Bonds which Tie By Viac © 1996 - 2004 In the morning, I was still buzzing - HAD Cheryl just asked me to marry her last night? It was all soo dreamy! - I had hoped she had, I loved her with all my being - and would love to spend all my days growing old with her, deeply in love, and each other... How? Stupid laws don't allow same sex to get a marriage license - She stirred - - "Morning my love!" Drew me in for a kiss... "Morning Cheryl - - you mean that last night? - Marry me?" "Yes Viac - I did, and I will find some way to make it come true - you watch!" I just melted, I'm glad it was a Sunday - we didn't have to go to work - - and I could think about what we had said, and hope this worked out. "Breakfast?" I offered . Cheryl nodded..... A few evenings later - we went to a lawyer who specialized in gay law, and gay legals . . The paperwork wasn't a chore, a few questions, and what we wanted to happen - and all the rest.... We got our paperwork back about a week later - - all neatly legalized - - "Now both of you", the lawyer started - "Have named the other executor, and their only heir after any children which either of you might bring into the world... ".. We both nodded... "And you both have named each other as your "power of attorney" if anything happens to either of you - both financially and medically.." We both nedded again... "Okay, sign here - - " he buzzed his secretary in for a second witness..... This 'older woman' came in scowled at us - stood there while we made it all official... The lawyer and his secretary were the witnesses . .although I don't know if the older woman approved.. "Now you two know, you have made tight bonds with each other - and have basically the same rights as any legally married couple . . " "Do you ever think they will change the laws?" Cheryl asked.. "Probably not, the 'hetro world' is afraid we will take their children off to some place and make them into something they don't want..." We all had a laugh - "But basically - all it is a piece of paper - they don't stay together any more than gay couples do. The difference is supposed to be that the license is supposed to make breaking up harder to do. They think we just jump from bed to bed, from lover to lover - That's what their preachers and other mind control people keep telling them. What really counts is what is in your own hearts, and minds. How tight you two are, how well you can work out differences - and how much of each other's foibles you will put up with. Actually, most gay couples who make the commitment you two did, usually end up staying together for life.. " We shook hands, took our documents - paid our bill, and left.... "He's right you know Cheryl - it's only a piece of paper - in reality - what we do is our business, not some government agency..." "I'm not so sure it's that easy Viac, but I'm working on it." As we drove home, I wondered what she meant by that.... I had dinner on in no time, while Cheryl got changed... As the microwave was buzzing, I changed also - Now in top and shorts - - we both ate dinner - deep in our own thoughts... "Cheryl?, what did you mean by - 'I'm working on that?" "You will see in time my love"..... The idea half of this couple was plotting something - but what? Dishes done, I braced for one of Cheryl's attacks.... it never came.. I found her deep in some book - "What ya reading my Love?" "Old law book Viac - I think I found a way . ." "Fill me in - -" "Back in the fugative slave days, you could get a marriage license without both people being there - the other having - run away as it was - or so it says here - " "AND?" "Then only one of us has to go down to the County, and get the thing - and say the other is out of state right now - - " "You call the Register of Deeds office down at the Court House and ask them?" "NO but I will tomorrow - - and see what happens then.." Cheryl put down the book, took a drink from her soda, which was next to her - - Looked evilly at me... Utt oh! I know what's coming . . Braced - - Yup on the floor - wresting with my love - where she would strike was anybody's guess - Hands under my top, which shortly flew off - - mouth on my waiting breasts . . "Mmmmm Cheryl," I cooed.. Working my hands down, then a stab into her shorts - - Quickly onto her clit, started working her - - We rolled over - - her eyes said it all - Her top whisked off, my shorts and thong flying - - She went down on my bottom - I was just gurgling with pleasure - trying not to explode too soon - - It made no difference - - "CCHHEEERRRYYYYYLLLLLLL!!!!! DAMMMMMMM!!!! After the fire died - she smiled up at me - - "Like? I reached for her shorts - and zipped them off with her thong - Pushed her over - and then went for her. She spread, and I went at her - tongue - fingers - her "G" spot - she was just in her own world - - "VVIIAAACCCC!! - A gooey climax - - I slipped onto her chest, and sat on her breasts.. "Now pleasure me my Slave! - and presented my waiting slit to her mouth, while I sat there.. My love juices draining down between her breasts... "Mmmm Cheryl, it is soo dreamy!!!!!" "I love you Viac! - -" I got up, she was wett with my scent.. "Shower?" We preformed our usual shower rituals, I loved those! Still do! - Wett - warm - sensational..... Over the next few days, things went as usual around our place - Cheryl's abush love, - Ha! - I got her twice before she got me.... It was a great game - not knowing where or when your lover would go for your body. She came home rather dejected one evening however - - "Cheryl? What's the problem? "They changed the stupid laws a long time ago - we both have to appear at the Register of Deed office to get the license.. BUT I do know another way--" "How my love?" "How about we just do it without the paper? "Just like that? Who's going to marry a couple of girls?" "Ummm . . . I know a gay minister . ." "AND?" "I' ll give him a try.." "Super! - speaking of which - dinner's almost on" Cheryl went and changed - After diner she made a phone call - - "Viac, you want to tie the knot?" "WHY NOT?" "Okay - here's the deal, he can do it down at the wedding chapel at Forest Grove - the cemetary . . " "Cemetary?" "We won't be disturbed by the people around here - we can have just our parents - and that's it!" "Witnesses?" "He can bring a couple of our gay friends, and they can be the witness.." "All right I guess.." I called my parents, they were not upset, but rather relieved at our proposal, and we'd let them know the date.. Cheryl's parents were also like minded, but her dad wasn't real happy she'd picked another Valkyrie for a