Viac's Trial by Viac © 1996 - 2004 I opened the door - there in all his glory stood Detective Sargeant Rains of the Shaker Police.. I felt my heart stop, my knees went weak - - "Cheryl's been in an accident - can you come with me, now?" He asked.. Oh GOD!! Cheryl! - My love - my mind whirlled - I felt tears come - - I have to think - - this isn't a time to break down... I have to take the lead now.. Quickly I went into our our room, grabbed her "Powers of Attorney" papers.. My coat - and we were off into the night Heading for Mercy Memorial Hospital . . Fighting off tears - my throat just closing, my mind spinning - - "Rains - what hapened?" I finally managed to come up with.. "Well Viac, she was driving home when she was hit by another car which we were chasing -" - Rains started - "A drug deal went bad, the chief actor jumped into a car, and sped out 34th street - Speeds were reaching 60 miles an hour, when he took a wide turn into Grand Avenue, and - as he approached Belltower - the light turned red....Cheryl was the fourth car through. ...She never had a chance. ...Thankfully, she took the hit on the passenger's side, or she would have been killed outright.." "How is she?" "They wouldn't tell me, I was at the hospital interviewing one of the other actors who we had grabbed in this case, when Cheryl was brought in... They found your address on a card behind her driver's license . . I took the lead, you need to see somebody you know, not some uniform coldly announcing this tragedy.. Because of who you two are, and I have had contact with you before, the dispatcher released me to come and get you..." I just felt the tears coming now - - all I could do was sit there and cry..... Rains hit the gas hard - the Crown Vic launched into action, then the siren and lights - time it seemed, wasn't on our side... Mercy is on the other side of town, and with a code 39 run, we made it in no time.. The black Crown Vic slid in at Emergency.. Rains cut the lights just before we sild in... On a run, I sprinted for Emergency admitting - - "Can I help you?" the nurse sitting there asked.. "Cheryl Williams, Please?" I was fighting tears, my face already showed my concern.. "I'm, sorry only family member can see her" "FAMILY??? She is my mate!" I pulled out Cheryl's paperwork, and shoved it at the uncaring blob sitting there.. She took forever it seemed to read thru the document... Handing it back to me, she picked up the phone... An ER doc came out in blue scrubs..... Gently took me by the arm, and escorted me down to ER #2.. Rains flashed his badge, and followed me in... On entering, I broke down, there was my beloved Cheryl - lying there - her leg in some kind of traction, tubes runing in and out all over . Her face looking like she had been in a cat fight.. Rains came over and held me tight - It took a few minutes for me to get over the shock of my lover lying there helpless - this Valkyrie - so full of life - my mate... "Well," I finally managed - "How is Cheryl doing?" I asked the doc.. "Not too good. She has a broken tibia - that's the shin bone, from the side impact, and a concussion from the whiplash, when her head hit the driver's window - as far as we can tell she has no internal injuries, but we were waiting for somebody to come down before we did the CAT scan to check for sure...You are her mate?" "Yes, we were joined just three weeks ago..." I started to let go again... memories of Cheryl and me - blissful - and now this... "Will you authorize us to perform what we have to do for her?" "YES!! Do what ever you have to, to do, get my mate back to me!!" I was frantic at this point.. I signed some papers - Cheryl was taken down to the X-ray department... Rains and I went to the Emergency waiting room to await the outcome.. In about an hour, the doc came out.... "Viac?" I rose, we went over to a side room... "Vaic, it's like this - we set her leg, its going to take some time for it to heal.. we put a pin in so it would be stronger - and heal faster. The "CAT" scan showed no internal damage, she's a tough fighter - but she has a concussion, we found a swelling on her brain . We had her transfered up to a room... you can go and see her now.." "Is she going to make it?" "Time will tell Viac, these things usually take time - when the swelling goes down, we will see..." "How long?" "Couple of hours - if it 's not too bad - if it is, it may take time - I can't say how long, only Cheryl will know, I will say this, she is in the best shape I have ever seen a 25 year old woman, she has a good fighting chance..." We went up to her room.. Cheryl was cleaned up now, my love, my sister Valkyrie - lying there cold, out.. Tubes every where - her leg in a cast... I went over to her, stroked her hair, her face, Our hands locked, my ring to hers . the memory of who she was - and is, and what she means to me.. I could do nothing for her, I felt so helpless - Tears coming copiously now - fumbling for a tissue to try to stop them.... Rains came over - held me again - - "Viac, I'll be off in a couple of hours.. if you need a ride home, call me.." He handed my his card, and had written his cell phone number on it.. then he left.. A nurse came in, Checked on Cheryl . . "Viac, why don't you pull up a chair, and sit, you can hold her hand, and not stand, my lady.." I looked around - grabbed a chair, and sat next to my love . . Our left hands entwined - rings in contact - Oh God! I have to think - - what to do now???? My mind cleared a bit - - cell phone - - I reached into my purse - pull out my phone - Called Cheryl's parents - Through the tears and sobs, I managed to get the story out to them.. Told them I would stay with Cheryl till this was resolved... Called my parents, told my mom what had happened . . It was getting onto midnight when the nurse came in.. "Viac, why don't you go home now, and if anything changes, we will call you.. you can come back in the morning.." I felt torn, but I knew she was right! I needed my strength, as well as Cheryl needed time to do whatever it was she needed to do.. Rains card fell out of my pocket.. I called - He was just leaving the station for the night, he'd be over shortly. I went down to the hospital lobby and waited for him.. His pick up pulled up shortly.. I got in.... "How's Cheryl doing?" "I don't know - it looks so hopeless - she's just lying there - " "I know Viac, these things are hard to take..." The trip across town seem to take forever . . Rains