Revelations By Viac © 1996 - 2004 Sargeant Joe Rains of the Shaker Police, had dropped a bomb on me - he was my dad, he claimed, and had an old letter to prove it.. At home now, both of us from recovering from that horrid attack we suffered, no worse for the wear, thankfully - Our tight 25, soon to be 26 year old bodies were in excellent shape - I don't know if it was the Martial Arts Training, our sexual rituals, our just us. But whatever, it made us into what we had become, we were two Valkyires against the world. Make that two Joined, Legally Mated, Valkyries. Our joining being the bedrock of our lives together. We were home for a few days, and after dinner one night when we both were being visited by our friend - sex was out for this week "Blood and Sand !" were not my idea of fun. Too big a mess. Cher never went for that either - pain she would put up with, but - making a mess bigger? No. Just thinking, I pulled out the letter Joe had left with me.. I looked at the envelope - it was old, and care worn, it had been looked at many times from the sweat stains on it.. I eased the old letter out - August 1, 1972.. The letter was dirty - it had a lot of wet stains on it. Deep creases showed this had been folded many times over the years. Tears, and God knew what else had hit the thing over the intervening almost 25 years now.. Coffee stains, where someone had read it, while trying to sober up I guessed, or first thing in some dusty gray past morning,..or last thing before bed... Cigarette stains and a couple of small burns, where someone had held it, unknowingly got it a bit too close, while trying to keep back the emotions... Cher looked over at me - wondering what I was going to? "Well Vi? It is still readable - barely, but - what are you going to do?" "I don't know Cher - but I do know somebody who does have the rest of the answers.." I grabbed my cell phone - - Called home.. "Mom? Can we talk?" "Sure honey - What's on your mind? Everything Okay with you and Cher?" "Cher's fine, everything is just fine here - ummm" I didn't want her to worry about us, as we never had contacted our parents after the attack - we wanted to bury that as quietly as we could.. "Mom, do you remember a guy by the name of Joe Rains?" A long pregnant pause - - "Viac".. - she started ... "That is a name of my far distant past.. ummm why?" "Mom, what were you doing on August first, 1972?" I heard the phone go dead for a few minutes - When it came back to life - I could hear the emotion in her voice - she seemed to be crying.. "Viac" I heard her sob " - - that date - ummm - how did you find out?" "Tell me the story - Please! " I begged.. "Viac - I never thought you'd ever find out - umm - how did you?" "Well it is along story, but - Joe now works for the local Police, and a longer story short, one night he told me all about it.... about you, and I know now, and he gave me the letter you sent him..." The phone went dead for a long time now . . "Viac," I heard her crying through her speech - "Can I call you back?" "Sure mom, I hope I didn't hurt you? "No honey, you didn't I just wasn't ready to face this day....Let me call you back in about an hour . Okay?" "Sure mom, I love you.." "Love you too my Viac.." "Well what did she say?" Cher piped up.. "She will call me back in an hour or so - I guess this is the big family secret, and she wasn't ready to talk about it yet.." "Give her a few minutes, hours - maybe days to confront this situation, it must be difficult for her." "Okay my love - What do you think is going on? Or what she will say?" "Beats me, I know if I was in that situation, it would be hard for me.." It turned out to be a couple of hours later... Long about 9ish the phone rang - Cher answered it... handed it to me - "It's your mom.." I felt a lump in my throat - I gripped the phone tightly... Cher came and stood behind me, rubbing my neck - back - gently, she knew what was going to go down..... "MOM?" "My Viac" she started - - " I guess this day had to come - I just hoped it wouldn't - but - I guess I have to face it now.." "That's all right mom, if you don't want to.." "Honey, it's best you know - your dad - Frank, not Joe and I had a long talk since you called, and he said it would be all right if I told you the whole story.... "Mom.." "It's Okay Viac, you have the right to know, now that you are an adult, and have a's part of you, and who you we thought you should know now..." She cleared her throat, she had been crying, and started to, several times during this conversation... We moved to the couch, sat down, Cher continued to rub me gently... "Viac, you are my only child, and I love you very much - I wanted the best for you in life - and I think Cher and you will make a good couple . . " Mom was wandering, not ready to make the point.. she broke down - then started again.. "Look honey - this is hard - but I'll try... Joe and I were going together in HIgh School - and we were the best of friends.. When we graduated, I went on to State College like you did, and Joe was drafted into that stupid war in Vietnam.. Did he tell you he got a Purple Heart at Da Nang?" "No mom he didn't" "Well anyway - I know - Just before he left for overseas, I decided to give him something to fight for, that stupid war - nobody here at home wanted us to be in it, but President Johnson had this thing for it - and Nixon was just coming in. The war had dragged on for so long - we never knew when it would end.. So the night before he shipped out with his unit, he was home on leave - and I gave myself