Our Bedrock Foundation By Viac © 1996 - 2004 Our town is built high on the bluffs of a major river. The underlying layer is Canadian Shield, Niagra Escarpment. Which means it isn't going anyplace. Which is why so many of the suburbs around here have the "Heights" in their names - we are high overlooking the river. I only mention this, because of what recently happened in our relationship. Seems we two are also finding our lives built on the bedrock of each other.. Late one Tuesday evening, Cheryl just finishing up on me . .. I had my leathers on and she was working me with 'La Machine' "Easy Viac, don't hold back! "Ummmm - just enjoying this Cheryl! - - Keep going!" "Last time you did that, you got hurt, my love".... A few minutes more, and I don't know how many strokes more - - "Ummmm Uggiiiiaaaccc CCCHHEERRRYYYLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!! UUMmmmmmUUUMMMUUUUUmmmmmmm!!!!!!! CCHEERRYYLLLL!!!!! "Good one love! I had finally blown! - I wasn't trying to hold back, but just taking it easy after my last SUPER CLIMAX, which hurt like hell.... "Shower? My Love? "Yes Viac, I'll clean up, you get things ready!" I got out of my leather, and cleaned them up . . Then got the shower going. Cheryl joined me in a few minutes . . Our usual rituals - - Pee - Wash - - We got dried off, put the toys away, then grabbed a couple of cold ones, and laid on the bed in the afterglo... "Mmmm Viac, I have been thinking . . " Oh No! Another one of her fantasies! "It has been almost a year since we were attacked, and I had to go to the hospital . . ya know I have nobody on this side of the State to act for me if I really got hurt... and neither do you" " All right I give you that . .what do you have in mind?" "How about if we draw up papers giving each other durable power of attorney for the other?" "Explain" "Well, if one of us gets hurt, or has other problems, the other can act for them - - I'm thinking - - - umm - since the stupid State won't accept same sex marriages, maybe we can cover each other this way.." "Well all right . . any idea what this would cost? How long would something like this last?" "I had checked into something like this, and it would cost both of us about $250.00 each . . " "And? "And what do you think? "Sounds all right with me . .Still I don't know - we have been together almost 6 years now - how long do you think we will stay together?" "If I had any choice, I'd stay with you the rest of my natural life Viac, I love you soo much, and we are in tuned into each other soo welll.." "I love you too Cheryl, and I could say the same thing, if you hadn't said it first.." "While we are at it - how about we also have wills drawn up, listing each other as the executor, and benefactor?" "Wills? We are a bit young, at 25, to be thinking about that aren't we Cheryl? "Well it was just a thought, I found we could get a complete package for about $650.00 - complete . . What do you think?" "How about I just think about it for now? "Okay, but think about it - I am serious!" "Okay Cheryl - - Now what about this weekend?" "YA! - We should think about this weekend - what do you want to do? "Well we could go and hike at the State Park down River from us.." "Hey! That sounds super - and we could take a picnic lunch . . " "Right! - Do the whole day down there!" "Let's plan on that - -we could go swimming, lay out, GAD it has been ages since we did that!" "Working sure has cut into our leisure time . . About all we do is work, and play here - sounds like a plan to me.." The rest of the week flew by.... Our lives being absorbed by work, and the problems at work.. We needed a break.. Saturday morning, we packed the car - I noticed when Cheryl got dressed that morning, she wasn't wearing her thong, or anything else under her shorts... or top.... And she was wearing those "special" break away white shorts.. So I did the same thing, not knowing what she planned, and was wearing my red break aways she had made for me... Lunch packed in a basket - - "Hmmm my Viac - stroking my breast - - Ready to go? Ready? I was ready to go now, - rip those shorts off you Cheryl, and go . . !!!! "Yes my love . . " We threw a blanket in Cheryl's car had headed down the highway to the State Park... Parked in one of the large parking lots, we got a trail map, and spent the warm morning hiking the trails down to the river and back up . It was a wonderful time to connect to nature.. Speaking of Nature - I was getting warm for Cheryl - hiking behind her, I could smell her sex rising - I was wondering what she had planned... We got back to the car, and moved down the road a bit... Finding a semi secluded spot to settle down, we stopped.. Got out our stuff, and spread out the blanket.... Cheryl got our lunch out, and we ate, hungrily eyeing each other . . . I looked around - we seemed to be alone - but - you never know - - - Working on a soda, I was deep in my own thoughts, when I felt Cheryl's hand on my shorts . . RRiiiippppp! - The front flew open . . Au natural now, sitting on the back - - Cheryl came over and fingered my bottom, then slipped down, and worked my clit!! "OOHHHHH CHEERRYYLLLL!! That's super! . . Coming out of reverie - I looked around - I didn't like this - too open - Oh well - - but nobody around . . She slipped my front back up, pulled hers down - Invited me in . I couldn't resist - and went for her . . It didn't take long! - "VIAACCC!! Oh God that's good - I love the feeling of open air on my bottom!" We decided to lay out for awhile - Cheryl's bottom already out, she bumped up just a bit, and slipped her bikini bottoms on, then flipped her top up, and got her bra on . . "Just that easy Viac!" So I ripped my shorts open, and did the same - - then my top was off - God the cool air felt good on my breasts! - Slipped on my bra.... She grabbed the tanning gel, and was putting some on me, when some noisy hikers wandered past... If they had looked at the tatt's on our lower left bellies, they'd know we were lovers - - The twin hearts - overlapping - a sword holding the two hearts together at the edges - and our names scrolled on each side. We watched them go on by . . "Jeeze that was close Cheryl! - They could have come by earlier when we