dropped me off at our place.. "Viac, if you need anything else - call me - - Okay?" I nodded - and went inside.. Entering our apartment, it all came flooding back, memories - Cheryl - The tears came now, hard - I couldn't stop crying... My stomach hurt - it had been over 12 hours since I had eaten anything - I remembered dinner - in the fridge - Portioned out some for myself, and forced myself to eat.. My mind a whirl . . Tossed the dished in the sink - and went in and flopped down on the bed.... our bed.... Tears, and sleep came shortly afterwards.. I awoke, no Cheryl - my love... it wasn't a dream, it was a nightmare I was living.. Changed my clothes, got into the car, and went down to Mercy.. I went up to her room, Cheryl still lying there - like she was last night when I left.. I resumed my vigil - not knowing what or when this would work out. About noon both sets of parents arrived... The nurse filled them in on the situation, and they came into the room.. A group hug, I cried on Cheryl's mom's shoulder . . My mom, rubbed my back - and tried to comfort me.. Our dads, just sat there stoically holding in their emotions... I finally went over to Cheryl and held her hand - our rings entwined - - Wishing there was something I could do - say - anything - I felt so helpless.. Dinner time - no change... My hand was strarting to ache from holding Cheryls' for now almost 10 hours... I couldn't let go . About 9 I had to let go, I just had to pee - I couldn't sit there any more.. I squeezed her hand just before I let go.. as if to say - "I'll be right love" Cheryl squeezed eyes lit up, I called the nurse.. She came in - and checked on her.. "She's coming out of it - " Cheryl's deep blue eyes opened - I held on tightly to her now - rings tightly grasped between us.. "Viac??" She said dreamily.. "What the hell happened?" "OH CHERYL!! - my Love - " my tears coming again - Doc Blakely came in, and examined Cheryl . . "Oh God!! Viac!! - I hurt - what the hell happened? I was on my way home, and the last thing I remember was crossing Grand, and some big bang . . " "Oh Cheryl, don't worry about it now, I have you finally back.." I said softly.. "How long have I been here?" "A couple of days, my love, I'm taking care of everything - don't worry.." The staff came in and worked on her for a bit - then - "She will be allright for now".. the head nurse said - "Why don't you go and get some sleep, and if anything changes during the night, I'll call you.." Torn, drawn out - I had no choice . I squeezed Cheryl's hand - she smiled weakly back - "See you in the morning, my love - take care, and get better . ." "Night Viac, thanks for being here for me.." she said softly... Home! - God! - home without Cher - It was late, but I found something to eat.. and went in and flopped down on our bed... Sleep came swiftly - I was just too spent to do much else.. Sunday morning broke bright and warm - It was good to be alive! - I looked over - no Cher, my mind still trying to cope with the whole situation... Tears as I showered, no love with me . I could almost feel her touch - dressed and headed out for Mercy... By now she was doing much better - she passed the night, and was strong enough to sit up when I got over there.. Parents were there before me.. "Morning Viac" - my mom said . . I went over to Cher - she raised her left arm to me - we kissed - our hands Cher - - "How are you doing love?" I asked softly Weakly she replied - "Better they tell me, I should be able to get out of here by the middle of the week" "I'll call work and let them know what happened tomorrow Cher - now you just rest.." Parents left, seeing how I had the situation well in hand, as best I could.. Cher's dad hugged me just before leaving - "Viac, I wasn't so sure about you two joining, but I can see now what you two mean to each other - I know she will make a full recovery now, with you by her side.. If you need anything more call us..Okay?" "Thanks! - I'll keep in touch.." I spent the rest of the day with my love, holding her when I could - just being there for her - there wasn't much more I could do. Finally Sunday evening - - "Well Cher, I guess it's time to go, you going to be all right by yourself for a bit?" "Yes Viac, I can take it from here - and fly the plane by myself.." Fly the plane! - I knew from that code word, she was back.. "All right - I'll call work, and let them know what happened - and I'll be back tomorrow night!" In the morning - I got up, dressed and left for work - I called Cher's employer when I got in - and explained the whole thing to them.. "How long till she's back?" "Well they say that they will release her on Wednesday - so I would expect about a week at home - probably two weeks or so before she can get around on her own.." "No problem - just tell her to get better - Okay Viac?" "I will, and thanks for understanding.." My boss Jack came into my office.. "Viac, I read about the crash in the paper - you going to be all right?" "I think so - it's Cheryl who needs the attention right now.." "You need some time off to take care of her?" "Probably not, she's a tough fighter, once I get her home, she can pretty much take it from there - and I will help.." "Okay, but if you need time, call me - I'll authorize an emergency family leave for you if you need it.." "Thanks!" I spent the next few evenings alone with Cher, her strength coming back fast. A Valkyrie doesn't go down, without a fight, and she was fighting as hard as I had ever seen her do it.... Wednesday night Doc Blakely came in.. "Well Cheryl, it been a rough time, but I think you are stable enough now to go home...." "When? she asked.. "Tomorrow, I just want one more day to be sure you can walk on that leg - and to be sure your mind is clear - that bell ringing you got didn't cause any permanent damage, but just to be safe - I want to know - WE will do one more CAT scan in the morning, then Viac can come and get you out out of here.." I took off work early, to get Cher - - When I got up to her room, she was just about ready to go, she dressed in the clothes I had brought - Those play clothes - the ones with the Velcro - really came in handy now... They brought in a wheel chair, We left - She got stiffly into my car.... Home I helped her into our place.. standing there with crutches to support her - We embraced for the first time in almost a week . . A deep kiss , tears , my love was home at last! By Viac am Malacar © 1996 - 2004