to him, hoping he'd return to me...." "Uhuh" "I didn't expect to get pregnant - It was all so stupid - I should have been on the pill - but - I was young, and thought it would never happen to me.." "Mom I understand..." "So honey, I hid my pregnancy as long as I could, my belly getting bigger with you, every month - the people down at the Free Clinic helped with the medical side.. but it was tough. I hid the thing by saying I was just gaining weight - you know how teens do that after they get a bit older? Besides the hippie clothes hid you from view.." "Uhuh.." "Well my dad found out when my mom came snooping one day, and found I didn't have any pads, and I wasn't having a period any more - It was just a horrid blow up... My dad raged on about my being irresponsible - and what was I going to with the baby? I was now just about term - I started that letter you got, and put it away... I started many more - but I just couldn't bring myself to tell Joe - - " "Uhuh" "Then I met your dad, at a dance one night - Frank was understanding - he could see what a fix I was in . . and offered to marry me - so the baby wouldn't be a bastard.. In those days it was a real social mess if you had one out of wedlock... We waited for the delivery, Frank was with me - I think it was one the first, father in the delivery room days . .Although we weren't married yet, we were engaged - and we played the married couple to get thruough this. My heart leapt when the Ob said it was a GIRL! - Oh joys of joys - I had a daughter - and Frank said he'd adopt you when we got married. Which we did the following September - - we left the father blank on the original birth certificate, I have one here if you really want to see it...did I tell Joe when you were born? " "Yes mom, the letter says June 20th 1972.." "That's correct - at 9:04 on the morning . . My precious daughter - the name was going to be a problem - I wanted you to be a bright young lady, and at the time the big thing in brains was "Univac" the first computer - I had hoped that you would become a brain at something - funny how you ended up in computers... anyway - Univac was a commercial name, and I didn't want the kids to tease you - so we dropped the first part - and just used the last - and you ended up with a unique name - not all that unusual for hippies - Vac sounded too much like a Hoover - so we added a vowel to it, and you became my Dear VIAC . . " "Oh mom!" I was crying now.. " I had to tell Joe - somehow - before the wedding - that I had had a daughter - and I would not be coming back to him... I started many letters, but ended up throwing them away, I was too taken with the whole situation, and my dad - your grandfather was being such an ass over the whole thing - mom was understanding, I found out later, she was pregnant with me when they got married - and my dad always felt she had trapped him into marrying him over it... " "Mom - stop - please - I now know too much!" "No, no honey, I have to get it all out... you should know - - Joe wrote back several times trying to get me to wait for him, my dad was just an ass and insisted that we go through with the wedding, or he'd tell the whole church about it, and ruin my life in this town.. So one way or the other I was forced into it. Frank and I have had a good life, we both had a daughter to raise - and that was enough for Frank - he was happy and so was I... Joe's letters stopped coming about two months after we got married.. and I basicaly lost contact with him..... "Mom - I love you - " "Love you too my Viac... I wish I was there - to hold you and we could have a good cry over this - hold your Cher, as if you held me, and just let it go.. Please honey?" "Yes, mom... Thanks for letting me know - - - " The phone went dead for a few minutes . . "You two planning to come home for the Holidays? "We will be there a few days before and stay through..." "You two will stay with us - Cher's parents will have a house full then, with Brian and Chris's wedding coming up in January, and we got the room.." "Thanks mom, I'll tell Cher . . " "Cher's parents called the other night and we worked it out with them - so it's okay on this end.." "Fine mom, and thanks again for telling me the story - ummm - you want Joe's letter?" "No you keep it Viac, and I'll give you Joe's letters that I have kept all these years, and your original birth certificate when you come home . I want you to have your paperwork, and you and Cher can get on with your lives... Okay?" "Okay, thanks again mom - good night!" "Good night my precious Viac - see you in a few weeks.." Cher had been sitting close enough to me to hear all of it, her touch, her closeness, her scent - what used to drive me nuts, now comforted me.. I put the phone down, and looked at my Sapphic Mate.. Her deep blue eyes were filled with tears.. We turned and had a good cry on each other's shoulders.... "Well, Vi - do we tell her about our meeting with Joe?" "Never! - We don't want them to worry more about us - let's just keep that to ourselves.." We sat there - for a few minutes more - - "Well Vi - I guess - ready for bed?" "Yes, my dear Cher - " We got up - I held her tightly, we showered, and got into bed... "Night my love - - " "Night Vi . . I love you.." I wrapt myself around my mate - and held on tight - Cher worked her left hand into mine, our rings tightly held together - She was all I had, - and we two were now one.. I now knew the depth of love, it was the same love we, Cher and I had for each other... By Viac am Malacar © 1996 - 2004