Vacation By Viac © 1996 - 2004 Well Cher was home! - I was finally relieved. That stupid cast gone, we got back to our old routines, and rituals.. Although at first Cher was a bit careful about being too rough until she felt her leg would stand it. When Cher came home, our Velcro clothing made her cast easier to dress - and a bit randy because of the associations with it.. I had come home and changed - we now had tops and shorts held together with Velcro - Several sets of them in fact - and other clothing which we used in our role playing. Although I treasured the red shorts she had made for me. I wore these when I really wanted her to do me hard, it was a sign that she took to. I had thought about the pain thing we had talked about, and thinking about it, I guess, I could stand it if she could. We were both Valkyries, so.... Nothing makes your lover easier to access than clothing which will just rip away in your love making... Anyway - after dinner -- Cher attacked! I had just finished the dishes, and was braced for it, that was her usual time to go for me.. I felt her slam into my body - she reached around for my breasts - I spun, the top let go - and grabbed her shorts - gone in a second - then it was my turn to take the offensive - I wrestled her to the floor - top gone - now au natural - I went for her - Cher seemed surprised, she usually won the first round, this was a new twist! I hungrily devoured her pert exposed breasts, then ravaged her vagina - she was just reeling at the incoming - - I had hid - 'La Machine II' which we had gotten recently - it was bigger and a bit longer - and had a better vibrator - near by.. Cher's eyes flew open when I rammed it into her - and began working her deeply, concentrating on the "G" spot . . Surprised? I'd say so - she then just laid back - closed her eyes - and I could see that our new toy was doing it's job . . "VVIIIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA UUUUUUUUUUggggGGGGGgGGGGggggGG mMMmMMmMMmMmMMmM VVVIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII !!!" She writhed in her estacy! I never saw her twist around so much! Her bottom jumping around! - - - Goo - Cher had ejaculated - This was becoming our trademark of a good climax, the expelling of the thick mucus from the cervix. It meant that you were contracting fully inside, not just lubricating deeply. She got up really spent.. "God you are good Vi! - I needed that tonight! - " She reached for me, drew me in for a kiss - - Her hand roaming - it went down, then pulled my shorts out - They ripped away - I was now au natural - She flipped me over on my back - spread me - and went for me with the same dildo - Still wett with her goo - it was prelubricated. It went in easily, as I had already started to wett - but - this was heavenly! My lover's goo, lubricating my insides! I laid back, closed my eyes, and waited - it wasn't all that long - Concentrating one the waves of pleasure now rolling over me like the waves of the ocean... Cher and I had this down to a science.. "CCHHEEERRRRRRRR!!! GGAAAAADDDDD UUmmmmUUUmmmmm mmm mmmm UUmmmm CCHEEEERRRRRRRRR!" I blew goo - - Totally messed up the carpet - two wett spots of goo.... Cher got up and went for a towel to clean it up, and us as well... I put my clothing back together - and dressed - - Cleaned up our toy - - Cher did too when she was done.. "You know Cher - before that accident we were talking about going on vacation . . " I started.. "Vacation! - I almost forgot with all the excitment around here lately.." "So how about it? We got two weeks coming . ." "Hmm - two weeks - Vi we can only afford to go for one, if both of us go - how about we split our vacation time, and go someplace close for one week, and spend the other with our parents at the Holidays?" "You are the accountant in this house - so I guess you know best - what can we afford?" "Well we could go to that resort we had gotten the brouchure from - what was that - - umm - River View - That's it! - a week up north in the woods, hiking in the forest - laying out with you! That would be dreamy!" "So what is this going to cost us?" "About $750.00 each for a week, all expenses paid - it's one of those type places - Kind of like we looked at in the Caribbean . only this one is by us." "SO can we get in?" "I'll check Monday when I get in, and let you know.." The night passed quickly - soon it was midnight.. Friday nights we did a long shower ritual - just standing there - letting the warm water massage our lover, as we worked each other's body with our hands... Our pee ritual, that was something we both looked forward to - that warm feeling of Cher's pee going down me, our streams blending - nothing says I love you more than that - bleeding in each other's wounds - peeing into each other ! - MMmmm Dreamy.. When we got out of the shower - Cher flopped down on the bed - another Friday night ritual - I got out the now, warmed oil and worked her body deeply, massaging every muscle, working the oil into her - playing with her breasts -getting the long muscles on her belly, as I worked thru her tatt of our love she purred...she just loved that! She arched like a cat when I did it..... working her legs, being careful to keep the oil out of her vagina - her sweet fem scent, she was wetting from the pleasure I gave her..... "Oh God! That's just super Vi! - I look forward to our Friday Rituals after a week at work - a spa in our own love nest.." She pulled me in for a kiss - then flopped me down, and started with the warm oil... Mmmm - I loved this too - just super! The weekend passed, a deep session of love, our mutal pleasuring, and time out at the local pool - long walks, and other things occupied our time off together. Monday night when she came home - "Vi! - We can go! - I made a reservation for us - the third week of June!" "Good, that's the week we talked about - and I had requested - " "Me too!" - River View was one of those places where a good time can be had - at a modest cost, and we enjoyed the whole week together - - Although - we did get some stares - holding hands tightly - two fems - our joining rings glistening in the sunshine - our tatts - our identical piercings - we wore our skimpiest bikini's - the love bead on our hood rings just showing a slight bulge at the crest of our vaginas.. We swam every day, the chlorine lightening our hair, now a streaked blonde - for both of us - it accented Cher's deep blue eyes, and off set my green ones. We both wanted to show off our tight bodies for the other one. And we sure did.. River View wasn't a singles place, although it seemed to be.. There were people of all ages, and very many couples of all ages, but there were quite a few single men, and women, who went out their way to hit on each other.. We didn't exactly have a sign out that we were Sapphic Lovers, but the guys all avoided us, and the women shied from us. Ya well, that's the way it goes I guess - probably, Cher finally decided it was our rings - The identical ones we wore on our left ring fingers which gave us away - It said in no terms - "MATED!" In the evenings, we had dinner at the Lodge's dining room usuallly sitting off to one corner - deep in each other - holding hands openly - If they liked Sapphic Couples or not, we weren't going to hide our love for each other - and that was their problem, not ours. Find a way to deal with it on your own. Being pampered in the spa - and I thought Cher could give a rub down? We both made notes on how they were doing it, and added it to our Friday Night Rituals... Laying out, getting a golden brown, our tatts seem to deepen as we got darker, as our love was also growing tighter between us. The sex was out of this world !! We took along a small assortment of our toys, and used them every night in some fashion . . that was dreamy! Not the same old - in our love nest, but here in a new setting - we went to new heights of esctasy! Hiking in the forest on the trials, warm weather - Cher usually took the lead, and as she warmed, her sex scent would also rise - behind her, the scent almost drove me wild - I could almost feel myself reaching for her, to do something besides walk.. Don't think we always went at like two dogs in heat - but when you are into another person as deep as we were, and could do it, we did. I wanted to be a part of Cher - as she wanted to be a part of me. Our lives were becoming interwoven so deeply into each other. There was no other way we could, but to pleasure our mate as deeply and as often as we could... My life style, safe sex, Valkyrie to Valkyrie - my mate - Ummm - the variety the role playing - the deep feelings - ummmm - dreamy! The week flew by way too fast, and soon it was time to go home.. This was a vacation to remember - and we did for a long time... The following Monday it was back to the grind.. But what a good time we had! It sustained us thru a lot of difficult times ahead...... By Viac am Malacar © 1996 - 2004