and a pinch hold to the wrist, forced his arms apart, grabbed one, and rolled him off in a Judo throw, and he slamed into the floor - HARD... the house shook when he hit the deck... She straighted up her hair, and then her jacket - Walked over to Chris . . "DAMN IT - IF YOU EVER CALL ME A DYKE AGAIN - CHRIS - I WILL KILL YOU WITH MY BARE HANDS!!!!!! " Cher was hot - The rest of the people in the house suddenly remember they had to be someplace else.. Cher's dad layed there looking dazed, and wondering who this was... his daughter? or somebody else . a true Valkyrie.... Oops We Did it Again!! The Martial Arts demonstration over . . I grabbed Cher, our coats, and beat a hasty retreat out of there... I drove, Cher was too hot to. "Cute - now both sets of parents are upset!" "That damned broad - Chris - HOW dare she throw a drink at me like that?" I headed back to Best Western - our only safe spot on this side of the state.... Cher cleaned up her jacket and blouse . . We ate in the Motel restaurant.. went back to our room... "Do you think anything will resolve out of this Cher?" "I doubt it.. what do you want to do? "Beats me - We can't go back to your place - you'd kill Chris for sure - and my dad is too pig headed for us to go there..." "Well Mate? What do you want to do?" I looked at Cher - "Can we afford to go home?" "We only paid for a few nights, I guess we can just write it off.." Our Holidays were ruined - so - we spent the night cuddled up together - hoping that this nightmare would pass.. In the morning, Cher and I decided that, that was the best recourse..... WE packed up, and it was a long four hours back to Belltower.. "Well my Sapphic Mate - we are home - for better or worse, it's all ours..." Now what to do - Cher was still fuming over the blow up with Chris - - I was deep in my own thoughts - I turned and looked at Cher - we both had the same idea it seemed - "You thinking what I am thinking? . . I asked her "Call Joe Rains and see what he's doing.. Vi.." I called Joe - he wasn't busy, would he like to spend some of the Holidays with us? "I'm surprised you called" he said - "But no I haven't got any plans, why don't you two come over here?" I took down his address - and we went over there - - A nice Brownstone walk up near the Central Police Station.. "Ahhh! My two friends!" Joe started . . "Welcome home!" We shared a round of drinks - the conversation turned to our changed plans.. "Well we were going to stay with my parents," I started - "But dad apparently still hasn't gotten over our Joining, and he threw a fit, so we left, and went to a Motel... and when we got Cher's - you tell Cher.." "My brother is gettting married next month, and his wife to be, is homophobic, hates Lesbians, and started a fight by throwing a drink in my face..." "And I know what happened next - you don't have to tell me Cher - I have seen your work before!" We all had a good laugh! "So what are you two doing for dinner tomorrow night?" "I don't know " Cher said - "Why" "Would you two like to go out for a 'date'? My treat! I'd love to spend time with you two, I need to catch up with Vi, and your training is just fascinating Vi and Cher.. How about it? I looked at her - she smiled - "Why not Joe? Let's plan on it - " "About 7? Then? "Super!" We got up and went home.. "This may work out yet Cher - I think we found a new family to be with" "Joe's not family like that - he's like us, two wave tossed Valkyries, in a stormy sea. BUT we will see where this leads, it could be the beginning of a new friendship,. and he doesn't seem to have a problem with us, so - let's go for it..." "You're on!!!" Our love making that night was as good as we had done at my parents place, if not better... Oops We Did It Again, found new friendships - in the most unlikely of places - our own home town, with somebody who whould play a major part in our lives in the coming months..... By Viac am Malacar © 1996 - 2004