life's mate, but it was her choice.. The date wasn't a problem, just a few things to work out.. A few days later, we stopped at a jewelery store, and bought matching men's rings - A nice silver flocked band, nothing special, with a scroll pattern running through and around the outside. On the inside we had our names - Cheryl Williams , Viac Rodgers , inscribed - one on each one... What to wear? We decided on business pant suits - least costly - and wouldn't draw a crowd - "Ya right Viac - two of us in white wedding dresses - THAT would draw attention!" "I always hated that 'traditional' gown thing - costs a ton of bucks, and you only wear it once - - " "If we wear black business suits, it will look like a wake!" Cheryl added.. "Well what color do you want?" "How about we wear our light blue suits?" "Okay, that will be fine by me!" We picked a Thursday Afternoon, there wouldn't be a funeral at the Chapel of the Pines, then.. There was a small group gathered, minister Mike, us, our parents, and four other people....our friends in the gay community... "We would like to thank you for coming today", Mike said, "And witnessing the vows between these two people. - Does anybody have any objection to these two Valkyries being joined? - - silence - - - - " He turned to me first, why? I don't know - I'm not the bride! - "Viac Rodgers, do you take Cheryl Williams to be your lawfully joined mate?" "I do.." "Cheryl Williams, do you take Viac Rodgers to be your lawfully joined mate?" "I do.." "To be lawfully joined, you most exchange vows to each other . . . " He looked at me - I nodded - I took Cheryl's hand in mine, and faced her - looked deeply into her deep blues... "I Viac, do take you Cheryl, to be my legal mate, for now, and for all times. I will forsake all others - I will keep you, and care for you, in sickness, and health, for better times and worse... until death do us part.." Cher, gazing deep into my pale green eyes, I could feel the depth of her soul, and the fire in her heart, as she pledged to me.. "I Cheryl, do take you Viac, to be my legal mate, for now and for all times. I will forsake all others - I will keep you, and care for you, in sickness and health for better times and worse,... until death do us part.." The minister indicated to one of the girls standing there - - Gail came over with the rings - He blessed them - - Handed one to each of us, with our name on the inside.. We knew what was next.. "Take and wear this ring, as a sign of our love and bond. As it is round, so will our love go around, until the end of our days, my Dear Cheryl..." I put my ring on her.. "Take and wear this ring, as a sign of our love and bond. As it is round, so will our love go around, until the end of our days, my Dear Viac!!" She put her ring on me. "I now pronouce you, legally joined Valkyries!" "Ladies and Gentlemen - Welcome our new formed bond of love - Viac and Cheryl . . . . " We turned to each other - a deep dreamy kiss - We were finally married as it was . . "And now" - Mike said, - "come with me - " We went with two of the people standing there - into the Registry.. "Now normally", Mike said, "We sign the death commitment papers here - but on this occasion, we are happy to sign these.." ..... He pulled out what almost looked like a marriage license.. Several copies - - of a legally drafted document - NOTICE OF COMMON LAW MARRIAGE KNOW ON THIS DATE (DDDDD) THAT - Viac Rodgers, and Cheryl Wiliams were formally joined in a legal joining, under the laws of the State of - - by the power of the ( --- -- ) Church - and the powers vested in me by the State of - - at the Chaple of the Pines, Forest Grove Cemetary - and should be considered as a legal couple. All rights and priviledges of this state of joining are in effect until this joining is dissolved. Lots more information, cites we lived in, our jobs, social security numbers - race - number of previous marriages - and the rest of the stuff.... Places to sign on the bottom - We signed where indicated - Mike signed Witnesses signed.. "And now you two", Mike finished, "I will file this with the Clerk of Courts, in the Register of Deeds Office, this County, and when you get the copy, you are legally joined." (This was the final document in our filing, of our intent to live as a legally joined couple - our Durable Powers of Attorney, our Wills, and now this - proved our intent to live as a couple. We filed our taxed that year as "Married filing Jointly, and the year of our joining. They didn't question the tax filing. - Cher's note) We joined our parents for dinner - still a buzz with what we had been through.. Cheryl and I held hands - our rings glistening in the candle light - our faces aglow with our love.... After everyone had left, we went back to our place.. our parents stayed at a motel in town as we didn't have much room.. "Viac", my dad finally said, "This wasn't the ending I thought I'd have for my daughter, but I wish you and Cheryl all the luck in the world. " Mom kicked him... Cheryl's dad was more generous - "I wish you two a long and happy hitch, and if you ever need anything, always remember - we are right across the State." A group hug all around, we sat and talked for about an hour, then they left for their place.. and we were alone.. "Well Viac - Long day partner - I love you - ".. "Cheryl, this has been the happiest day of my life, and now I have you, as you have me, and together we can face the world.." "Ready for Bed? "I guess - work tomorrow - and all that" We got undressed - flopped down on our now communal bed . . "What do you want to do tonight my Love? "Let's play at 19 again. It was our first, - Love you Cheryl...." "Love you Viac.." The night passed in a dreamy time, a time of innocence and first stirrings. Now we were one. Our lives had changed forever. Our rings, our piercings, our tattoos, all showed how we had progressed through our lives. What one was the other was too. We had become one through our bonds of love, which bind us together to this day .. (12 years later) A week or so later, a large envelope came in the mail - Return Address - The County Court House.. I waited for Cheryl to return home... "Cheryl! - LOOK! - " "What's that Viac?" "Well just wait and see " I tore the thing open.. There in purple ink was stamped - on all copies filed - "Reel 259, image # 1298 - Register of Deeds - County Court House" signed by the Clerk of Courts...... I handed her a copy-- "It's legal now!" "Sure is! - I told you I'd find a way" She came over to me - Held me close - - A deep dreamy kiss . . . Viac am Malacar © 1996 - 2004