were pleasuring ourselves!" "That is a problem Viac - but it's a chance you have to take to spend time out here!" We laid there for a couple of hours, getting golden brown.. it was starting to get late, and we had to drive back to town yet.. Cheryl stood up, bikini, bra, off, now au natural - shorts in place - a quick slip and the Velcro locks, top on... I looked around - nobody I could see - - so I follower her lead - - Had my shorts and top at my feet - pulled my swimsuit off both ends - - - "Ahem! - Ladies!" - It was a ranger..."Public nudity isn't allowed in the Park . . " "I - umm - umm - a - - struggling with my shorts . ." "Look Officer, there isn't any changing rooms around here, and we didn't see anybody - and we were only nude for the time it took to get dressed . . " Cheryl started.. I had gotten my clothes finally on, Damn Velcro - it can hang and catch at the wrong place at the damdest time . . smiling at him, I smoothed out my clothes.. The guy had watch both of us dress - it seemed . . . "All right! I'll let you go this time - but don't let it happen again - there is a changing room down by the public pool - over by the main lodge..Use it next time!" He was gone - - "Jeeze Viac - that was close - wonder who else saw us?" "Who the hell knows? Let's just get the hell out of here!" We packed up - and moved - fast! Well it was another dreamy day! We had gotten some exercise, had a good time lying out, and tweaked officialdom, so..... We got back late, Cheryl put the stuff away, and I started dinner.. This wasn't over - - yet . . After dinner, I had just finished the dishes - - when Cheryl attacked - - from behind... "Now my SLAVE!!! " She announced, and my shorts were ripped away... I turned around Cheryl was still dressed, she grabbed my top - it went flying - She grabbed me - pawed my breasts - then sucked deeply on them - all this time pushing me back into the corner of the living room.... Next thing I knew I was sitting on the swing - bouncing up and down - Cheryl dropped quickly down on the floor - and was deep into my slit before I knew what was coming.. "CCHheerryyll!!!! - - What the Hell??"" She grabbed 'La Machine" and rammed it into me - - - - - My sex was rising fast - I didn't know what this crazed Valkyrie was up to, but I was being ravished! I just accepted this - another one of her "Ambush Loves" "CHHREEERRRYYLLL!!!!! Uggguaammmmmmmmmmm CCCHHEERRRYYYLLLLL!!! I blew goo - a deep ejaculaion! Her face covered in goo - she smiled up at me... "Like my love?" "Mmmm love you! That was dreamy! - - She went and toweled off, and I went for the counter attack.. Already au natural - I quickly hooked up the strap on, and went looking for her.. She was still in the bathroom drying her face - - "Okay SLAVE" - - I ripped her shorts off - and threw her on the floor - - Spread her wide - and jumped down between her legs - - "Wett or not here it comes..." I announced.. She must have been lubricating during our first encounter - as I slipped in with the first thrust... Ramming in as hard as I could, she was smiling, deep in her own thoughts - - - - - Her hands under her top, playing with her breasts. . . "VVIIAAAACCCC!!! GGAADDDDD!! UMMMiiiaaacccc Ummmmmmm VVIIAACCCCCCC!!!!! Cheryl blew goo too. This was fun! When her fire died down, I stopped and pulled out - - "Enjoy my Love?" "Super Viac! - I just love that when you do me like that!" Now wett with both of our goo, I was really a mess! Cheryl came over, took the dildo off, and then . . Went for my clit, wett with both of our scents - with her lips . . I laid back - and she ravished me until I blew again... This was just way too much - I felt soo weak now, my body tired from all the love making... I finally got up, and had a look at the clock - EGAD!! 10!! ... Already! We had been at this for about two hours now! She looked at me - still so wett between the legs - threw her top off - and grabed me again . . This time we went into the shower - however - - She turned it on, cold at first, warming up - nursing my breasts under the warm water - - - - She then took the spray head off, and rinsed my bottom off . . . "Viac, I love you - you go along with soo much play!" "Thanks Cheryl, I never know what’s coming, but it sure is a blast playing with you!" "Pee?" Our bottoms were together in a flash - The warm sensation of Cheryl - - ummm - my mind was going numb with all the sensual pleasures of the day! We finished our wash ritual, dried off, and returned to our room for afterglo... "Cold one Cheryl?" "Sure - give me one!" We laid there just enjoying the scent of soap, and fem sex which filled the air.... Our warm lover’s body next to each other - Cheryl was soo alive! - So sensual, albeit - a bit crazed in her love making.... At first small talk, nothing in specific.. About the end of the first drink - she asked for another - I got out two, as I had gotten to the same place . . Looking at my lover au natural, I couldn’t help see what I had - a beautiful fem, who was into me... "Viac - think a bit more about what we had talked about the other night?" "Yes I did, and I guess it’s a good idea..." "Well we should be prepared for the future.." "You are right! - Either of us could get hurt - or die - but not now I hope!" "My thoughts exactly!" "So you seem to have been cooking this up for sometime" "Well I did think of it at the hospital, when they asked me for my next of kin, and all I could think of was you.." "Hmmm love you too.." She got up on one arm - reached for my breast - started to stroke me gently - - "Viac - do you remember what I said the other evening?’’ "Yes Cheryl - something about being with me the rest of your natural life . . ummm why?" She put her drink down, and indicated that I should too... Drew me into her - - Looked deeply into my eyes.... then said very quietly . . . "Viac - - would you marry me?" She gently drew me in for a deep dreamy kiss before I could answer . . We broke - my eyes were filled with tears . . I looked at her - - her blue eyes were also filled with tears... I felt something pulling deep within me - my heart was stopped... I felt a lump in my throat... "Cheryl, YES!!!!," I finally said softly - - "WHEN???" By Viac am Malacar © 1996 - 2004